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World Leader draft (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter Thread starter MelvinTScupper
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I'll throw my name in the hat, if no one else has. This is interesting! I like your original "team" lineup without getting too fancy with it.
done. Are you referring to the non-specific, or the QB = Religious, etc. post?
Are we trying to make these leaders ideologically compatible or doesn't that matter. For instance if you took Hitler as a political leader, could you take Eisenhower as a military leader?

in/out?this thing is morphing....I'm thinking of 2 QB's, 3RB's, 4 WR's, and 1KwhereQB's = Religious leadersRB's = Military leadersWR's = Political leadersK = Female leaderssupport/dissent?
I liked this basic idea. The gay/cheerleader aspects were starting to sound too exotic. But it's your draft!
2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders
Final rules:10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstSmall paragraph (less tha 300 words) noting acheievements. You will be judged on both the quality of the selection and the content of the write-up.
With apologies to NCCommish, this draft's participants run the idealogical spectrum from A to A1.
well, I was hoping for a little help from you, Sulla and TGunz....but I got no love
Are we trying to make these leaders ideologically compatible or doesn't that matter. For instance if you took Hitler as a political leader, could you take Eisenhower as a military leader?
it's your team.....no compatibility required, but you never know how you might be judged
well, I was hoping for a little help from you, Sulla and TGunz....but I got no love
I was at lunch. If Andy really wants out, I suppose my productivity can take the hit. Fair warning, it's not as if I would be choosing Che or Chairman Mao.
I was at lunch. If Andy really wants out, I suppose my productivity can take the hit. Fair warning, it's not as if I would be choosing Che or Chairman Mao.
Changed my mind. I'm still in. Let's set ideology aside and just judge the rosters on completeness.For instance, I'd take FDR if he was available at the right spot, regardless of whether or not I think he was a communist.
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2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders
Final rules:10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstSmall paragraph (less tha 300 words) noting acheievements. You will be judged on both the quality of the selection and the content of the write-up.
But what is this team supposed to do? Rule a country? Conquer the world and rule it? Commit genocide?I think we need to decide what the goal is first. A wise man said, "Define your mission, don't let your mission decide you."
Is the order coming soon? I'm going to get caught in an off-site lunch .. leaving in ten minutes (11:30 cst). If we're still dawdling, no problem (or if we start up and I'm not selected for one of the top couple picks). I've got some research done, so I'll be ready to pop.Edit to say: DCThunder, I think we'll just be judged on impressiveness and originality of selections, supported by our arguments. Kind of the :shock: factor. Hard to judge in other ways, since it's a mix of good and bad.

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I was at lunch. If Andy really wants out, I suppose my productivity can take the hit. Fair warning, it's not as if I would be choosing Che or Chairman Mao.
We'll expand it to 12 teams......find Sulla or TGunz or some other liberal type
2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders
Final rules:10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstSmall paragraph (less tha 300 words) noting acheievements. You will be judged on both the quality of the selection and the content of the write-up.
But what is this team supposed to do? Rule a country? Conquer the world and rule it? Commit genocide?I think we need to decide what the goal is first. A wise man said, "Define your mission, don't let your mission decide you."
They're supposed to interest us. That's your mission. Why does it have to be any more complicated than that?
As we're waiting on the 12th and getting the order set ..I've got to go to the lunch. Once we know the order, we can all judge timing better. But if it starts up very soon, and I'm still out, MTS can decide whether to wait me out or bump me down the draft order. Sorry about any early glitch here. I'll still kick your butts, of course. :boxing:

2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders
Final rules:10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstSmall paragraph (less tha 300 words) noting acheievements. You will be judged on both the quality of the selection and the content of the write-up.
But what is this team supposed to do? Rule a country? Conquer the world and rule it? Commit genocide?I think we need to decide what the goal is first. A wise man said, "Define your mission, don't let your mission decide you."
They're supposed to interest us. That's your mission. Why does it have to be any more complicated than that?
2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders
Final rules:10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstSmall paragraph (less tha 300 words) noting acheievements. You will be judged on both the quality of the selection and the content of the write-up.
But what is this team supposed to do? Rule a country? Conquer the world and rule it? Commit genocide?I think we need to decide what the goal is first. A wise man said, "Define your mission, don't let your mission decide you."
They're supposed to interest us. That's your mission. Why does it have to be any more complicated than that?
That's fine. I can live with that, but I think having some goal in mind would make it more interesting and able to be judged.
We'll expand it to 12 teams......find Sulla or TGunz or some other liberal type
Yes. I'm exactly like them. I'll see if I can call in Shiney, but he's a ringer. He was doing the Classical History thing before becoming the charming biologist we all know and love.

