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6 year old son recently started displaying an almost OCD tick (2 Viewers)

Portis Homer

A few months ago, out of nowhere one day, I noticed my 6 year old tap both his wrists against the bannister of the staircase. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then I noticed some more. Basically, if his hand or foot hit something accidentally, he would tap it with the other side. It literally came out of nowhere. I guess I just thought this was a phase, but it's been a couple months and he hasn't stopped. It's not all the time, and doesn't seem to be impeding him in anyway at school or in his life, but I notice it and I'm prone to overly worry about these sort of things. He doesn't do it when he's busy with something active, like when he's at hockey or playing outside, more so if he's in the house. 

I've been researching on the internet (which I should never do as I completely freak myself out) and it appears to at the very least be O.C.D., but that can be associated with a host of other things such as ADHD, Autism, etc... My son was a late to talk, so we were worried about autism early on, but he showed no other symptoms and with speech therapy caught up so the doctors were not concerned, but now with this I'm, stressed about that again as well. We've also noticed he's been more fidgety when sitting on the couch in correspondence with this need to touch things evenly with both hands. I sat down and talked to him last week, let him know he was in no way in trouble or doing anything wrong, but we've noticed and wanted to know if everything okay. Basically he knows he's doing it, and he's not sure why it's started. He just started to feel the need basically to touch things with both hands or feet when one accidentally touches the other. He's otherwise a sweet healthy kid, doing really well in school, has some close friends, shows normal emotions, understand social cues,  doesn't show many of the other symptoms for something more serious, etc...

We've made an appointment to go see his Doctor and see if we need a referral and should be doing something about this, but at this point I'm just completely freaked out and basically just want to see if anyone has any experience with this. I'm literally a nervous wreck and can't stop watching him do it and progressively worry more and more. I'm hopeful it's just a phase, but worried it's anywhere from an OCD tick to something much worse.

Six-year-old, then kindergarten.  Talk to his teacher and see if they notice anything.  We see children all day and are conditioned to look for things like that.

how is he with engaging other kids? does he listen... pick up on a social cues... have a back and forth dialogue?

he's still young, and it sounds like whatever is going on, if anything, he's operating at a highly functional level. it's great that you're aware and taking action... and easy for me to say, but if there's any way to breath and just enjoy and support him as-is (while doing your due diligence to see if he needs any help)... it might help with your own nervousness and anxiety. caveat- I'm only a dad with two kids (9 & 5), so don't have any technical experience here other than having seen some other kids and families go through adhd & autism spectrum related issues... and like your son, with engaged parents who helped get the kids whatever support they needed.

I think you're worrying a bit too much.  Settle down just a bit.  If he's healthy in most ways, this isn't something to seriously stress about.  If you're "literally a nervous wreck" because of what he is doing....then it would seem to me that this won't help the situation.  If you're talking to a doctor, that's a good step.  

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He's in grade 1.

He picks up social cues fine, he's a little shy but engages well with kids. We've never had or noticed an social issues through all of pre-school or kindergarten and grade 1. Due to the speech delay, we've both looked through the autism spectrum symptoms pretty extensively.

Other than this new tick, the only other warning signs that worry me are the recent fidgeting, the fact he had speech delay as a baby, and maybe the fact he can be a little shy and sensitive at times, but again, he makes friends in school and has multiple close friends.

Could just be a simple motor tic which kids grow out of. It certainly doesn't sound like anything to get overly worried about (easier said than done), and you've already taken the correct first step by making an appointment. Stressing prior to an evaluation won't do him or you any good.

He's in grade 1.

He picks up social cues fine, he's a little shy but engages well with kids. We've never had or noticed an social issues through all of pre-school or kindergarten and grade 1. Due to the speech delay, we've both looked through the autism spectrum symptoms pretty extensively.

Other than this new tick, the only other warning signs that worry me are the recent fidgeting, the fact he had speech delay as a baby, and maybe the fact he can be a little shy and sensitive at times, but again, he makes friends in school and has multiple close friends.
other than the tick, you just described both my kids and all of their cousins.

agree with shader about doing your best to relax over this.

Your sons behavior is very familiar to me.  My oldest son has mild Tourettes syndrome.  It presents as a series of tics that come and go.  They seem to be worse during the change of seasons or during times of stress.  The tics first showed up around age 5 or 6.  He sometimes does that exact wrist tic that you described.  Tourettes is far more common than most people realize and isn't necessarily as bad as what you are imagining.  Most cases don't devolve into shouting out swears or racially insensitive words.  Most present as a series of relatively harmless tics.  

You also need to be aware that tics are very common in children of that age.  It might just be a phase that he'll grow out of.  If it is tourettes, you may realize that he has been exhibiting tics for some time and you just didn't realize that they were tics.  In fact, most of my son's classmates had no idea that he was doing involuntary tics.  Common tics can include excessive blinking, squinting, yawning, stuttering, nodding the head quickly, looking up with their eyes & diaphragm related tics like strange breathing patterns or tightening of the stomach. 

There's a whole cottage industry that preys on parental fears about OCD, tics and Tourette's. There's a strong chance your son's tic is transient and will naturally disappear over time without any intervention. When it's mild and has only been going on for a few weeks or months, isn't aren’t causing distress or interference, they’ll likely disappear.

Your son probably is somewhat left brain dominant, which tends toward linear thought processes. Symmetry appeals to him. That's why he has a mild compulsion to tap the bannister with each hand. He may develop a strong sense of closure as he gets older. All positive traits that will help him excel later in life.

No harm in gathering more information or seeing a specialist, but the key takeaway for me is it isn't causing disruption or interfering with his ability to function socially or academically. Kids sometimes go through meaningless phases that are little more than natural development.


Due to the speech delay, we've both looked through the autism spectrum symptoms pretty extensively.
sounds a bit like one of those new parent deals where you read up on something and now you're overly alert about it. like the first time your kid gets a rash and your wife is convinced that it's lupus after she spends 13 hours on the internet cross-examining skin conditions against the baby's.

i'd guess that he's fine and this is just one of those things kids do and grow out of.


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