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Video games...what ya playing? And what are you looking forward to? (2 Viewers)


2006 NM Poker Champ
So I just rented Batman: Arkum Asylum and going to check that out tonight. Wanted to pick up Infamous, but it was out :shrug:

Also, Dirt 2 looks like a lot of fun.

I've been out of the scene for a few months and even though I'm trying to put in 100,000 hands (poker) a month, it still leaves a bit of time to unwind etc., so whatcha got?


Gamertag List:


driftinj (drifter)

AndyLovesHisBge (newlyretired)

Silverbacks (Silverbacks)

EAbell (belljr)

GenSplatton (TxBuckeye)

SirFelixCat (fasteddie_21)


AhrnCityPahnder…Inspekkta D (HAlo2&3&ODST, Borderlands, Left4Dead & Left4Dead2, CoD MW2)



belljr…Eabell (NCAA, Need 4 Speed, CoD, Gears)

Biggamer3…Brooklynberger (FIFA 10, Madden 10, CoD MW2)

Bobcat10…rodells (MW2)

Bogart…bowlin75 (Team Fortress 2, GTA IV)

Bonzai…FBG Bonzai (FIFA 10, TF2)

Buddy Ball 2k3…HitEm20 (Borderlands, All Pro Football 2k8, MW2, Left4Dead2)

Bull Dozier…Nittany Dodgers (COD4MW, Halo Reach)


cj…CJFLINDERS (Left4Dead, GoW, Halo)


dude...fbg dude

dunfee555...Dunfinator5524 (Madden, Halo 3, CoD MW)

EAbell (belljr)


fasteddie_21…SirFelixCat (Borderlands)

fissure man…STEADYMOBBIN 22 (Broderlands, Madden10, GTAIV, Gears of War 1&2)

Galmgren…Barley555 (Borderlands, GoW2, R6: Vegas2, Left4Dead, CoD)

Gator Shawn…Gator Shawn94

Giant Wooden Badger…xxx Badger xxx

gigantor…skunkguts (Borderlands, MW2)

GreekFreak…StinkyKolos (NHL, Madden)

Harry Manback…Mr Manback (GoW2, CoD WaW, CoD MW, Left4Dead, Borderlands, R6 Vegas 1&2, Halo 2, Halo 3 Halo ODST)

Hitem20 (Buddy Ball 2k3)




James Daulton…JamesDaulton (Borderlands, Halo, CoD, Left4Dead)

JerseyToughGuys…FBG JTG

Joe Paterno…Keys Myaths


Mad Cow…TheEyeDoc

Madshot31…Madshot II (MW2, Gears of War 2, R6: Vegas2, Left4Dead)


Normie32r…Normie32r (MW2)

Northern Voice…dementedferret (NHL10, Rock Band2, Halo 3:ODST)


OC Zed...samsa

orcinus…orcinus_kc (Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins, GoW2)

Otis…Otis66 (Gears of War, Borderlands)

PlayaHata…IndyMark007 (MW2)


R Dizzle...Xv Primetime vX (MW2, Halo 3, Madden 10, NCAA 10)

Ren Hoek…ren h03k (Halo 3, Borderlands, Battlefield: Bad Company)

Sheriff66…Sheriff66 (NHL10, Madden10, CoD)


SkyRattlers…SkyRattlers (COD Black Ops)

SlaX...TravJam (MW, MW2, Halo ODST, Halo 3, Battlefield 1943, Rock Band 2)

Spanky267...Spanky267 (MW2)

Steve Tasker…pete4999 (MW2, GoW2, FIFA10)

Sundays Rule…Nodnarb518



The Dweeze…HurricaneDweeze (borderlands, R6:Vegas2, GoW2, MW2)

the hairy scotsman…hairy scotsman1 (CoD4, MW2)

thecatch…sathota33 (Borderlands, Madden)


Tony Jabroni...rogkline22 (CoD WaW & MW2)

toshiba …Craig617 (COD MW)

Uni Alias…UniAlias

Usual21…Usual21 (Madden10, Rock Band2, DJ Hero, MW2)

valence…valdingo (MW2, Madden, Halo, Carcassone, Ticket to Ride)


whitem0nkey...WhiteM0nkey (CoD MW2)

Wild Young Billy…metsfan242

Worm...Wormus Maximus



TheEyeDoc (Mad Cow)

Hitem20 (Buddy Ball 2k3)

cooleyo (Corporation)

SlaX (SlaX)

Zedness (Zasada)


eabelljr (belljr)

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turned on my 360 for the first time in several months tonight. Working on saints row 2, which I never finished.

