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You're an NFL GM - Manning or Palmer? (1 Viewer)

If you knew you'd be the GM for the next 15 years, would you rather have Peyton Manning or Carso

  • Peyton Manning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carson Palmer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Joe Bryant

Staff member
Interesting with the age differences. I'm sure most people for this season would rather have Manning. But this is a long term question. You will likely get more years out of Palmer just with their age difference. Thoughts?J

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I dont see any reason Manning cant play 7-8 more years at this high a level. The comparison isnt stark enough. While Manning is a few years more a veteran Palmer still shows signs of immaturity. He's almost there but not quite. With Manning on the other hand, you know what your getting and it is gooood. Today, Manning for me.

If I'm a new NFL GM, I want to keep my job for now, which means improving the team each year. I'm taking Palmer, if for no better reason than to be able to improve. Manning is exceptional, but Palmer isn't that far behind IMO. Plus, Peyton will hurt the cap before Palmer's contract would.If the question is simply - pick the QB that will have more success for 15 years, it's a toss up.FWIW, I might take Ben Roethlisberger over either.

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If I'm a new NFL GM, I want to keep my job for now, which means improving the team each year. I'm taking Palmer, if for no better reason than to be able to improve.

Manning is exceptional, but Palmer isn't that far behind IMO. Plus, Peyton will hurt the cap before Palmer's contract would.

If the question is simply - pick the QB that will have more success for 15 years, it's a toss up.

FWIW, I might take Ben Roethlisberger over either.
Roethlisberger does not deserve to be mentioned here. He is well behind these 2.
Am I reading those dates right? Manning is only 3 years older than Palmer?

Do you know the peak years for qb's? I'm talking acutual age corralated with performance, both personal and team. I realize they may have longer peaks than other star positions but I don't know if it lasts into the mid-thirties regularly. Most sb winning coaches are relativly middle age as well.
Manning is just too smart to pass up. He has such control of his team and of the field when he is on it. In my opinion, Manning, from a technical perspective, is far better then anyone else. I think he is a once in a generation QB. And he plays so smartly, I don't see a single reason why he cant play, at least another 7-8 years, I don't see him taking a pounding out there. He is so good becuase he is a General on the field, not a Captian like most other QB's.

Crap, can I change my vote. I thought it was Eli vs. Carson and I voted Carson...If Peyton vs. Carson I'll take that Manning

Roethlisberger does not deserve to be mentioned here. He is well behind these 2.
"Deserve"? We could debate that for a long time, but it's besides the point. I shouldn't have mentioned him I suppose, as the debate is about Palmer/Peyton. Perhaps a Brady/Ben poll should be seperate?
Roethlisberger does not deserve to be mentioned here.  He is well behind these 2.
"Deserve"? We could debate that for a long time, but it's besides the point. I shouldn't have mentioned him I suppose, as the debate is about Palmer/Peyton. Perhaps a Brady/Ben poll should be seperate?
I think a Brady/Peyton debate is worty of a thread and if that was the vote ... it would have required a lot more thought on my part.
I can't believe the number of Palmer responses. Peyton is by far the best QB in the NFL right now, and I'm confident he'll go down as one of the top 3 QBs ever to play, if not the best. Year in, year out amazing numbers. Not just great numbers, but amazing numbers.

I'll take Carson Palmer every day of the week. Palmer wont require a $34 million signing bonus that would potentially cripple my team on the cap.Best QB in the league is Tom Brady. Until Peyton wins a title or two or three, he will not be at the same level as Brady.Its the obvious Bill Russell vs. Wilt Chamberlain comparison. Most people would tell you that Bill Russell was the better player.

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Great question...I'm a big Manning guy but Palmer has impressed me. However, next to Unitas, Manning is the best combo of physical and mental skills ever IMO. Uncanny accuracy, more than adequate arm strength, and coach on the field prowess. To delineate, Palmer HOPES to be the next Manning. Give me Manning.

Bets QB in the league is Tom Brady. Until Peyton wins a title or two or three, he will not be at the same level as Brady.
My mistake. I forgot that football is a one-on-one game matching the QBs against each other. I guess I'll put Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson ahead of Peyton Manning on my list.

