These type of threads should really be moved to the AC. How did you even come up with those 3 wrs? Randle has produced already in his limited role. Maybe they are on your team?
These types of thread belong in the pool. This isn't a WDIS, its valid question for discussion on the relative value determined by people in different situations. It paints a pretty big picture.
Yeah right. Reuben Randle is WR #12 over the past three weeks by my scoring system and emerging out of a system in NY which has produced good points in prior years. Asking about his prospects is a viable question given the opportunity, and trying to fit him into WR2 vs WR3 status pretty legitimate imo. Will the play continue? You are really only looking at the two games vs Philly and at Chicago; with a great matchup at home vs Minnesota--think he's maybe top ten this week?
Now that's a legitimate topic for the Pool imo. Given the hurt in Hotlanta it's different question for Harry Douglas: Is he worth rostering? As for Jarrett ummm...Who?