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What’s the most interesting thing about you? (1 Viewer)


I’ve been to 44 states and 31 countries, I was personal friends - well, he was a client & best friend adjacent - with Chuck Blazer, I scored 44 on the Wonderlic during a non-NFL job interview, and every January I read the entire Bible - 1189 chapters - in 30 days. #theshred

But the most interesting thing about me IMO is I know my lineage back to the 17th century on both sides. Though no one truly famous, there have been many interesting characters, who did interesting things like fight in every war from the American Revolution through Vietnam (I was in undeclared combat twice.)

My ancestor from Wales, who had the mind of an engineer, looked over the ship they were to book passage on - and opted for another one two months later. The original vessel sank. 

My New York ancestor sold all that he had in this world to buy the accouterments for a NY regiment. He led it as their colonel in Washington’s Continental Army. He rebooted his life in PA after the war.

My direct descendent from the American Civil War served in the same Cavalry regiment (2nd Michigan) as his uncle and three cousins, and every man in their company came from the same county. They served a 3 year enlistment, then 90% of them “re-upped for the duration” in November, 1864. I have a small wooden personal effects box he carried in his haversack.

The 20th century wars saw many military exploits but let’s not make this too tedious.

My father (along with another young engineer) funded his eventual business by developing a patented spinning die. Automakers used to have a problem with hubcaps flying off bc they were out of balance (just like an out of balance tire vibrates at particular speeds/frequencies.) Instead of using a set die piece, they found a spinning die distributed the impurities evenly.

His partner started what became a large tool & die manufacturer, and he was the richest man in my hometown. My father also went into manufacturing but in wood products instead.

I love knowing my family history. Not because we’re anything special, no world changers, always s part of something larger than themselves. When in leadership they were inevitably quiet, by example leaders. Good providers but no industry giants. Just solid earners. Or farmers. We are very ordinary Americans. But I love being part of this continuous thread. I love that I am ordinary and am connected to so many other ordinary folks. 

What about you?


Nothing personal, but the least interesting thing about you is your political beliefs.

I’ve been to 44 states and 31 countries, I was personal friends - well, he was a client & best friend adjacent - with Chuck Blazer, I scored 44 on the Wonderlic during a non-NFL job interview, and every January I read the entire Bible - 1189 chapters - in 30 days. #theshred

But the most interesting thing about me IMO is I know my lineage back to the 17th century on both sides. Though no one truly famous, there have been many interesting characters, who did interesting things like fight in every war from the American Revolution through Vietnam (I was in undeclared combat twice.)
I find the bolded particularly interesting.  If you don't mind, PM me about that and share some insights or how you feel after doing that.

Not particularly interesting, but it's all I got:

- I can easily recite the original McDonald's jingle ("two all beef patties...) backwards.

- I've officiated at two funerals (wife's uncle, and MIL), and I've preached two sermons (Presbyterian church).

- My sibs and I grew up (church and school) with the second generation of the DeVos and Van Andel families (Amway).  My mom had actually dated Jay Van Andel for a while in college.  I was college buddies with Betsy Prince, who married **** DeVos and served as Trump's Secretary of Education.

- I almost got kicked out of college for streaking in the mid-1970s.

- I was very active in high school in Junior Achievement and attended the national conference (yes, I am a "turtle") with good friend Kim Zimmer ...who played the award-winning Reva Shayne on the soap, Guiding Light, for many years.

- Along with a Maasai guide, I faced down a hippo fifteen feet away at a safari camp in Tanzania.  A lazy lion dropped down to rest five feet from our open Jeep.

I find the bolded particularly interesting.  If you don't mind, PM me about that and share some insights or how you feel after doing that.
PM sent 

If anyone else is interested, look up the devotional Shred or 30-Day Shred on the YouVersion Bible app.

From age 6 month-4 years old, I lived 3 houses down from the house where the events that the book/movie The Exorcist was based on took place. 

I'm extremely confident I can handle myself against people 12 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than me.


-I’m faster than a speeding bullet

-more powerful than a locomotive

-able to leap tall buildings in a single bound

I've gone up and down the Exorcist steps countless times. I've never gone up or down the Rocky Balboa steps.
The true story took place on Bunker Hill Road, in Mt. Ranier, MD. The "Exorcist Steps" in DC were only for the movie. The actual house has long since been torn down and only an overgrown park remains. 