I think a Brady/Peyton debate is worty of a thread and if that was the vote ... it would have required a lot more thought on my part.
Ben R.-v-C. Palmer= Brady-v-MannngYou cant deny the upstarts but you do have to wait til they prove something. Ben has, Palmer hasn't. Both Brady(sb's+#"s) and Manning(#'s+playoff wins so far) have proven themselves worthy of 'all-time' consideration. And the latter two are still young enough to add more to the resumes. Give me peyton.

Bets QB in the league is Tom Brady.  Until Peyton wins a title or two or three, he will not be at the same level as Brady.
My mistake. I forgot that football is a one-on-one game matching the QBs against each other. I guess I'll put Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson ahead of Peyton Manning on my list.
And Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have won multiple titles? Do either of those QB's hold a 9-0 playoff record? Do either of those QB's have a 6-1 heads up record against Manning?Brady over Manning - Titles plus big game prowess

Palmer over Manning - Age plus much more reasonable contract

I'll take Carson Palmer every day of the week.  Palmer wont require a $34 million signing bonus that would potentially cripple my team on the cap.

Best QB in the league is Tom Brady.  Until Peyton wins a title or two or three, he will not be at the same level as Brady.
:thumbdown: Homer. Yeah Peyton is crippling his team with that 12-0 record.If I'm a NFL GM, I want Peyton Manning on my team over any other player in the league. Over Brady, Vick, you name him, I don't want him over Manning. Sure Palmer is good, but I don't know if he'll ever be great.

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I believe Palmer is great right now. Brady/Manning/Palmer The best 3 QB's in the league in that order.Next tier would be BreesHasselbackTrent GreenBulgerNext tierPlummerRothliesbergerDelhommeMcNabbVickLeftwich

I'll take Carson Palmer every day of the week.  Palmer wont require a $34 million signing bonus that would potentially cripple my team on the cap.

Best QB in the league is Tom Brady.  Until Peyton wins a title or two or three, he will not be at the same level as Brady.
:thumbdown: Homer. Yeah Peyton is crippling his team with that 12-0 record.If I'm a NFL GM, I want Peyton Manning on my team over any other player in the league. Over Brady, Vick, you name him, I don't want him over Manning. Sure Palmer is good, but I don't know if he'll ever be great.
If the Colts win the title I will give them their props. They have been a great team this year. Easy schedule and every break going their way. I believe whole-heartedly that if Bulger doesnt go down in the first half, the Rams beat Indy that night. That Ram offense was steamrolling them.Do the Colts steamroll the Pats if Harrison doesnt go down for the year? And now they get Jax with Leftwich out.

There is a good chance that this will be James last year with Indy because of the affects fo Manning's contract. How tough will it be to keep Freeney and Mathis when their contracts come due?

And Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have won multiple titles? Do either of those QB's hold a 9-0 playoff record? Do either of those QB's have a 6-1 heads up record against Manning?
Better enjoy that 9-0 record while you can, because Brady is going to have a loss tacked on there early next month. As for Brady's 6-1 record against Manning, was it a one-on-one game? Hmmm, I think not. Therefore, head-to-head records do not mean much. Dallas always beat Green Bay back in the mid 90's. Was Troy Aikman, therfore, better than Brett Favre?

If the player comes with the existing contract then I want Carson Palmer, if we are ignoring contracts then probably Manning. Carson looks like he will be a great one and he is 3 years younger, but Manning IS a great one. A bird in the hand...

If the Colts win the title I will give them their props. They have been a great team this year. Easy schedule and every break going their way. I believe whole-heartedly that if Bulger doesnt go down in the first half, the Rams beat Indy that night. That Ram offense was steamrolling them.

Do the Colts steamroll the Pats if Harrison doesnt go down for the year? And now they get Jax with Leftwich out.
Being a Patriots fan, you have a lot of nerve accusing another team of getting every break after what happened in 2001. As for injuries, they happen to every team. Leftwich gets hurt every year. And one man wouldn't have made a difference in the beating the Colts gave the Patriots. With Harrison, it might have been closer, but the result likely would have been the same.

And Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have won multiple titles?  Do either of those QB's hold a 9-0 playoff record?  Do either of those QB's have a 6-1 heads up record against Manning?
Better enjoy that 9-0 record while you can, because Brady is going to have a loss tacked on there early next month. As for Brady's 6-1 record against Manning, was it a one-on-one game? Hmmm, I think not. Therefore, head-to-head records do not mean much. Dallas always beat Green Bay back in the mid 90's. Was Troy Aikman, therfore, better than Brett Favre?
In most if not all of those GB/Dallas playoff games, Aikman outplayed Favre. Doesnt make him a better QB over his career than Favre but he was better when it counted in those games. Favre won a title. In his case his 1 title probably outweighs Aikmans' 3 titles. If Manning wins 1 title, his 1 title will probably trump Brady's 3 titles. Manning has to win that 1 title first though.

I dont know about EARLY next month. The Patriots will have a home game in the 1st round against KC, SD or JAX. I expect them to win that game. They will then go into INDY as a huge underdog in the divisional playoffs. Then we will see if Manning's COLTS can defeat Brady's PATRIOTS. No more excuses about playing in the cold. Not having a defense. Manning can put up or shut up then.

I dont know about EARLY next month. The Patriots will have a home game in the 1st round against KC, SD or JAX. I expect them to win that game. They will then go into INDY as a huge underdog in the divisional playoffs. Then we will see if Manning's COLTS can defeat Brady's PATRIOTS. No more excuses about playing in the cold. Not having a defense. Manning can put up or shut up then.
If Jacksonville is the number 5 seed, I think the Patriots will beat them. If it is the Chargers, though, that could be another story (although one can never overlook the Marty Schottenheimer playoff factor). I agree, though, that Manning needs to put up or shut up in the playoffs this season. They will have home field, so there are no excuses for losing this year.

If the Colts win the title I will give them their props.  They have been a great team this year.  Easy schedule and every break going their way.  I believe whole-heartedly that if Bulger doesnt go down in the first half, the Rams beat Indy that night.  That Ram offense was steamrolling them.

Do the Colts steamroll the Pats if Harrison doesnt go down for the year?  And now they get Jax with Leftwich out. 
Being a Patriots fan, you have a lot of nerve accusing another team of getting every break after what happened in 2001. As for injuries, they happen to every team. Leftwich gets hurt every year. And one man wouldn't have made a difference in the beating the Colts gave the Patriots. With Harrison, it might have been closer, but the result likely would have been the same.
No question, Patriots got EVERY break in 2001. They were not a great team then. Brady won an MVP but didnt deserve it. He was not a great QB then. He has proven himself to be a great QB since then.The Colts are having a season for the ages. Everything is lining up. Can they finish it off? That is the question. The last 2 years all I heard was that if Indy could get home field, the Pats wouldnt stand a chance and Indy would be in the Bowl. Well Indy gets their wish this year. Lets see what they do with it.

You might be surprised to hear this but a healthy Patriots offense is not that far behind the Colts offense. The difference this year is that the Colts D is better than the Patriots. The Patriots got almost all of their offensive players back today, Dillon, Faulk and Givens (Matt Light comes back next week). However, none of the important defensive players are coming back (Harrison, Tyrone Pool, Chad Scott).

