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Tony Romo moves to the head of the "Good Guy" class. (1 Viewer)

Andy Dufresne

From PFT:


Posted by Mike Florio on September 11, 2008, 10:25 a.m.

Though we’re always skeptical of celebrities and pro athletes who do something nice for someone else and then send an e-mail to every newspaper in the country announcing their good deed, we’ve got a feeling that the recent Samaritan-style actions of Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo weren’t intended to garner the kind of good karma that comes from, say, a grandstanding donation of $10,000 to a smattering of charitable causes. (Then again, grandstanding donations of $10,000 to a smattering of charitable causes didn’t help Mike Vick in the karma department.)

On his way home from Sunday’s game against the Browns, Romo stopped to help a couple who was struggling to repair a flat tire.

Bill and Sharon White didn’t initially recognize Romo, due in part to the bandage on his chin that was covering the 13 stitches he received after taking a helmet to the jaw.

The light flickered for Sharon White while Romo was working on the tire. He didn’t answer when she asked if he was who he is. She repeated her question when he finished pumping air into the tire from a cigarette-lighter compressor.

“I didn’t want to bother him,” Sharon said, “but I asked again, ‘You’re Tony Romo, right?’ I knew it was him by then. But he smiled and said, ‘Yes, ma’am.’ I did something no 50-year-old woman should be doing, but I screamed real loud, and then jumped up and hugged him.”

Her husband, Bill, was less concerned about his wife’s PDA with a studly young athlete than he was about ruining his ability to watch the Cowboys-Browns game without knowing the outcome: “Don’t tell me how you guys did,” Bill White said. “I’m going home to watch it.”

Romo didn’t publicize his actions at all; the team didn’t even know about it as of Wednesday. If Sharon White hadn’t sent an e-mail to Randy Galloway of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the story might never have been known.

“He gets almost knocked cold in that game, and I read it took 13 stitches to close the cut, and then there’s a long flight home and Tony’s got to be dog tired, but he still was a good enough person to stop and help us,” Bill White said.

“Look, we’re driving a 10-year old car that is sitting in a parking lot with a flat tire in the dead of night. He could tell by that we’re nothing special. But here’s a young man making millions of dollars, and he’s got all this fame and glory, and he does this? . . . This was a good person we met. A good person with small-town values despite all the big-city fame and fortune.

f I ever had the opportunity, I’d also like to thank two other people. His mom and dad. They obviously raised him right.”
That's pretty cool right there. <_<
Like Tom Cruise, he's not just an entertainer - he CHANGES LIVES!

In all seriousness, always like to read these things about guys like Romo.

Good to hear.....

He is a humble , carefree athlete, with a great head on his shoulders..... a rarity these days.

Saw this. I don't really like the Cowboys but I've always like Romo and this just reinforces that. Seems like a genuinely good guy with good values.

“I didn’t want to bother him,” Sharon said, “but I asked again, ‘You’re Tony Romo, right?’ I knew it was him by then. But he smiled and said, ‘Yes, ma’am.’ I did something no 50-year-old woman should be doing, but I screamed real loud, and then jumped up and hugged him.”
Great story...and example of how women feel about QBs. Romo probably could have just taken her home with him right there in front of her husband.
I think the part I like best is the "Yes, Ma'am."Too bad the loudmouths like Ocho Cinco get all the press.
Amen brother...you said it exactly as I would have.I am nothing close to a 'boys fan, but I do like Romo. I like him a whole lot more right now because frankly, in life...it's little things like this that define who you are. Outstanding.
First Tony leads me to a Fantasy Championship, now this. I swear if he keeps this up, the rest of the guys in my section are going to give me hell for not booing him.


Of course, if it were January, he would have kicked the tire iron under the car and fumbled the lug nuts in the snow.

There I feel better now.

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Nice story. He's a good guy from Wisconsin.

Hopefully this story helps him with the ladies so he can stop dating so many skanks.

I think the part I like best is the "Yes, Ma'am."Too bad the loudmouths like Ocho Cinco get all the press.
Amen brother...you said it exactly as I would have.I am nothing close to a 'boys fan, but I do like Romo. I like him a whole lot more right now because frankly, in life...it's little things like this that define who you are. Outstanding.
;)Sounds like that Jessica girl got herself quite a catch.
This is certainly a nice story, but I'm not sure that it's as unique as some might think. I know all we hear about are the bad guys, but I'd bet that there are plenty of players that are good guys and help their fellow man, even if a photo op isn't involved.

“I didn’t want to bother him,” Sharon said, “but I asked again, ‘You’re Tony Romo, right?’ I knew it was him by then. But he smiled and said, ‘Yes, ma’am.’ I did something no 50-year-old woman should be doing, but I screamed real loud, and then jumped up and hugged him.”
Great story...and example of how women feel about QBs. Romo probably could have just taken her home with him right there in front of her husband.
With her husband saying 'Next!'.
This is certainly a nice story, but I'm not sure that it's as unique as some might think. I know all we hear about are the bad guys, but I'd bet that there are plenty of players that are good guys and help their fellow man, even if a photo op isn't involved.
I tend to agree with you. I think there are more good guys in the league than bad guys.But this is a case that we DO know about. And Romo is a superstar, not some 2nd string defensive lineman for the Raiders we're talking about here.It would be very easy for him to be "big time" and not think twice about helping these people.
I hate the Dallas Cowboys more than anything in the world. I'm and Eagles fan, it's in my blood. I want to see him pounded in to the Texas Stadium turf on Monday night.

With that said, he's a classy guy I guess.

If anyone is interested, here's the full column from Randy "Super DFW Blowhard" Galloway in the Fort Worth Startle-Gram.

Really nice story, though.