-I’m faster than a speeding bullet

-more powerful than a locomotive

-able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
no car, no boat/helicopter/motorcycle, become a weakling around kryptonite, and wear prescription glasses. I know you have your fan base but you’re weak @dkp993 

OK that’s a little too harsh. You are a midwesterner so you do have some broad appeal.

I can only think of something like this for 30 seconds so I came up with nothing

Just how non interesting I really am. 

BEST answers. Nobody likes a braggart. Although people lacking self-awareness are pretty fun to have around.

In NYC I find so many people are “work hard, play hard” and think of themselves as master of their universe (B of V reference.) It IS an amazing city chock full of achievers, many best in class for their respective fields.

It sort of appeals to my contrarian nature to downshift into the slow lane. I embrace my ordinariness. It’s liberating not worrying about blowing people away with your elevator pitch (the 20 second summation of your career / life accomplishment.)

Obligatory, I would tell you but then I would have to...

I have lived my whole life in my hometown which is neither of my parent's hometown. I am a small business owner and can trace back a couple hundred years of small business owners in the family. My business coincidentally is a combination of what my two grandfathers' businesses were.

There are lawyers, politicians and criminals in the family tree. Some were all three.

Both of my grandmothers lived on farms and slept with firearms within arms reach, one of them kept a pistol under her pillow after her husband passed away.

There is also a long line of justifiable shootings in the family against strangers committing crimes. My Uncle most certainly would have been killed if he hadn't been armed. He was working the night shift at a convenience store during a time when there was string of cashiers being killed and robbed. He saw a masked man getting out of his car and pulled out his rifle and yelled at the robber to put his pistol down when he came in the door. They exchanged gunfire and luckily my uncle was the one who walked away. My Aunt was involved in two shootings I know about and family lore speculates there may have been more. One was a potential robbery when she was broke down on the side of the road. The other was an overly aggressive stranger who would not stop making advances towards her and her best friend. She pulled out her pistol, he laughed, became more aggressive and got shot in the leg. Both my Aunt and Uncle left with their weapons after police initially secured them at the scene. 

My business involves products criminal desire and I leave the house each day knowing there's a chance I could be robbed. I don't want to have to defend myself but I will. It weighs on me sometimes that I might have to. It weighed on my Uncle for some time afterwards. 

I had a friend save my life once. Like straight out of a movie scene. 

I fell off of a 10 foot granite boulder on the top of a cliff toward the cliff. I bounced and went right over the cliff. My friend reached out and I reached out trying to grab anything I could. Our arms literally went full on spartan handshake sliding to a wrist to wrist grab and he caught me. 

Total "that never happens in real life" kinda thing you see in a movie. 

I had a friend save my life once. Like straight out of a movie scene. 

I fell off of a 10 foot granite boulder on the top of a cliff toward the cliff. I bounced and went right over the cliff. My friend reached out and I reached out trying to grab anything I could. Our arms literally went full on spartan handshake sliding to a wrist to wrist grab and he caught me. 

Total "that never happens in real life" kinda thing you see in a movie. 
if this happened today, another friend would have filmed it on iPhone & put it on social media

OMG so fake. def staged - you can see the jump cut in editing from when their  arms first touch & when they “catch each other”. lame, so sick of dudes posting stuff like this for clout.

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I had a friend save my life once. Like straight out of a movie scene. 

I fell off of a 10 foot granite boulder on the top of a cliff toward the cliff. I bounced and went right over the cliff. My friend reached out and I reached out trying to grab anything I could. Our arms literally went full on spartan handshake sliding to a wrist to wrist grab and he caught me. 

Total "that never happens in real life" kinda thing you see in a movie. 
Sounds like the end scene from Bladerunner.  Does your friend look like Rutger Hauer?

if this happened today, another friend would have filmed it on iPhone & put it on social media

OMG so fake. def staged - you can see the jump cut in editing from when there arms first touch & when they “catch each other”. lame, so sick of dudes posting stuff like this for clout.
I have zero doubts it would have been filmed since there was a third guy there watching. I was being stupid and was barefoot(actually not as crazy as that sounds).

I was born Irish, became Italian in my 20’s, then an Ashkenazi Jew in my 40’s. It’s been a ride.

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I have zero doubts it would have been filmed since there was a third guy there watching. I was being stupid and was barefoot(actually not as crazy as that sounds).
my story has more stupidity & less heroic…

When I was 17, week after graduation, already my first apartment. Running the assembly line at my old man’s small factory. BIG time, living large - jumped from minimum wage of $3.35 to a salary of $250 per week. Thanks Big D, only took 7 years to get a promotion/raise.