I dont know about EARLY next month.  The Patriots will have a home game in the 1st round against KC, SD or JAX.  I expect them to win that game.  They will then go into INDY as a huge underdog in the divisional playoffs.  Then we will see if Manning's COLTS can defeat Brady's PATRIOTS.  No more excuses about playing in the cold.  Not having a defense.  Manning can put up or shut up then.
If Jacksonville is the number 5 seed, I think the Patriots will beat them. If it is the Chargers, though, that could be another story (although one can never overlook the Marty Schottenheimer playoff factor). I agree, though, that Manning needs to put up or shut up in the playoffs this season. They will have home field, so there are no excuses for losing this year.
I do fear SD. However, you have Marty in the playoffs and likely a freezing January evening to deal with. It could be a factor.
The only reason I can think you would ask this question Joe is because you might think Palmer still has quite a bit of improving to do and maybe he'll be better sometime than Peyton. I don't see it that way. Palmer might have one advantage later in his career as opposed to Peyton in that he has some mobility that might make him still dangerous, like an Elway. But I don't think Palmer's that good athletically. A couple of other points1) how can anyone have any better season than what Peyton had last year? That is a level of mastery that will have been done only a few times in history until the year 2079 when they outlaw the game of football, when our world has become so advanced that the brutality of football is seen as something that devalues human life, when "clones" are born and bred to play football for our amusement. Really, how much better can you get than Manning? Well, it would be nice if he could run like Mike Vick but each year he pretty much leads the league in fewest sacks taken because of his mental acumen and command of the position. Tarik Glenn is a nice player but I don't see a super dominant O line in front of him. Really, no HOFers, so I think you have to give Manning a lot of credit on that. And, I'd take my chances that Manning can throw the ball 65 yards faster than Mike can run it.2) Leadership. This guy is the perfect field general. Knows everything there is about football and how to run a team. And he keeps getting better at it and improving. How about, yeah, I threw 49 TD passes, but in watching film, I saw where we/I botched 12 other TD passes, I need to get better, I can get better. His preparation rivals someone like Jerry Rice. Palmer is pretty bright I guess but you're talking about two different leagues here. Peyton is the Offensive Coordinator on the team really, if you want to say that. I bet he could sit down and formulate an offensive gameplan the week before a game as well as any O Coordinator in the league. Palmer? Didn't they videotape him in practices and show him clips after he had made bad plays to show him his body language and how bad it was? I think Palmer is a great guy and a great QB, that he's gotten near as many votes in this survey, while to me is shocking, is understandable, but I don't think he's the type of guy who becomes Rear Admiral or inspires a lot of people. The thing about Peyton is, HE'S ALWAYS PLAYING THE GAME, HE NEVER STOPS, YOU HAVE TO KEEP GOING AND PLAY YOUR BEST JUST TO KEEP UP WITH HIM. HE MAKES EVERYONE AROUND HIM BETTER. (Except the fantasy stats of Edge James, he drives guys who own Edge crazy because Peyton is always looking for the perfect play, the perfect way to run each play, the best way to attack a defense, heck, he gets 3 plays sent in to him and he decides at the line of scrimmage which to run :eek: .... I hear guys watching Colts games screaming at Peyton to JUST hand it off to Edge at the goal.... NO, don't change the play Peyton! He knows to the square inch where he is going when he throws the football, he wants to perfect every throw, his mechanics are impeccable.... speaking of Edge though, look how Manning goes at it when he hands it off to Edge..... the stretch play..... how many times do you hear announcers talk about how it works, they show replays of the handoff! No other QB in the league even gets a mention about their "handoff form" ----- and, who has the best play action fake in football?)Another thing to consider is Mannings durability. Never missed a game. Hard to when you rarely get hit. Why doesn't he get hit? See above. He's going to be in pretty good physical condition by the time he gets old because he's a great QB. And what's scary? He's going to be smarter :no: man! I see a very high floor for Mannings salad years in the NFL. He could play till Flutie age and still be good.Lastly, a very good point was brought up which addressed your question very well Joe. The poster mentioned his cap figure. The Colts ARE the favorite to win the Super Bowl. They'd be my pick and 95% of the countries. After the season though, they've got Reggie and Edge to resign. Peyton's the biggest moneybags in the NFL. That is difficult. I'm not sure, but that pretty good RE I think will need a new contract too (check that). They'd also like to continue building that defense. Peyton is the ultimate team guy as a player, but we'll see a dilemma in 2006 for the Colts. When the Colts have to negotiate contracts this offseason, which guy are they going to get, Peyton the player? Or Peyton the businessman? I guess Eli has already made a VERY big businessman move, what about big brother?I'm thinking we'll see Peyton the player. But to what extent? Enough to keep 1 or two guys? Or a contract like Tom Brady's, the guy who's got the rings and the prestige in another ongoing barroom comparison and debate, one which a team can build around, instead of in spite of? In that very question lies the fate and future legacy of Peyton Manning. Peyton makes everyone around him better because he works at making himself better, but will he sacrifice to have the guys around him that'll make hm better? Well Peyton, how good do you want to be?

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Care to comment on what you feel I have not been objective about? - the Patriots were very lucky in 2001- the Patriots will likely win a home playoff game and go into Indy as huge underdogs- Tom Brady is a better and more clutch QB to this point in his career than ManningPlease enlighten me.

If the Colts win the title I will give them their props.  They have been a great team this year.  Easy schedule and every break going their way.  I believe whole-heartedly that if Bulger doesnt go down in the first half, the Rams beat Indy that night.  That Ram offense was steamrolling them.

