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Remembering My Brother (1 Viewer)

Joe Bryant

Staff member
My brother, Rich would have been 52 today. It’s been 10 years since he died and in some ways it seems like yesterday. In other ways it seems much longer.

The best comparison I have for losing someone so close is it’s like losing a control on an airplane. You can fly along most of the time without it and everything seems fine. Until you need to turn using that control and you realize it’s not fine at all. And you have to figure out a way around. And that’s okay.

I think there’s truth in the line, “We all walk with a limp.” I’m fine. But I’m limping a bit more today. But it’s okay. That’s my point. I’m not “over it”. I don’t think I ever will be. But I am okay. Rock on, Brother. You were a great one.


And for sure, don't worry about me. I truly am okay as I said. I always hesitate to share stuff like this as it can be seen as more dramatic than I mean it. This isn't any cry for help or anything like that. It's just sharing.

Thanks for sharing Joe, I like your flying a plane comparison.  Unfortunately, I can relate.  I lost my brother 24 years ago, he was 14 years old.  It's crazy to imagine the type of man/husband/father he would have been.  

Happy Birthday to Rich!

As an atheist, I'm pretty certain all we'll ever be after our deaths are memories to those who live on. Some of us will get forgotten much sooner and more quickly than others. You do your brother the greatest honor you can by keeping your memory of him alive and sharing it with others.

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Hey Joe, I lost my brother to cancer 4 years ago as of next month. He was only 52. So I can relate. The pain will never go away, but neither will the good memories. 

Best wishes to you. 

When I lost my brother I reached out to a friend who also had lost a sibling.  I asked if it ever gets better, and he told me "no, but it becomes more acceptable."  I have reached out to friends of my brother, and even after 12 years, I keep hearing new stories about him that make me laugh.  

I lost my brother when he was only 36. So Joe, to both your brother and mine, I will tip a beer in remembrance. And to all others in this thread who lost one way to young.

Thanks Folks. So very appreciated.

My buddy Sigmund Bloom gave me a quote yesterday I thought was good. 

“They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.” - Banksy
I think there's truth and value there. I don't belabor it, but I also think there's value on remembering. Thanks folks. Much love. 

My condolences Joe.

Your post hit home with me. The last time I saw my brother was two years ago on Easter Sunday. Dinner at mom's. On the way out, we said our goodbyes, hugged and told each other "Love you brother"

A few weeks later, he was killed by a drunk driver. He was 42.

It's very much like you said in your airplane analogy. Most days are OK, but I'll be reaching for that broken control this Sunday for sure.

My condolences Joe.

Your post hit home with me. The last time I saw my brother was two years ago on Easter Sunday. Dinner at mom's. On the way out, we said our goodbyes, hugged and told each other "Love you brother"

A few weeks later, he was killed by a drunk driver. He was 42.

It's very much like you said in your airplane analogy. Most days are OK, but I'll be reaching for that broken control this Sunday for sure.
Wow, that's truly horrible. Sorry for your loss.


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