Exactly what I was coming in here to post.I love Swedish Fish.
Hell?Where can I buy "Salt Herring"
I believe the stuff from IKEA is already pickledOsaurus said:cheeseypoof said:IKEA?prolly called fisselt or something like that.
Salted herring - "Inlagd sill"4 to 6 fillets of salt herringApes with Guns said:is this ludafish? or ludafisk?
ive already met them a number of times. I brough back a bottle of Schnaps when I was there. We will be drinking that and supposedly it goes good with herringbakes said:Be aware that the Swedish are a notoriously high strung group of people. Make him some lutefisk and serve it with lefse, then tell him a bunch of Ole and Sven jokes (I recommend the "how long is the dock, Ole?" one) to loosen him up and hope he doesn't notice that you can't tell the difference between Norway and Sweden. If he does, run like hell because he'll try and run you down with his Saab.
Salted herring - "Inlagd sill"4 to 6 fillets of salt herringThe Z Machine said:Are you sure you're not looking for "pickled herring"? I think the fish that's salt-cured is usually cod (aka bacalao or bacalhau). Pickled herring is made with brine and vinegar.
The real pungent one is the "fermented herring" aka Surströmming. I'd stay away from that, but you might be able to find it in a specialty market. Sold in cans.
Good info here.Be aware that the Swedish are a notoriously high strung group of people. Make him some lutefisk and serve it with lefse, then tell him a bunch of Ole and Sven jokes (I recommend the "how long is the dock, Ole?" one) to loosen him up and hope he doesn't notice that you can't tell the difference between Norway and Sweden. If he does, run like hell because he'll try and run you down with his Saab.