Noah Davis
I came across a new type of FF draft which intrigued me. league software. I've started a league there called "League of Ordinary Gentlemen". You can find it on the listing of public leagues. Details below:
12 Team, PPR, 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1FLEX (RB,WR,TE), PK, TD, 1DL, 1LB, 1DB
$50 entry feed paid to leaguesafe with payouts controlled by majority league vote.
70% to 1st, 30% to 2nd place
You have to apply to the league on RSO then I will add you to LeagueSafe, and the RSO site invites.
Contact me with any questions.
12 Team, PPR, 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1FLEX (RB,WR,TE), PK, TD, 1DL, 1LB, 1DB
$50 entry feed paid to leaguesafe with payouts controlled by majority league vote.
70% to 1st, 30% to 2nd place
You have to apply to the league on RSO then I will add you to LeagueSafe, and the RSO site invites.
Contact me with any questions.