It does seem like some loyalist on both sides of the coin did not show up for the Sig Bet (that always seems to be the case though). I was the last one of the Pats faithful to do so it seems, but do not fault others for not participating (unless NER did not do it, since we have not missed a Sig bet yet!). I did look at this bet as a way of supporting the boys. If they lost and I had to wear the sig, it still would have shown I supported them. It seems like some take this way to seriously and set out for personal attacks. There are many ways of showing your team support...I guess on a discussion board, this seems to be the one that stands out.BTW: I been a fan of the Pats since I was eight. Whether I did this bet or not would not change my fan status. I went to the parade to see the boys at city hall might not seem like such a big deal except that I live in PA! 700 miles driving round trip, and a train ride in and out of Boston I think speaks a little more to supporting my team!PS did my Whiny Tool sign make the news at all????