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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (2 Viewers)

I'm not aware of anyone picking Rasmussen out of thin air as a subject to roast.
I didn't say anyone picked it out of thin air. I know the history of it on the board, and it goes back way, way further than the Trump adminstration. Rasmussen is the polling outfit the left loves to hate. Hate away.

I'm not going to go to intellectual war defending a right-wing pollster outfit. It seems like a waste of time for everyone who reads the board for the counterarguments to be so strong when they get a respectable grade with a distinct mean-reverted bias. I personally don't look at Rasmussen and don't care. I hope the back-and-forth is titillating. 

I've got a lot of money in the market. I've only been heavily involved in the market for nine years, but I'm on track to retire in my 50s, too, so maybe that'll lend me some credibility in your eyes. The market absolutely will not drop 20%, much less 40% the day after trump loses (yes, it's happening and it really doesn't matter who the dem candidate is, 2018 showed a lot more people coming out and voting blue - both the youth and the educated demographics have had enough... the only real question is if the GOP will lose the Senate). The markets won't crash because either candidate is going to keep deficit spending. I'm not confident it'll happen (and I'm rooting against it), but should college debt forgiveness happen, I suspect it'll supply a nice economic stimulus. It'll certainly be better than a tax cut for the rich, because unlike those hoarding wealth, young people will spend that extra income.

That's not to say things will be rosy. Hopefully things like net neutrality and EPA regulations will return. Reckless spending on defense will likely get cut. Banks might actually have to use some discretion when lending money. But all in all, things will go back to normal quickly. The stock market flourished long before we had a bankrupt, tax return hiding fool throwing tariffs around and deficit spending like there's no tomorrow.


My Dad was always of the belief if you don't sell you don't lose.  So he has always been a long term investor and it's worked well for him.  The problem is we all reach a point where long term is not quite as easy of an option.  Ageing can be a drag.  

I am flabbergasted their are Americans who think Trump is a racist
It is unequivocally racist for a white American to tell black Americans -- who are natural-born citizens, whose parents are also natural-born citizens -- that they are not from this country and that they should consider going back to Africa.

Trump had a chance to walk back that claim but he didn't. He owns his racism now.

Jeez I don't know.  Perhaps the fact you are in the Trump 2020 thread spewing out the same tired Dem talking points like they are facts.  I know I should ignore it but I am flabbergasted their are Americans who think Trump is a racist and are blaming him for the recent shootings.  Not a good look and a lot of 2020 Dem nominees are embarrassing themselves daily with the nonsense.
First of all, I'm not sure if you even know who you are replying to because I've not taken part in discussion about the bolded. By you saying that, I feel it proves you just lump anyone who fails to feed your need for confirmation bias into a single group. That was one of the points of my post: people who dislike trump are from all over the spectrum. 

As I have said before and recently said to rockaction, I place racism way down on my list of concerns and didn't even mention it as a concern in the post we're talking about. Do I think he's racist? I think he definitely partakes in race baiting. Your boy here agrees. I also think he's got a disturbing history in that category, to the point where it is flabbergasting that people try to claim he's not. But my concerns are elsewhere. I've made that clear many times. So I find it curious you think that's the crux of my concern. Almost like you are dismissing opposing ideas without even reading them.

My actual concerns are not "Dem talking points." In fact, they are too busy talking about how they're going to spend money (medicare for all, college debt forgiveness, free college) to even talk about the federal debt or the trade deficit. These are things I'm concerned about and neither party seems to want to make it a priority. So your claim that I'm spewing "Dem talking points" doesn't hold up and just goes to show you didn't even read what I wrote before writing it off.

I’m not saying one way or another that Trump is a racist, but in my everyday experiences, if you DON’T think he’s a racist, you’re in the minority. 

I’ve been saying it for over two years, and it’s probably way too late in the game for him, but he needs to get the hell off of Twitter. The President of the United States should not be spewing the crap that he does on social media. 

So to unpack the horrible week President Trump’s opponents had-

-Tried to blame a shooting on the President that appears to actually have been inspired by Democrat debate rhetoric. Republicans should take the Cory Booker approach and call for the Democrat debates to be canceled because of their extremism.

-Tried to blame another shooting on the President but the guy was actually a Warren and Bernie supporter. 

-The Castro brothers are posting information about the Presidents donors and attempting to link them to a shooting.

-Tim Ryan (the moderate Democrat) showed up with a mob at the turtle Mitch’s private residence. 

-Hollywood makes a movie about “hunting Trump supporters” and ESPN and other networks refuse to air the trailer becuase it’s so crazy.

-Beto, Booker, Biden and basically the entire Democrat field got into a battle to see who could make the most outrageous claims, all ended up looking completely foolish in the end.

