Of those 4 Rbs, I would say only Ahman is really washed up. Jamal has had one really bad year (for him) but if he has one more season like this one then he will join Ahman on the list. Ricky washed up? What leads you to this assumption? And Priest, if it wasn't for his injuries you would not even have thought of putting him on this list. Bad FF numbers <> washed up. Thats said, of those 4, Ricky will post the best FF numbers next year, especially if he somehow ends up on another team as a starter.Who'd you vote for and why?
I agree. As of now, he's my top value pick for next year.I vote Lewis and the reason is simple. He is the most gifted runner of the group as well as the yongest. He was severly hampered by not getting the proper training in jail, both physical and medical. I think he has a very nice bounce back year. Only question I have is will it be in Balt?
Jamal was even worse last year than Ahman was before he got hurt. I think we need more evidence before concluding Green is washed up considering he only had a bad five weeks or whatever it was.Of those 4 Rbs, I would say only Ahman is really washed up. Jamal has had one really bad year (for him) but if he has one more season like this one then he will join Ahman on the list.
I vote Lewis and the reason is simple. He is the most gifted runner of the group as well as the yongest. He was severly hampered by not getting the proper training in jail, both physical and medical. I think he has a very nice bounce back year. Only question I have is will it be in Balt?
Watch football much?but Ronnie Brown sucks
Green has some skills. He can run and catch and make people miss. Saying all that I think Ricky will roll next yearAhman Green was never that good, he just had a great OL.
I highly doubt that. Even sharing duty with LJ this year Priest still managed to suffer a season-ending injury. LJ hasn't had injury issues........until LJ gets hurt and Holmes becomes the starter again.
I vote Lewis and the reason is simple. He is the most gifted runner of the group as well as the yongest. He was severly hampered by not getting the proper training in jail, both physical and medical. I think he has a very nice bounce back year. Only question I have is will it be in Balt?
Agreed. I voted for Ricky with the assumption that he's playing for another team in '06.Ricky Williams, but not on Miami
Or in jail.Still going with Jamal... the man is very, very good when healthy!
Oh and in shape, haha.