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Saagar Enjeti: I Said Gas Prices More Important Than Jan 6, Liberals LOST IT (6/16/22 5:57 PST) (1 Viewer)

In a year form now it will be something else.  It is all relative.
I don't think that's accurate. I think gas prices are unique in that they're an easy benchmark to look at, and people loathe inflation when wages aren't keeping up with the increases in the goods they buy. This isn't something that people dreamed up nor is it manufactured outrage. It's pure pain at the pump. 

On talk radio they stated that Americans are more concerned about gas prices vs 1/6 by a 2 to 1 margin.

This is weird Adam Schiff, The Democrats and all of their supporters in here TOLD us it was The Most Single Important Issue of Our TimeTM and that if you didn't care and watch it you were complicit.   

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Why do Americans care what the UK pays for gas, then ##### about how much Exxon makes?
Care? I don't really care, I like to be informed about what is causing high prices. Understanding this a global issue might help people realize this isn't a political one here domestically.

Care? I don't really care, I like to be informed about what is causing high prices. Understanding this a global issue might help people realize this isn't a political one here domestically.
I wasn’t singling you out, sorry if you thought that.   Why is there more global demand?  Because the US isn’t supplying like they were.  We are now forced to compete with others, driving up the price.

Imagine being so 

Thank you. It seems some aren't willing to walk and chew gum at the same time; likely because one makes their tribe look bad. 

Direct Headline: MSNBC, WaPo, ABC figures warn voters against gas prices influencing their vote in November

After downplaying concerns about the economy in the last year, some media outlets are now panicking that high gas prices and inflation will tank Democrats in the midterm elections, with some pundits even scolding voters for making it a priority.

Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell told readers that it was a “wild fantasy” to believe the GOP could lower gas prices, as she warned voters to “think carefully about what they’ll get if they cast their ballot based on gas prices....The president does not have some super-secret special dial on his desk that can adjust gas prices, but many voters believe otherwise,”...But Rampell claimed that neither party had “serious” solutions to dealing with gas prices or inflation and there were “relatively few tools” that President Biden or Congress could use to “help boost oil production or moderate inflation.” So, she advised voters to ignore the gas price problem at the voting booth....Quoting colleague E.J. Dionne, she cautioned that if Republicans win in November that could lead to “far more radical and sinister forces” trying to “undermine democracy.”

On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” branding guru Donny Deutsch fretted that pocketbook issues would win out with voters this year and in 2024 as more important to them than America’s democracy being “in peril.”...“I’m concerned and everything in my gut tells me… unfortunately, the gas prices and bread is going to be more compelling,”...Another poll from ABC News earlier this month found 71% of Americans disapprove of Biden on inflation....

MSNBC host Joy Reid and political analyst Matthew Dowd characterized a red wave as a “threat” the media needed to warn voters against on Monday....“We have to tell the voters what the threat is just like we do, Joy, we tell them about inflation, and we tell them about job growth, and we tell them about a hurricane, and we tell them about tornadoes, and we tell them about wildfire, we have to treat this assault just like we have to tell them about the assault on democracy...”

“The View” host Joy Behar absolved Biden of any responsibility for the energy crisis and said Republicans just wanted to make Biden “look bad.”....“And by the way, inflation is a worldwide problem, he’s getting blamed for that. The gasoline is a worldwide problem, yes its $5, $6 here, it’s like $11, $12 in Europe. So you cannot blame the president for every single thing....."

Associate Professor of Business and Economics at The King’s College... Brian Brenberg criticized the media’s messaging as “a desperate attempt to deal with a problem they know is going to be pinned” on Democrats....“By pleading with voters to not let inflation affect their vote, the media is essentially asking people to ‘please ignore everything that affects your life on a daily basis'....America always votes their pocketbook....At the end of the day, you know, what they disparagingly call kitchen table issues are real issues to American because it affects their daily lives. Listen, people elect leaders so their life improves, not so it can get worse… The American people are smart. They see this as a facade. They see, you know, the media trying to make excuses for this administration..The media should be holding the administration’s feet to the fire on that with data, not with an ideological agenda but on data, on the facts. They’re not doing that......”

