No sex please, we're daddy's little girlsPublished: Thursday March 22, 2007It has all the ingredients of a wedding. The proud tuxedo-clad father, the frosted white cake, the limousines and an exchange of vows.But there is no groom and the girl in the long gown is no bride. She's daddy's little girl, there to take a vow of chastity.In what is becoming a trend among conservative Christians in the United States, girls as young as nine are pledging to their fathers to remain virgins until they wed, in elaborate ceremonies dubbed "Purity Balls."The gala affairs are intended to celebrate the father-daughter relationship.The highlight is when the fathers and daughters exchange vows, with dad signing a covenant to protect his daughter's chastity by living an unblemished life and the daughter promising not to have sex until marriage.Many fathers at the ceremonies also slip "purity rings" around the finger of their misty-eyed daughters or offer them "chastity bracelets" and other jewelry that the girls can entrust to their husbands on their wedding night."The father makes a pledge that he is going to keep his mind pure and be faithful to her mother and there is also a time when there is a conversation about putting the right kinds of things in your mind, such as the father not using pornography," Leslee Unruh, founder of Abstinence Clearinghouse, a leader in the so-called purity movement, told AFP in describing the balls.She said some 1,400 Purity Balls were held across the United States in 2006, mainly in the south and midwest, and double that number were expected to take place this year.Mike Parcha, who recently attended one of these balls with his 11-year-old daughter Lora in the western state of Colorado, said the events reinforce his family's Christian beliefs."We realize that purity is a lifestyle, not an event, and this is just a celebration of that lifestyle and of that relationship that I have with my daughters," he said. "The ball is a culmination of the relationship we have with God and with each other."He said his three daughters have looked forward to attending the balls and have no qualms about pledging to remain virgins until marriage."They are just all for it, they think it's the greatest thing," said Parcha, 43, who is a college math teacher. "We raise our children as Christians, we share the same beliefs .... and we're on the same page."It's not like there is a tug of war of any kind going on."His two older daughters, aged 11 and 18, have attended the balls while the youngest, aged 4, must wait a few years. The three girls, along with their three brothers, are all home schooled. Parcha's oldest daughter Christy, who recently graduated from high school, is now working on a fictional book about "the emotional purity of a young girl as she grows up."The first Purity Ball in the United States was organized in 1998 by Generations of Light, a popular Christian ministry based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.Randy Wilson, who runs the ministry with his wife, said the idea was to create an event that celebrates the bonds between father and daughter."We saw that in our culture there wasn't a place for the father to work for a good relationship with his daughter," Wilson told AFP. "So this (relationship) allows the daughter to become a stronger person in her culture as she is bombarded with all the sexual images that are out there."Wilson, who has five daughters, said the balls have become so popular over the years that there is now a waiting list for those wishing to attend.Enquiries are also pouring in from aboard with organizations or churches in New Zealand, Britain and other countries asking for guidance on how to organize such gatherings.The popularity of the balls in the United States, especially among evangelical Christians, mirrors the Bush administration's support of abstinence education in US schools. The government's funding for such initiatives has more than doubled in recent years to 206 million dollars (150 million euros).But critics say that while teaching abstinence to children may be laudable, it is just as essential to make them aware of sexually transmitted diseases and condom use.They also point to studies showing that the majority of adolescents who take purity pledges break them within a few years, often by engaging in risky and unprotected sex.One study conducted by researchers at the universities of Columbia and Yale found that 88 percent of pledgers wind up having sex before marriage."Unfortunately these young people tend, once they start to have sex, to have more partners in a shorter period of time and to use contraception much less than their non-pledging peers," said Debra Hauser, executive vice president at Advocates for Youth, a Washington-based non-profit organization."Teens may pledge with the best of intention... and then as they break their pledges they are so shamed and embarrassed that it's unlikely they will go for help."
Yeah, thread title got modded to "pledges" Sorta reminds me for some reason of Paul "Schwetty" BallsPurity balls.
The mods changed the thread title?Yeah, thread title got modded to "pledges" Sorta reminds me for some reason of Paul "Schwetty" BallsPurity balls.
Who can end up with the biggest collection of purity jewelry by graduation.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
I am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
What do I have to do to make my balls pure?She said some 1,400 Purity Balls were held across the United States in 2006, mainly in the south and midwest
manscape them into a crucifix? you know, like a topiary garden...What do I have to do to make my balls pure?She said some 1,400 Purity Balls were held across the United States in 2006, mainly in the south and midwest
Or until he shoots the little ##### that takes his daughter's ring...P.S. Hi Brit!!So creepy...I heard about this recently. Apparently there is an exchanging of rings and vows. The father vows to "protect her chastity" and wears a ring on his right ring finger until the daughter's wedding day, when he gives it to the groom.
All a chastity vow does is increase the chances that your sweet little darling will put her 5-hole into play.
wned:Much better played than mine, and earlier too.All a chastity vow does is increase the chances that your sweet little darling will put her 5-hole into play.
* "and by hearts we mean vagins."Randy Wilson and a fellow pastor, Steve Holt, stand at the cross with heavy rapiers raised and announce that they are prepared to “bear swords and war for the hearts* of our daughters.” The blades create an inverted “V” under which girls and fathers kneel and lay white roses that symbolize purity.
