It is surprising. I guess I'm blogging at this point. I enjoyed the episode last night. I missed the interrogation episode I have to go Hulu it as obviously some stuff happened with the captain.One post?
That was pretty good. I like how they are using the whole man from the past thing. It isn't overplayed but it is used for good comic effect.
That was pretty funny. They do a good job of showing him integrating a bit more every episode.LOL at Crane #####ing about a flip phone.
So looking forward to this coming back.I DVR'ed the first season and just finished the Golem last night. Really digging the show. I like the horsemen end of days ties to past history like the Roanoke episode over the witchcraft stuff.
I think so. I find the chemistry good between the leads, the writing is pretty good and it does have some good humor as well. I can't wait for it to be back on.Worth getting into?
Season Premier. Can't wait. Gotham first, then Sleepy Hollow and then Blacklist. That has potential as a viewing night.
No but I think you can stream the whole thing on this on Netflix?
Yeah Hulu carries it.No but I think you can stream the whole thing on this on Netflix?
Love the show. Can't wait for it to start again!