There are worse choices. Billick was 80-64 with BAL.
yea, but that was with about 8 pro bowlers on D for most of his tenure there.his 'thing' was being the offensive genius behind the MN glory days (Cpepp / Moss / Rob Smith), and he could NEVER come close w/ the talent he acquired in BAL. he simply rode the defensive talent he adopted, and I think the majority of NFL quality coaches coming into that environment would have done the same - if not better actually (i.e. 2+ rings) that defense was insanely good.and he's a ?'able judge of talent IMO. dude basically bet his job on moving up for kyle friggin boller - and we know how that one worked out. sure you can blame ozzie for that one, but I want NO part of Billick in CLE. he'll just waste the talent we do have.Agree we need a stellar defensive mind and a solid leader. The talent on offense should be enough to enable even a reasonably capable OC.
I guess I'm the only Billick defender in here. Yes, he had great players on defense, but give him credit for winning with them unlike others (See Cowboys 2007/2008). What Cleveland needs most now, more than a great defensive mind or play caller, is a leader who will instill discipline. The talent is there. They need a structured rigorous program (See Parcells/Sparano in Miami). Just my IMO. Npt saying Billick is only man for the job. Just don't think he's being properly respected here. Some in here probably hated Coughlin (not the sexiest coach to be sure, but runs a solid, disciplined program) as well until NYG got on track.