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terrible twos (2 Viewers)

babyGirlGunZ turns 2 in a week, and it's almost as if someone flipped a switch at times. For 23 months she's been mellow, cooperative, and generally well behaved. The past couple weeks, Satan has taken over her body at times, and I'm an atheist. Screaming, crying, rolling around on the floor, etc. but won't tell us what's wrong. And that' because nothings wrong. I turn on Thomas the Train, or Barney, and she's instantly better.

I think I'm going to stock up the liquor cabinet for the summer.

Terrific Twos, Terrible Threes IMO.
This. Although for our two daughters (9 and almost 6), five was almost even worse than three...if that is even possible. They sleep better at night, but my gosh...fight you for every inch of "way" and turf at that age, it seems.
:goodposting: Add in that I started my daughter in kindergarten this year, so she thinks she already knows everything.
Terrific Twos, Terrible Threes IMO.
This. Although for our two daughters (9 and almost 6), five was almost even worse than three...if that is even possible. They sleep better at night, but my gosh...fight you for every inch of "way" and turf at that age, it seems.
:goodposting: Add in that I started my daughter in kindergarten this year, so she thinks she already knows everything.
1st grade 6 was worse than 5 for us. And agree on the 3's worse than 2's
My son is 3 years and 3 months. He was awesome as a two year old. As a 3 year old I have decided to not have any more kids.

My son turns two in about 2 weeks. he's got a hair-trigger temper that is consistent with what i understand most kids this age have. he's still ridiculously sweet and good natured about 90% (okay, maybe 80%) of the time.

one worry i have is he's just not a big eater at home. he hasn't really put on a pound since his check up about 6 months ago. super picky eater.

Our son was great until a little before 2. Add in to the equation that a baby girl came into the home when he was 26 months old and it's been a pretty challenging 6 months. Please don't tell me that 3 is worse. PLEASE!!

3's has been 53X worse imo
God please say it isn't so!!!????? My 2 yr old is a nightmare. I'n addition to the usual tantrums and such, he has broken every table lamp in the house from climbing on the tables, eats anything that is not supposed to be eaten, ripped my daughter's wallpaper boarder off her wall, countless tantrums, and fighting us when it is time for sleep. But in addition to all that.....just this weekend somehow he got his hands on a bottle of Espresso colored liquid furniture polish, turned it upside down and proceeded to Jackson Pollock the carpet in 2 of the 3 bedrooms, the hallway and the stairs. Anyone have any good deals on carpet?I think its worse b/x my daughter was such an angle.
babyGirlGunZ turns 2 in a week, and it's almost as if someone flipped a switch at times. For 23 months she's been mellow, cooperative, and generally well behaved. The past couple weeks, Satan has taken over her body at times, and I'm an atheist. Screaming, crying, rolling around on the floor, etc. but won't tell us what's wrong. And that' because nothings wrong. I turn on Thomas the Train, or Barney, and she's instantly better.I think I'm going to stock up the liquor cabinet for the summer.
The start of wimmenz manipulation.
My wife and I have a 5 and a half year old girl and a 3 and a half year old boy. Both are great, but tons of work.

I nicknamed my son Percy Harvin because he is a threat to do damage from anywhere and gives us migraines :excited:

My 22 month old has just figured out he can throw a fit. The most random things will set him off. Like coming from the backyard to go inside...he'll flip out.

We let him whine a bit, then he gets distracted.

I'm assuming this is the terrible twos?

Agree with others about 3 being worse than 2. Unlimited energy and has to be involved in everything.

3's has been 53X worse imo
God please say it isn't so!!!????? My 2 yr old is a nightmare. I'n addition to the usual tantrums and such, he has broken every table lamp in the house from climbing on the tables, eats anything that is not supposed to be eaten, ripped my daughter's wallpaper boarder off her wall, countless tantrums, and fighting us when it is time for sleep. But in addition to all that.....just this weekend somehow he got his hands on a bottle of Espresso colored liquid furniture polish, turned it upside down and proceeded to Jackson Pollock the carpet in 2 of the 3 bedrooms, the hallway and the stairs. Anyone have any good deals on carpet?I think its worse b/x my daughter was such an angle.
Obtuse or Acute?
My daughter is 3 now, when she was 2 she tried to pull that tantrum crap on us and the trick is to just walk away. She was trying to figure out what works and what doesn't in terms of attention. It's funny because we would walk away into a different room and peer around the corner to watch her and after a minute or two she would look around and stop freaking out and she always had this 'hey where the hell did they go' look on her face. Luckily we were able to nip that behavior in the bud quickly. Now that she is 3 there are a new set of challenges but she understands that crying gets her nothing, it's the unbreakable law. She'll occasionaly try but I say the same thing repeatedly, "What does Daddy always say?" and she'll reply " Crying gets you nothing"

My daughter is 11 months and the whole terrible twos scare me... she has my temper and stubbornness... the only thing that gives me solace is that I was actually a very good kid through those young ages.

