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Will the cold temps effect Field Goals? (1 Viewer)


Just wondering if anybody knows anything about the effects 15 degree weather may have on the flight and distance of a leather football. At this point, after reading weather reports, I'm not worried about rain, or wind or anything else. Just the cold. Anybody?

Just wondering if anybody knows anything about the effects 15 degree weather may have on the flight and distance of a leather football. At this point, after reading weather reports, I'm not worried about rain, or wind or anything else. Just the cold. Anybody?
Yes, colder air--> more dense air --> greater drag on the football + greater atmosheric pressure on the ball --> that means the ball will have greater drag, BUT will the overall volume of the ball will also be smaller (called 'shrinkage' in the scientific community)drag = (velocity)cubed, but the volume of the ball decreases as well cancelling out the effect of the drag.Plus... the ball is hard as a stainless-steel turd and that hurts the toe-sies of the kickers.
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Still starting Hartley. Been rotating in kickers that were higher ranked by Kickermania and FBG, and Hartley outscores them every week. I'm going to roll him out this week no matter what.

Still starting Hartley. Been rotating in kickers that were higher ranked by Kickermania and FBG, and Hartley outscores them every week. I'm going to roll him out this week no matter what.
I just picked him up a few days ago, and am a little worried about the weather, but in my league, hes gotten at least 9 points each of the last 4 weeks.You know NO is going to put points on the board, and the weather might allow more FG opportunitiesI think Im still going to roll the dice with him.
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I would have no problem starting Gould since he is used to the conditions. I would look at other options with the NO kicker.

Man, that was frustating (started Hartley). Saints drives kept stalling out right at about the Bears 45 over and over in the first half! One more first down from possibly 3 more FG's. Oh well, at least he got the chipshot in there.


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