May pick up Halo ODST tomorrow.

Looking forward to Bioshock 2.

Assassin's Creed 2, Blood Bowl, BioShock 2.

I'm waiting for the price drop on Batman. The ultimate Sith edition of The Force Unleashed looks good as well, as I haven't played TFU yet.

Assassin's Creed 2, Blood Bowl, BioShock 2. I'm waiting for the price drop on Batman. The ultimate Sith edition of The Force Unleashed looks good as well, as I haven't played TFU yet.
I beat TFU when it came out. It got mediocre reviews but I had a lot of fun with it. What's the deal with the new edition?
Assassin's Creed 2, Blood Bowl, BioShock 2.

I'm waiting for the price drop on Batman. The ultimate Sith edition of The Force Unleashed looks good as well, as I haven't played TFU yet.
I beat TFU when it came out. It got mediocre reviews but I had a lot of fun with it. What's the deal with the new edition?
I guess it's got some more game play that acts as an alternate reality of Star Wars.
I bought the PS3 last year only for Blu-Ray but decided to pick up Grand Theft Auto IV.

Looks awesome in 1080p.

I'm determined to do the 100% completion.

Playing: Nothing

Excited for:


Blood Bowl

Waiting to pick up:


maybe NBA2k10

Madden 10

Looking forward to:

COD: Modern Warfare 2

Uncharted 2

Super Mario Bros. New

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Playing right now- GoW2 and Lost Odyssey

Next up- Modern Warfare 2Borderlands and Left 4 Dead 2

Excited for- Bioshock 2, Final Fantasy 13

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Assassin's Creed 2, Blood Bowl, BioShock 2. I'm waiting for the price drop on Batman. The ultimate Sith edition of The Force Unleashed looks good as well, as I haven't played TFU yet.
I beat TFU when it came out. It got mediocre reviews but I had a lot of fun with it. What's the deal with the new edition?
Awesome game up until pulling down the star destroyer with the force. I didn't have a freaking hour to waste.
Currently playing NHL 2010 on 360, Operation Flashpoint 2 on PC.

Can hardly wait for Dragon Age. Did my yearly BG2 playthrough in anticipation last month.

Assassin's Creed 2, Blood Bowl, BioShock 2. I'm waiting for the price drop on Batman. The ultimate Sith edition of The Force Unleashed looks good as well, as I haven't played TFU yet.
I beat TFU when it came out. It got mediocre reviews but I had a lot of fun with it. What's the deal with the new edition?
Awesome game up until pulling down the star destroyer with the force. I didn't have a freaking hour to waste.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. that part sucked.
I bought the PS3 last year only for Blu-Ray but decided to pick up Grand Theft Auto IV.Looks awesome in 1080p.I'm determined to do the 100% completion.
I beat the single player story mode and all of the vig missions and all that, but I never got anywhere near 100% total completion. Good luck.
Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)

I'm currently playing Oblivion.

I'm looking forward to MAG and Bioshock 2. Both of which I'll be buying on release day.

Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)
Have you not played it?I'm about to go upstairs and start playing through it again, for the 3rd time. (Missing the historian and no vita chamber achievements)





Oblivion: Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine add-ons

Looking forward to:

Bioshock 2

Risen (RPG, looks good from the previews)

Waiting to buy:



Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)
Have you not played it?I'm about to go upstairs and start playing through it again, for the 3rd time. (Missing the historian and no vita chamber achievements)
No, I don't have it. Everyone recommends it, and it's fairly cheap, and I've been looking for a new single player game to hold me over for a bit.
I saw a combo Bioshock and Oblivion game for $39.99. Great buy if you don't have both.

Huge Bioshock fan. You can buy it used for about $20 and I think they sell the downloadable version on Live for $30.

So I just rented Batman: Arkum Asylum and going to check that out tonight. Wanted to pick up Infamous, but it was out :sadbanana: Also, Dirt 2 looks like a lot of fun.I've been out of the scene for a few months and even though I'm trying to put in 100,000 hands (poker) a month, it still leaves a bit of time to unwind etc., so whatcha got? :thumbup:
I'm about 70% done Batman. Excellent game...even if you aren't a fan of the character.

Halo: ODST, The Beatles: Rock Band/Rock Band 2, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, and whatever else I feel like playing.

Looking forward to:

Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, Splinter Cell Conviction (AKA Badass the Game), Assassin's Creed 2.

