Captain Spaulding
Unless the NFL ticket on Direct TV has some sort of monopoly or legal rights, I would bet most NFL fans would pay $5 to be able o sit at home and select an individual game of choice if it wasn't televised on the local cable channels. How many of you would buy a game for $5 if your favorite team wasn't televised on a given week? I'm a Steelers fan and they have been getting plenty of nationally televised games so far but if they weren't, I'd definitely pay $5 a pop to get their game on Sunday afternoon. What's an extra $10-20 a month on the cable bill...sure beats either missing the game or having to drive 20 minutes to the nearest sports bar and spend alot more money on beer/ nachos/ wings and have to put up with a bunch of 20 something drunk morons screaming and hollering and spilling beer all over each other (I guess I'm getting old).
How many of you would buy a game of choice on Sunday's for $5?
How many of you would buy a game of choice on Sunday's for $5?