Do the Colts steamroll the Pats if Harrison doesnt go down for the year?  And now they get Jax with Leftwich out. 
Being a Patriots fan, you have a lot of nerve accusing another team of getting every break after what happened in 2001. As for injuries, they happen to every team. Leftwich gets hurt every year. And one man wouldn't have made a difference in the beating the Colts gave the Patriots. With Harrison, it might have been closer, but the result likely would have been the same.
No question, Patriots got EVERY break in 2001. They were not a great team then. Brady won an MVP but didnt deserve it. He was not a great QB then. He has proven himself to be a great QB since then.The Colts are having a season for the ages. Everything is lining up. Can they finish it off? That is the question. The last 2 years all I heard was that if Indy could get home field, the Pats wouldnt stand a chance and Indy would be in the Bowl. Well Indy gets their wish this year. Lets see what they do with it.

You might be surprised to hear this but a healthy Patriots offense is not that far behind the Colts offense. The difference this year is that the Colts D is better than the Patriots. The Patriots got almost all of their offensive players back today, Dillon, Faulk and Givens (Matt Light comes back next week). However, none of the important defensive players are coming back (Harrison, Tyrone Pool, Chad Scott).
:lmao: Who wouldn't be suprised to hear that?

Care to comment on what you feel I have not been objective about?

- the Patriots were very lucky in 2001

- the Patriots will likely win a home playoff game and go into Indy as huge underdogs

- Tom Brady is a better and more clutch QB to this point in his career than Manning

Please enlighten me.
He also has had something called a defense.If KC comes up there in WC round, no way you beat them. How many teams have beaten you @ home this season?

Care to comment on what you feel I have not been objective about?

- the Patriots were very lucky in 2001

- the Patriots will likely win a home playoff game and go into Indy as huge underdogs

- Tom Brady is a better and more clutch QB to this point in his career than Manning

Please enlighten me.
He also has had something called a defense.If KC comes up there in WC round, no way you beat them. How many teams have beaten you @ home this season?
Given their schedule and the fact that the Jaguars are a game ahead of KC for the number 5 seed, the odds of the Chiefs getting the number 5 seed (and playing NE in the first round) are not very high. KC needs to worry about winning enough games to beat out the Chargers for the last wild card spot.
Use your noggin instead of just believing the hype. Brady vs. ManningDillon vs. EdgeBranch, Givens, Dwight, Brown, A. Davis, B. Johnson vs. Wayne, Harrison, StokelyWatson, Graham vs. Clark, FletcherFaulk vs. RhodesVinatieri vs. VanderjagtNo name offensive line vs. No name offensive line (both very effective)The Colts did not stomp the Pats this year because of our offense. It was out pourous D that led to the blowout.Offensive output vs. common Opponents this year.Pats 23 vs. PittIndy 26 vs. PittSmall sample. Only 1 common opponent. Might say something about the Colts. The Pats have had the 2nd toughest schedule to this point in the NFL. The Colts not so much.I personally dont care how many points you pile up on Houston, Tennessee, San Fran and St. Louis.

Use your noggin instead of just believing the hype.

Brady vs. Manning

Dillon vs. Edge

Branch, Givens, Dwight, Brown, A. Davis, B. Johnson vs. Wayne, Harrison, Stokely

Watson, Graham vs. Clark, Fletcher

Faulk vs. Rhodes

Vinatieri vs. Vanderjagt

No name offensive line vs. No name offensive line (both very effective)

The Colts did not stomp the Pats this year because of our offense. It was out pourous D that led to the blowout.

Offensive output vs. common Opponents this year.

Pats 23 vs. Pitt

Indy 26 vs. Pitt

Small sample. Only 1 common opponent. Might say something about the Colts. The Pats have had the 2nd toughest schedule to this point in the NFL. The Colts not so much.

I personally dont care how many points you pile up on Houston, Tennessee, San Fran and St. Louis.
...and the award for "homer post of the year" goes to... :popcorn:

Care to comment on what you feel I have not been objective about?