I saw a combo Bioshock and Oblivion game for $39.99. Great buy if you don't have both.

Huge Bioshock fan. You can buy it used for about $20 and I think they sell the downloadable version on Live for $30.
You can still pick up Bioshock for PC from Direct 2 Drive for $5 for a limited time. I think it ends after the weekend, though so get it fast. Click here for the offer and to see what other games are $5 on the deal.
Any similar deals for the Xbox? :thumbup:
I saw a combo Bioshock and Oblivion game for $39.99. Great buy if you don't have both.

Huge Bioshock fan. You can buy it used for about $20 and I think they sell the downloadable version on Live for $30.
You can still pick up Bioshock for PC from Direct 2 Drive for $5 for a limited time. I think it ends after the weekend, though so get it fast. Click here for the offer and to see what other games are $5 on the deal.
Wow that's sweet. Thanks for the link (although I'm :sad: that I missed the first couple of weeks! RPGs!!!)I played Batman last night for about an hour...and it's pretty cool but the over-the-shoulder cam isn't for me and the "detective mode" kinda makes things too easy, but I'll give it another go later today.

Anyone playing/played Infamous?

I saw a combo Bioshock and Oblivion game for $39.99. Great buy if you don't have both.

Huge Bioshock fan. You can buy it used for about $20 and I think they sell the downloadable version on Live for $30.
You can still pick up Bioshock for PC from Direct 2 Drive for $5 for a limited time. I think it ends after the weekend, though so get it fast. Click here for the offer and to see what other games are $5 on the deal.
Any similar deals for the Xbox? :unsure:
Nope. It's a Direct 2 Drive sale, not a Bioshock sale. And I already own the game for the 360, so I didn't bite either. Well, not on that game.
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Looking forward to COD:MW2 but more so for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, both on PC.

In a year, The Old Republic.

Somewhat interested in Borderlands.

Currently playing: Assassin's Creed (had to play this before #2 arrives), Operation Flashpoint 2 (not impressed so far), Half Life 2 "The Orange Box" (good so far, even though it's old), Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Saints Row 2, NHL 10

Looking forward to: Brutal Legend, Fallout 3 GOTY (played the full game, just picking this up for the 5 DLC's), Borderlands, Forza 3, GTA4 Episodes of Liberty City, COD:MW2, Assassin's Creed 2, Left 4 Dead 2. Got all these games preordered.

Recently finished: Batman Arkham Asylum, Halo ODST, X-Men Origins Wolverine

Currently playing: Assassin's Creed (had to play this before #2 arrives), Operation Flashpoint 2 (not impressed so far), Half Life 2 "The Orange Box" (good so far, even though it's old), Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Saints Row 2, NHL 10

Looking forward to: Brutal Legend, Fallout 3 GOTY (played the full game, just picking this up for the 5 DLC's), Borderlands, Forza 3, GTA4 Episodes of Liberty City, COD:MW2, Assassin's Creed 2, Left 4 Dead 2. Got all these games preordered.

Recently finished: Batman Arkham Asylum, Halo ODST, X-Men Origins Wolverine
How is Ultimate Alliance 2? I really enjoyed the first one.
Currently playing: Assassin's Creed (had to play this before #2 arrives), Operation Flashpoint 2 (not impressed so far), Half Life 2 "The Orange Box" (good so far, even though it's old), Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Saints Row 2, NHL 10

Looking forward to: Brutal Legend, Fallout 3 GOTY (played the full game, just picking this up for the 5 DLC's), Borderlands, Forza 3, GTA4 Episodes of Liberty City, COD:MW2, Assassin's Creed 2, Left 4 Dead 2. Got all these games preordered.

Recently finished: Batman Arkham Asylum, Halo ODST, X-Men Origins Wolverine
How is Ultimate Alliance 2? I really enjoyed the first one.
IMO the first was better. While the new one has improved most of the graphics, and the fusions are certainly more fun, they have unfortunately removed the RPG element of the game where you were in control of what powers you had available to you. Now your skills are just given to you.My biggest complaint about it though is the local co-op multiplayer. The original set the standard for 4 player co-op. But the developers have totally ruined the co-op this time around. Only player 1 gets the achievements for beating each level. And only player 1's stats are saved. You might as well not even have local co-op if you are not going to reward the other players who join in.

However if you are going to play single player only, then I don't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy this game. The powers really do look and feel a lot better. Although I haven't used all the characters yet, I can say for certain that Torch and Iceman are complete badasses now.

