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Teen eggs Australian senator blaming Muslims for Christchurch attack (1 Viewer)


For those that missed it, an Australian politician blamed Muslim immigration for the Christchurch attack on two mosques and a 17 year old then broke a raw egg on him at a presser: 


Teen eggs Australian senator blaming Muslims for Christchurch attack

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — An Australian senator had a raw egg cracked over his head and faces censure from his fellow lawmakers after sparking outrage by blaming Muslim immigration for the New Zealand mosque shootings.

Sen. Fraser Anning came under blistering criticism over tweets on Friday including one that said, “Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?”

“The real cause of the bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,” he said in a statement.

Television cameras caught a 17-year-old boy breaking an egg on Anning’s head and briefly scuffling with the independent senator while he was holding a news conference Saturday in Melbourne.

Police said the boy was arrested but was released without charge pending a further investigation. No motive was offered for the egging.
The reaction on Twitter and other social meeting has been to proclaim this teen some sort of hero, with a hashtag devoted to him called #Eggboy.


I am appalled by Fraser Anning's comments, however I am also disturbed by the Twitter reaction, which is celebrating an assault after an horrific terrorist act

I don't think it is ever acceptable to use violence or assault anyone you disagree with just because they have a point of view you find abhorrent.

If those of us on the left don't condemn this we will hardly be in a position to criticize a similar act against those we support in the future.

Opinions on this?

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Will Connolly, who assaulted Fraser Anning on a video after the incident:

“Don’t egg a politician, you’ll get tackled by 30 bogans at the same time, I learnt the hard way. ####”


Edited to add:

Above account suspended by Twitter.

Will Connolly's Twitter accounts keep getting suspended by Twitter, three now (two last night and one this morning) and I am not sure exactly why.

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I don’t like it. I don’t like people who harass Trump’s associates in restaurants in this country either. 

This guy is both an idiot and a terrible human being. He deserves to be shunned. But it’s very dangerous to cheer uncivil behavior, no matter how mild. The next guy won’t be throwing harmless eggs. 

I don’t like it. I don’t like people who harass Trump’s associates in restaurants in this country either. 

This guy is both an idiot and a terrible human being. He deserves to be shunned. But it’s very dangerous to cheer uncivil behavior, no matter how mild. The next guy won’t be throwing harmless eggs. 
No justice no peace

I don’t like it. I don’t like people who harass Trump’s associates in restaurants in this country either. 

This guy is both an idiot and a terrible human being. He deserves to be shunned. But it’s very dangerous to cheer uncivil behavior, no matter how mild. The next guy won’t be throwing harmless eggs. 
Yeah, he threw a left to the kids face. AND THE KID DID NOT GO DOWN.

I agree that physical harassment like this encourages more of the same and that's not good. But these animals getting a **** punch every now and then does have the vibe of the universe ever so slightly making a correction.

I think it's more visually pleasing when they use a big cream pie.
I think the glitter bomb is more effective. 

That being said, what the guy did was wrong. I am going to call him a guy because he is just short of his 18th birthday. When the news first came out it was published as politician punches a child. (I couldn't help but think Will Ferrell at that point :P ).  It was wrong because we can't have people assaulting politicians just because they disagree with their position on issues. 

If the shoe was on the other foot and this was an NRA supporter who hit Obama, you would have universal condemnation from most on this site. Just because this guy has some thoughts that most disagree with, doesn't justify his actions. Silencing a person or assaulting a person just because you don't like their stance on issues should never be applauded because then the other side is going to do it and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle if this becomes the new norm.  

The egged guy deserved it, the kid gets a punch in the face which he had coming. 

There is no reasonable other side for egged guy.

I think the glitter bomb is more effective. 

That being said, what the guy did was wrong. I am going to call him a guy because he is just short of his 18th birthday. When the news first came out it was published as politician punches a child. (I couldn't help but think Will Ferrell at that point :P ).  It was wrong because we can't have people assaulting politicians just because they disagree with their position on issues. 