Kids today call it adulting. First Sunday of adulting - my first ever “day off” - I’m on state land with two of my buds climbing trees. Yeah, well even better, we’re leaning over and jumping from treetop to treetop. And I guess just bc we needed a degree of difficulty thrown in, we’re sharing a doobie.

It gets passed to me, take a big hit, and as my tree is leaning over I decide to switch the joint from one hand to the other. Just as I finish that and I’m ready to jump to the tree next to me (it’s so close I just have to reach out) **SNAP** followed by a series of crackle and pops as my body is busting off tree limbs on the way down. I suppose that did decrease my velocity and save my life. Knocked the wind out of me and dislocated my wrist. As I’m coming to my senses & sucking wind & the pain starts to hit, I open my eyes to see my brothers in climbing have located the blunt and are firing it back up.

”Dddduuuuudddde! That was ####### awesome!! Hey man that arm don’t look right - was it bent like that before? You should try to breath. Listen! Don’t worry bro **puff puff** we’re taking you to the ER as soon as we finish this.”

That’s when I knew I needed better friends.

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So about 10 years ago I had what my doctors called the scariest and easiest pregnancy they had ever seen.

Due to medical conditions I had to go to my doctor every other day for ultrasounds and other tests to make sure myself and the baby were okay.  During my pregnancy I only gained 7 lbs for the first 8 months, never had any craving, morning sickness, heartburn, swelling in body parts, and no hormonal issues. I gained 15 more lbs the last, but within a week after delivery I lost all 22 lbs I gained. 

My daughter just turned 9 and we are both healthy, my medical conditions have been taken care of and I don't think I could be luckier unless I was this next person...

So my husband's mom's side of his family was all set to come over to the United States back in the early 1900's when his great, great Grandma had pregnancy complications and her doctor said that if they tried to make the trip that her, the baby or both would probably not survive the trip. They had three 3rd class tickets on the Titanic that they ended up selling.

Obligatory, I would tell you but then I would have to...

I have lived my whole life in my hometown which is neither of my parent's hometown. I am a small business owner and can trace back a couple hundred years of small business owners in the family. My business coincidentally is a combination of what my two grandfathers' businesses were.

There are lawyers, politicians and criminals in the family tree. Some were all three.

Both of my grandmothers lived on farms and slept with firearms within arms reach, one of them kept a pistol under her pillow after her husband passed away.

There is also a long line of justifiable shootings in the family against strangers committing crimes. My Uncle most certainly would have been killed if he hadn't been armed. He was working the night shift at a convenience store during a time when there was string of cashiers being killed and robbed. He saw a masked man getting out of his car and pulled out his rifle and yelled at the robber to put his pistol down when he came in the door. They exchanged gunfire and luckily my uncle was the one who walked away. My Aunt was involved in two shootings I know about and family lore speculates there may have been more. One was a potential robbery when she was broke down on the side of the road. The other was an overly aggressive stranger who would not stop making advances towards her and her best friend. She pulled out her pistol, he laughed, became more aggressive and got shot in the leg. Both my Aunt and Uncle left with their weapons after police initially secured them at the scene. 

My business involves products criminal desire and I leave the house each day knowing there's a chance I could be robbed. I don't want to have to defend myself but I will. It weighs on me sometimes that I might have to. It weighed on my Uncle for some time afterwards. 

Hey man….it’s good you have awareness. Keep checking in with yourself. Trauma impacts. Long term. Thinking good thoughts and hoping you have someone to help you work that out with.

Theres no shame in the mental health game. We don’t try to fill our own cavities or self-perform reconstructive surgery. Be kind to yourself - if you need help, find it. Be the best version of yourself.

Peace and love, brother man.

my story has more stupidity & less heroic…

when I was 17, week after graduation I already my first apartment, running the assembly line at my old man’s small factory. big time, living large - jumped from minimum wage of $3.35 to a salary of $250 per week. Thanks Big D, only took 7 years to get a promotion/raise.

Kids today call it adulting. First Sunday of adulting - my first ever “day off” - I’m on state land with two of my climbing trees. Yeah, we’ll even better, we’re leaning over and jumping from treetop to treetop. And I guess just bc we needed a degree of difficulty thrown in, we’re sharing a doobie.

