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***OFFICIAL*** Boardwalk Empire thread (2 Viewers)

Carefully skimmed through this last page and got my answer if this show got any better since episode 4. Looks like I didn't DVR this for nothing.....
It's picked up nicely. I went from DVR'ing and watching 4-5 days later to tuning in at 9PM on Sunday the last two weeks to watch live.
So Van Alden's boss is being paid off by Nucky right?
The main FBI guy always yelling at Van Alden? I doubt that, they never showed any connection to Nucky.If you mean the guy who killed the witness, he is of course with Nucky but no way was he Van Aldens boss
So Van Alden's boss is being paid off by Nucky right?
The main FBI guy always yelling at Van Alden? I doubt that, they never showed any connection to Nucky.If you mean the guy who killed the witness, he is of course with Nucky but no way was he Van Aldens boss
I'm talking about the head honcho FBI guy (in bold above). He's been apprehensive the entire season about Van Alden going after Nucky (telling him he's wasting his time, etc.), and Nucky's pretty well never had to worry about Van Alden much either. Then the scene in the last episode where the head honcho pretty easily forgives the the guy who killed the witness, gives him a week vacation, and then throws all Van Alden's papers on the floor.

Maybe I'm :shrug: too much, but it seems to me that the head honcho is being paid off by Nucky.

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So Van Alden's boss is being paid off by Nucky right?
The main FBI guy always yelling at Van Alden? I doubt that, they never showed any connection to Nucky.If you mean the guy who killed the witness, he is of course with Nucky but no way was he Van Aldens boss
I'm talking about the head honcho FBI guy (in bold above). He's been apprehensive the entire season about Van Alden going after Nucky (telling him he's wasting his time, etc.), and Nucky's pretty well never had to worry about Van Alden much either. Then the scene in the last episode where the head honcho pretty easily forgives the the guy who killed the witness, gives him a week vacation, and then throws all Van Alden's papers on the floor.

Maybe I'm :shrug: too much, but it seems to me that the head honcho is being paid off by Nucky.
Definitely possible. Also possible that he just wants to see "drugs on the table." Going after the political boss probably won't provide that, even though he is running the show. Similar to the conflict between major crimes and the higher ups in The Wire.
I am seriously wondering what Maggie is going to do with her new found power over the women and Nucky. Does she screw over Nucky or come to the darkside and rule as Queen?

I'm glad Jimmy's new friend will be working for Nucky. I liked that guy.
:confused: The thought of seeing him take out one of the brothers makes me giddy. I dig quiet minor characters who professionally kill d-bags without hesitation or emotion. I'm shocked at how great of a character Jimmy has become. I've seen Michael Pitt in stuff before but had no idea he could give the kind of performance he's giving every week. He's fits the Omar mold...the "good" crook. Intelligent, ruthless but not evil, interesting, easy to root for.
Same here. I was hoping against seeing Jimmy as a main character early on, but that was wrong. He's done a good job with the role, showing a little bit of everything. I Also like the guy playing rothstein. Does anyone still get an awkward feeling with Buscemi every so often? I haven't bought all in with him yet.
I'm glad Jimmy's new friend will be working for Nucky. I liked that guy.
:lmao: The thought of seeing him take out one of the brothers makes me giddy. I dig quiet minor characters who professionally kill d-bags without hesitation or emotion.