Agreed, but wtf is up with the 5-hole terminology? Shouldn't it be 3-hole? Are we counting ears and nostrils here?Much better played than mine, and earlier too.All a chastity vow does is increase the chances that your sweet little darling will put her 5-hole into play.
5-hole is a hockey term related to where a shot on goal passes the goalie. Not sure where holes 1-4 are, but the 5 is under the butt/between the legs.Agreed, but wtf is up with the 5-hole terminology? Shouldn't it be 3-hole? Are we counting ears and nostrils here?Much better played than mine, and earlier too.All a chastity vow does is increase the chances that your sweet little darling will put her 5-hole into play.
I think it's a hockey reference, hoser.Agreed, but wtf is up with the 5-hole terminology? Shouldn't it be 3-hole? Are we counting ears and nostrils here?Much better played than mine, and earlier too.All a chastity vow does is increase the chances that your sweet little darling will put her 5-hole into play.
I'm imagining that "Vajeens", Borat-style, including the wizard's sleeve.Wow, just wow...
* "and by hearts we mean vagins."Randy Wilson and a fellow pastor, Steve Holt, stand at the cross with heavy rapiers raised and announce that they are prepared to “bear swords and war for the hearts* of our daughters.” The blades create an inverted “V” under which girls and fathers kneel and lay white roses that symbolize purity.
From Bill Maher's New Rules (circa April 2005):Is it "pure" if it's in the butt?Just wondering...
MAHER: And finally, New Rule: Abstinence pledges make you horny. In a setback for the morals/values crowd, a new eight-year study just released reveals that American teenagers who take virginity pledges wind up with just as many STD's as the other kids. But that's not all. "Taking the pledge" also makes a teenage girl six times more likely to perform oral sex, and four times more likely to allow anal. Which leads me to an important question: where were these pledges when I was in high school? So, seriously, when I was a teenager, the only kids having anal intercourse, were the ones who missed. My idea of lubrication was oiling my bike chain. If I had known I could have been getting porn-star sex the same year I took Algebra 2 - simply by joining up with the Christian right - I'd have been so down with Jesus, they would have had to pry me out of the pew. And, let me tell you, there is a lot worse things than teenagers having sex. Namely, teenagers not having sex. Here is something you'll never hear: "That suicide bomber blew himself up because he was having too much sex. Sex, sex, sex, nonstop, all that crazy Arab ever had was sex, and look what happened." But among the puritans here of the 21st century, the less said to kids about sex, the better. Because people who talk about peepees are "potty-mouths." And so, armed with limited knowledge and believing that regular, ######l intercourse to be either immaculate or filthy dirty - these kids did with their pledge what everybody does with contracts. They found loopholes. Two of them, to be exact. Is there any greater irony than the fact that the Christian right actually got their precious little adolescent daughters to say to their freshly-scrubbed boyfriends, "Please, I want to remain pure for my wedding night, so only in the ###... And then I'll blow you, I promise." Well, at least these kids are really thinking outside the box.
Haven't heard the 3-hole used... didn't know hockey had so many terms for taking it in the pooper.Agreed, but wtf is up with the 5-hole terminology? Shouldn't it be 3-hole? Are we counting ears and nostrils here?Much better played than mine, and earlier too.All a chastity vow does is increase the chances that your sweet little darling will put her 5-hole into play.
I <3 this thread. Any chance it's still here when I get back from a meeting?
This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
Define "date."This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
umm, going out to like a movie or dinner. These are my little girls, and it can't mean anything more than that...EVER.Define "date."This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
Excellent point, Mr. Pigskin, sir!umm, going out to like a movie or dinner. These are my little girls, and it can't mean anything more than that...EVER.Define "date."This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
That young men promise to be on the receiving end of a 5-hole?Good question.Do they have this for young men? Or is it just for girls?
I'd laugh if I wasn't busy e-mailing this suggestion to my wife.This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
STEVE HOLT!Wow, just wow...
* "and by hearts we mean vagins."Randy Wilson and a fellow pastor, Steve Holt, stand at the cross with heavy rapiers raised and announce that they are prepared to “bear swords and war for the hearts* of our daughters.” The blades create an inverted “V” under which girls and fathers kneel and lay white roses that symbolize purity.
Unfortunately I think my wife took this pledge after we got married and had kids.I'd laugh if I wasn't busy e-mailing this suggestion to my wife.This is why we're not potty training our two girls. Our philosophy is that any girl who poops herself on the first date, is not as likely to get a second dateI am not religious, nor would I ever contemplate home schooling, but if I ever have a daughter, sending her to a purity ball sounds like a good idea for some reason. So does not letting her leave the house until she's 30.It would, but a lot of these kids are homeschooled - my ex-in-laws were planning to do this with their oldest daughter. They were alos homeschooling for a while, until they realized they couldn't afford to buy the christian homeschool's material, couldn't handle all 6 kids at home. too dumb to realize they couldn't homeschool.If you are in high school and you know some chick took a purity pledge -- doesn't that just put a giant target on her? I mean, everyone loves a challenge.
:XApparently.Do they have this for young men?