It gets passed to me, take a big hit, and as my tree is leaning over I decide to switch the joint from one hand to the other. Just as I finish that and I’m ready to jump to the tree next to me (it’s so close I just have to reach out) **SNAP** followed by a series of crackle and pops as my body is busting off tree limbs on the way down. I suppose that did decrease my velocity and save my life. Knocked the wind out of me and dislocated my wrist. As I’m coming to my senses & sucking wind & the pain starts to hit, I open my eyes to see my brothers in climbing have located the blunt and are firing it back up.

”Dddduuuuudddde! That was ####### awesome!! Hey man that arm don’t look right - was it bent like that before? You should try to breath. Listen! Don’t worry bro **puff puff** we’re taking you to the ER as soon as we finish this.”

That’s when I knew I needed new friends.
Haha. If skydiving and your parachute doesn't open, head for some trees if you can!

My backstory is nowhere near as dangerous to start. 

Was Rock climbing with two friends. I was leading. My friend and I were using the same pair of climbing shoes since the rental place didn't have a pair in the size he needed, which was the same as the pair I owned. 

So I would lead and then pass the shoes down via the rope. He would tie our regular shoes to the end of the rope and up we went. 

Well we all get to the top and I pull up the rope and of course he forgot to tie the shoes to it. No big deal, I will just rappel down. I don't want to leave behind any gear so I am scouting where I could wrap the rope around a tree or something and just double feed it through. Next thing I hear is the whooshing sound of my friend releasing the rope. 

So now here we are in the top of a massive boulder that was right at the edge of a cliff and was the final 10 ft of our climb. Now this isn't a big deal if you have shoes on. You can easily climb a few feet down and then just jump to a very safe landing spot. That's how you get down normally, and how my two friends got down. Being barefoot though, I didn't want to do that. I saw a different way I figured I could just climb down instead of just having my friend remove the shoes and throw to me.  

Foot ends up slipping almost immediately and down I fall. 

I’ve been to 44 states and 31 countries, I was personal friends - well, he was a client & best friend adjacent - with Chuck Blazer, I scored 44 on the Wonderlic during a non-NFL job interview, and every January I read the entire Bible - 1189 chapters - in 30 days. #theshred

But the most interesting thing about me IMO is I know my lineage back to the 17th century on both sides. Though no one truly famous, there have been many interesting characters, who did interesting things like fight in every war from the American Revolution through Vietnam (I was in undeclared combat twice.)

My ancestor from Wales, who had the mind of an engineer, looked over the ship they were to book passage on - and opted for another one two months later. The original vessel sank. 

My New York ancestor sold all that he had in this world to buy the accouterments for a NY regiment. He led it as their colonel in Washington’s Continental Army. He rebooted his life in PA after the war.

My direct descendent from the American Civil War served in the same Cavalry regiment (2nd Michigan) as his uncle and three cousins, and every man in their company came from the same county. They served a 3 year enlistment, then 90% of them “re-upped for the duration” in November, 1864. I have a small wooden personal effects box he carried in his haversack.

The 20th century wars saw many military exploits but let’s not make this too tedious.

My father (along with another young engineer) funded his eventual business by developing a patented spinning die. Automakers used to have a problem with hubcaps flying off bc they were out of balance (just like an out of balance tire vibrates at particular speeds/frequencies.) Instead of using a set die piece, they found a spinning die distributed the impurities evenly.

His partner started what became a large tool & die manufacturer, and he was the richest man in my hometown. My father also went into manufacturing but in wood products instead.

I love knowing my family history. Not because we’re anything special, no world changers, always s part of something larger than themselves. When in leadership they were inevitably quiet, by example leaders. Good providers but no industry giants. Just solid earners. Or farmers. We are very ordinary Americans. But I love being part of this continuous thread. I love that I am ordinary and am connected to so many other ordinary folks. 

What about you?


Nothing personal, but the least interesting thing about you is your political beliefs.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I've gone up and down the Exorcist steps countless times. I've never gone up or down the Rocky Balboa steps.
Wife and I about 15 years ago went and visited a dog breeder in Palmdale.  Spent 90 minutes talking  to the owner about the dogs she had available. 

It wasn't until we were leaving and she gave us a brochure that I realized I was talking to Linda Blair the entire time.  