I'm shocked at how great of a character Jimmy has become. I've seen Michael Pitt in stuff before but had no idea he could give the kind of performance he's giving every week. He's fits the Omar mold...the "good" crook. Intelligent, ruthless but not evil, interesting, easy to root for.
Same here. I was hoping against seeing Jimmy as a main character early on, but that was wrong. He's done a good job with the role, showing a little bit of everything. I Also like the guy playing rothstein. Does anyone still get an awkward feeling with Buscemi every so often? I haven't bought all in with him yet.
YES!!! I thought I was the only one. every once in a while, his performance bugs me...I know that he's supposed to be Nucky, but when I see him, he's still Buscemi.
Christo said:
The look on Jimmy's and Nucky's faces when he shot that guy had me :lmao:Oh tough guy you going to shoot me nowI wasn't going too but now you gave me no choiceBLAMsheepish look at Nucky and a shrug :lmao:
Best scene in the series so far.
The actual dialog was even better. "Are you going to shoot me for mouthing off?"
I'm glad Jimmy's new friend will be working for Nucky. I liked that guy.
:lmao: The thought of seeing him take out one of the brothers makes me giddy. I dig quiet minor characters who professionally kill d-bags without hesitation or emotion. I'm shocked at how great of a character Jimmy has become. I've seen Michael Pitt in stuff before but had no idea he could give the kind of performance he's giving every week. He's fits the Omar mold...the "good" crook. Intelligent, ruthless but not evil, interesting, easy to root for.
Same here. I was hoping against seeing Jimmy as a main character early on, but that was wrong. He's done a good job with the role, showing a little bit of everything. I Also like the guy playing rothstein. Does anyone still get an awkward feeling with Buscemi every so often? I haven't bought all in with him yet.
Michael Pitt == New Leonard DiCaprioWhich is even more interesting considering Scorcese's role.. you know :lmao:
So Van Alden's boss is being paid off by Nucky right?
The main FBI guy always yelling at Van Alden? I doubt that, they never showed any connection to Nucky.If you mean the guy who killed the witness, he is of course with Nucky but no way was he Van Aldens boss
I'm talking about the head honcho FBI guy (in bold above). He's been apprehensive the entire season about Van Alden going after Nucky (telling him he's wasting his time, etc.), and Nucky's pretty well never had to worry about Van Alden much either. Then the scene in the last episode where the head honcho pretty easily forgives the the guy who killed the witness, gives him a week vacation, and then throws all Van Alden's papers on the floor.

Maybe I'm :thumbup: too much, but it seems to me that the head honcho is being paid off by Nucky.
This scene immediately follows the scene with Nucky and Jimmy in which Nucky tells Jimmy that the legal system was not his ticket to freedom. He is definitely being paid off by Nucky. When Van Alden called him on the phone letting him know he had arrested Jimmy, The FBI boss told him good work and that he was pleased but you could tell by his facial reaction that he was not pleased. Then when he hangs up the phone, he sighs and has a worried look on his face. You can tell that he eventually orders the guy to kill the witness. I paused it right there and told the wife that the FBI boss was being paid off by Nucky.
So Van Alden's boss is being paid off by Nucky right?
The main FBI guy always yelling at Van Alden? I doubt that, they never showed any connection to Nucky.If you mean the guy who killed the witness, he is of course with Nucky but no way was he Van Aldens boss
I'm talking about the head honcho FBI guy (in bold above). He's been apprehensive the entire season about Van Alden going after Nucky (telling him he's wasting his time, etc.), and Nucky's pretty well never had to worry about Van Alden much either. Then the scene in the last episode where the head honcho pretty easily forgives the the guy who killed the witness, gives him a week vacation, and then throws all Van Alden's papers on the floor.

Maybe I'm :fishing: too much, but it seems to me that the head honcho is being paid off by Nucky.
This scene immediately follows the scene with Nucky and Jimmy in which Nucky tells Jimmy that the legal system was not his ticket to freedom. He is definitely being paid off by Nucky. When Van Alden called him on the phone letting him know he had arrested Jimmy, The FBI boss told him good work and that he was pleased but you could tell by his facial reaction that he was not pleased. Then when he hangs up the phone, he sighs and has a worried look on his face. You can tell that he eventually orders the guy to kill the witness. I paused it right there and told the wife that the FBI boss was being paid off by Nucky.
This is the scene that first got me to think that he's being paid by Nucky, but I thought it was just one scene so maybe it came off that way unintentionally. The this scene this past week is what sealed the deal in my mind. We'll see if we're right soon enough.
I'm glad Jimmy's new friend will be working for Nucky. I liked that guy.
:popcorn: The thought of seeing him take out one of the brothers makes me giddy. I dig quiet minor characters who professionally kill d-bags without hesitation or emotion.

