IBL Representative
Whoever was tracking ALL of the leagues seems to have disappeared, so I went into every league and figured it out since the last full accounting we had (post-week 10). Below is a breakdown for every league, as well as a preview of the finals:
Week 11: AhrnCityPahnder out, Jeaton6 gets immunity
Week 12: BroadwayJoe goes down (Jeaton saved by immunity), FUBAR gets immunity
Week 13: BassNBrew out
Semi-Finals: Krsone21 vs. FUBAR vs. Jeaton6
Week 11: Sinrman saved by immunity, Nugget out. Shadowfax earns immunity
Week 12: dpeease goes down, Shadowfax with another immunity
Week 13: Sinrman out
Semi-Finals: By the seas wannabe vs. Sigmund Bloom vs. Shadowfax (top 3 scorers)
Week 11: kardplayer gets the boot, Domination dominates to immunity
Week 12: Renesauz goes home :( , HellToupee immune
Week 13: Old Milwaukee gets tossed
Semi-Finals: Helltoupee vs. Jeter23 vs. Domination (top 3 scorers)
Week 11: Blue Kun saved by immunity, Phenix out instead, krsone21 gets immunity
Week 12: Blue Kun goes down this time, Stephen Holloway gets immunity
Week 13: Brutal week! Holloway saved, Pasquino goes down in a tight one with 148.55!
Semi-Finals: Stephen Holloway vs. krsone21 vs. BroadwayG (who was TENTH in total points!)
Week 11: Fullback Fro gets toasted, Fiddles immune
Week 12: Fiddles saved by immunity, HellToupee gets the boot instead. Gamma1210 immune
Week 13: Norseman is out
Semi-Finals: Sinrman vs. Gamma1210 vs. Fiddles
PDSL3: For some reason, this site was up to date.
Semi-Finals: AD11 vs. Bamac vs. FF Ninja
Week 11: Jason Wood is out, SweetLove immune
Week 12: AhrnCityPounder out, Pimpin'AintEasy immune
Week 13: Bicycle Seat Sniffer is gone
Semi-Finals: Pimpin'Aint Easy vs. Nugget vs. Sweet Love
Week 11: Bad week for staff: Pasquino out, Nittany Lion immune
Week 12: Ministry of Pain goes down, Nittany Lion immune again
Week 13: Go Pack is go-ne
Semi-Finals: Fullback Fro vs. Nittany Lion vs. Renesauz
Week 11: Duckboy saved, Commuterman down with Rudy earning immmunity
Week 12: FUBAR is done, Rudy immune again
Week 13: Duckboy NOT immune here!
Semi_finals: Rudy vs. FFNinja vs. Mastershake. Rudy has DOMINATED this league with 5 high scores and an almost 300 point lead on Ninja
SSL4: This one was up to date through week 12. Atomic Punk went down in week 13.
Semi-Finals: By The Seas Wannabe vs. Phenix vs. Bronx bomber
Whoever was tracking ALL of the leagues seems to have disappeared, so I went into every league and figured it out since the last full accounting we had (post-week 10). Below is a breakdown for every league, as well as a preview of the finals:
Week 11: Stinkin Ref is booted, Renesauz with the immunity
Week 12: Bro1ncos gone, Rene' immune again!
Week 13: Steeldillo misses the semi-finals
Semi-Finals: Renesauz (2nd in total points) vs. HellToupee (4th, 95 back) vs. BassnBrew (lowest qualifier in any league-12th!, 250 back)
Week 11: Chaos Commish goes home, Stinkin Ref immune
Week 12: Reaper done, Ref immune again
Week 13: Old Milwaukee tossed
Semi-Finals: Stinkin Ref (tops in points) vs. Team RamRod (2nd, but 290 back!) vs. Shadowfax (an amazing 500 points back)
Week 11: AhrnCityPahnder out, Jeaton6 gets immunity
Week 12: BroadwayJoe goes down (Jeaton saved by immunity), FUBAR gets immunity
Week 13: BassNBrew out
Semi-Finals: Krsone21 vs. FUBAR vs. Jeaton6
Week 11: Sinrman saved by immunity, Nugget out. Shadowfax earns immunity
Week 12: dpeease goes down, Shadowfax with another immunity
Week 13: Sinrman out
Semi-Finals: By the seas wannabe vs. Sigmund Bloom vs. Shadowfax (top 3 scorers)
Week 11: kardplayer gets the boot, Domination dominates to immunity
Week 12: Renesauz goes home :( , HellToupee immune
Week 13: Old Milwaukee gets tossed
Semi-Finals: Helltoupee vs. Jeter23 vs. Domination (top 3 scorers)
Week 11: Blue Kun saved by immunity, Phenix out instead, krsone21 gets immunity
Week 12: Blue Kun goes down this time, Stephen Holloway gets immunity
Week 13: Brutal week! Holloway saved, Pasquino goes down in a tight one with 148.55!
Semi-Finals: Stephen Holloway vs. krsone21 vs. BroadwayG (who was TENTH in total points!)
Week 11: Fullback Fro gets toasted, Fiddles immune
Week 12: Fiddles saved by immunity, HellToupee gets the boot instead. Gamma1210 immune
Week 13: Norseman is out
Semi-Finals: Sinrman vs. Gamma1210 vs. Fiddles
PDSL3: For some reason, this site was up to date.
Semi-Finals: AD11 vs. Bamac vs. FF Ninja
Week 11: Jason Wood is out, SweetLove immune
Week 12: AhrnCityPounder out, Pimpin'AintEasy immune
Week 13: Bicycle Seat Sniffer is gone
Semi-Finals: Pimpin'Aint Easy vs. Nugget vs. Sweet Love
Week 11: Bad week for staff: Pasquino out, Nittany Lion immune
Week 12: Ministry of Pain goes down, Nittany Lion immune again
Week 13: Go Pack is go-ne
Semi-Finals: Fullback Fro vs. Nittany Lion vs. Renesauz
Week 11: Duckboy saved, Commuterman down with Rudy earning immmunity
Week 12: FUBAR is done, Rudy immune again
Week 13: Duckboy NOT immune here!
Semi_finals: Rudy vs. FFNinja vs. Mastershake. Rudy has DOMINATED this league with 5 high scores and an almost 300 point lead on Ninja
SSL4: This one was up to date through week 12. Atomic Punk went down in week 13.
Semi-Finals: By The Seas Wannabe vs. Phenix vs. Bronx bomber
Whoever was tracking ALL of the leagues seems to have disappeared, so I went into every league and figured it out since the last full accounting we had (post-week 10). Below is a breakdown for every league, as well as a preview of the finals:
Week 11: Stinkin Ref is booted, Renesauz with the immunity
Week 12: Bro1ncos gone, Rene' immune again!
Week 13: Steeldillo misses the semi-finals
Semi-Finals: Renesauz (2nd in total points) vs. HellToupee (4th, 95 back) vs. BassnBrew (lowest qualifier in any league-12th!, 250 back)
Week 11: Chaos Commish goes home, Stinkin Ref immune
Week 12: Reaper done, Ref immune again
Week 13: Old Milwaukee tossed
Semi-Finals: Stinkin Ref (tops in points) vs. Team RamRod (2nd, but 290 back!) vs. Shadowfax (an amazing 500 points back)
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