Can I draft JAWS? JAWS is a Great White Shark who kills for pleasure. He is badass hippo killer!

Yes. I'm exactly like them.

I'll see if I can call in Shiney, but he's a ringer. He was doing the Classical History thing before becoming the charming biologist we all know and love.
where did I say that? I just went with the extreme for the other choice.
I have lobbed a request into the Dean thread for one more person. I have a meeting, I'll be back in 1 hour with a draft order.

So, the rules are:2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstThat’s it?

So, the rules are:2 QB's = Religious leaders3 RB's = Military leaders4 WR's = Political leaders1 K = Female leaders10 rounds50% must be Good/Best50% must be Evil/WorstThat’s it?
MTSKovaxDCThunderPatsFanNCCommishGatorShawnAndy DufresneThe ColonelTri-ManScoobygangYankeeedit to add: f' it...it's not like we need equal sized divisions.....one minute for draft order

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1. Andy2. The Colonel3. PatsFan4. NCCommish5. Tri-Man6. GatorShawn7. DC8. Yankee9. scoobygang10. Kovax11. MTS - man, I did a lousy job of rigging thatResults verified by Deloitte and Touche, LLC.

1. Andy2. The Colonel3. PatsFan4. NCCommish5. Tri-Man6. GatorShawn7. DC8. Yankee9. scoobygang10. Kovax11. MTS - man, I did a lousy job of rigging thatResults verified by Deloitte and Touche, LLC.
What are the specifics on start time, time limits, and do we provide the write-up at the pick or after the draft is over?
1.01 - Evil Political LeaderJoseph Stalin1879 - 1953Statesman USSR Born in Gori, Georgia, Stalin studied briefly at the Tiflis Orthodox Theological Seminary. Later he became active in the revolutionary underground, and was twice exiled to Siberia. After the October Revolution in 1917 he became people's commissar for nationalities in the first Soviet government. In 1922 he became general secretary of the Party Central Committee, a powerful post which enabled him to gradually isolate and destroy his political rivals after Lenins death. In the 1930's Stalin became virtual dictator of the USSR. In 1928 he launched the first 5-year plan for the forceful and rapid industrialization of the economy. He also initiated a disastrous collectivization of the peasantry that led to wide-spread famine in the Ukraine. Between 1934 and 1938 he inaugurated a massive purge of the party, armed forces, and intelligentsia in which millions of so-called 'enemies of the people' were imprisoned, exiled, or shot. After the German invasion Stalin, as war leader, assumed the title of generalissimo. The victory over Nazi Germany resulted in Soviet control over the liberated countries in Eastern Europe. From 1945 he resumed his repressive measures at home, and after his death he was denounced by Khrushchev for crimes against the Party, and under Gorbachev many of Stalin's victims were rehabilitated. Estimated 51 million un-natural deaths attributable to Stalin. Worst killer in the history of the world.

