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Three Cheers for Rand Paul (1 Viewer)

'Thorn said:
My understanding of what Paul is pushing for is an answer to the question of whether drone strikes could be authorized against US citizens on US soil when there is NO imminent threat. Did I misunderstand something?
what a stupid thing to filibuster over. No wonder its going to fail.I thought he was filibustering over US drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and other places. You know, something that is actually happening.
How stupid he should just wait until Americans are fully conditioned to accept drone strikes here as they are in Nations we are not at war with. Stupid indeed.
He has nothing to lose, the only people that listen to him are the same people that listened to Ron Paul.

Its a shame he will never be taken seriously, but thats the price you pay for being the crazy son of a crazy man.

'Thorn said:
My understanding of what Paul is pushing for is an answer to the question of whether drone strikes could be authorized against US citizens on US soil when there is NO imminent threat. Did I misunderstand something?
what a stupid thing to filibuster over. No wonder its going to fail.I thought he was filibustering over US drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and other places. You know, something that is actually happening.
How stupid he should just wait until Americans are fully conditioned to accept drone strikes here as they are in Nations we are not at war with. Stupid indeed.
No one has the balls to stand up to real issue. Only fictional ones. If the fictional issue is such a concern, he should introduce legislation. you know being a legislator and all.
'Thorn said:
My understanding of what Paul is pushing for is an answer to the question of whether drone strikes could be authorized against US citizens on US soil when there is NO imminent threat. Did I misunderstand something?
what a stupid thing to filibuster over. No wonder its going to fail.I thought he was filibustering over US drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and other places. You know, something that is actually happening.
How stupid he should just wait until Americans are fully conditioned to accept drone strikes here as they are in Nations we are not at war with. Stupid indeed.
No one has the balls to stand up to real issue. Only fictional ones. If the fictional issue is such a concern, he should introduce legislation. you know being a legislator and all.
Nothing real about the US Attorney General answering yes when asked if the President could legally authorize deadly force on American soil against American citizens.It's all fiction until it happens. Then well if it does. Hey it was needed. ( unless a Bush is President ) then its all righteous outrage.

'bigbottom said:
'Quez said:
'bigbottom said:
'Quez said:
Just youtube "Obama Patriot Act."
I'm on my phone. I know there was a point five or so years before he was elected when he answered some questionnaire saying that he would support the repeal of the PATRIOT Act and replace it with something more limited. But when he became Senator he voted to extend it. I don't think he ever made repealing the PATRIOT Act a campaign issue. Does your YouTube video say that he did?
I think most people were for it prior to 2008, but by the campaign time it was becoming an issue. I am watching the fillibuster but I just quickly saw one were he was bashing wire tapping. I could of sworn I have seen one where he specifically says something about the Patriot Act.
'Quez said:
How about Obama wanting to repeal the Patriot Act. I voted for Obama for many of these reasons in 2008.
If one of the reasons you voted for Obama was because he wanted to repeal the Patriot Act, I would think that you would have been confident that he had in fact made repealing the Patriot Act one of his campaign issues.
He trick me and the rest of America.
'Thorn said:
My understanding of what Paul is pushing for is an answer to the question of whether drone strikes could be authorized against US citizens on US soil when there is NO imminent threat. Did I misunderstand something?
what a stupid thing to filibuster over. No wonder its going to fail.I thought he was filibustering over US drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and other places. You know, something that is actually happening.
How stupid he should just wait until Americans are fully conditioned to accept drone strikes here as they are in Nations we are not at war with. Stupid indeed.
No one has the balls to stand up to real issue. Only fictional ones. If the fictional issue is such a concern, he should introduce legislation. you know being a legislator and all.
The issue is that the legislation needs to catch up to the technology. There are many people, including Rand, that are against the ones going on in Yemen, Pakistan, etc. The problem is that it's all secret, so we don't know anything about the current strikes. They do however know that they are not always killing threats that are doing anything harmful. They just press a button and kill them, no matter where they are. No judge, no jury, just boom. Are they bad people? Probably, but what happens if they use the same practice here in the USA? So, they do have the balls to stand up to the "real issues" they just haven't gotten anywhere. That is why they are trying to stand up to this before it ever becomes an issue.

