This question came up between me (a male) and someone I know (a female) earlier today. In my house, my wife clearly has the majority share in decision-making, and my female friend said her husband has a greater than 50% stake in making decisions. She went on to say that she thinks men far and away have more say in long-term relationships (and many times women are along ofr the ride). I countered that I know hundreds of couples, and in the huge majority of them, the woman has a controlling interest in making decisions (with the man along for the ride on most of them). I furthered my opinion by saying that most of the couples I know, the woman has way more than a 51% vote on making decisions . . . I went so far as to say that in those relationships, the women/wife gets two votes to one for the man/husband.
To clarify, this is across all types of decisions . . . selecting a movie, a piece of furniture, a restaurant, paint color for a room, a new car, a vacation destination, activities for the kids, the town to live in, selection a house to live in, the salad dressings in the fridge, etc. The poll question is only asking for a simple majority . . . but for those people willing to discuss further, post what you feel the ratio the two of you decide things on (or which party has a larger voting share).
To clarify, this is across all types of decisions . . . selecting a movie, a piece of furniture, a restaurant, paint color for a room, a new car, a vacation destination, activities for the kids, the town to live in, selection a house to live in, the salad dressings in the fridge, etc. The poll question is only asking for a simple majority . . . but for those people willing to discuss further, post what you feel the ratio the two of you decide things on (or which party has a larger voting share).