You can even apply to be a coach right on the site, lol!
sign up to coach
Ok guys, this is legit! I applied for a HC job about 3 mins ago, and after a grueling interview process, I got hired!They have an extensive testing program before you can even be interviewed. If you pass that, then you go into a room where your interviewed by a group of people that keep hitting you with random questions. If you make it through that, then you have a one on one interview with a potential owner. If you make it through that, then you have to sign a secrecy agreement and you take the final step on being a coach in the up and coming USFL!
I'm probably not supposed to tell you about the process, but I followed my dad's advice of "Never sign your real name!" on the secrecy agreement, so I think I'm OK!
First is the test, in less than 10 mins, you have to spell the word "football" It took me less than 7 minutes, but I cheated. I googled it on my Ipod.
Next they put you in a room full of guys that looked like Jeff Pasquino. They keep yelling at you, "Say football, say football, say football!" If anybody gets a hint of an eastern European accent, they don't let you coach.
Then came a strange interview with the owner, he had a Jamaican accent, and asked me if I was growing. I told him I didn't think so, because I'm almost 40 and I think I stopped growing at around age 21. He says, " Yeah man, growing is a young man's game!". He says " When your older you should collect from the growers!" He then said I was hired on the spot, and made me sign the secrecy agreement. I signed it, "John Turduckenn Madden"
As far as the final step goes, I did what I was supposed to do. I paid the $19.95. In 6 to 8 weeks,I'll be the HC of the Ohio team to be named later!
You guys should get in on this!