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*** Official *** Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (1 Viewer)

I mean, everybody knows she died. It's not like it's Disney's fault or anything. It would be ridiculous to cut her story from the script. 

I always felt like that's where the Nolan batman trilogy failed. They clearly planned to have the Joker in the third movie and they wrote him out ("he's in Arkham") because Ledger died. Instead we got a 140-pound version of Bane running around in a dumb mask doing a horrible British accent. Stupid. 

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Growing up in that period I can tell you we didn't have a VCR until 1984 and I don't remember Blockbuster for example being prominent in 1980. It's still Pinball and Space Invaders at that point. But I hear you.

Your 1st point that perhaps early viewers warned others it's not like Star Wars IV is probably right on. Some folks don't want to see the bad guys win.
I was born in 75 and I didn't see it as a bad guy win when I was 7-8.  I was way more concerned with Lukes hand and his rescue.  I thought Han was dead and he was kinda jerkey at that point anyway.  We didn't grow to love him until ROTJ.  

Capella said:
I mean, everybody knows she died. It's not like it's Disney's fault or anything. It would be ridiculous to cut her story from the script. 

I always felt like that's where the Nolan batman trilogy failed. They clearly planned to have the Joker in the third movie and they wrote him out ("he's in Arkham") because Ledger died. Instead we got a 140-pound version of Bane running around in a dumb mask doing a horrible British accent. Stupid. 
'Ello gubnah

Meh.  Star Wars ain't exactly Shakespeare.......but I think I like it better when it's relatively unknown and smaller actors.  Woody's star has diminished a bit over the years....but he's still kind of a one name star. 
Yea I'm not sure how I feel about his possible casting. He could be real good as an ####### space pirate, but we've also seen his bad. Hope they let him smoke a lot of pot before takes if he gets the role. Christian Bale was said to be the choice before they started talking to Woody. 

Capella said:
I mean, everybody knows she died. It's not like it's Disney's fault or anything. It would be ridiculous to cut her story from the script. 

I always felt like that's where the Nolan batman trilogy failed. They clearly planned to have the Joker in the third movie and they wrote him out ("he's in Arkham") because Ledger died. Instead we got a 140-pound version of Bane running around in a dumb mask doing a horrible British accent. Stupid. 
What, you didn't like British roid rage Vader? 

Woody harrelson confirmed for the han Solo film.   they also got Emilia Clark, daenerys from GOT, in it as well.  Excited for more info

I mean, everybody knows she died. It's not like it's Disney's fault or anything. It would be ridiculous to cut her story from the script. 

I always felt like that's where the Nolan batman trilogy failed. They clearly planned to have the Joker in the third movie and they wrote him out ("he's in Arkham") because Ledger died. Instead we got a 140-pound version of Bane running around in a dumb mask doing a horrible British accent. Stupid. 
Don't you dare insult anything Tom Hardy has done.

I think I need to see this in the theater one more time before the DVD/BR experience as twice was clearly not enough.  It's now showing at our local second-run movie theater, which (awesomely) is as nice as or nicer than some first-run theaters.  I'm going to try to make it there in the next few days.  :thumbup:  

I think I need to see this in the theater one more time before the DVD/BR experience as twice was clearly not enough.  It's now showing at our local second-run movie theater, which (awesomely) is as nice as or nicer than some first-run theaters.  I'm going to try to make it there in the next few days.  :thumbup:  
I truly wish I wasn't hammied when I saw it in the theater...(they had recliner seats and a bar. Don't judge.) Bought the digital version last week, wow.

Spoilers abound so skip over if you still haven't seen it. I know how to do spoiler tags but cmon, it's been out awhile now.

I have a hard time getting my girls to watch anything but Disney channel stuff so I put Rogue One on as I served them lunch today. That usually gets them into a movie enough to move the movie over to the living room afterwords to finish. 

About 10 minutes before the end my youngest daughter (10) looks over at me and matterfactly says "the last one was better". I think she enjoyed it though. She's not one to stick around if she doesn't. 

My oldest daughter (12 going on 21) was tired from staying up the night before and cleaning all morning so she didn't finish it but was into it the whole time during lunch. I just lost her in the transition. 

I really liked it. Kinda a shame to lose some of those good characters in just one episode. The blind guy and the red canister companions have staying power. The French resistance dude was great too. The big droid. All great and all gone. 

The Death Star jumping through hyperspace was a new one and sorta a head scratcher. There was an odd sequence of dialog late in the movie between a couple of no names about the master switch and asking what it looked like. That entire scene seemed forced to get those guys screen time, almost as if they won a raffle to be in a scene. Just odd and stood out to me. 

Other than that I thought it was better then expected. I've seen it twice and I think I like it better then the last one. 

