So here's the gist. Buddy of mine wants to start a dynasty league with his co worker (Mostly co workers idea) would be most of the people in their league already plus me. I'm already hesitant as I'm on a friendly term with his co worker but that guys is a bit of an ####### (Still owes me money from the draft in Philly we went too and is known for taking advantage of people including my friend. He was thinking of a league buy in with $50 and $5 per trade and $1 per waiver after initial draft to start the year. Expenses would go towards 2nd and 1st place and trophy plus league owner get togethers (Most of the owners are in the area so public meets can happen) and trophy/belt. There will also be a PS not sure of roster sizes as this is in the infancy stages. after the 1st year they were thinking of implementing a salary cap of some kind
I guess m question is for a league with so many moving parts per year and most people making moves it could cost someone upwards to 150 or more depending how aggressive of an owner they are. I think for the guys in the league some, I kind of know that could be a little too much. They already have one league that's $25 buy in 10 team league but that would turn into the dynasty league 12 teams. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to start this league up, roster sizes, currency on transactions (Real money or is it better to do virtual currency each team only able to spend x amount?), When do you usually draft (Rookies, and first league start up), any other advice.
My biggest concern here is I think both are in over their heads on this. I'm no expert but just from being on here and seeing some of the leagues and all I think I know a bit more then they do. Right now I'm looking for suggestions. I may or may not be apart of this league. I like the idea, cost not so much and the two guys attempting to run it I think it'd be better if we get people together vote on a cost and then vote on a commissioner. So any suggestions would be great