- the Patriots were very lucky in 2001

- the Patriots will likely win a home playoff game and go into Indy as huge underdogs

- Tom Brady is a better and more clutch QB to this point in his career than Manning

Please enlighten me.
He also has had something called a defense.If KC comes up there in WC round, no way you beat them. How many teams have beaten you @ home this season?
SD and Indy have beaten the Pats at home this season with SD breaking a 20 game home win streak for the Pats. It will be tougher in January. KC beat the Pats fairly easily in KC. The game was not as close as the final of 26-16. However, Brady threw 4 ints. in that game and he has not done that in the playoffs yet so I will give him the benefit of the doubt.LJ will be a handful for the Pats but I wouldnt count on that KC D in the playoffs quite yet.

Use your noggin instead of just believing the hype.

Brady vs. Manning

Dillon vs. Edge

Branch, Givens, Dwight, Brown, A. Davis, B. Johnson vs. Wayne, Harrison, Stokely

Watson, Graham vs. Clark, Fletcher

Faulk vs. Rhodes

Vinatieri vs. Vanderjagt

No name offensive line vs. No name offensive line (both very effective)

The Colts did not stomp the Pats this year because of our offense. It was out pourous D that led to the blowout.

Offensive output vs. common Opponents this year.

Pats 23 vs. Pitt

Indy 26 vs. Pitt

Small sample. Only 1 common opponent. Might say something about the Colts. The Pats have had the 2nd toughest schedule to this point in the NFL. The Colts not so much.

I personally dont care how many points you pile up on Houston, Tennessee, San Fran and St. Louis.
When healthy, New England definitely has one of the 10 best offenses in the NFL, but as good as Indy's? Hell no. Indy's offense is doing right now what Denver's offense did in the late 90's and what the Rams' offense did earlier this decade...destroying opponents left and right.
Use your noggin instead of just believing the hype. 

Brady vs. Manning

Dillon vs. Edge

Branch, Givens, Dwight, Brown, A. Davis, B. Johnson vs. Wayne, Harrison, Stokely

Watson, Graham vs. Clark, Fletcher

Faulk vs. Rhodes

Vinatieri vs. Vanderjagt

No name offensive line vs. No name offensive line (both very effective)

The Colts did not stomp the Pats this year because of our offense.  It was out pourous D that led to the blowout.

Offensive output vs. common Opponents this year.

Pats  23 vs. Pitt

Indy 26 vs. Pitt

Small sample.  Only 1 common opponent.  Might say something about the Colts.  The Pats have had the 2nd toughest schedule to this point in the NFL.  The Colts not so much.

I personally dont care how many points you pile up on Houston, Tennessee, San Fran and St. Louis.
...and the award for "homer post of the year" goes to... :popcorn:
Hey, the Colts are the better team this year. No question. The Pats are lucky to be in the East to ensure they make the playoffs. The Colts scored 3 points in last years playoff against the Pats. The Patriots have a TON of offensive talent starting with Brady. This is not your 2001 Patriots. Whatever the Pats do this year will be because of their offense not their defense. How far they go in the playoffs remains to be seen.
Its the obvious Bill Russell vs. Wilt Chamberlain comparison. Most people would tell you that Bill Russell was the better player.
Actually, most (objective) people would say Wilt was the better player. However, those same people would also likely say Russell was more successful. And, really, that was largely because he played on better teams and for a better coach.Same thing with this endless Manning-Brady debate. Manning is better, but Brady has been more successful, with the same caveats.
Its the obvious Bill Russell vs. Wilt Chamberlain comparison.  Most people would tell you that Bill Russell was the better player.
Actually, most (objective) people would say Wilt was the better player. However, those same people would also likely say Russell was more successful. And, really, that was largely because he played on better teams and for a better coach.Same thing with this endless Manning-Brady debate. Manning is better, but Brady has been more successful, with the same caveats.
Wilt did win a couple of titles. Is the Manning-Brady debate dependent on Manning winning at least 1 title or doesnt that matter? If Manning never wins a title but continues to put up All Pro numbers year after year, will he still be considered to be better than Brady?
if we are not taking contracts into consideration, this is a slam dunk for peyton manning. Carson palmer is very good, and on the verge of becoming great. However, manning's phsyical and mental abilities trump anybdoy else in the league, maybe all time. If we are taking contracts into the argument, it gets closer. The problem is, we havent seen the kind of contract palmer is gonna sign. Will he be "a pig at the trough" like manning? We'll have to wait and see. As far as brady goes, he's obviously a great player. However, he's had the luxury of an all time great coaching staff, a few very lucky breaks and a perfectly assembled supporting cast. If i were starting a team from scratch, i take manning. Roethlisberger is a very good player, but doesnt belong in this discussion yet.