I'm shocked at how great of a character Jimmy has become. I've seen Michael Pitt in stuff before but had no idea he could give the kind of performance he's giving every week. He's fits the Omar mold...the "good" crook. Intelligent, ruthless but not evil, interesting, easy to root for.
Same here. I was hoping against seeing Jimmy as a main character early on, but that was wrong. He's done a good job with the role, showing a little bit of everything. I Also like the guy playing rothstein. Does anyone still get an awkward feeling with Buscemi every so often? I haven't bought all in with him yet.
YES!!! I thought I was the only one. every once in a while, his performance bugs me...I know that he's supposed to be Nucky, but when I see him, he's still Buscemi.
:hifive: I can't put my finger on it, but he's supposed to be this powerful political figure and every so often he comes off as Mr Furley. Maybe he's too gangly and goofy looking to pull off the powerful figure, but something doesn't seem right. And I'm not complaining, just every so often he comes across wrong.
The look on Jimmy's and Nucky's faces when he shot that guy had me :hifive:Oh tough guy you going to shoot me nowI wasn't going too but now you gave me no choiceBLAMsheepish look at Nucky and a shrug :lmao:
Best scene in the series so far.
:popcorn: Awesome scene.I haven't been rteading this thread, but I love this show. Look forward to the next episode every week. It's the best HBO series in a long time. Frankly, I like it as much as or perhaps better than the Sopranos. The dialog and acting and characters are awesome. The half-face guy is such a wonderful character. I love the way the plot lines are developing. Just an awesome show, so well written and well done.And I'm no movie nerd, but the artistry in the filming is evident too. It's all so well thought out. The scene a couple of weeks ago when the Fed guy is talking with his wife in the dining room. He is so cold and they are so distant. And she is talking about having a baby. And did you notice the camera, during this awesome dialog, doesn't show the two of them in the shot together? Rather, they keep panning back and forth, from OUTSIDE of the room, from one adjacent room showing her, to the other adjacent room showing him, each time the other person is obscured by the door or edge of the wall. It's such a small touch, and I'm guessing the kind of thing some film student picks up without a moment of thought and analyzes to death, but it was so well done and even a schmuck like me notices it, and that kind of attention to detail is just awesome.Such a wonderful show.
I'm glad Jimmy's new friend will be working for Nucky. I liked that guy.
:popcorn: The thought of seeing him take out one of the brothers makes me giddy. I dig quiet minor characters who professionally kill d-bags without hesitation or emotion.

I'm shocked at how great of a character Jimmy has become. I've seen Michael Pitt in stuff before but had no idea he could give the kind of performance he's giving every week. He's fits the Omar mold...the "good" crook. Intelligent, ruthless but not evil, interesting, easy to root for.
Same here. I was hoping against seeing Jimmy as a main character early on, but that was wrong. He's done a good job with the role, showing a little bit of everything. I Also like the guy playing rothstein. Does anyone still get an awkward feeling with Buscemi every so often? I haven't bought all in with him yet.
YES!!! I thought I was the only one. every once in a while, his performance bugs me...I know that he's supposed to be Nucky, but when I see him, he's still Buscemi.
This is maybe my only gripe with the show. His dialog is sometimes clunky. He talks to formally/scripted sometimes. I wish he would get a little more relaxed in the role and take a little more liberty with the dialog, because sometimes it feels awkward.
I think Margaret is going to decide the price is too high, and while she can live with Nucky's dishonesty, once she knows he's a murderer that will be the last straw. She was not happy about Nucky's behavior after her speech, she really felt used, which she was. Then there was the shooting on the boardwalk, and now a body guard in the house. The visit from the fed bothered here a lot too. Got her thinking. About the only thing that might keep her from turning now is if Nucky marries her.

It does seem like the FBI boss is on Nucky's payroll. He is itching to get the fed out of Atlantic City, and just needs one more excuse to justify it.

So Van Alden's boss is being paid off by Nucky right?
The main FBI guy always yelling at Van Alden? I doubt that, they never showed any connection to Nucky.If you mean the guy who killed the witness, he is of course with Nucky but no way was he Van Aldens boss
I'm talking about the head honcho FBI guy (in bold above). He's been apprehensive the entire season about Van Alden going after Nucky (telling him he's wasting his time, etc.), and Nucky's pretty well never had to worry about Van Alden much either. Then the scene in the last episode where the head honcho pretty easily forgives the the guy who killed the witness, gives him a week vacation, and then throws all Van Alden's papers on the floor.

