I saw the commercial for this, but I haven't seen the show. What exactly do they do? Do they just try and make it hard for the Japanese hunters to kill whales?
The Japanese whaling fleet consists of six vessels only -- three are harpoon ships, one is a supply ship, and I think the other two are for processing the whale meat. Anyway, so far the conflicts have been with one of the harpoon ships. The hippies employ two basic weapons -- prop foulers and butyric (sp?) acid. The prop foulers are long ropes with buoys on either end. They launch a small but quick boat from the main ship (the Sea Shepherd) to run in front of the whaling ship and lay the prop fouler in its path. The idea is that it will tangle in the propeller of the whaling ship and temporarily disable it. Presumably this has worked in the past, but it doesn't work at all in the episodes that are taped.Butyric acid is supposedly very slippery and very malodorous. By throwing bottles of it onto the whaling ship, they submit the crew to terrible odors (stinkbombs) but also potentially make the deck too slippery to work on. Also, they mention that it may contaminate any whale meat that it touches. The hippies have since escalated their attacks to include boardings (to serve 'warrants'), which to them is probably most useful because of the publicity it generates. In this sense I think they consider their cameras as weapons.When the Japanese whaling ships see these guys coming, they make every effort to evade. So the Sea Shepherd staff considers their efforts useful as it reduces the amount of time the Japanese have to hunt whales. I am surprised that we haven't seen the Japanese take more effective coutnermeasures. We've only seen them point high-powered water hoses at the hippies. But the season finale is this Friday, and the teaser shows the Japanese hurling flash grenades at the Sea Shepherd, so I think we're in for a real treat.