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THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN reboot (3 Viewers)

i am with the cheesemaster up there i love westerns they are the best and anyone who says otherwise would be shot under the table in the old west bam take that to the bank buckaroohans

I loved the first two (Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven) and this looks fun.

I like the casting choices of Donofrio and Lee.   

I can't tell who the bad guy is (Vinnie Jones?).  Eli Wallach was so good in the 1960 version as the bad guy.

I really need to see Seven Samurai.  Anyone know a streaming service that has it?  I haven't been able to find it.

i have the sixties version on a dvd and man what a movie yuell brenner and the always cool as the side of a pillow awesome steve mcqueen then coburn and of course charles bronson man what a cast hard to beat that baby my favorite part is when mcqueen is asking how many men they have and the guy says a number and mcqueen holds up fingers with that number plus one just awesome bam take that to the bank bromigos 

i have the sixties version on a dvd and man what a movie yuell brenner and the always cool as the side of a pillow awesome steve mcqueen then coburn and of course charles bronson man what a cast hard to beat that baby my favorite part is when mcqueen is asking how many men they have and the guy says a number and mcqueen holds up fingers with that number plus one just awesome bam take that to the bank bromigos 
How about a spoiler alert brohan? 

sorry i guess talking about a movie fifty years after it was made is to soon my bad bromigo take that to the sorry bank 

Saw this this morning on Chris Pratt's FB page.  Looks fantastic.  Some good casting.

Seven Samurai... top three all time. 

Magnificent Seven... pretty good. very watchable. 

Re-reboot? Low to zero expectations this is anything more than meh.

You can't get any cooler then Bryner and McQueen taking the funeral stagecoach up the hill. Coburn being challenged on whose faster with a gun or a knife? More touching and insightful then Bronson explaining to the kids why being a father and providing is the hardest responsibility a man can have and is not braver then carrying a gun. Vaughn exposing his fear of losing his touch and his nerve. Eli Wallach being the most pragmatic villain ever. Thinking he had the 7 pegged as just hired guns and not understanding how men like that would help save a town for nothing. The principles of redemption, protecting the weak, living for a purpose and family are several of the universal themes in this movie. Seven is about as anti-western ideal as you can get and it is brilliant. This will be as bad as Washington's remake of Manchurian Candidate. Lesson to Hollywood, never remake classic films, only B movies.

I loved the first two (Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven) and this looks fun.

I like the casting choices of Donofrio and Lee.   

I can't tell who the bad guy is (Vinnie Jones?).  Eli Wallach was so good in the 1960 version as the bad guy.
Agreed. Was awesome in this role as well as Tuco from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Agreed. Was awesome in this role as well as Tuco from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Speaking of Tuco...I was thinking Tuco from Breaking Bad (Raymond Cruz) might have been fun as the Eli Wallach character in Magnificent 7 reboot!

You can't get any cooler then Bryner and McQueen taking the funeral stagecoach up the hill. Coburn being challenged on whose faster with a gun or a knife? More touching and insightful then Bronson explaining to the kids why being a father and providing is the hardest responsibility a man can have and is not braver then carrying a gun. Vaughn exposing his fear of losing his touch and his nerve. Eli Wallach being the most pragmatic villain ever. Thinking he had the 7 pegged as just hired guns and not understanding how men like that would help save a town for nothing. The principles of redemption, protecting the weak, living for a purpose and family are several of the universal themes in this movie. Seven is about as anti-western ideal as you can get and it is brilliant. This will be as bad as Washington's remake of Manchurian Candidate. Lesson to Hollywood, never remake classic films, only B movies.

I really don't mind reboots, but yes, all of this. Why remake a movie that's already perfect?

Looks like good action. Great cast. That dude playing the main bad guy has good creepy factor going in his favor for playing a villain. Will see unless just gets destroyed by reviews.

"looks great unless it sucks"
Didn't see who directed it but Denzel and the used to be fat guy who turned movie star are generally solid. Would expect a good movie. 

Was hoping before watching the trailer it would be less campy and more solid western.

The only thing wrong with Shooter is it's TOO awesome.
shooter is the one with markie mark?  And Kate Mara?  i am ok with Kate Mara, very ok.

mag 7 was perfect and brynner & mcqueen are HOFers.  cant see a remake being anything more than self serving chest thumping.

If you have Hulu, it has close to 1,000 titles from the Criterion Collection, including many by Kurosawa.
Of course Hulu is the one I don't have (I have Netflix and Amazon Prime).

I tried finding it on Youtube, but when I tried to watch it, it said "this video isn't available."  I did then watch a few videos on the similarities between Hidden Fortress and Star Wars, which were interesting.  I generally knew about the inspiration, but some of the shot for shot similarities were interesting to see.

A nice dark western would be great.  This is clearly not that.  

Chris Pratt?  Ethan Hawke?  Uggh.  

I already saw Young Guns, this looks about as edgy and gritty as that movie.  

Am a big fan of the black guy running things, tho, and the white woman calling him sir.  Has that authentic flavor I look for.  

Of course Hulu is the one I don't have (I have Netflix and Amazon Prime).