Fox40 6/22/22


Direct Headline: MSNBC, CNN, PBS embrace Biden rhetoric on inflation, gas price hike: 'Putin's price hike a great' message

Liberal media largely blames inflation on Putin, deflects blame from Biden...NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and PBS link the war in Ukraine with inflation and the rising cost of gas while failing to mention the Biden administration's massive spending and progressive energy policies...."Today’s inflation report is a reminder that Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin’s price hike. A large contributor to inflation this month was an increase in gas and energy prices as markets reacted to Putin’s aggressive actions," Biden said in a written statement....

NBC was responsible for a number of attempts to tie the recent war in Europe to price hikes hitting Americans, in many cases even repeating Biden’s newly coined "Putin price hike" phrase. ..."Well, here at home, the toll of the war is having an ever greater impact on the U.S. economy. With soaring inflation and gas prices, Americans are paying more," co-host Savannah Guthrie said at the top of a Friday NBC "Today" segment.... 

That same day on "3rd Hour Today," co-host Craig Melvin provided an intro reminiscent of Guthrie’s words. ..."Meanwhile, that war in Ukraine having quite the impact here at home, where just about everything is costing more these days, in some cases a lot more....the Biden administration is very much calling this ‘Putin’s price hike,’ with this war ongoing, there will be a significant impact going forward..."

During MSNBC’s "MTP Daily with Chuck Todd," chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell said that calling inflation "Putin’s price hike" was a "great way" to message the issue...

On CNN, media correspondent Brian Stelter asked whether the media could engage in an "honest" conversation on gas prices, before pivoting to lambast media outlets "exaggerating" fuel costs....On March 10, "CNN Newsroom" co-host Alisyn Camerota engaged in a discussion on inflation with global economic analyst Rana Foroohar. "Politicians act as though it’s President Biden that caused inflation and that he can fix this..."

"Higher gas prices are a small sacrifice to make compared to what the brave Ukrainians are going through," said Jonathan Capehart during "PBS News Hour" on March 11.

By Nikolas Lanum March 17, 2022 2:00am EDT



Speaking of a "one makes their tribe look bad", it's more than obvious, as Enjeti points out himself, that the activist complicit MSM that leans hard left is trying to spin cover for Joe Biden regarding inflation. And it's not working. It's insulting to the American people.

Your logical fallacy bombing doesn't change the reality that the current MSM operates as a proxy propaganda arm for the DNC.

And they can't make Team Blue nor Biden look good, no matter how they try to spin down on avoiding basic reality. The American people aren't that stupid. This kind of media strategy costing them even more votes.

Your tribe is the Party in power, it has the sitting POTUS and a majority in Congress. It controls nearly all of the MSM and Big Social Media and Big Finance. It does control Big Education, Hollywood and Big Tech. When you have that kind of leverage, you can't blame anyone else when the everyday working class suffers.

If you want to have an impact on others, showcase yourself as a decent, reasonable person capable of humility. Acting as just another propaganda troll only works against you.

Direct Headline: Biden will call on Congress to pause gas tax for 3 months

The federal government currently charges 18 cents in taxes per gallon of gasoline...President Biden will ask Congress on Wednesday to suspend the federal gas tax until September as Americans across the country grapple with soaring prices as the pump...The president will urge members of Congress to institute a three-month federal gas tax holiday without stripping money from the Highway Trust Fund that finances highways and mass transit....

...The official suggested that the federal government's budget deficit shrinking by $1.6 trillion this year gives the U.S. leeway to suspend the gas tax while using other revenues to make the Highway Trust Fund whole for the roughly $10 billion cost....The federal government currently charges 18 cents in taxes per gallon of gasoline and 24 cents per gallon of diesel.

"He is also calling on the industry to put its record profits to work and step up with more supply and more refining capacity to bring down gas prices and specifically calling for major oil refineries to come to the table with concrete solutions when the secretary of energy convenes them later this week...And when the cost of oil does come down as it has over the last couple of weeks, the president is calling on retailers to properly lower their prices and pass the savings on to consumers...."

And Chevron CEO Michael Wirth wrote a letter to Biden Tuesday pointing out that the company works every day to "help provide the world with the energy it demands and to lift up the lives of billions of people who rely on these supplies....Notwithstanding these efforts, your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry. These actions are not beneficial to meeting the challenges we face and are not what the American people deserve...."  

