I didn’t originate the law enforcement argument for gun registration. A good summary of it can be found here:
Although this comes from a pro-gun control website, the arguments for registration are made by law enforcement experts. They seem to strongly disagree with your rather casual dismissal of the benefits to fighting crime.
And are these experts speaking from statistical data that would be remotely relevant or are they arguing that they want any and all tools they can have regardless of the potential relevancy?
I am not saying that one could not postulate some scenario where it would be helpful, just not many, other than in sentencing purposes where I think it could be quite helpful, and which, btw, I mentioned above because I am not advocating a position but am actually raising discussion points so as to fully understand the extent of the proposal you apparently support. See, I don't intrinsically know what is meant by 'registration" unless it is subject to some definition, some criteria.
I can see if the information was had that it could also be used when seeking to obtain warrants and in executing warrants. Were that the case I imagine defense counsel might have some interesting 5th amendment arguments against the registry as well as 2nd amendment ones.
BTW, I am a law enforcement expert, as expert as any at that site, and I don't casually dismiss the benefits, I ask you to be specific on what you mean so that we can examine the benefits, some of which I suggested believing that you may not have weighed them. I was raising questions and supplying information.
In a more general vein I notice you love to cite 'experts', 'polls', or general consensus when you think it is on your side but not so much when against. You certainly seem to recognize that appeals to expertise are of minimal persuasiveness at best and are often fatally flawed, yet you continue to do so inconsistently, depending on the issue. I would rather learn what you think, not what I can read elsewhere. Think and share. It is more interesting than googling to buttress your currently held notions. At least I think so.
As for me, I believe any benefits of registration will be negligible without concomitant ballistics information registered. Absent such the purpose of registration is to make folks feel good that something was done. It is to inconvenience gun owners which some find a feature and not a bug. and it can enable confiscation, however unlikely. (as unlikely as it helping solve crime absent the further information I discussed.) (Oh, It could have some civil benefits with insurance or safe storage requirements appended to it but that is not registration, that is registration again coupled with something else. the something else is in need of discussion of the whole matter is, for me, without meaning.