Did we miss anything here?
Even though it was a horrible week for America, you had to frame it about Trump. And most of what you posted is all wrong

Jeez I don't know.  Perhaps the fact you are in the Trump 2020 thread spewing out the same tired Dem talking points like they are facts.  I know I should ignore it but I am flabbergasted their are Americans who think Trump is a racist and are blaming him for the recent shootings.  Not a good look and a lot of 2020 Dem nominees are embarrassing themselves daily with the nonsense.
The best part is these guys think it’s main stream because MSNBC and CNN drive this narrative for the Democrat candidates

Racism is the new Russia.  They needed something fresh after that clunker fizzled out.  They are too unaware and out of touch to realize most Americans are tired of the race card.

 We shouldn’t expect anything less from the party who tried to label their front runner a segregationist enabler and a racist for being against 70’s era bussing during their first debate. 

I think the ship has mostly sailed on that one.  Libertarians don't really have a party at the moment.
Perhaps the nation's libertarians should begin championing election methods that offer better representation. Don Beyer's FRA proposal would make it much more likely that people from libertarian third parties would get elected to Congress. And while they're at it, they should support a bigger House, too.

The best part is these guys think it’s main stream because MSNBC and CNN drive this narrative for the Democrat candidates

Racism is the new Russia.  They needed something fresh after that clunker fizzled out.  They are too unaware and out of touch to realize most Americans are tired of the race card.

 We shouldn’t expect anything less from the party who tried to label their front runner a segregationist enabler and a racist for being against 70’s era bussing during their first debate. 
:lmao: :potkettle:

First of all, I'm not sure if you even know who you are replying to because I've not taken part in discussion about the bolded. By you saying that, I feel it proves you just lump anyone who fails to feed your need for confirmation bias into a single group. That was one of the points of my post: people who dislike trump are from all over the spectrum. 

As I have said before and recently said to rockaction, I place racism way down on my list of concerns and didn't even mention it as a concern in the post we're talking about. Do I think he's racist? I think he definitely partakes in race baiting. Your boy here agrees. I also think he's got a disturbing history in that category, to the point where it is flabbergasting that people try to claim he's not. But my concerns are elsewhere. I've made that clear many times. So I find it curious you think that's the crux of my concern. Almost like you are dismissing opposing ideas without even reading them.

My actual concerns are not "Dem talking points." In fact, they are too busy talking about how they're going to spend money (medicare for all, college debt forgiveness, free college) to even talk about the federal debt or the trade deficit. These are things I'm concerned about and neither party seems to want to make it a priority. So your claim that I'm spewing "Dem talking points" doesn't hold up and just goes to show you didn't even read what I wrote before writing it off.
You wrote "Trump is a cancer" and "excuses for racism".  Those alone are horrible.  I apologize for including you in the pile of blaming Trump for the recent shootings.

The best part is these guys think it’s main stream because MSNBC and CNN drive this narrative for the Democrat candidates

Racism is the new Russia.  They needed something fresh after that clunker fizzled out.  They are too unaware and out of touch to realize most Americans are tired of the race card.

 We shouldn’t expect anything less from the party who tried to label their front runner a segregationist enabler and a racist for being against 70’s era bussing during their first debate. 

The Russia story turned out to be a big nothing burger like we predicted and the Dems can't handle it.  They so desperately want Trump out so they have shifted to the race card and it looks horrible for them.  They understand they can't win on issues.  Vote for Dems in 2020 and we will raise your taxes and likely push the economy and stock market in the toilet!

Racist racist racist, bigot bigot bigot. That's all we ever hear.  Well Kamala Harris & cory Booker have no problem attending a service led by a pastor that says homosexuality is wrong and is a sin. But......article goes on to say the LBGQT community has largely given them a pass. Go figure, the biggest bunch of hypocrites. Ok, now lets hear everyone come in and defend them.https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/thehill.com/homenews/campaign/456774-booker-harris-attend-services-with-pastor-who-called-homosexuality-a-sin?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&amp&usqp=mq331AQA#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fhomenews%2Fcampaign%2F456774-booker-harris-attend-services-with-pastor-who-called-homosexuality-a-sin

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You wrote "Trump is a cancer" and "excuses for racism".  Those alone are horrible.  I apologize for including you in the pile of blaming Trump for the recent shootings.
He's causing our federal debt to rise and our trade deficit to increase. Cancerous actions.

I said excuses for racism are some of the only things the usual suspects post in here. The excuses are so weak they're funny. Example:

1. People saying trump's go home tweet was racist

2. knowledge dropper: that's not racist bc he could've been talking about anyone

3. trump clarifies who he was talking about

4. knowledge dropper:  :tumbleweed:

Hilarious. I'm embarrassed for you guys, really.