If the shoe was on the other foot and this was an NRA supporter who hit Obama, you would have universal condemnation from most on this site. Just because this guy has some thoughts that most disagree with, doesn't justify his actions. Silencing a person or assaulting a person just because you don't like their stance on issues should never be applauded because then the other side is going to do it and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle if this becomes the new norm.  
I agree with your point (I wrote that before) but I detest your analogy of Obama and the NRA, because it gives this guy Fraser Anning a legitimacy he doesn’t deserve. Racists like Anning are not on “the other side”. We don’t want them to be on “the other side”, ever. 

Will Connolly, aka Eggboy has had his Twitter account suspended three times by Twitter.

The below is a posting from his most recent (now deleted) account this morning:

This was the moment when I felt so proud to exist as a human being. Let me inform you all guys,Muslims are not terrorists and terrorism has no religion.All those who consider Muslims a terrorist community, have empty heads like Anning.

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Australian Prime Minister Wants Anti-Muslim Senator Charged for Slapping Teen After Being Egged

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Sunday that Senator Fraser Anning should be charged after he slapped 17-year-old Will Connolly for cracking a raw egg on his head, according to USA Today. Anning had blamed Muslim immigrants for the deadly attack on two New Zealand mosques last week. Connolly, who has adopted the name ‘egg boy’ has become somewhat of an international superstar after video of the egg incident went viral. Morrison said on Sunday that Anning should be punished for striking the teen. “The full force of the law should be applied to Sen. Anning,” he told reporters. Connolly is being investigated for assaulting the senator. A GoFundMe page intended to raise $1,400 for the teen’s “legal fees” and “more eggs” had raised more than $17,000 on Sunday.


Australian Prime Minister Wants Anti-Muslim Senator Charged for Slapping Teen After Being Egged

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Sunday that Senator Fraser Anning should be charged after he slapped 17-year-old Will Connolly for cracking a raw egg on his head, according to USA Today. Anning had blamed Muslim immigrants for the deadly attack on two New Zealand mosques last week. Connolly, who has adopted the name ‘egg boy’ has become somewhat of an international superstar after video of the egg incident went viral. Morrison said on Sunday that Anning should be punished for striking the teen. “The full force of the law should be applied to Sen. Anning,” he told reporters. Connolly is being investigated for assaulting the senator. A GoFundMe page intended to raise $1,400 for the teen’s “legal fees” and “more eggs” had raised more than $17,000 on Sunday.
Now that’s dumb and I completely enjoy the dude getting hit with an egg. Getting intentionally hit in  the head where you feel liquid (blood?) and you have every right to turn around pop  that person to defend yourself. 

P. S. I also think it’s awesome the dude took the slap and kept on recording. Stood in there. Insult to injury to the skinhead

Now that’s dumb and I completely enjoy the dude getting hit with an egg. Getting intentionally hit in  the head where you feel liquid (blood?) and you have every right to turn around pop  that person to defend yourself
No you don't, not legally either here or in Australia. Anning committed an assault, this was not in self defense.

No you don't, not legally either here or in Australia. Anning committed an assault, this was not in self defense.
Just to be clear, I'm tickled that the the moron got an egg cracked on his head. Anyone blaming the victims in even the slightest way deserves that and more. But he was assaulted first. I see no problem that he responded the way he did. 

Disagree all you want, Anning committed an assault in which the only justification legally would be in self defense.

Being egged does not give anyone a right to strike that person who egged them after the danger has passed.

Just to be clear, I'm tickled that the the moron got an egg cracked on his head. Anyone blaming the victims in even the slightest way deserves that and more. But he was assaulted first. I see no problem that he responded the way he did. 
It was a response that is not legally justified. You can assault someone who assaults you first in self defense to prevent a future assault but once the danger has passed (as it did here with eggboy out of eggs and just filming) you then commit an assault that is not justified and can be prosecuted (whether it will be or not is up to the prosecutor). Legally you are not allowed to punch someone just as act of retaliation.



