i'm a 3-sport guy. love to root for USA and Ireland (the auntie who sponsored us over from Ol Skibbereen left me a trust which allowed me to go to Ireland for 2-6wks each summer of my minority and i have dual citizenship) in international competitions, but have never developed a fanship in any but the big 3 sports. baseball/basketball, its always been Boston and didn't change in the 40 yrs i lived away from New England (i would have tried to be a Rockies fan but they only ever televised one season in NM and that wasnt early on).
football was different. tho i was a big Patriots/Parilli/Cappaletti/Nance/BlackPowerDefense fan and my uncle took me to see the Pats in all of the first five venues they played when they were AFL, when i left town in '77, we were still saying "I'm from Boston - we don't have professional football". so, when i first moved to NM it was Orange Crush time in Denver and, in those days in the Land of Enchantment, anglos were Broncos fans and chicanos were Cowboy fans and i was all about mad respeto then and didnt cross the line (tho i made a furtive fortune on Da Boyz in the '78 Super Bowl). then when i moved to Reno in the early 80s it was all about Walsh/Montana/Niners and it was REAL ez to go there. my second go-round in NM in '96, Albq was a western city instead of a Mexican city, none of the old rules stood up, so i became just a football fan. when Belichick brought the Pats to prominence, i was not on board because of all the Johnny-come-latelys who werent aware or didn't care that, if the Giants hadnt objected to sharing the Connecticut TV market with another team, the Pats would have moved to New Haven in '75 but who all acted like OGs. i felt the same way after i moved back to New England earlier this decade, but they wore me down.
havent watched college sports for decades