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Potty training a 2.5 year old = :kilme: (1 Viewer)

Mine is 2y 8m and is apparently golden at school -- goes all day without an accident sometimes -- but won't tell us when he needs to go at home. Wife wants to put him in underwear to help speed things along. I want to get a full body hazmat suit. For me.

Mine is 2y 8m and is apparently golden at school -- goes all day without an accident sometimes -- but won't tell us when he needs to go at home. Wife wants to put him in underwear to help speed things along. I want to get a full body hazmat suit. For me.
Ours is right around that age. We're at the end of day 1 of the 3-day boot camp method. It's supposed to work. Basically we're staying in the house for three days while we spend every waking moment of every single day asking her if she wants to go to the potty, or fighting with her about going to the potty, or cleaning pee off the wood floors.

srsly plzkillmethx

Mine is 2y 8m and is apparently golden at school -- goes all day without an accident sometimes -- but won't tell us when he needs to go at home. Wife wants to put him in underwear to help speed things along. I want to get a full body hazmat suit. For me.
Ours is right around that age. We're at the end of day 1 of the 3-day boot camp method. It's supposed to work. Basically we're staying in the house for three days while we spend every waking moment of every single day asking her if she wants to go to the potty, or fighting with her about going to the potty, or cleaning pee off the wood floors.

srsly plzkillmethx
We did this. They did well and then regressed when they went to day care (they put them on a 30 minute timer and bring everyone at once) for a few weeks. The day care told us (and them) that they had 2 weeks before they'd have to go back to diapers and this threat seemed to work as they've been great over the past year.

there's no silver bullet. They'll do it when they want to :shrug:

We quit trying. She started doing well when she was two for a few weeks and then she'd forget everything. Wife was so frustrated and could y think of what to do.

When her third birthday party was approaching we told her she would be the only one wearing diapers at her party (the neighborhood kids she plays with are older).

Took about three times explaining that and she quit wearing diapers completely. Has had about three accidents when she didn't make it in time.

Put him or her in underwear. Get cleaning materials for furniture. Plan on doing a lot of laundry. Make no plans for two days.

Bam. Potty trained.

Any pointers here? Other than drinking. I will definitely drink.
Do you have a boy or girl? From everything I've read on potty training, girls are supposedly easier to train. Boys are apparently content to sit around in their poop all day.
My boy is 2 yrs 8 mos old and we're going through this, too. He just doesn't give a ####. Sometimes I can tell he's about to #### his pants, so I encourage him to go sit on the potty, and he's like, "Nah, I want to play with my Thomas trains." Then two minutes later he'll look me straight in the eyes and #### his diaper. We've decided we're not forcing the issue yet, so... :shrug:

I was there brother. Do a search. I started a thread. Lots of good pointers. We had to take a break cuz my son just wasn't getting it. Eventually the three day method worked. Keep your diaper dry is the key.

Add that to the list of things I'm glad I'll never have to go through again. Where does no diaper/using the potty rank in the significant milestones that a kid accomplishes that means one less thing for a parent to do?

Once you go to underwear, you got to stick with it. If you give up and go back to diapers (not counting naps and bedtime), you probably have to start all over.

Or so I'm hoping. We are on day 2 with our 29 month old little dude. It's going OK so far, although I have cleaned up pee like 5 times today.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
My boy is 2 yrs 8 mos old and we're going through this, too. He just doesn't give a ####. Sometimes I can tell he's about to #### his pants, so I encourage him to go sit on the potty, and he's like, "Nah, I want to play with my Thomas trains." Then two minutes later he'll look me straight in the eyes and #### his diaper. We've decided we're not forcing the issue yet, so... :shrug:

Same thing here. We ask her if she wants to go. "No thanks man, I'm watching Mickey." 60 seconds later: "Oh no, mommy you need to change my underpants!!"


Girls get it a LOT quicker. Don't force it. Buy her regular underwear and tell her that she can't start wearing the same underwear as her mom until she learns to use the potty. My daughter had two accidents once she said she wanted to wear regular underwear (2.5 yrs old). I wouldn't cram the forced making her sit on the potty all the time. Just my opinion.

Yeah. And my nephew is 6 and still wets the bed. Your girl will be fine, Oats.

Ignoratio Elenchi said:
My boy is 2 yrs 8 mos old and we're going through this, too. He just doesn't give a ####. Sometimes I can tell he's about to #### his pants, so I encourage him to go sit on the potty, and he's like, "Nah, I want to play with my Thomas trains." Then two minutes later he'll look me straight in the eyes and #### his diaper. We've decided we're not forcing the issue yet, so... :shrug:

Same thing here. We ask her if she wants to go. "No thanks man, I'm watching Mickey." 60 seconds later: "Oh no, mommy you need to change my underpants!!"

never ask them
My daughter went to a private preschool before she was regular school age. We started giving her 'pull up' diapers at 2, she was potty trained simply by following what the other kids did shortly after.