Dean Cain Knocked Around on Twitter for Saying He'd Knock a Teen Protester 'Unconscious'

Dean Cain may have achieved fame by beating up bad guys as Superman on television, but he achieved a different sort of fame on Sunday for saying he'd beat up on a teenage protester.

The former star of "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" inserted himself into a story coming out of New Zealand in the wake of the tragic shootings there late last week. His comments came in response to a tweet from Aussie journalist Deborah Knight, lamenting a politician attacking the teen after he was egged.

Cain's response to the story was twofold. First, he tweeted, "I would have knocked that kid cold." In another response, Cain added, "He would have been unconscious if it were up to me."

Right-winged Australian Senator Fraser Anning had already come under fire for blaming Muslims for the Christchurch attacks when he was hit with an egg on Saturday by the teen protester. Anning turned around and smacked the teen in his face, as reported by Buzzfeed News.

Anning's supporters then proceeded to hit and kick the teen, per Knight's tweet, holding him until authorities arrived. As news of Cain's response to the violence began to spread, Twitter erupted in anger at the former superhero, getting his name among the top trending by Sunday morning.

Below (at above link) are some of their most passionate, hilarious and surprised responses to Cain's incendiary comments in the wake of a tragedy. And as he proceeded to block those who tagged him in their attacks, they only grew more amused.

It was a response that is not legally justified. You can assault someone who assaults you first in self defense to prevent a future assault but once the danger has passed (as it did here with eggboy out of eggs and just filming) you then commit an assault that is not justified and can be prosecuted (whether it will be or not is up to the prosecutor). Legally you are not allowed to punch someone just as act of retaliation.
It was spontaneous. It's not like he went to the guy's house the next day. I'm a law abiding citizen, but I'd have popped the guy too.  

It was a response that is not legally justified. You can assault someone who assaults you first in self defense to prevent a future assault but once the danger has passed (as it did here with eggboy out of eggs and just filming) you then commit an assault that is not justified and can be prosecuted (whether it will be or not is up to the prosecutor). Legally you are not allowed to punch someone just as act of retaliation.
Good luck with this one.

It was spontaneous. It's not like he went to the guy's house the next day. I'm a law abiding citizen, but I'd have popped the guy too.  
Looking at the videos, there was a delay after he was egged before he responded with not one but two punches, so it can't be said to be spontaneous.

Whether you or many others would have done it too, doesn't change the fact that it was an assault without legal justification that could be prosecuted (not to saying that it would be in most cases).

It was spontaneous. It's not like he went to the guy's house the next day. I'm a law abiding citizen, but I'd have popped the guy too.  
I think most would in the situation as well.  He was just assaulted and had no idea if the guilty person had intentions of doing any more, so he defended himself.  Easy situation to read. :yes:  

For all you "real men" here who are saying this was spontaneous and an automatic response to being egged and you would do the same - how would you feel that if instead of eggboy it had been egggirl, a 17 year old female? Would punching her twice in the face be justified?

Or how about if eggboy had been 15 or 13 or 8 years old? Would smacking a child who egged you be a reasonable response because your adrenaline was up?

What instead of an egg, the kid put a yellow post it note on his back saying "Hello, I’m fascist Fraser and I hate Muslim immigrants". That would legally be an assault too, so should the kid have also been punched out for that?

What if this had happened to Obama, Hillary or perhaps any 2020 candidate like Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Beto, Corey Booker or Elizabeth Warren - would you expect them to lash out like Anning did and then applaud it as a normal and justified response? Somehow I doubt that. We expect mature responses and self control from our representatives and leaders in such situations.

This tough guy shtick is getting old. Real men stop fights, they don’t start them or continue them just because they're angry and out of control. Real men shouldn't hit teenagers a foot smaller than they are, and who no longer appear to be a threat (kid had no more eggs, had backed up a couple of feet and was just filming Anning with his IPhone).