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Currently playing farmville on facebook, I am at level 27 with a lot of cash. I am thinking of buying more land so that I can become a master grape grower. I think the key to the game is not to spend time with trees/farm animals.

My PS3 is collecting dust

Playing: Halo: ODST, The Beatles: Rock Band/Rock Band 2, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, and whatever else I feel like playing.Looking forward to:Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, Splinter Cell Conviction (AKA Badass the Game), Assassin's Creed 2.
Whats your GT? We play some of the same games, I'm keyser sozed
Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)
For me, Bioshock 1 is the best game since goldeneye for n64. If you play it try and pick up as many recordings as possible. Some will mind **** you.
Playing Tiger Woods today. I did the Batman game for a bit, it got a little repetitive after a bit, but was fun--I wasn't invested enough in it to solve it.

I have Uncharted 2 pre-ordered for this coming up week. Will buy Modern Warfare 2 and Left for Dead 2.

I am glad they pushed back some of the titles until after Christmas

Currently playing: Assassin's Creed (had to play this before #2 arrives), Operation Flashpoint 2 (not impressed so far), Half Life 2 "The Orange Box" (good so far, even though it's old), Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Saints Row 2, NHL 10

Looking forward to: Brutal Legend, Fallout 3 GOTY (played the full game, just picking this up for the 5 DLC's), Borderlands, Forza 3, GTA4 Episodes of Liberty City, COD:MW2, Assassin's Creed 2, Left 4 Dead 2. Got all these games preordered.

Recently finished: Batman Arkham Asylum, Halo ODST, X-Men Origins Wolverine
How is Ultimate Alliance 2? I really enjoyed the first one.
IMO the first was better. While the new one has improved most of the graphics, and the fusions are certainly more fun, they have unfortunately removed the RPG element of the game where you were in control of what powers you had available to you. Now your skills are just given to you.My biggest complaint about it though is the local co-op multiplayer. The original set the standard for 4 player co-op. But the developers have totally ruined the co-op this time around. Only player 1 gets the achievements for beating each level. And only player 1's stats are saved. You might as well not even have local co-op if you are not going to reward the other players who join in.

However if you are going to play single player only, then I don't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy this game. The powers really do look and feel a lot better. Although I haven't used all the characters yet, I can say for certain that Torch and Iceman are complete badasses now.
:shrug: I'll wait for a year to get it out of the bargain bin then. Thanks.

Playing: Halo: ODST, The Beatles: Rock Band/Rock Band 2, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, and whatever else I feel like playing.Looking forward to:Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, Splinter Cell Conviction (AKA Badass the Game), Assassin's Creed 2.
Whats your GT? We play some of the same games, I'm keyser sozed
GT is TravJam. I must tell you, though, that I play TF2 and L4D on PC. Steam info is in the L4D or TF2 threads.
Looking forward to COD:MW2 but more so for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, both on PC.

In a year, The Old Republic.

Somewhat interested in Borderlands.
I forgot about this one. Mad Cow knows a lot of stuff about things that are Serious Business. Assuming we're all still alive and kicking with TOR drops, we ought to get a guild going.
I also envy you guys that are just getting into Oblivion now. I loved that game. Loved it. By FAR the best value I ever got out of a video game. Hands DOWN.

Still playing GOW2, and I still want to finish Mirror's Edge - I left off halfway through.

Will buy:

Modern Warfare 2


Might buy:

Bioshock 2 (I plan on buying Bioshock 1 and working my way through it)
For me, Bioshock 1 is the best game since goldeneye for n64. If you play it try and pick up as many recordings as possible. Some will mind **** you.
That's a bold statement right there. Bold.
I am currently beta testing MAG massive action game.

It is the 256 players in one battle at a time. There is no lag at all and it is pretty amazing as is and it months away from completion.

I will be playing some old titles and MAG beta until it releases, I don't want to pay for another game that will I will drop as soon as MAG comes out.

If you own a playstation and like first person shooters, MAG is a must try, just to see what it is like to be in a battle with a couple hundred players.

fasteddie_21 said:
Just finished it today. Thought it was a load of fun and nothing like anything I'd played before. You get to choose between being a good guy or "infamous".Excellent storyline and graphics, fun controls. Someone mentioned in the PS3 thread it can be a bit repetitive and I agree with that to a point. New powers are always being opened up so that helps with the repetition.Definitely worth a rental. If you purchased the game it would have a ton of replay value as you could switch your moral position.

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