Maybe I'm :tinfoilhat: too much, but it seems to me that the head honcho is being paid off by Nucky.
Definitely possible. Also possible that he just wants to see "drugs on the table." Going after the political boss probably won't provide that, even though he is running the show. Similar to the conflict between major crimes and the higher ups in The Wire.
I thought the FBI boss might be Jimmy's dad.
The look on Jimmy's and Nucky's faces when he shot that guy had me :wall:Oh tough guy you going to shoot me nowI wasn't going too but now you gave me no choiceBLAMsheepish look at Nucky and a shrug :lmao:
:doh: AWESOME scene!
Surprised I haven't seen comments on last night. I thought it was another excellent episode with a ton of great one liners and tense moments.

Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses.


Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
How Jimmy handled that was psychopath cold. Richard talking about the dentist. The scenes between the government agents ending with the "baptism". Nucky and Margarete's fight. Nucky and his brother's fight. Might be my favorite episode and it didn't even have Capone.
Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :blackdot:
It seems the implication was that Jimmy's mom was behind the poisoning the of Commodore. The Commodore being Jimmy's dad was an interesting new piece of information, which of course makes perfect sense in hindsight.How soon until Nucky's bro goes ape ####?I like how they left the Commodore's "The wrong person is running this town" comment hanging out there.
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Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :nerd:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
One of the best episodes of the season. Loved the interaction between Nucky and his brother.

Cant wait to watch how they end the season. Anyone have an idea of when we may see the show again? or do we have to wait till fall 2011?

Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :shrug:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
Makes sense...one of the problems I have with the show is that they introduced so many characters and many of them look/sound alike, so outside of the main 4 or 5; I find myself rewinding alot and listenting again. Not that Jimmy's mom looks like the maid, just that there was so much going on I didn't really put it together.
Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :popcorn:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
That's what I thought. Thought the Maid at first but I don't think she has anything to gain
Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :popcorn:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
That's what I thought. Thought the Maid at first but I don't think she has anything to gain
I think that Jimmy's mom is having the maid do it. When Jimmy first came into the room the maid made a point of trying to take the biscuits out of the room as quickly as possible, like she knew.
Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :thumbup:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
That's what I thought. Thought the Maid at first but I don't think she has anything to gain
I think that Jimmy's mom is having the maid do it. When Jimmy first came into the room the maid made a point of trying to take the biscuits out of the room as quickly as possible, like she knew.
You know what, I think you are right, she had to be cut in with jimmy's mom. Last week, she was forcing him to drink the "green drink" to make him feel better. The miad is definitely part of the plot, I think.
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Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :lol:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
That's what I thought. Thought the Maid at first but I don't think she has anything to gain
I think that Jimmy's mom is having the maid do it. When Jimmy first came into the room the maid made a point of trying to take the biscuits out of the room as quickly as possible, like she knew.
I remember that. Great observation!
Did you guys realize Erik Weiner was the dirty agent who drowned last night?

Great track.
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Another great episode. So is Nucky paying off the maid to poison the food/drink? There appears to be an inevitable standoff b/w Jimmy and Nucky (and Nucky and Margaret). How will the creepy agent handle killing his partner with all those witnesses. :confused:
I thought it was Jimmy's mom. His mom maybe found out she or Jimmy could benefit from his death is what I thought was implied. And she was visiting him recently. Also Jimmy said he was better at the end of the episode like he stopped the poisoning.
Yeah, my first reaction. When she asks "How is he?", Jimmy says, "Well, he made it through another night." Her response is simply "I'm surprised." And the way she looked at the can of poison, and that whole conversation... you know.
I love how Jimmy's acting all high and mighty about Nucky's ethics in the last couple of episodes. What, murder doesn't count?

Favorite line last night was between Nucky and Eli.

"To bad you didn't see Hardeen the other night. It's an entertaining act but if he wasn't Houdini's brother nobody would give a f#@%..."

Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
Surprised to see that too, was trying to remember if Jimmy's wife gave them any money? What was the point of setting her up like that?
Good stuff last night. So Jimmy knew all along that the Commodore was his father, right? Just double checking. I'm suprised he wouldn't try and get anything from him in the past, seems like he had nothing to do with him up to this point.

Have to admit I never saw the photography couple (I'm terrible remembering names) ditching Jimmy's wife. The scene where she comes home and Jimmy's there pretending nothing's happened was great.
Surprised to see that too, was trying to remember if Jimmy's wife gave them any money? What was the point of setting her up like that?
The last scene we saw of the couple was her embracing him and kissing his head. My guess is she just couldn't do it and not that it was any sort of set up.

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