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This graph makes me nauseous (1 Viewer)


This pie graph depicts the number of abortions performed since Roe v Wade in comparison to the US deaths in all of the major wars in US history.

The only wars you can even make out are the Civil War, WWI & WWII. The total section of all wars combined is maybe 3% of the total.

I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice, this is disgusting. I've never actually seen the numbers on abortions, but I would have never guessed it was so high. While abortions have been declining in recent years, there are still at around 750K - 1.2M abortions per year.

I'm honestly not looking to pick a fight, just think these numbers need to be seen by everyone to make an informed decision. The sheer volume is the equivalent of aborting the entire population of San Francisco or Austin each year.

This pie graph depicts the number of abortions performed since Roe v Wade in comparison to the US deaths in all of the major wars in US history.

The only wars you can even make out are the Civil War, WWI & WWII. The total section of all wars combined is maybe 3% of the total.

I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice, this is disgusting. I've never actually seen the numbers on abortions, but I would have never guessed it was so high. While abortions have been declining in recent years, there are still at around 750K - 1.2M abortions per year.

I'm honestly not looking to pick a fight, just think these numbers need to be seen by everyone to make an informed decision. The sheer volume is the equivalent of aborting the entire population of San Francisco or Austin each year.
Interesting choice of cities for someone not looking to pick a fight ;)

Odd. I was just thinking to myself that what this country needs is another 50ish million unwanted children

If you are alarmed at that, I strongly advise that you should also be in favor of free access to birth control and a universal and honest "here is how you prevent pregnancy when you have sex" sex education program. Not the BS "abstinence only" sex "education" that seems to be all the rage with those who are "religious." Those are the programs that should make you nauseous.

Here's the basic fact: People like to ####. And people are going to ####. You can wave a Bible around and preach waiting all you want, but in the end, people are going to do the one thing that they were put on this Earth to do. They are going to ####. And they are going to want to #### when they are teens because their libidos are through the roof. Want to drop the abortion rate? Start with education and birth control.

Assuming it's accurate (and I have no reason to believe it's not) it is pretty staggering. It's not surprising though, Ignoring where you are on the morality of it, it just shows what a lazy, mostly careless society we have, generally speaking. I can't imagine that an abortion is a healthy thing for the female body - however, I don't know if there's any studies that show any side effects to that vs. contraceptive measures - maybe it's a wash. And I imagine there's a lot of mental baggage for most that go through it. Definitely something that I hope our upcoming generations have a better handle on than our current one.

If you are alarmed at that, I strongly advise that you should also be in favor of free access to birth control and a universal and honest "here is how you prevent pregnancy when you have sex" sex education program. Not the BS "abstinence only" sex "education" that seems to be all the rage with those who are "religious." Those are the programs that should make you nauseous.

Here's the basic fact: People like to ####. And people are going to ####. You can wave a Bible around and preach waiting all you want, but in the end, people are going to do the one thing that they were put on this Earth to do. They are going to ####. And they are going to want to #### when they are teens because their libidos are through the roof. Want to drop the abortion rate? Start with education and birth control.
Good posting - although, haven't we mostly moved beyond the abstinence conversation with the majority of people? I could be wrong on that but I'm completely in favor of more education and free contraceptives.

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I've never actually seen the numbers on abortions, but I would have never guessed it was so high.
That's because when we talk about abortion, we end up spending a disproportionate amount of time talking incest or pregnancies resulting from rape, both of which are vanishingly rare compared plain old convenience-driven abortions.

If you read the first paragraph of the website article the chart came from, it's comparing war causalities to other major causes of death (heart diseases, accidents, strokes???) INCLUDING abortion since the Roe v. Wade decision. The red portion of the chart marked Roe v Wade DOES NOT only include abortions since the decisions.

If you read the first paragraph of the website article the chart came from, it's comparing war causalities to other major causes of death (heart diseases, accidents, strokes???) INCLUDING abortion since the Roe v. Wade decision. The red portion of the chart marked Roe v Wade DOES NOT only include abortions since the decisions.
I think that's a reference to a different chart. This one is clearly labeled.

