1.03Jesus Christ:JESUS CHRIST is the son of GOD. HE came to earth to fulfill HIS Father's will and that will was to save all men and women from their sin's judgement which is death. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. JESUS came and died and spilled HIS blood so we would not have to? Can you be saved? Yes times yes a million times. Many people say I have sinned too much to ever be forgiven. Ephesians 1:7 says that we are saved according to the riches of HIS grace. HE is rich in grace, and in mercy and no matter what you have ever done or will do, GOD can and will forgive. HE wants to forgive more than you want forgiveness. HE has given everything in heaven so that you will come to HIM. What are you waiting for? There is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, blaspheming against the HOLY GHOST. That is standing in the face of JESUS, who bled and died for you, and saying, "No, I will not accept you as my Saviour". That will lead you straight to hell. But only believing and recieving CHRIST can make you live forever. John 3:16 says "for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life". That living forever can be you.