Technically, it's more difficult to get a wire tap on someone than it is to kill someone with a drone. That's pretty messed up.

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Rubio has jumped on the train. His "political strategist" must be keeping a close eye on twitter and encourage him to get in on this.

He has nothing to lose, the only people that listen to him are the same people that listened to Ron Paul.Its a shame he will never be taken seriously, but thats the price you pay for being the crazy son of a crazy man.
He's been the number one trending topic on twitter all day. Not easy to do
It's encouraging seeing so many other senators support him. If only more would support him on his views about the Federal Reserve, & Iran.

'Thorn said:
My understanding of what Paul is pushing for is an answer to the question of whether drone strikes could be authorized against US citizens on US soil when there is NO imminent threat. Did I misunderstand something?
what a stupid thing to filibuster over. No wonder its going to fail.I thought he was filibustering over US drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and other places. You know, something that is actually happening.
How stupid he should just wait until Americans are fully conditioned to accept drone strikes here as they are in Nations we are not at war with. Stupid indeed.
No one has the balls to stand up to real issue. Only fictional ones. If the fictional issue is such a concern, he should introduce legislation. you know being a legislator and all.
The issue is that the legislation needs to catch up to the technology. There are many people, including Rand, that are against the ones going on in Yemen, Pakistan, etc. The problem is that it's all secret, so we don't know anything about the current strikes. They do however know that they are not always killing threats that are doing anything harmful. They just press a button and kill them, no matter where they are. No judge, no jury, just boom. Are they bad people? Probably, but what happens if they use the same practice here in the USA? So, they do have the balls to stand up to the "real issues" they just haven't gotten anywhere. That is why they are trying to stand up to this before it ever becomes an issue.

Technically, it's more difficult to get a wire tap on someone than it is to kill someone with a drone. That's pretty messed up.
All I'm saying is we're targeting and killing American citizens and their teen age sons now. Filibuster the CIA director over that.
He just Yielded the floor. job well done.

On his way out he"basically said" that he would have loved to go on filibustering for another 12 hours, but there are limits because he had to take a dump.

'Thorn said:
My understanding of what Paul is pushing for is an answer to the question of whether drone strikes could be authorized against US citizens on US soil when there is NO imminent threat. Did I misunderstand something?
what a stupid thing to filibuster over. No wonder its going to fail.I thought he was filibustering over US drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, and other places. You know, something that is actually happening.
How stupid he should just wait until Americans are fully conditioned to accept drone strikes here as they are in Nations we are not at war with. Stupid indeed.
No one has the balls to stand up to real issue. Only fictional ones. If the fictional issue is such a concern, he should introduce legislation. you know being a legislator and all.
The issue is that the legislation needs to catch up to the technology. There are many people, including Rand, that are against the ones going on in Yemen, Pakistan, etc. The problem is that it's all secret, so we don't know anything about the current strikes. They do however know that they are not always killing threats that are doing anything harmful. They just press a button and kill them, no matter where they are. No judge, no jury, just boom. Are they bad people? Probably, but what happens if they use the same practice here in the USA? So, they do have the balls to stand up to the "real issues" they just haven't gotten anywhere. That is why they are trying to stand up to this before it ever becomes an issue.

Technically, it's more difficult to get a wire tap on someone than it is to kill someone with a drone. That's pretty messed up.
All I'm saying is we're targeting and killing American citizens and their teen age sons now. Filibuster the CIA director over that.
We already have.
Senator John McCain today: "If Paul wants to be taken seriously he needs to do more than pull political stunts than fire up impressionable libertarian kids"

And the GOP wonders why they can't reach the younger generations. McCain is the mouthpiece for the old ways.