3's has been 53X worse imo
God please say it isn't so!!!????? My 2 yr old is a nightmare. I'n addition to the usual tantrums and such, he has broken every table lamp in the house from climbing on the tables, eats anything that is not supposed to be eaten, ripped my daughter's wallpaper boarder off her wall, countless tantrums, and fighting us when it is time for sleep. But in addition to all that.....just this weekend somehow he got his hands on a bottle of Espresso colored liquid furniture polish, turned it upside down and proceeded to Jackson Pollock the carpet in 2 of the 3 bedrooms, the hallway and the stairs. Anyone have any good deals on carpet?I think its worse b/x my daughter was such an angle.
Obtuse or Acute?
daughter is 2.60 years and has recently entered her "phase"

If we can get through this and finally get her to poop on the potty consistently, I think we'll be golden until puberty.

My very wild almost 22 month old is pretty tilted by the arrival of his sister who is now 5 months. I don't know if I am going to be able to handle another level of crazy without sedatives for the whole family.

A third kid is not happening unless the stork drops it off.

In the middle if full on Supernanny mode tonight. Walked him back to bed 29 times so far. New house and just out of crib = showdown.

29 times in 25 minutes and he surrendered to my superior will power.

In my mind I'm on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the music is BLARING.

Nearly three now and these days pretty much everything is a battle unless it's something she decides on her own she wants to do. Getting dressed to leave the house? Tears. Putting a hat on? Whining. THAT coat instead of THIS coat? Scream bloody murder. And it's the same thing with eating, changing diapers, and heaven forbid the wrong parent undertake an activity that she in her mind has assigned to the other parent. (We're in the midst of quite a mommy phase lately; with mommy being 8 months pregnant, daddy tries to help with tasks when I can -- mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that). And of course sprinkle into this constant conflict some heavy doses of hormones...

I keep telling myself she's going to turn the corner tomorrow and start behaving rationally, but then the very next morning she's emitting blood curdling screams because she instructed me to "press the red button" on the dash of the car (the hazard lights) and I declined.

Cute age.

My very wild almost 22 month old is pretty tilted by the arrival of his sister who is now 5 months. I don't know if I am going to be able to handle another level of crazy without sedatives for the whole family.A third kid is not happening unless the stork drops it off.
3.6 and about 2.2 currently. Both are wild and fun and challenging. I negotiate with them nearly every second of my time at home. It's getting better though.
Nearly three now and these days pretty much everything is a battle unless it's something she decides on her own she wants to do. Getting dressed to leave the house? Tears. Putting a hat on? Whining. THAT coat instead of THIS coat? Scream bloody murder. And it's the same thing with eating, changing diapers, and heaven forbid the wrong parent undertake an activity that she in her mind has assigned to the other parent. (We're in the midst of quite a mommy phase lately; with mommy being 8 months pregnant, daddy tries to help with tasks when I can -- mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that). And of course sprinkle into this constant conflict some heavy doses of hormones...

I keep telling myself she's going to turn the corner tomorrow and start behaving rationally, but then the very next morning she's emitting blood curdling screams because she instructed me to "press the red button" on the dash of the car (the hazard lights) and I declined.

Cute age.
reminds me of this


the owrst thing is my son is completely attached to me. and while that sounds cool in theory, he forces me to do everything while my wife feels guilty that her 2.5 year old son "hates" her. if i tell him to let mommy help him he throws a tantrum that doesnt stop. anybody ever deal with this before?
fyi this hasn't changed
Nearly three now and these days pretty much everything is a battle unless it's something she decides on her own she wants to do. Getting dressed to leave the house? Tears. Putting a hat on? Whining. THAT coat instead of THIS coat? Scream bloody murder. And it's the same thing with eating, changing diapers, and heaven forbid the wrong parent undertake an activity that she in her mind has assigned to the other parent. (We're in the midst of quite a mommy phase lately; with mommy being 8 months pregnant, daddy tries to help with tasks when I can -- mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that). And of course sprinkle into this constant conflict some heavy doses of hormones...