If all the women you knew were honest...you'd be awestruck at how many of them have had abortions.

This pie graph depicts the number of abortions performed since Roe v Wade in comparison to the US deaths in all of the major wars in US history.

The only wars you can even make out are the Civil War, WWI & WWII. The total section of all wars combined is maybe 3% of the total.

I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice, this is disgusting. I've never actually seen the numbers on abortions, but I would have never guessed it was so high. While abortions have been declining in recent years, there are still at around 750K - 1.2M abortions per year.

I'm honestly not looking to pick a fight, just think these numbers need to be seen by everyone to make an informed decision. The sheer volume is the equivalent of aborting the entire population of San Francisco or Austin each year.
if you are against abortion, don't have one. pretty ####### simple.

The latest statistics from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data for FY 2014 (link is external).

415,129 children were in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from 2012

264,746 children entered care - that translates to a child entering care every two minutes in the United States

238,230 children existed foster care

107,918 children waiting to be adopted on September 30th, 2014

60,898 children waiting to be adopted whose parental rights (for all living parents) were terminated

50,644 children adopted with public child welfare agency involvement
So.....let's outlaw abortions and increase these numbers? Talk about disgusting. Stop crying about abortion and do something relevant to actually help the unwanted kids that are here now.

if you are against abortion, don't have one. pretty ####### simple.
I typically don't jump in to abortion conversations because people lose their mind and it's funny here especially because we are 99% men. I am disturbed by the numbers though - and I outlined it somewhat earlier. I think abortions can be physically (and especially) mentally harmful to women and we've made it very passé to get one. I'm not saying that women don't take the decision lightly, what I'm saying is I don't think there's as much seriousness given before getting pregnant. I don't think they understand the impact an abortion will have on them.

The latest statistics from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data for FY 2014 (link is external).

415,129 children were in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from 2012

264,746 children entered care - that translates to a child entering care every two minutes in the United States

238,230 children existed foster care

107,918 children waiting to be adopted on September 30th, 2014

60,898 children waiting to be adopted whose parental rights (for all living parents) were terminated

50,644 children adopted with public child welfare agency involvement
So.....let's outlaw abortions and increase these numbers? Talk about disgusting. Stop crying about abortion and do something relevant to actually help the unwanted kids that are here now.
It's not either or GM.
And to be clear - I'm still not talking about the morality of having one or not. I'm not interested in that conversation. That's for everyone to decide for themselves.

The latest statistics from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data for FY 2014 (link is external).

415,129 children were in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from 2012

264,746 children entered care - that translates to a child entering care every two minutes in the United States

238,230 children existed foster care

107,918 children waiting to be adopted on September 30th, 2014

60,898 children waiting to be adopted whose parental rights (for all living parents) were terminated

50,644 children adopted with public child welfare agency involvement
So.....let's outlaw abortions and increase these numbers? Talk about disgusting. Stop crying about abortion and do something relevant to actually help the unwanted kids that are here now.
Do you have a breakdown of the ages of those kids? I have a couple of friends who have gone through, or contemplated adoption. Adopting a newborn is incredible difficult. A woman wishing to give up her newborn because she doesn't want to have an abortion would have little difficulty finding a home for that newborn.

Older kids currently in the "system" are of course a completely different story.

plain old convenience-driven abortions.
Oh, good lord. What an absolutely disgusting turn of phrase.
Sorry, but it's entirely accurate. Most abortions are driven by some variant of "Now isn't a good time for me to have a child" i.e. it's inconvenient. If you find that troubling, I do as well and I'm sure the OP does too.
What i find troubling - in fact deeply disturbing - is the argument advanced by anti-choicers that women have abortions due to "convenience." Talk about nauseating.

In fact, women make the very difficult decision to have abortions for many reasons. The woman may not feel that she has the resources, financial, familial, emotional, or otherwise, to to take care of a child. But regardless of the particular reasons or even their integrity, I do not wish for anyone, including the government, to decide what reason is "justifiable" or "good enough," or what constitutes an impermissible abortion for "convenience." Is this 2016, or 1816? Jeebus.