Its the obvious Bill Russell vs. Wilt Chamberlain comparison.  Most people would tell you that Bill Russell was the better player.
Actually, most (objective) people would say Wilt was the better player. However, those same people would also likely say Russell was more successful. And, really, that was largely because he played on better teams and for a better coach.Same thing with this endless Manning-Brady debate. Manning is better, but Brady has been more successful, with the same caveats.
Wilt did win a couple of titles. Is the Manning-Brady debate dependent on Manning winning at least 1 title or doesnt that matter? If Manning never wins a title but continues to put up All Pro numbers year after year, will he still be considered to be better than Brady?
Better? Yes.More successful? No.

Think of it this way. If all NFL GMs could have any QB to start a team with, or even win one game with, how many would choose Brady over Manning? Probably none. Why? Because Manning is better, and in this question all other things are equal, so "better" wins out.

However, if all of those GMs could have a very good QB with a good offense, great defense, and potentially the best coach in the NFL or a great QB with a great offense, poor defense, and average coach, the vote would be much closer and would probably slide to the very good QB situation (Brady). Why? Because the very good QB situation described above is likely to be more successful.

Its the obvious Bill Russell vs. Wilt Chamberlain comparison.  Most people would tell you that Bill Russell was the better player.
Actually, most (objective) people would say Wilt was the better player. However, those same people would also likely say Russell was more successful. And, really, that was largely because he played on better teams and for a better coach.Same thing with this endless Manning-Brady debate. Manning is better, but Brady has been more successful, with the same caveats.
Wilt did win a couple of titles. Is the Manning-Brady debate dependent on Manning winning at least 1 title or doesnt that matter? If Manning never wins a title but continues to put up All Pro numbers year after year, will he still be considered to be better than Brady?
Better? Yes.More successful? No.

Think of it this way. If all NFL GMs could have any QB to start a team with, or even win one game with, how many would choose Brady over Manning? Probably none. Why? Because Manning is better, and in this question all other things are equal, so "better" wins out.

However, if all of those GMs could have a very good QB with a good offense, great defense, and potentially the best coach in the NFL or a great QB with a great offense, poor defense, and average coach, the vote would be much closer and would probably slide to the very good QB situation (Brady). Why? Because the very good QB situation described above is likely to be more successful.
All of your statements are probably true before Brady showed that he could carry a team with a very limited defense that has lost its most important offensive coach. Most GM's if not all would start their team with Manning, however, I am betting that the vote would be a lot closer if asking them to pick a QB to win 1 game. Brady has shown himself to be much more clutch and poised than Manning.Sure Manning is this field general when things are going well. And maybe he is different this year as he was telling his team when down 17-0 to the Rams "Play like it is 0-0." But if you saw his body language in the playoff game against the Jets 4 years ago when they lost 41-0 or the last 2 years against the Patriots, you wouldnt be singing the same tune. There is a reason they call it the "Peyton Manning Face" (Boston Sports Guy credited).

To keep this on track: I think this may turn out to be Carson Palmer's career year. Why? I don't have much statistical evidence, but I just feel like everything is rolling this year, and it will be very hard to duplicate this success. 69.8 comp%, 8.1 YPA, and 23/7 TD to INT is really awesome.Palmer is playing really well this year, and I think he's going to be a top QB for awhile, but it's nieve to think he's only going to get better.

Am I reading those dates right? Manning is only 3 years older than Palmer?

maybe some forget that Palmer sat out ALL of his rookie year in Cincy. I don't have my PFW Draft book with me but it could be he took a redshirt year at USC. He did play a senior year too. Also, late birthdays often get kinda screwy with when you start school too.
Crap, can I change my vote. I thought it was Eli vs. Carson and I voted Carson...

If Peyton vs. Carson I'll take that Manning
That's the same type of response that voters now take on the last election. "I thought I was voting for the old man Bush not his yahoo son." :D

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