Your ancestry made me think about mine.  One side of my family dates back to the revolution with an ancestor being a delegate in New York.  The story I heard as a kid was that he voted for independence but did not sign the declaration because he was too busy making money producing gunpowder during the build up to the war.  (Seems sort of self-serving to vote for war when you stand to profit off it.)  Google verified this but it also led me to a funny story about his nephew.  His nephew joined the Army and was made a Captain due to family connections.  He spent the first 6 months on guard duty until two British defectors told of an island near New York City that was vulnerable.   A General sent out three boats for a surprise attack but apparently my relative spent most of the trip crouched in the bottom of his boat.  Some stories say that confusion and friendly fire among Continental soldiers spoiled the surprise.  When another Captain attempted to kick my relative into action, my relative complained that the enemy was much better armed than they had been told and this was a suicide mission.  The squabble between Captains raised concern among the rest of the men and ultimately two boats turned around while the island was in sight.  This left only one boat to attack and they were swiftly defeated.  My relative was court martialed and George Washington wanted him hanged but the judge spared him, more or less saying that all the people testifying against him were fellow cowards and he might be a scapegoat.  Future generations drank away whatever family fortune once existed.  So I'm descended from selfish politicians, cowards, and lushes, which is probably rather ordinary.

I had a friend save my life once. Like straight out of a movie scene. 

I fell off of a 10 foot granite boulder on the top of a cliff toward the cliff. I bounced and went right over the cliff. My friend reached out and I reached out trying to grab anything I could. Our arms literally went full on spartan handshake sliding to a wrist to wrist grab and he caught me. 

Total "that never happens in real life" kinda thing you see in a movie. 
Damn - how far would you have fallen?  

no car, no boat/helicopter/motorcycle, become a weakling around kryptonite, and wear prescription glasses. I know you have your fan base but you’re weak @dkp993 

OK that’s a little too harsh. You are a midwesterner so you do have some broad appeal.
Yeah but I can fly, so there’s that.  

I’ve saved 2 peoples (strangers) lives, one of the times almost costing me my life too.  
I also ran one of the largest and busiest bars/night clubs in the downtown of a major city for over a decade, so I have crazy story’s for days.  It’s great for parties.  

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In high school and college I worked for a catering company that did all the backstage catering for concerts here in the KC area. I have personally seen:

1. David Lee Roth go down a line of backstage ho's and literally point and say: "You. You. Not you. You. Definitely not you. You. You. You."

2. Rob Halford proposition my 16 year old brother - trying to get him to join him on the tour bus back to the hotel.

3. The Black Crowes ask for 8 ounces of weed on their catering rider.

4. The entire band of Psychedelic Furs storm our area looking for beers for their dinner.

5. Hank Williams Jr damn near start a riot when he came out so drunk he forgot all the words and just walked off the stage after a couple of songs. Oh, and by the way, Derrick Thomas of the Chiefs stumbled out of the limo with him before the show.

These are the ones off the top of my head. There are so many more.

David Coverdale when he was with Whitesnake and was married to Tawny Kitaen - his entire dressing room was literally a shrine to her. Photos everywhere and candles lit and all kinds of weird ####.

Dude was obsessed with her.

David Coverdale when he was with Whitesnake and was married to Tawny Kitaen - his entire dressing room was literally a shrine to her. Photos everywhere and candles lit and all kinds of weird ####.

Dude was obsessed with her.
And?  Who wasn’t.  

 My closest brushes with celebrity were seeing Ron Jeremy in the Vancouver Airport and Dog the Bounty Hunter in Hawaii, eating a couple tables away with his wife, Beth (RIP). I had to explain the cultural significance of each to my unsophisticated wife.

As far as interesting stuff, my mother was a hoarder, every bit as bad as you’ve seen on tv. No exposed floor, stacks of junk everywhere, rotten food, etc. Roof leaked in multiple places, so badly mushrooms grew on some of the stacks of damp, decaying debris. My childhood home was eventually condemned, and I still have a little PTSD for clutter.

I’ve also rappelled and climbed 500+ foot waterfalls, the latter frozen.

And to tie in to the life-saving theme, I almost watched my friend drown, after being carried over a much smaller, maybe 15 foot waterfall.

He surfaced in the pool below, only to be sucked under repeatedly by the vertical vortex formed by crashing water.  I’m a terrible swimmer, so I faced a dilemma: should I risk making the situation worse by jumping in to “save” him? I was down climbing the side of the falls, planning to throw him a rope instead. Fortunately, my buddy behind me was a coast guard rescue swimmer, and he didn’t hesitate. He dove into the pool and dragged the other guy to shore. While it only lasted 20-30 seconds, it seemed like an eternity, and I wonder how things would’ve turned out if he wasn’t there.


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