I tried finding it on Youtube, but when I tried to watch it, it said "this video isn't available."  I did then watch a few videos on the similarities between Hidden Fortress and Star Wars, which were interesting.  I generally knew about the inspiration, but some of the shot for shot similarities were interesting to see.
Literally my favorite movies are Bladerunner, Seven Samurai and 2001.

Kurosawa and Kubrick are my favorite directors, and it isn't close.

Rashomon is one of his greatest (remade into a bad Western called Outrage, I think starring Paul Newman and maybe Richard Boone), kind of broke the foreign art film circuit in the states, with movies like The Seventh Seal by Bergman.


Yojimbo (Intro) is one of his greatest masterpieces (Coppola said if you have 1-2 you are a genius, which he did with Apocalypse Now and the first two Godfather's, Kurosawa had like a half dozen, besides those mentioned here, also Throne of Blood and his late work Ran, based on MacBeth and King Lear, as well as contemporary setting Ikiru), prompting the nearly scene-for-scene rip off, that kicked off and was the inception of the immortal Leone/Eastwood/Morricone Spaghetti Western trilogy collaboration - Fistful of Dollars - and less notoriously, the Bruce Willis gangster vehicle, Last Man Standing. Kurosawa's greatest lead actor Toshiro Mifune was at his peak and height of his powers during these movies.   


High and Low NY Times review - as alluded to above, Kurosawa was the most Western Japanese Director, he loved John Ford Westerns, did several Shakespeare transpositions (partly explaining why his film syntax and grammar was so easily translated to an international sensibility and near universally admired/followed/emulated) and this was based on the original source material for the screenplay adaptation, the novel King's Ransom by US writer Ed McBain (pseudonym). It is a tautly directed (especially the second half) police procedural/caper film about a mistaken identity kidnapping. Not only one of his half dozen-ish best, but with Ikiru, one of the best to illustrate Kurosawa was also a master out of his more commonly associated Samurai-era, period piece films, equally towering in a (THEN, '50s-'60s post-war Japan) contemporary setting. 


Composing Movement


The Bad Sleep Well - The Geometry of a Scene


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Just saw it.   Very weak effort.   Every aspect of the movie was completely formulaic, the writing was boring and predictable, and none of the actors made any impression.   

I should add that Chris Pratt reprised his role from Guardians, Denzel phoned it in, the Mexican and the Indian had zero character development, Vincent's mountain man seemed like an aging hipster attempting performance art, and Ethan Hawke and  Byung-hun Lee got considerable screen time and added nothing to the movie.  

Plus, Boobs McCleavage killing the bad guy at the end was so predictable that you kinda thought they wouldn't do it.   But they did.

Normally I'd put that tidbit in spoilers, but there's no need in this case, b/c it's ####### obvious all the way through the movie that Boobs will get her revenge.  The only real question is if Denzel lives, or if they kill him off as well for dramatic effect.   For $15 you can find out Denzel's fate!

Ah, m'lords and wenches, FINALLY there is a movie that both my mount and I can enjoy as one.

So very many fine looking steeds and mares in this. Alas, Ser Bravely just won't stop neighing about it -- shut up you blubbering fool, I can barely sleep -- HO HO!

I speak the truth of it to you, though, friends, and the truth is this:

One of these may NEVER hope to match Ser Bravely's unflappable, majestic nature. Verily, not a doubt in my mind exists I say to you all.

He is, INDEED, the finest, most noble and just horse in all of the land. ALL OF THE LAND, I SAY!

Ah, m'lords and wenches, FINALLY there is a movie that both my mount and I can enjoy as one.

So very many fine looking steeds and mares in this. Alas, Ser Bravely just won't stop neighing about it -- shut up you blubbering fool, I can barely sleep -- HO HO!

I speak the truth of it to you, though, friends, and the truth is this:

One of these may NEVER hope to match Ser Bravely's unflappable, majestic nature. Verily, not a doubt in my mind exists I say to you all.

He is, INDEED, the finest, most noble and just horse in all of the land. ALL OF THE LAND, I SAY!
May never and not a doubt kind of contradict each other, my lord. For it is much like saying it is doubtless, perhaps, like Dostoyevsky once did. I humbly beg of you to accept my correction with Godspeed, and God bless your just horse.

May never and not a doubt kind of contradict each other, my lord. For it is much like saying it is doubtless, perhaps, like Dostoyevsky once did. I humbly beg of you to accept my correction with Godspeed, and God bless your just horse.
One thousand thanks to you, sire. You're both wise and noble beyond your years. May your fiddle be forever wet and your bloodlust be forever satiated! TO ARMS!

Ah, m'lords and wenches, FINALLY there is a movie that both my mount and I can enjoy as one.

So very many fine looking steeds and mares in this. Alas, Ser Bravely just won't stop neighing about it -- shut up you blubbering fool, I can barely sleep -- HO HO!

I speak the truth of it to you, though, friends, and the truth is this:

One of these may NEVER hope to match Ser Bravely's unflappable, majestic nature. Verily, not a doubt in my mind exists I say to you all.

He is, INDEED, the finest, most noble and just horse in all of the land. ALL OF THE LAND, I SAY!
I thought this was a western? :shrug:


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