...Biden's ex-boss, former President Barack Obama, called a gas tax a "gimmick" on the campaign trail back in 2008. At the time Obama said a gas tax holiday was a "gimmick" to save Americans half a tank of gas over the summer so that lawmakers could "say that they did something...."...There is also concern about a gas tax holiday's impact on already record-high inflation. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a non-partisan group that advocates for reducing the federal budget, previously argued that suspending the tax for a 10-month period could actually increase demand for gasoline and other goods and services when the economy is already confronting high consumer demand and pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions....  "While the gas tax holiday may reduce prices at the pump, it will further increase demand for gasoline and other goods and services at a time when the economy has little capacity to absorb it," the blog post said. "The result could be even higher rates of inflation in 2023...."

By Landon Mion FOXBusiness 6/22/22



Thank you for the personal attack. Thank you for inferring that I am an indecent, unreasonable person incapable of humility. Great job trying to deflect away from the actual topic of the thread!

It's a reminder to Conservative and/or Republican FBG subscribers that they are clearly not welcome here.

Biden is talking about pausing the gas tax and that the Highway Trust Fund will be made "whole" somehow and some way with "other revenues". Who are we kidding here, Susan Rice is going to do what she does best, rob Peter to pay Paul, where it ends up costing taxpayers 10 times as much, all for virtue signaling.

Enjeti is right. People care about their day to day survival in this country first and foremost. And the only card in the deck for Team Blue, besides blame, is just printing more money wildly without any regard for the long term impact on our economy.

(I can't read the title of this thread without hearing it in this voice. Link intentionally de-linked after the forward slashes due to PG-13 NSFW language)

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJlJX4Rj_WU

Sassy voice: "I SAID gas prices are more important, %@*&!!!"

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Why do Americans care what the UK pays for gas, then ##### about how much Exxon makes?
Care? I don't really care, I like to be informed about what is causing high prices. Understanding this a global issue might help people realize this isn't a political one here domestically.

Direct Headline: Gas prices on the rise again after OPEC+ cuts oil production

By Kate Gibson October 6, 2022

After falling from July through mid-September, gas prices are once again headed higher, most recently bolstered by a decision by the OPEC+ alliance of oil-exporting nations to cut production of crude....The Saudi-led cartel on Wednesday agreed to reduce output by 2 million barrels a day, making its first big cut in more than two years in an effort to buttress sagging oil prices. The decision conflicts with attempts by the U.S. and Europe to curtail revenue that Russia gets from its sale of crude....

That's down from a June peak of $5.02, but up 7 cents since Monday, according to the travel club. "High gasoline demand, amid tight supply, has led to higher pump prices nationwide," AAA said Thursday in a news release. Demand for gas increased nationally to 9.47 million barrels a day last week, up from 8.83 million the week before, it noted, citing new data from the Energy Information Administration.....

"[A] policy response by the Biden administration is likely forthcoming," Natasha Kaneva and Prateek Kedia, commodity analysts at J.P. Morgan Securities, wrote in emailed research.The reply will most likely entail accelerating deliveries from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the nation's emergency stockpile of petroleum, the analysts said. A spike in fuel prices before the November 8 midterm elections could have the White House pondering other moves as well, they added.



Citing this as mostly a "global issue" to deflect from Biden's failures in energy is being intellectually dishonest. The United States leads the way in the world economy and it's decisions and failures have a ripple effect on the entire global financial system.

The activist complicit left leaning MSM wants to keep shouting "Trump" at every problem. It's been close to 2 years since he's been out of office. A large cross section of America are tired of hearing about Trump. There is a 'saturation point' when it comes to shock marketing and trying to farm outrage in the national daily media cycle.

The calculus here is not mind bending. Does Saudi Arabia and it's high level political apparatus want Biden or Democrats to be in power? No, not a chance. Team Blue wants to kill the fossil fuel industry. Why would SA support that?

The logical fallacy bombing comes when zealots say it's solely to benefit Republicans simply to line up the worst parts of SA's actions with the GOP.

Saudi Arabia will pick whatever side is going to put them in the best overall position. Right now, it's ideal to be as far away from Team Blue as possible.

Enjeti is still right. You have an extremely slow and smug response, particularly from Gavin Newsom begging for votes and trying to buy them wholesale with his "gas rebates" This is tone deaf and punitive to the working class.

The lack of "proactive" long term planning and deployment by Team Blue and Biden is alarming. He's creating multiple national security threats that are wholly self inflicted.

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