I've said this before, but I'll try it again:

Stuff like this turns off people who are undecided, or who are pro-choice but are generally anti-abortion and don't have a problem with certain restrictions on them based on stage of pregnancy, etc. I'm in the latter category. I think there are a LOT of people in this category too. We're willing to listen to ideas. But if you start referring to a penny-sized, lung-less fetus with only the beginnings of a brain and nervous system with the same words we use to describe our breathing, crying, adoring infants, you lose us immediately.

I get that you think human life begins at conception, and that's fine. But most people don't think that and they never will. If you demand that everyone else agree with your minority viewpoint and declare those who don't to be supporters of genocide, you're only going to make enemies.

I'd be OK severely restricting abortion if we A) provided free long term contraception to any woman that wanted it AND B) provided a BIG.

If all the women you knew were honest...you'd be awestruck at how many of them have had abortions.
Along these lines, Here's an amicus brief just filed in the Supreme Court abortion case. It's signed by 113 attorneys that had abortions and credit that decision with all sorts of positive life outcomes. It's pretty rare that we get to read this stuff, I think it's important to read.*

*So I'll read it when I have a chance. So far I've just read about it.

This thread will continue to devolve in to an argument about the legality or morality of abortion - which it always does. I still think we need to be concerned with the women who have had abortions and help them - and educate others who have not. We've spent way too much time arguing the legality and morality and ignored those two things - IMO.

Everybody loves to make horrible analogies so I will too. It would be like if the country was split on whether bankruptcy should be legal and then we spend all our time arguing about the legality and not spending enough time educating people on how not to get to that point to begin with.

This thread will continue to devolve in to an argument about the legality or morality of abortion - which it always does. I still think we need to be concerned with the women who have had abortions and help them - and educate others who have not. We've spent way too much time arguing the legality and morality and ignored those two things - IMO.
Well, a good start is keep funding Planned Parenthood. Maybe even provide MORE funding. Closing them certainly won't help.

I've said this before, but I'll try it again:

Stuff like this turns off people who are undecided, or who are pro-choice but are generally anti-abortion and don't have a problem with certain restrictions on them based on stage of pregnancy, etc. I'm in the latter category. I think there are a LOT of people in this category too. We're willing to listen to ideas. But if you start referring to a penny-sized, lung-less fetus with only the beginnings of a brain and nervous system with the same words we use to describe our breathing, crying, adoring infants, you lose us immediately.

I get that you think human life begins at conception, and that's fine. But most people don't think that and they never will. If you demand that everyone else agree with your minority viewpoint and declare those who don't to be supporters of genocide, you're only going to make enemies.
Yet...if we find even the slightest hint or rumor that there's ever been water on another planet...we're quick to speculate on there being life there and many of those who will turn a blind eye to the lungless fetus will be quick to sing to the high heavens that we've found LIFE on another planet when we find the tiniest of amoebas.

I've said this before, but I'll try it again:

Stuff like this turns off people who are undecided, or who are pro-choice but are generally anti-abortion and don't have a problem with certain restrictions on them based on stage of pregnancy, etc. I'm in the latter category. I think there are a LOT of people in this category too. We're willing to listen to ideas. But if you start referring to a penny-sized, lung-less fetus with only the beginnings of a brain and nervous system with the same words we use to describe our breathing, crying, adoring infants, you lose us immediately.