Spoilers abound so skip over if you still haven't seen it. I know how to do spoiler tags but cmon, it's been out awhile now.

I have a hard time getting my girls to watch anything but Disney channel stuff so I put Rogue One on as I served them lunch today. That usually gets them into a movie enough to move the movie over to the living room afterwords to finish. 

About 10 minutes before the end my youngest daughter (10) looks over at me and matterfactly says "the last one was better". I think she enjoyed it though. She's not one to stick around if she doesn't. 

My oldest daughter (12 going on 21) was tired from staying up the night before and cleaning all morning so she didn't finish it but was into it the whole time during lunch. I just lost her in the transition. 

I really liked it. Kinda a shame to lose some of those good characters in just one episode. The blind guy and the red canister companions have staying power. The French resistance dude was great too. The big droid. All great and all gone. 

The Death Star jumping through hyperspace was a new one and sorta a head scratcher. There was an odd sequence of dialog late in the movie between a couple of no names about the master switch and asking what it looked like. That entire scene seemed forced to get those guys screen time, almost as if they won a raffle to be in a scene. Just odd and stood out to me. 

Other than that I thought it was better then expected. I've seen it twice and I think I like it better then the last one. 
I definitely like it better than TFA but I can understand why a preteen girl would enjoy TFA more. It was geared directly towards her demographic.

Rogue One was for the die hard fans I feel. Can't wait to get it on Tuesday again.

Do the books cover this question of what the second Death Stars weapon is powered with? Did they take enough
crystals out of the temple to power two of them?, or three? I think you would have a spy or two follow the crystals.

I really liked it. Kinda a shame to lose some of those good characters in just one episode. The blind guy and the red canister companions have staying power. The French resistance dude was great too. The big droid. All great and all gone. 

The Death Star jumping through hyperspace was a new one and sorta a head scratcher. There was an odd sequence of dialog late in the movie between a couple of no names about the master switch and asking what it looked like. That entire scene seemed forced to get those guys screen time, almost as if they won a raffle to be in a scene. Just odd and stood out to me. 

Other than that I thought it was better then expected. I've seen it twice and I think I like it better then the last one. 
Good stuff here.  Glad you liked it and hey, daughters are daughters/kids are kids, right.  :)   Two preteen gals in my family loved it.  Maybe get your 12-YO to watch the end again, particularly if she likes Vader at all.   

The Death Star pretty clearly jumped through hyperspace in ANH; otherwise, if it crawled along at sublight speed, it would have taken forever to reach Alderaan ("What course shall we set . . . . Set your course for Alderaan . . . . With pleasure" **) and would also have been unable to reach Yavin in (fairly) close pursuit of the Falcon, which did use its hyperdrive to get there.  So I don't think that was new; it was just shown here to incredibly cool effect probably because of advances in visuals.  

I really liked that master switch exchange!  I thought it was completely realistic and one of many, many small touches that made this more of a war movie than a fantasy like all of the other Star Wars films.  The way the guy talking to Cassian says something like "Master switch? Describe" was very cool and frankly I thought it was awesome that the writers thought to include it.        

**The sneering, contempt-dripping way the Imperial guy in ANH says "with pleasure" is one of my favorite little moments in that movie.  I think that's the same guy, Motti, whom Vader force chokes earlier.  

Why does death star need to destroy the imperial data center?  Why was leia at that battle at all????  Way risky 

Empire spent years collecting all kinds of info and relics. Why destroy their own (only?) facility?  They had to have known the battle on the ground was won. Leia on the command ship of a virtual suicide mission?  Felt shoehorned in. Should have had another ship escape and meet her somewhere. 

Why does death star need to destroy the imperial data center?  Why was leia at that battle at all????  Way risky 

Empire spent years collecting all kinds of info and relics. Why destroy their own (only?) facility?  They had to have known the battle on the ground was won. Leia on the command ship of a virtual suicide mission?  Felt shoehorned in. Should have had another ship escape and meet her somewhere. 
Destroying the data center was an attempt to make sure that the Rebellion couldn't get the data they were after in the short amount of time the Empire had to stop them, and it almost succeeded.

I believe Leia was there because she happened to be on that ship when the Rogue One team called for reinforcements. I think the commander of that group just immediately jumped out to help without giving her a chance to leave first. As for a suicide mission: they made it clear the Rebellion was as good as dead if they didn't get those plans, so not going would've just been a slower form of suicide.

I thought maybe they'd found a look-alike and altered him slightly with makeup or computers or used old footage (this became less likely the more he was on screen, obviously.)  I leaned in to my wife and said : "They did something there, to create this Tarkin we're seeing...." and she cut me off with : "Yeah, it's called CGI.  Welcome to 2016, numbnuts."