Tiger Fan said:
Otis said:
wdcrob said:
Mine is 2y 8m and is apparently golden at school -- goes all day without an accident sometimes -- but won't tell us when he needs to go at home. Wife wants to put him in underwear to help speed things along. I want to get a full body hazmat suit. For me.
Ours is right around that age. We're at the end of day 1 of the 3-day boot camp method. It's supposed to work. Basically we're staying in the house for three days while we spend every waking moment of every single day asking her if she wants to go to the potty, or fighting with her about going to the potty, or cleaning pee off the wood floors.

srsly plzkillmethx
We did this. They did well and then regressed when they went to day care (they put them on a 30 minute timer and bring everyone at once) for a few weeks. The day care told us (and them) that they had 2 weeks before they'd have to go back to diapers and this threat seemed to work as they've been great over the past year.

there's no silver bullet. They'll do it when they want to :shrug:
this is right.It is a much longer grind than I ever thought it would be. But boys are also harder than girls generally.

Also helps when your son doesn't yell "Daddy I have a present for you" giggling maniacally knowing he could have gone on the toilet but thinks it's just funnier for me to clean up a diaper.

We tried pushing really hard at 2 but he just wasn't ready. He apparently just liked chilling in his own poop.

With my girl, we did the naked bit. It worked really well, she was uncomfortable just letting it rip with no clothes on, there were a Couple accidents once the clothes went on but she got it pretty quickly. Night time took a while, but I may have facilitated the delay by waking her up to pee at around 2-3am for quite a while. Good luck. Don't sweat it, she'll get it. Be consistent and whatever you do will work.

2.5 years old and you are complaining? My son was born in April 2011, and he hasn't shown any signs of being ready, so we aren't even thinking about it. My older son didn't get it until he was past 3.5 and it was a grind getting there too. They all get there as frustrating as it is gets during the process.

Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.

Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.
Our school requires it for all kids before they start the 3 year old class :shrug:

I get my 19mo to go on the training seat every once and a while. We kind of know his schedule, and the looks he makes. I put him on there and start making pushing sounds and then he mimics me and we get poop! He is by no means potty trained though.

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Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.
That or maybe we just don't want to change diapers anymore.

I get my 19mo to go on the training seat every once and a while. We kind of know his schedule, and the looks he makes. I put him on there and start making pushing sounds and then he mimics me and we get poop! He is by no means potty trained though.
Nice. My boy will 18 months soon... he's nowhere near ready. I forget when we trained my daughter, but she was eager, and it was real easy.

In expecting the worst with the boy.

Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.
Our school requires it for all kids before they start the 3 year old class :shrug:
Same here.
My wife says most of my daughter's friends around her age are potty trained, which I think is what prompted this timing in part. Seems like it generally should be done before 3, at least for most.

I remember missing not having to go down the diaper aisle in the grocery store once potty training was complete. It is both a relief, but also a right of passage reminding one that moments can be fleeting.

We used a gift system.

They go #1 they get 1 Jelly Belly, the go #2 they get 2(they really like Jelly Bellys)

We still have accidents, but they are pretty much going on their own now.

We used a gift system.

They go #1 they get 1 Jelly Belly, the go #2 they get 2(they really like Jelly Bellys)

We still have accidents, but they are pretty much going on their own now.
We've tried this and every other form of bribery. She will not be bought.

Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.
Our school requires it for all kids before they start the 3 year old class :shrug:
If that's the case then it's necessary. My daughter's school didn't require it and we potty trained her at 3.5 yo.

Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.
Our school requires it for all kids before they start the 3 year old class :shrug:
Same here.
My wife says most of my daughter's friends around her age are potty trained, which I think is what prompted this timing in part. Seems like it generally should be done before 3, at least for most.
If she's not potty trained by 3, you should be happy that you saved some $. No way an Ivy League school is going to accept a post 3 potty kid.

My first really fought it. One day (she was 3 1/2) my wife took all her diapers, told her the diaper fairy came by and took them because other babies needed them and that she was too old to use them. Seemed to put her in a better place.

Parents worry too much about getting their kid potty trained early. It seems to me to be mostly about parents being able to tell others their kid was trained at X age.
Our school requires it for all kids before they start the 3 year old class :shrug:
Same here.
My wife says most of my daughter's friends around her age are potty trained, which I think is what prompted this timing in part. Seems like it generally should be done before 3, at least for most.
They all lie. And way to keep up with the joneses

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