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Dean Cain Knocked Around on Twitter for Saying He'd Knock a Teen Protester 'Unconscious'

Dean Cain may have achieved fame by beating up bad guys as Superman on television, but he achieved a different sort of fame on Sunday for saying he'd beat up on a teenage protester.

The former star of "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" inserted himself into a story coming out of New Zealand in the wake of the tragic shootings there late last week. His comments came in response to a tweet from Aussie journalist Deborah Knight, lamenting a politician attacking the teen after he was egged.

Cain's response to the story was twofold. First, he tweeted, "I would have knocked that kid cold." In another response, Cain added, "He would have been unconscious if it were up to me."

Right-winged Australian Senator Fraser Anning had already come under fire for blaming Muslims for the Christchurch attacks when he was hit with an egg on Saturday by the teen protester. Anning turned around and smacked the teen in his face, as reported by Buzzfeed News.

Anning's supporters then proceeded to hit and kick the teen, per Knight's tweet, holding him until authorities arrived. As news of Cain's response to the violence began to spread, Twitter erupted in anger at the former superhero, getting his name among the top trending by Sunday morning.

Below (at above link) are some of their most passionate, hilarious and surprised responses to Cain's incendiary comments in the wake of a tragedy. And as he proceeded to block those who tagged him in their attacks, they only grew more amused.
We should start a gofundme for anyone 15 or under willing to record him/herself egging Dean Cain. 

Squis, you are completely wrong. Now I am not saying I am up on New Zealand law, but if you are hit with an object and the person is right in front of you, you have the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself. Like others have pointed out, the guy had no idea what the assailant's continued intent was. The 17 year old stood his ground and was right in front of him. He probably didn't even realize what he had been hit with. If he would have hit the kid and knocked him down and then commenced to kick and stomp on him. then that wouldn't be reasonable. One quick shot to someone who just did that is justified. Sorry you can "feel" all you want, but then there is reality of what "is" and that has nothing to do with being a tough guy.

Squis, you are completely wrong. Now I am not saying I am up on New Zealand law, but if you are hit with an object and the person is right in front of you, you have the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself. Like others have pointed out, the guy had no idea what the assailant's continued intent was. The 17 year old stood his ground and was right in front of him. He probably didn't even realize what he had been hit with. If he would have hit the kid and knocked him down and then commenced to kick and stomp on him. then that wouldn't be reasonable. One quick shot to someone who just did that is justified. Sorry you can "feel" all you want, but then there is reality of what "is" and that has nothing to do with being a tough guy.
No, look at the video,  https://twitter.com/Jhoseokpd/status/1106878977518387200

The 17 year old did not stand his ground and was no longer right in front of him, he had stepped back a couple feet and was holding his cell phone in one hand and did not appear to be any sort of continued threat, this was not a question of self defense, the assault was over. Fraser paused momentarily to size up the situation and the weaker opponent, then stepped forward and struck him twice.

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I think the glitter bomb is more effective. 

That being said, what the guy did was wrong. I am going to call him a guy because he is just short of his 18th birthday. When the news first came out it was published as politician punches a child. (I couldn't help but think Will Ferrell at that point :P ).  It was wrong because we can't have people assaulting politicians just because they disagree with their position on issues. 

If the shoe was on the other foot and this was an NRA supporter who hit Obama, you would have universal condemnation from most on this site. Just because this guy has some thoughts that most disagree with, doesn't justify his actions. Silencing a person or assaulting a person just because you don't like their stance on issues should never be applauded because then the other side is going to do it and there is no putting that genie back in the bottle if this becomes the new norm.  
Punching Nazis will always be ok w me. 

No, look at the video,  https://twitter.com/Jhoseokpd/status/1106878977518387200

The 17 year old did not stand his ground and was no longer right in front of him, he had stepped back a couple feet and was holding his cell phone in one hand and did not appear to be any sort of continued threat, this was not a question of self defense, the assault was over. Fraser paused momentarily to size up the situation and the weaker opponent, then stepped forward and struck him twice.
"Did not appear"  is YOUR interpretation which the law does not support. If you hit someone with an egg it is considered assault--plain and simple-at which time you as the victim have the right to reasonably defend yourself from further assault. Stop making it seem like he chased him down around the block and retaliated. The assailant was present right in front of him. Stop letting your victim bias get in the way of your common sense here, Squis. 