Senator John McCain today: "If Paul wants to be taken seriously he needs to do more than pull political stunts than fire up impressionable libertarian kids" And the GOP wonders why they can't reach the younger generations. McCain is the mouthpiece for the old ways.
McCain and Graham(who also got his panties in a bunch)need to just go away already.Out of date and out of touch.
"The president has not and would not use drone strikes against American citizens on American soil," Carney said at a press briefing.Carney said Attorney General Eric Holder sent a letter to Paul Thursday clarifying the administration's stance on the issue, which generated considerable controversy on Twitter Wednesday as Paul's filibuster unfolded."Does the president have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil? .... The answer to that question is no,"
Does anyone in here really think the administration's position was that they could kill someone in a cafe with an armed drone?

I'd actually have thought more of this if it was about if overseas drone use should continue as it currently does

This seems like the administration was being just vague enough for Paul to read as vague and proceed with all of this. After an hour it was clear the administration was going to at some point just say no, it was clear to me that was what they had said in the morning

although if words are important, such that the original statement was parsed in this manner, why isn't the new one?

I see no definition of "engaged in combat" if someone is on a phone at a cafe with a terrorist who is acquiring goods that will be used for terror is that "engaged in combat"?

what does american soil mean? Could they use a drone on someone in american waters?

lets parse the crap out of this!!!!

In before the president uses a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil.

can the president order special forces to kill a non-combatant american citizen on US soil?

i have not seen that question asked or answered

Can the president order Big Macs daily for non-combatant American citizens and kill then all very slowly through weight gain and high blood pressure?

Does anyone in here really think the administration's position was that they could kill someone in a cafe with an armed drone?

I'd actually have thought more of this if it was about if overseas drone use should continue as it currently does

This seems like the administration was being just vague enough for Paul to read as vague and proceed with all of this. After an hour it was clear the administration was going to at some point just say no, it was clear to me that was what they had said in the morning

although if words are important, such that the original statement was parsed in this manner, why isn't the new one?

I see no definition of "engaged in combat" if someone is on a phone at a cafe with a terrorist who is acquiring goods that will be used for terror is that "engaged in combat"?

what does american soil mean? Could they use a drone on someone in american waters?

lets parse the crap out of this!!!!
Rand said this wasn't about a fear of Obama using Obama's policies. Think about things like the mention of general welfare in the constitution... it can still can be debated today. And whether you favor allowing a large government or small one that should worry you, because its up to the discretion of who is reading it. Rand got a written letter stating that Obama's policies can not be construed by latter presidents to allow for the drone bombing of non-combatant citizens, that's a pretty commendable task if you ask me.The AG quoted Paul's question and responded to it with a "no" answer. So if your looking for the meanings of the words you'd have to look to Rand, and I bet he'd be willing to clarify exactly what he meant.

How is a drone killing someone worse than a cop killing someone? There are many cases where we think it's OK for a cop to shoot someone without a trial.
Next time a cop ambushes and kills someone. Let me know
Let me know when a Drone kills an innocent American on on American Soil!! If an American is on foreign soil with terrorist, I personally think that is fair game.I find this funny, that those that are supporting unlimited guns are also the ones that cry wolf on this. President Bush took more of our freedoms away than Obama has (at this pointi
I think Obama should just come out and say he's going to send drones after all gun owners because otherwise they will prevent him from imposing his desired one world United Nations dictatorship. They're on to him anyhow, so why not just admit to it?

I'm more concerned with our drone use around the rest of the world. We should not be able to fly a drone anywhere that we wouldn't be allowed to fly a manned military aircraft. We're setting a dangerous precident and will only have ourselves to blame when some other country sends a drone across our border to bomb something. We should be setting a higher standard of use for them.

Does anyone in here really think the administration's position was that they could kill someone in a cafe with an armed drone?

I'd actually have thought more of this if it was about if overseas drone use should continue as it currently does

This seems like the administration was being just vague enough for Paul to read as vague and proceed with all of this. After an hour it was clear the administration was going to at some point just say no, it was clear to me that was what they had said in the morning

although if words are important, such that the original statement was parsed in this manner, why isn't the new one?