Ahhhhh, marriage,
Incidentally, when I saw this in the theater in 3D, it was not readily apparent to me that Leia and Tarkin were computer generated.  I had forgotten all about this and watched it again over the weekend on Blu-Ray and it was ACHINGLY obvious.  So, either my cataclysmic hangover the day I saw it in the theater was making everything a bit blurry or watching it through 3D glasses 30 yards from the screen obscured the fact that it was CGI.  In crystal-clear HD with no hangover, it was beyond obvious, to the point that I called myself "numbnuts" for ever having thought otherwise.

Good stuff here.  Glad you liked it and hey, daughters are daughters/kids are kids, right.  :)   Two preteen gals in my family loved it.  Maybe get your 12-YO to watch the end again, particularly if she likes Vader at all.   

The Death Star pretty clearly jumped through hyperspace in ANH; otherwise, if it crawled along at sublight speed, it would have taken forever to reach Alderaan ("What course shall we set . . . . Set your course for Alderaan . . . . With pleasure" **) and would also have been unable to reach Yavin in (fairly) close pursuit of the Falcon, which did use its hyperdrive to get there.  So I don't think that was new; it was just shown here to incredibly cool effect probably because of advances in visuals.  

I really liked that master switch exchange!  I thought it was completely realistic and one of many, many small touches that made this more of a war movie than a fantasy like all of the other Star Wars films.  The way the guy talking to Cassian says something like "Master switch? Describe" was very cool and frankly I thought it was awesome that the writers thought to include it.        

**The sneering, contempt-dripping way the Imperial guy in ANH says "with pleasure" is one of my favorite little moments in that movie.  I think that's the same guy, Motti, whom Vader force chokes earlier.  
Truthfully, Hitler (obviously one of the influences on Imperial uniforms and leaders) would NEVER have allowed someone with a speech impediment...an imperfection...to be in that command room.

That's what I thought the very first time that smug guy spoke. "Enough of your sorcery Vader"

Incidentally, when I saw this in the theater in 3D, it was not readily apparent to me that Leia and Tarkin were computer generated.  I had forgotten all about this and watched it again over the weekend on Blu-Ray and it was ACHINGLY obvious.  So, either my cataclysmic hangover the day I saw it in the theater was making everything a bit blurry or watching it through 3D glasses 30 yards from the screen obscured the fact that it was CGI.  In crystal-clear HD with no hangover, it was beyond obvious, to the point that I called myself "numbnuts" for ever having thought otherwise.
LOL - I've watched it a few times, and it seems BETTER than it did in the theater.  Don't beat yourself up too much here EG...Cushing has only been dead for 24 years. ;)

Why does death star need to destroy the imperial data center?  Why was leia at that battle at all????  Way risky 

Empire spent years collecting all kinds of info and relics. Why destroy their own (only?) facility?  They had to have known the battle on the ground was won. Leia on the command ship of a virtual suicide mission?  Felt shoehorned in. Should have had another ship escape and meet her somewhere. 
That was a sure way to ensure nobody ever found a flaw with the Death Star. 

Also these are rebels, there's not a ton of extra trustworthy people just hanging around on monster.com waiting to be employed. Yes while using Leia is risky, you are transporting the stolen plans of a planet destroyer, you are going to use your most trustworthy person to get it done.

this was all done as part of an ad hoc plan, not scripted, to assist the rebels who were rebelling against their orders to not fight. Once the skirmish broke out they rallied around it. If this was a plan 6 months in the making maybe there is some merit there but this was completely spontaneous. I didn't have an issue with any of it.

LOL - I've watched it a few times, and it seems BETTER than it did in the theater.  Don't beat yourself up too much here EG...Cushing has only been dead for 24 years. ;)

I knew he was dead, I just didn't know initially whether they'd used archival footage with new ADR, computer enhancements on an actual actor, some combination thereof, etc.  Watching it on Blu-Ray, it looked like a marginally better version of a rendered character on a PS4 game.  I don't know whether it was distance to the screen, resolution, or simply my own eyes but to me, it was way less obvious in the theater.  It was the day after my company Xmas party that I originally saw it, so it could easily have been my eyes.

In the long run, years from now...Rogue One will be more popular / rewatchable than Force Awakens
And people then will be saying the same things about it that we're saying now.

Things like, "Really, where the hell is OSHA with all of these walkways without hand rails over plunges to your death? And what's up with the R2 units? They have the processing power to be able to understand English, but not to speak it? ####### Alexa and Siri can speak English back to me, but a droid that can calculate hyperspace jumps lacks the processing power? What kind of sense does that make!?!?"


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