Fortunately, Priest will also be playing against the KC D. Wait, Aaron... isn't that your guy?
yes, Priest will be playing against the RAVENS D...but I'll have 3 QBs playing and 2 other quality starting RBs playing in addition to Holmes.and this isn't a head to head league so not sure how my matchups are all that relevant to your chances.
So two guys, we'll call them Fred and Aaron, go for a walk in the woods, when they suddenly run into a big ol bear. Well wouldn't you know it, they got a little too close to the mama bear's cub, and the bear started running towards them. Now Aaron, he starts running his girly little legs off. But Fred sits down, takes off his boots, and reaches into his backpack to take out some sneakers. Aaron stops, dumbfounded and says, "Fred, how come you're not running? You're never gonna outrun that bear with sneakers on!"And Fred says, "I don't have to outrun the bear, Aaron. I just have to outrun YOU."