I see no definition of "engaged in combat" if someone is on a phone at a cafe with a terrorist who is acquiring goods that will be used for terror is that "engaged in combat"?

what does american soil mean? Could they use a drone on someone in american waters?

lets parse the crap out of this!!!!
Rand said this wasn't about a fear of Obama using Obama's policies. Think about things like the mention of general welfare in the constitution... it can still can be debated today. And whether you favor allowing a large government or small one that should worry you, because its up to the discretion of who is reading it. Rand got a written letter stating that Obama's policies can not be construed by latter presidents to allow for the drone bombing of non-combatant citizens, that's a pretty commendable task if you ask me.The AG quoted Paul's question and responded to it with a "no" answer. So if your looking for the meanings of the words you'd have to look to Rand, and I bet he'd be willing to clarify exactly what he meant.
holder had already answered nohe was asked could they kill a us citizen in a cafe, and he said it would not be appropriate to do that rather than arrest them

when cruz did not like that holder said no

Mr. Holder repeatedly said that it would not be appropriate to use lethal force rather than arresting the suspect, but Mr. Cruz said he was asking a “simple question” about its constitutionality, not its propriety. Finally, Mr. Holder said: “Translate my ‘appropriate’ to ‘no.’ I thought I was saying ‘no.’ All right? ‘No.’


the letter reiterated what he had already said and what everyone knows

and latter presidents can still interpret their ability to act as they want, nothing that happened prevented that, unless paul intends to make ever incoming president write this letter and will filibuster until they do

just because Holder as AG for this administration said no does not in any way ensure the next AG for a different administration will say the same

Then why was he beating around the bush when Cruz was directly asking him?
that was dumb too. presidents and their peeps don't like to say they cannot do things.but in the end Holder changed his not appropriate to no, so he had already said exactly what the letter said. We all believe that was the law anyway.

I think Paul's issue is the drone program in general, but what he attacked was a boogeyman that did not matter much. I have doubts, myself, about if we should be killing people so indiscriminately around the globe. unfortunately those questions were not asked or answered.

Does anyone in here really think the administration's position was that they could kill someone in a cafe with an armed drone?

I'd actually have thought more of this if it was about if overseas drone use should continue as it currently does

This seems like the administration was being just vague enough for Paul to read as vague and proceed with all of this. After an hour it was clear the administration was going to at some point just say no, it was clear to me that was what they had said in the morning

although if words are important, such that the original statement was parsed in this manner, why isn't the new one?

I see no definition of "engaged in combat" if someone is on a phone at a cafe with a terrorist who is acquiring goods that will be used for terror is that "engaged in combat"?

what does american soil mean? Could they use a drone on someone in american waters?

lets parse the crap out of this!!!!
Rand said this wasn't about a fear of Obama using Obama's policies. Think about things like the mention of general welfare in the constitution... it can still can be debated today. And whether you favor allowing a large government or small one that should worry you, because its up to the discretion of who is reading it. Rand got a written letter stating that Obama's policies can not be construed by latter presidents to allow for the drone bombing of non-combatant citizens, that's a pretty commendable task if you ask me.The AG quoted Paul's question and responded to it with a "no" answer. So if your looking for the meanings of the words you'd have to look to Rand, and I bet he'd be willing to clarify exactly what he meant.
holder had already answered nohe was asked could they kill a us citizen in a cafe, and he said it would not be appropriate to do that rather than arrest them

when cruz did not like that holder said no

Mr. Holder repeatedly said that it would not be appropriate to use lethal force rather than arresting the suspect, but Mr. Cruz said he was asking a “simple question” about its constitutionality, not its propriety. Finally, Mr. Holder said: “Translate my ‘appropriate’ to ‘no.’ I thought I was saying ‘no.’ All right? ‘No.’


the letter reiterated what he had already said and what everyone knows

and latter presidents can still interpret their ability to act as they want, nothing that happened prevented that, unless paul intends to make ever incoming president write this letter and will filibuster until they do

just because Holder as AG for this administration said no does not in any way ensure the next AG for a different administration will say the same
This wasn't as cut & dry as you make it sound. If it was Paul would have been up there by himself not joined by other Republicans and Dems. Right now there are quite a few people that are supporting Rand for this.

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