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1. Andy2. The Colonel3. PatsFan4. NCCommish5. Tri-Man6. GatorShawn7. DC8. Yankee9. scoobygang10. Kovax11. MTS - man, I did a lousy job of rigging thatResults verified by Deloitte and Touche, LLC.
What are the specifics on start time, time limits, and do we provide the write-up at the pick or after the draft is over?
timing: let's get it on ASAP, there will be delays, but do your bestparagraph: please at least provide a synopsis for why you've chosen.....feel free to edit up until draft closes.
1. Andy2. The Colonel3. PatsFan4. NCCommish5. Tri-Man6. GatorShawn7. DC8. Yankee9. scoobygang10. Kovax11. MTS - man, I did a lousy job of rigging thatResults verified by Deloitte and Touche, LLC.
What are the specifics on start time, time limits, and do we provide the write-up at the pick or after the draft is over?
timing: let's get it on ASAP, there will be delays, but do your bestparagraph: please at least provide a synopsis for why you've chosen.....feel free to edit up until draft closes.
quick FYI, when I finish my lunch break, I'll be on a ####ed up PC (Internet) so it'll be less than regular for me.
1.02The Prophet Muhammad - Good Religious LeaderMuhammad (prophet) (570?-632), founder of Islam, whose prophetic teachings, encompassing political and social as well as religious principles, became the basis of Islamic civilization and have had a vast influence on world history. Muhammad's foundations for Islamic civilization allowed for continued progress throughout the Muslim world during the Dark Ages of Western Europe, with advancement in law, science, philosophy, and mathematics. Born in to a family of the dominant Quraysh tribe, Muhammad was orphaned and brought up by his uncle. He married at 24 to a wealthy widow and became a wealthy merchant. At age 40, Muhammad felt called to be the true prophet of God for the Arabs. His time of preaching began after a vision, one of many revelations he would experience and collect into the Qu'ran. Islam grew slowly early on. The monotheism of Muhammad severely affected the economic lifeblood of Mecca, which was dependent on the local pagan shrines. The resultant hostility forced Muhammad to Yathrib, or Medina, where he gained converts and influence. After setting up a theocratic state in Medina, Muhammad began plundering caravans passing through Medina on the intersecting route to Mecca. This led to the uprising of the Meccans against Muhammad and the siege of Medina. The defeat of the Meccans' 10,000 man army provided prestige and inroads and Islam began spreading across Arabia and North Africa.

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I'll identify (hopefully correctly) the first two choices as 1.01 Political-WR-Evil and 1.02 Religious-QB-Good. Please identify them as you choose, since some may be considered for more than one.

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1.03Jesus Christ:JESUS CHRIST is the son of GOD. HE came to earth to fulfill HIS Father's will and that will was to save all men and women from their sin's judgement which is death. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. JESUS came and died and spilled HIS blood so we would not have to? Can you be saved? Yes times yes a million times. Many people say I have sinned too much to ever be forgiven. Ephesians 1:7 says that we are saved according to the riches of HIS grace. HE is rich in grace, and in mercy and no matter what you have ever done or will do, GOD can and will forgive. HE wants to forgive more than you want forgiveness. HE has given everything in heaven so that you will come to HIM. What are you waiting for? There is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, blaspheming against the HOLY GHOST. That is standing in the face of JESUS, who bled and died for you, and saying, "No, I will not accept you as my Saviour". That will lead you straight to hell. But only believing and recieving CHRIST can make you live forever. John 3:16 says "for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life". That living forever can be you.

1.03Jesus Christ:JESUS CHRIST is the son of GOD. HE came to earth to fulfill HIS Father's will and that will was to save all men and women from their sin's judgement which is death. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. JESUS came and died and spilled HIS blood so we would not have to? Can you be saved? Yes times yes a million times. Many people say I have sinned too much to ever be forgiven. Ephesians 1:7 says that we are saved according to the riches of HIS grace. HE is rich in grace, and in mercy and no matter what you have ever done or will do, GOD can and will forgive. HE wants to forgive more than you want forgiveness. HE has given everything in heaven so that you will come to HIM. What are you waiting for? There is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, blaspheming against the HOLY GHOST. That is standing in the face of JESUS, who bled and died for you, and saying, "No, I will not accept you as my Saviour". That will lead you straight to hell. But only believing and recieving CHRIST can make you live forever. John 3:16 says "for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life". That living forever can be you.
ummmm- 1.03 Religious-QB-Good
1.03Jesus Christ:JESUS CHRIST is the son of GOD. HE came to earth to fulfill HIS Father's will and that will was to save all men and women from their sin's judgement which is death. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. JESUS came and died and spilled HIS blood so we would not have to? Can you be saved? Yes times yes a million times. Many people say I have sinned too much to ever be forgiven. Ephesians 1:7 says that we are saved according to the riches of HIS grace. HE is rich in grace, and in mercy and no matter what you have ever done or will do, GOD can and will forgive. HE wants to forgive more than you want forgiveness. HE has given everything in heaven so that you will come to HIM. What are you waiting for? There is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, blaspheming against the HOLY GHOST. That is standing in the face of JESUS, who bled and died for you, and saying, "No, I will not accept you as my Saviour". That will lead you straight to hell. But only believing and recieving CHRIST can make you live forever. John 3:16 says "for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life". That living forever can be you.
I thought we agreed that you had to draft a real person.Kidding! Just kidding. :sorta:Actually it is a good question. If Jesus is God in man form, can he really be considered for this draft?If we're drafting deities then I hope Zeus falls to me at 2.10.
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