I get that you think human life begins at conception, and that's fine. But most people don't think that and they never will. If you demand that everyone else agree with your minority viewpoint and declare those who don't to be supporters of genocide, you're only going to make enemies.
Yet...if we find even the slightest hint or rumor that there's ever been water on another planet...we're quick to speculate on there being life there and many of those who will turn a blind eye to the lungless fetus will be quick to sing to the high heavens that we've found LIFE on another planet when we find the tiniest of amoebas.
If we found amoebas on millions of different planets every year, it probably wouldn't be much of a story.
This thread will continue to devolve in to an argument about the legality or morality of abortion - which it always does. I still think we need to be concerned with the women who have had abortions and help them - and educate others who have not. We've spent way too much time arguing the legality and morality and ignored those two things - IMO.
Well, a good start is keep funding Planned Parenthood. Maybe even provide MORE funding. Closing them certainly won't help.
I'd be in favor of (just about) anything that continues educations and reduces the number of incidents where women have to make this decision.

My ex-girlfriend had one a decade ago when I was 22.

I can assure you I was a train wreck at the time (partying, girls, drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.). Def not able to provide for a family, provide a good life for a child, nor want to spend the rest of my life with the woman who was pregnant and provide a child with a memorable/happy childhood and the opportunity to succeed in the future. I am capable of and doing these things now, and very happy, as is my child and wife.

We both agreed an abortion was the right move at that time, haven't thought about it in ages since right now, it was the right move. Sorry if that upsets the OP, actually no I'm not, not in the slightest.

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I've said this before, but I'll try it again:

Stuff like this turns off people who are undecided, or who are pro-choice but are generally anti-abortion and don't have a problem with certain restrictions on them based on stage of pregnancy, etc. I'm in the latter category. I think there are a LOT of people in this category too. We're willing to listen to ideas. But if you start referring to a penny-sized, lung-less fetus with only the beginnings of a brain and nervous system with the same words we use to describe our breathing, crying, adoring infants, you lose us immediately.

I get that you think human life begins at conception, and that's fine. But most people don't think that and they never will. If you demand that everyone else agree with your minority viewpoint and declare those who don't to be supporters of genocide, you're only going to make enemies.
Yet...if we find even the slightest hint or rumor that there's ever been water on another planet...we're quick to speculate on there being life there and many of those who will turn a blind eye to the lungless fetus will be quick to sing to the high heavens that we've found LIFE on another planet when we find the tiniest of amoebas.
I've said this before, but I'll try it again:

Stuff like this turns off people who are undecided, or who are pro-choice but are generally anti-abortion and don't have a problem with certain restrictions on them based on stage of pregnancy, etc. I'm in the latter category. I think there are a LOT of people in this category too. We're willing to listen to ideas. But if you start referring to a penny-sized, lung-less fetus with only the beginnings of a brain and nervous system with the same words we use to describe our breathing, crying, adoring infants, you lose us immediately.

I get that you think human life begins at conception, and that's fine. But most people don't think that and they never will. If you demand that everyone else agree with your minority viewpoint and declare those who don't to be supporters of genocide, you're only going to make enemies.
Yet...if we find even the slightest hint or rumor that there's ever been water on another planet...we're quick to speculate on there being life there and many of those who will turn a blind eye to the lungless fetus will be quick to sing to the high heavens that we've found LIFE on another planet when we find the tiniest of amoebas.

I've said this before, but I'll try it again:

Stuff like this turns off people who are undecided, or who are pro-choice but are generally anti-abortion and don't have a problem with certain restrictions on them based on stage of pregnancy, etc. I'm in the latter category. I think there are a LOT of people in this category too. We're willing to listen to ideas. But if you start referring to a penny-sized, lung-less fetus with only the beginnings of a brain and nervous system with the same words we use to describe our breathing, crying, adoring infants, you lose us immediately.

I get that you think human life begins at conception, and that's fine. But most people don't think that and they never will. If you demand that everyone else agree with your minority viewpoint and declare those who don't to be supporters of genocide, you're only going to make enemies.
Yet...if we find even the slightest hint or rumor that there's ever been water on another planet...we're quick to speculate on there being life there and many of those who will turn a blind eye to the lungless fetus will be quick to sing to the high heavens that we've found LIFE on another planet when we find the tiniest of amoebas.

The distinction is whether and when a fetus constitutes a human life. Everyone agrees that fetuses are alive in the sense we use the word to describe "life on other planets" (not dead/inanimate).


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