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UFC wagering: breaking news - judging is so terrible it got me to return here to update this thread title (2 Viewers)

Funny that after fighters start complaining about the pay structure, Dana reaches out to them to see how much money they're losing. Shouldn't they have figured this out before doing the deal with Reebok?

2Pac vs Biggie for the intro music. How poetic.
i really think Frankie has the best walkout in MMA right now. There may be somebody i am forgetting, but i love how he just sprints out to the octagon with Biggie going. I feel like if i was a fighter i would use different songs from time to time, but the one's that really stick are the guys who have the same songs

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so i am surprised there is not more talk about this card this weekend. Sure, some steam has been taken out of it, but it still is a pretty sweet card top to bottom. So who do people have?

I would like to see Vitor win, but he looks about half the size that he was, and i don't know if he still has power in his shots. If he did i think he could give a good fight to Weidman, but i am not sure he has enough in his 38 year old bones to take him out. Shame, but Rockhold or Jacare will be fun contendors too.

I really want Rumble to win because the more and more i here from AKA, the more and more i dislike them, and DC in particular. he is just so whiny, and going after Bader all week like DC has dominated the 205 division or something has not helped his case. i worry that DC can just lean on Rumble for most of the fight and try to drag out a boring decision, but hopefully that won't be the case. I do not know how AJ will get up though if DC takes him down and has good position.

so many other fun fights though, the prelims will be great to watch. I really wish that Makovsky didn't have to face Dodson, but it makes the most sense, and i am not sure he has the ability to take Dodson. Whoever wins this fight though will make for a fun title challenger to Mighty Mouse.

Its still a very good card top to bottom. Good as we get nowadays. Think the top 6 fights all involve 1 or 2 of the top 5 UFC ranked fighters in their respective classes.

There's so many cards nowadays they all run together & couldnt tell you what card is when. For instance, there are fight cards for the next 6 weekends. And then after week off July 4 weekend, from July 11-18 their are 4 fight cards scheduled just that week.

Really looking to see how Weidman does against Belfort. IMO, Weidman has probably been the least "proven" champion out of all.

Also this seems like the most impressive Prelim card I've seen since they started showing these Prelims.

Really looking to see how Weidman does against Belfort. IMO, Weidman has probably been the least "proven" champion out of all.

Also this seems like the most impressive Prelim card I've seen since they started showing these Prelims.
without a doubt. with so many cards the build to cards is no longer there, but i believe the next 3 events should be sweet. i forgot who Eddie Alvarez was fighting so i had to look it up. seems Eddie is taking on Gilbert Melendez for UFC 188, which is a fight they have talked about for years


This FS1 Prelim card is better than quite a few of their recent pay cards.

Just caught up on TUF season, ATT finally wins after 5 episodes. Was starting to feel embarrassed for them.

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Arlovski's one of the least likely fighters I'd ever expect to make a successful return. The guy looked done 4-5 years ago cuz he couldnt take a punch. Can't believe he's a contender again.

What a performance to dominate Browne early. I thought Arlovski's best shot if it went beyond Round 1. That's the best first round I've seen in a long long time (perhaps ever). Browne can barely even stand.

It's over. What a freaking fight

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Another great war. We haven't even gotten to the 2 main fights and already IMO in line for best card of the year. Last 2 fights would have to be extremely underwhelming to derail that. These guys better make a #### load of cash.

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Joe you know something else his last 3 KO's involved -- TRT. Now #### off with your Vitor **** sucking. Makes me sick this ##### is still allowed in the sport. Let alone getting a title shot.

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