If you would like a non-political example of what societal degradation looks like, ask yourself how it is that the US was able to put a guy on the moon before I was even born, and now we just leave astronauts stranded in space because we can't figure out how to get them back to earth. That's just one little data point. Look around and see if you can notice any others.
The comment I was referring to And no, there was nothing in the comments above this part of the post talking about doors coming off planes. Boeing today is CLEARLY not even the same company it was after their merger. The "gold standard" Boeing was long gone after their merger.
If one wants to talk about meaningful evidence of our degrading society, look no further than the origins of social media. THAT is an example of societal degradation. The Boeing incident is simply evidence of a good company becoming a bad company after a merger.
Yes, Boeing is not the same company that it used to be. That's what I was saying.
Yes, social media is a problem. I totally agree. A wonderful example that I've used myself many times.
We seem to be more or less in agreement, but obviously you don't see it that way and I'm not sure why.
For starters "Boeing is not the same as it once was" <> "Boeing's hiccup in their space venture is evidence of our degrading society". I'll ask one less question then I'm done with this. Did you consider all the failures SpaceX had in production of their standard boosters to be a similar bit of evidence towards a degrading society? Or the first 2-3 iterations of their human capsule they couldn't get right?
Why are you so resistant to allowing me to state my own position? I was talking about Boeing's inability to produce reliable aircraft
all the way back here. I've pointed that out a couple of times, and you just plow right along as if I'm not allowed to choose my own beliefs. At this point, I'm going to write this off to some personal hostility you seem to harbor toward me, despite the fact that you and I have no history that I can recall.
To your question, no of course I have no worries about SpaceX's assorted failures, for the same reason that I was never too worried about things like the Challenger explosion. Doing new things is risky and there will be setbacks. Boeing being unable to keep the doors on its planes is very different than that, and I think you agree, which is what makes this "argument" so strange. I don't know what we're disagreeing about.
Anyway, I'm going to use the Ignore feature as it was intended, because I'm sure others are getting tired of this back and forth.