I keep telling myself she's going to turn the corner tomorrow and start behaving rationally, but then the very next morning she's emitting blood curdling screams because she instructed me to "press the red button" on the dash of the car (the hazard lights) and I declined.

Cute age.
Just wait until she turns 19 and stomps off all ticked at you because you said she can't stay overnight at her boyfriends house.

Nearly three now and these days pretty much everything is a battle unless it's something she decides on her own she wants to do. Getting dressed to leave the house? Tears. Putting a hat on? Whining. THAT coat instead of THIS coat? Scream bloody murder. And it's the same thing with eating, changing diapers, and heaven forbid the wrong parent undertake an activity that she in her mind has assigned to the other parent. (We're in the midst of quite a mommy phase lately; with mommy being 8 months pregnant, daddy tries to help with tasks when I can -- mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that). And of course sprinkle into this constant conflict some heavy doses of hormones...

I keep telling myself she's going to turn the corner tomorrow and start behaving rationally, but then the very next morning she's emitting blood curdling screams because she instructed me to "press the red button" on the dash of the car (the hazard lights) and I declined.

Cute age.
The solution to this is to keep having more kids.

When there are multiple children they occupy themselves and learn from the older ones.

You want to be somewhere between 3-7 of them.


Nearly three now and these days pretty much everything is a battle unless it's something she decides on her own she wants to do. Getting dressed to leave the house? Tears. Putting a hat on? Whining. THAT coat instead of THIS coat? Scream bloody murder. And it's the same thing with eating, changing diapers, and heaven forbid the wrong parent undertake an activity that she in her mind has assigned to the other parent. (We're in the midst of quite a mommy phase lately; with mommy being 8 months pregnant, daddy tries to help with tasks when I can -- mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that). And of course sprinkle into this constant conflict some heavy doses of hormones...

I keep telling myself she's going to turn the corner tomorrow and start behaving rationally, but then the very next morning she's emitting blood curdling screams because she instructed me to "press the red button" on the dash of the car (the hazard lights) and I declined.

Cute age.
The solution to this is to keep having more kids.

When there are multiple children they occupy themselves and learn from the older ones.

You want to be somewhere between 3-7 of them.

Then your bad parenting skills will spread out and not so glaring.

My son is 4.5 now and while he's a very good boy now he is a major crybaby. Everything sets him off
this is my almost 4 year old son. super sweet, tons of fun but throws a hissy when i ask him to do anything he doesn't want to do. get ready to leave for preschool? have a bite of a meal he isn't thrilled with? need help with something? meltdowns one and all. i have tried to get him thinking that he needs to be a "big boy" instead of a baby. i just have to ignore them - which is tough - but this is a less fun time.

lol at my advise earlier.

second one (2) gets a lot of STFUs and we basically ignore her older brother (6) while we try to watch our shows.

My daughter is very advanced for her age. 20 months old and she's already entered the terrible twos.

My son is almost 2.5, and he's still awesome 90% of the time. Says please/thank you, always wants to help, which I do my best to pretend he's doing, whispers when his newborn sister is sleeping, etc.

I am dreading the terrible.

My son is almost 2.5, and he's still awesome 90% of the time. Says please/thank you, always wants to help, which I do my best to pretend he's doing, whispers when his newborn sister is sleeping, etc.

I am dreading the terrible.
My 5 year old was like that. She's still a great kid, but around 3 years she got argumentative, bossy, and asked Why like every time we told her to do something. Grew out of it around 4.
mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that).
This is my favorite part. My son will look at me, "no no no.. mommy lift me." Then when my wife comes over, "daddy do." :lmao:


Nearly three now and these days pretty much everything is a battle unless it's something she decides on her own she wants to do. Getting dressed to leave the house? Tears. Putting a hat on? Whining. THAT coat instead of THIS coat? Scream bloody murder. And it's the same thing with eating, changing diapers, and heaven forbid the wrong parent undertake an activity that she in her mind has assigned to the other parent. (We're in the midst of quite a mommy phase lately; with mommy being 8 months pregnant, daddy tries to help with tasks when I can -- mass hysteria when it turns out I'm not supposed to lift her into her car seat because she wants mommy to do that). And of course sprinkle into this constant conflict some heavy doses of hormones...

I keep telling myself she's going to turn the corner tomorrow and start behaving rationally, but then the very next morning she's emitting blood curdling screams because she instructed me to "press the red button" on the dash of the car (the hazard lights) and I declined.

Cute age.
Far cry from chasing the hot blonde flight attendant.


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