No one should support either the kid or the senator.  A rotten situation.  Being ok with assault because you don’t share the political views of the person assaulted is....not good.

For all you "real men" here who are saying this was spontaneous and an automatic response to being egged and you would do the same - how would you feel that if instead of eggboy it had been egggirl, a 17 year old female? Would punching her twice in the face be justified?

Or how about if eggboy had been 15 or 13 or 8 years old? Would smacking a child who egged you be a reasonable response because your adrenaline was up?

What instead of an egg, the kid put a yellow post it note on his back saying "Hello, I’m fascist Fraser and I hate Muslim immigrants". That would legally be an assault too, so should the kid have also been punched out for that?

What if this had happened to Obama, Hillary or perhaps any 2020 candidate like Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Beto, Corey Booker or Elizabeth Warren - would you expect them to lash out like Anning did and then applaud it as a normal and justified response? Somehow I doubt that. We expect mature responses and self control from our representatives and leaders in such situations.

This tough guy shtick is getting old. Real men stop fights, they don’t start them or continue them just because they're angry and out of control. Real men shouldn't hit teenagers a foot smaller than they are, and who no longer appear to be a threat (kid had no more eggs, had backed up a couple of feet and was just filming Anning with his IPhone).
I don’t really mind if the Anning guy gets eggs tossed at him all day (sorry racists) but if you hit someone, let alone some lunatic, with an egg in the back of the head then have your phone stuck in their face you kind of open yourself up for a punch in the face.

I don’t really mind if the Anning guy gets eggs tossed at him all day (sorry racists) but if you hit someone, let alone some lunatic, with an egg in the back of the head then have your phone stuck in their face you kind of open yourself up for a punch in the face.
I believe it’s okay for the guy to hit him ... once. But much more awesome for the kid to egg the a hole. 

I don’t really mind if the Anning guy gets eggs tossed at him all day (sorry racists) but if you hit someone, let alone some lunatic, with an egg in the back of the head then have your phone stuck in their face you kind of open yourself up for a punch in the face.
Sure. One. Not two

squistion said:
For all you "real men" here who are saying this was spontaneous and an automatic response to being egged and you would do the same - how would you feel that if instead of eggboy it had been egggirl, a 17 year old female? Would punching her twice in the face be justified?

Or how about if eggboy had been 15 or 13 or 8 years old? Would smacking a child who egged you be a reasonable response because your adrenaline was up?

What instead of an egg, the kid put a yellow post it note on his back saying "Hello, I’m fascist Fraser and I hate Muslim immigrants". That would legally be an assault too, so should the kid have also been punched out for that?

What if this had happened to Obama, Hillary or perhaps any 2020 candidate like Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Beto, Corey Booker or Elizabeth Warren - would you expect them to lash out like Anning did and then applaud it as a normal and justified response? Somehow I doubt that. We expect mature responses and self control from our representatives and leaders in such situations.

This tough guy shtick is getting old. Real men stop fights, they don’t start them or continue them just because they're angry and out of control. Real men shouldn't hit teenagers a foot smaller than they are, and who no longer appear to be a threat (kid had no more eggs, had backed up a couple of feet and was just filming Anning with his IPhone).

I would be perfectly fine with any of the above punching a person that cracks an egg over their heads. In fact I would be OK with any of them punching the person multiple times.

I would be perfectly fine with any of the above punching a person that cracks an egg over their heads. In fact I would be OK with any of them punching the person multiple times.
I am sure you would and expected that response from you.

I am sure you would and expected that response from you.
If AOC had an egg cracked over her head from behind during an interview I would be fine with her slapping the person multiple times.  You wouldn't?

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