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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (2 Viewers)

I like how everyone has already read and interpreted the entire memo already. :lmao:  
I've already read it.....its really short. Give it a shot. Not too difficult. I don't have an interpretation that hasn't been posted already. Maybe you can supply one....?

I like how everyone has already read and interpreted the entire memo already. :lmao:  
I know everyone's been busting on you for this, but in your defense it was completely reasonable for you to assume that the memo would be a carefully written document with extensive background and sourcing that would take time to parse. That's how government has worked for most of our lives, and how it still works when distanced from the Banana Republicans.


The Fox News case. Let's be honest. The accomplishment of the memo is to drop crumbs which will allow the Fox News crowd to keep pushing conspiracy theories. That, "THIS IS ONLY WHAT WE KNOW" and this will snowball for months. And for that purpose, it probably succeeded. Just read the instant FN spin.


A memo that shows alleged government surveillance abuse has been released and includes testimony from a high-ranking government official who says without the infamous Trump dossier, the FBI and DOJ would not have secured surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.

The House Intelligence Committee released the memo on Friday afternoon.

The memo, which has been at the center of an intense power struggle between congressional Republicans, was declassified ahead of its release Friday.

It also claims the FBI and DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier, while the firm behind the dossier, Fusion GPS, briefed major American news outlets to include New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, New Yorker, Yahoo and Mother Jones.

The memo shows that after former British spy Christopher Steele was cut off from the FBI, he continued to pass information, as did Fusion GPS, through Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr.  Ohr’s wife Nellie began working for Fusion GPS as early as May 2016.

It also claims evidence that Steele has a personal animus for the President Trump.

"Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then Candidate Trump, in September of 2016, when Steele told Ohr, that he Steele 'was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president," the memo reads, according to an excerpt obtained by Fox News.

According to Byron York of the Washington Examiner, it was then-FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe who confirmed to the committee that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the without the Steele dossier information. It was announced this week that McCabe, a controversial figure because of his wife's ties to Democrats, is leaving the bureau. 

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Trump, who has read the memo, called the contents “a disgrace.”

“A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves,” he said.

The impending release of the four-page memo comes after the House Intelligence Committee voted earlier this week, over Democratic objections, to make the document public. This led to a rare and stunning rebuke from the bureau, which said Wednesday they had “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The memo includes alleged abuses involving FISA, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

In a last-ditch objection, the top Democrat on the House committee claimed overnight that Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had made “material changes” to the memo that was sent to the White House for review.

But Nunes’ office described the changes as minor and blasted the complaint as a “bizarre distraction from the abuses detailed in the memo.”

The White House has backed the memo’s release, calling for “transparency.”

Earlier Friday, President Trump unleashed an early-morning tweet at a Justice Department he said has been "politicized" by Democrats.

GOP-led House investigators believe the FBI used a dubious dossier, initially prepared as campaign opposition research for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, to get permission from a secret federal court to eavesdrop on Trump campaign and transition team communications.

"The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago," Trump wrote. "Rank & File are great people!"

Just more than two weeks, Republican lawmakers first drew attention to the memo, with some calling it “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming” and one likening the details to KGB activity in Russia. They argued the memo should be immediately made public, leading to a social media #ReleaseTheMemo campaign.

Pretty suspicious I was also able to read an entirely separate article on the memo in that time.

At what point do you check your ego and admit you have been bamboozled?

Also, has there ever been a bigger disgrace to the FBI and Marines than Robert Mueller?


1500 pages of hysteria and conspiracy.

We learned today that muh Russia is total BS and you guys triple down.

Don't ever change.

At what point do you check your ego and admit you have been bamboozled?

Also, has there ever been a bigger disgrace to the FBI and Marines than Robert Mueller?

Trump officials and campaign workers testify they worked with the Russians

Foreign intelligence agencies have let it be known the Russians were trying to sabotage the election

Trump, in a press conference, openly asked for their help

E-mails of his son are on the record working with them

His son asked for a direct line to the Kremlin that even the US IC couldn't listen in on

Multiple members of his administration are facing jail and/or cooperating with the investigation

Trump brazenly says he won't enforce sanctions against them passed 98-2

The heads of the IC are Republicans appointed by Republicans

A Trump aide,  already under surveillance and suspected of being a Russian agent for years, has his surveillance renewed by, in part, information that hasn't been questioned on being correct, but only paid for by the other party 

A guy who has carried water for Trump in the past has written a memo criticized for being misleading by the IC

The Right: This will prove definitively Trump is completely innocent!

At this point The Memo could be a picture of Big Bird and just the word Benghazi and they would declare vindication. They're completely unhooked from reality. 
Called it.

If you've delved into the conspiracy theories of the right even for ten minutes, that memo was boring. 
This! I suspected that it was going to be a bunch of stuff at least nitpicked and taken out of context to make it seem really bad. We now know why this was dumped on Friday afternoon.

Why did Schiff fight him over this?  Unless it's a strategy of opposing anything and everything (which is a good strat to be honest).  
I was thinking the same thing.  And, what was Wray's biggest beef with it other than it was a misrepresentation?

I honestly can't believe this whole memo is about surveillance on Carter Page - who Trump doesn't even know remember?

Carter Page. This just shows how little these guys think about the intelligence of their base if this is what all the hoopla has been about with this memo. 

This! I suspected that it was going to be a bunch of stuff at least nitpicked and taken out of context to make it seem really bad. We now know why this was dumped on Friday afternoon.
It COULD be bad...But we'd need to see a lot more than this.  Again, like so much of this stuff, there just aren't enough details.

For instance, if Trump was guilty of Russian collusion and the dossier was true, mostly true, or even half true, this memo is meaningless.

But if Trump was just a wildly unpopular Republican candidate that many were desperate to keep from the White House and the dossier was an invented work of fiction and everyone knew it, and they tried to use it to incriminate him for Russian crimes that never happened and that they all knew never happened..........then it would be significant.

But since we don't yet know the truth on Trump-Russia, this memo means squat.

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I honestly can't believe this whole memo is about surveillance on Carter Page - who Trump doesn't even know remember?

Carter Page. This just shows how little these guys think about the intelligence of their base if this is what all the hoopla has been about with this memo. 
It's actually not. What this memo is trying to be about is "exposing" rampant anti-Trump bias and actions and deviations from protocols.

Even with the Strzok text messages, whenever I initially see the headline I think "oh, that's bad." But then I see the context, and I understand more. This is not that. This is dumb on its face.


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