A fine Sunday indeed for Tony Romo



Tony Romo had been somewhat of an NFL opening-week quarterbacking exception, enjoying a great Sunday in Cleveland, except, of course, for that bloody chin thing.

The weekend had also gone very well for Bill and Sharon White of Irving, who were returning late in the evening after an out-of-town trip.

The national news was about a day of QB disasters around the league, even at the elite level. Tom Brady, down and out for the season. Peyton Manning, looking feeble and lost. Carson Palmer, his once stellar reputation taking another plunge.

And for pure weirdness, there's Vince Young, a young man in obvious need of either a good shrink or a good butt-kicking.

Meanwhile, even as devout football fans, the Whites had been on the road and out of touch with the NFL events. They particularly didn't want to know the Dallas Cowboys' outcome. The TiVo at home was waiting. Bill planned to watch the Cleveland game immediately, with suspense attached.

But a couple of miles from the house, while driving on MacArthur Boulevard, the Whites had their own mini-disaster. A tire blew on the Mercury. Bill, luckily, managed to nurse his wounded ride off the street and into the lighted parking lot of a strip mall.

For troubling news on a Sunday, it didn't rank up there with taking a direct hit to the chin from the helmet of linebacker Willie McGinest, but Bill became a bit woozy himself when he discovered his jack was malfunctioning. Never a good thing at midnight.

Plan B kicked in, however. One of those cigarette-lighter-plug-in air compressors was available. Except it was leaking more air than it was pumping.

"I don't know, a hundred cars, probably more, had to go by. Nobody was stopping," said Bill. "That's just kind of the way it is in today's world."

And then ...

"Bill was fooling with that tire, and I was standing beside the car watching him," Sharon said. "The next thing I know, a nice-looking young man, very well-dressed, but with something strange on his chin, he walked up, smiled, and said, 'Hey, you need some help?' "

Sharon hadn't even noticed a car pull up.

So now it's Bill and the well-dressed young man both bent over a flat tire at midnight on a Sunday, trying to figure out why a faulty air compressor plugged into the cigarette lighter was leaking more than pumping.

"I didn't get a good look at him at that point," Bill said. "We were both trying to get the tire pumped up."

Sharon, however, took a second look. "You are Tony Romo," she said. No reply, just a smile, and then it was back to work on the compressor.

Finally, they got the tire aired up. Enough, anyway, to make a slow drive home.

"I didn't want to bother him," Sharon said, "but I asked again, 'You're Tony Romo, right?' " I knew it was him by then. But he smiled and said, 'Yes, ma'am.' "

Sharon: "I did something no 50-year-old woman should be doing, but I screamed real loud, and then jumped up and hugged him."

Bill's immediate response was "Don't tell me how you guys did. I'm going home to watch it."

By the next day, after seeing what the "something strange on his chin" was about, that made the Whites appreciate Romo's gesture even more.

"He gets almost knocked cold in that game, and I read it took 13 stitches to close the cut, and then there's a long flight home [the Cowboys charter arrived at around 11 p.m.] and Tony's got to be dog tired, but he still was a good enough person to stop and help us," Bill said.

"Look, we're driving a 10-year old car that is sitting in a parking lot with a flat tire in the dead of night. He could tell by that we're nothing special. But here's a young man making millions of dollars, and he's got all this fame and glory, and he does this?"

The Whites couldn't thank Romo enough. "But if I ever had the opportunity, I'd also like to thank two other people. His mom and dad," Bill said. "They obviously raised him right. We've got kids about his age. We know how difficult it can sometimes be in this day and age."

(An e-mail from Sharon alerted me to Tony's good deed. No Cowboys official knew about it even by Wednesday.)

Not that the Whites weren't already Romo fans, but ...

"After all this, what I realized is the athletic thing is Tony's gift, yet it goes beyond that," Bill said. "This was a good person we met. A good person with small-town values despite all the big-city fame and fortune."

Shrug off a blow to the chin. Win a game. Help strangers fix a flat. It was a fine Sunday for the kid.
Why, O why did I read this thread!!??

As a lifelong, diehard Eagles fan, I'm supposed to hate anything and everything Cowboys, aren't I? :P

Why, O why did I read this thread!!?? As a lifelong, diehard Eagles fan, I'm supposed to hate anything and everything Cowboys, aren't I? :blackdot:
Yes, continue to do so. Just don't bust on him for being a good human being, bust on his airhead girlfriend!
Why, O why did I read this thread!!?? As a lifelong, diehard Eagles fan, I'm supposed to hate anything and everything Cowboys, aren't I? :confused:
You are not necessarily required to hate all things Cowboys. There are other allegiances that supersede being an Eagles fan. For example, the requirement to love hot women beats out the requirement to hate Dallas when it comes to their cheerleaders.
Why, O why did I read this thread!!?? As a lifelong, diehard Eagles fan, I'm supposed to hate anything and everything Cowboys, aren't I? :confused:
You are not necessarily required to hate all things Cowboys. There are other allegiances that supersede being an Eagles fan. For example, the requirement to love hot women beats out the requirement to hate Dallas when it comes to their cheerleaders.
:shrug: Excellant analogy! I feel soooo much better! :thumbup:
He's just being a good citizen. The real observation should be why is this unusual? Up here that is common.

He's just being a good citizen. The real observation should be why is this unusual? Up here that is common.
Yes, I'm sure Brett Favre had done this numerous times while in GB and it just went unreported it was so common. :hophead:
In fairness, Brett usually couldn't see the parking garages in Green Bay from the water he was walking on, especially in the dark.
I heard he rescued a Kitten in a tree too.

JK, good to hear. The NFL needs more of these kinds of stories.

Back to reality. How long before the Air Compressor goes up on eBay?


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