Sorry. I don’t need to spoon feed you why I think these are successful women from all walks of life.  Obviously, you don’t and you won’t because they like Trump.  Move along....
Imagine in 2012 jumping into the Obama re-election thread and attacking the daughters of all the Obama’s cabinet members and prominent supporters. That’s what the Democrats are doing here.

He's causing our federal debt to rise and our trade deficit to increase. Cancerous actions.

I said excuses for racism are some of the only things the usual suspects post in here. The excuses are so weak they're funny. Example:

1. People saying trump's go home tweet was racist

2. knowledge dropper: that's not racist bc he could've been talking about anyone

3. trump clarifies who he was talking about

4. knowledge dropper:  :tumbleweed:

Hilarious. I'm embarrassed for you guys, really.
Way too early to say if tariffs are a mistake.  We need to look long term here and see how this plays out.  You have to give Trump some credit here, he could have easily had GDP over 3% last year but he is fighting for America against China and looking long term.

There is no excuse for racism.  Thankfully Trump is not a racist.

Way too early to say if tariffs are a mistake.  We need to look long term here and see how this plays out.  You have to give Trump some credit here, he could have easily had GDP over 3% last year but he is fighting for America against China and looking long term.

There is no excuse for racism.  Thankfully Trump is not a racist.
I wish he would quit disparaging me.  I have him on hard ignore.  

Way too early to say if tariffs are a mistake.  We need to look long term here and see how this plays out.  You have to give Trump some credit here, he could have easily had GDP over 3% last year but he is fighting for America against China and looking long term.

There is no excuse for racism.  Thankfully Trump is not a racist.
He doesn't even understand how tariffs work. He's like a child trying to play chess.

He is either racist or just uses racism to his political advantage... either way it is despicable. But we've got much bigger problems than that to contend with.

Imagine in 2012 jumping into the Obama re-election thread and attacking the daughters of all the Obama’s cabinet members and prominent supporters. That’s what the Democrats are doing here.
The difference is it’s not racist, misogyny or patriarchy if you say the same thing about Trump supporters. 

Wow!  Think of the outrage here if President Trump did this anything close to this (and rightfully so). He did this while saying “don’t mess with me kid.”

Trump does something worse than that daily.

Also he said the don’t mess with me kid before he touched her at all.

And it is clear it wasn't a threat...but saying don't kid around with goofy questions.

Also, it was still dumb and he shouldn't have grabbed her arm.

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Wow!  Think of the outrage here if President Trump did this anything close to this (and rightfully so). He did this while saying “don’t mess with me kid.”

My team just forwarded this video to me-

Watch former Vice President Biden forcefully grab one of our young field staffers at yesterday’s Iowa State Fair after she asked him how many genders there are
How's Michelle Fields doing? Good?

Racist Joe doesn't stand a chance against the new standard the media and left set with the faux rage the last 3 years. Tables are turned, should be interesting to watch. 
If he wins the nomination, I think a lot of people stay home.  I am feeling more and more comfortable about Trump’s chances.  

rustycolts said:
I went to lunch today with my Dad and Uncle and had an interesting conversation with them.  They are both in their mid 80s and have invested in the stock market for many many years.  They both retired in their early 50s so they must have done something right.  I on the other hand really never had to deal with the market.  Everything I had until two years ago was in a Private companies stock.  I sold all of that two years ago and diversified into several mutual funds.  Been doing great.

So their conversation went like this my Dad says if Trump loses the election the market will go down at least 20% the next day.  My Uncle replies more like 40% drop.  They were both serious.  They are smart guys so it makes me wonder.  Maybe I better cash in and just go gold.

Anyway what do you guys say?  How much will the market be affected if Trump loses.
You might want to do a quick web search on this subject.  Try a search for something like "dem vs rep stock market returns".   Any similar search terms should produce the same results.  You should find your answer on who is better for the markets.  But, if you are serious about getting the best returns you should be voting for the Dems.

Trump does something worse than that daily.

Also he said the don’t mess with me kid before he touched her at all.

And it is clear it wasn't a threat...but saying don't kid around with goofy questions.

Also, it was still dumb and he shouldn't have grabbed her arm.
It's 100% inappropriate.  Period.  Hard to criticize Trump and vote for this guy

You might want to do a quick web search on this subject.  Try a search for something like "dem vs rep stock market returns".   Any similar search terms should produce the same results.  You should find your answer on who is better for the markets.  But, if you are serious about getting the best returns you should be voting for the Dems.
Lots of moving parts including who controls Congress as well.  However, the point most folks are pointing out is this is not your normal Democratic party.  The Sanders/Warren/AOC types have shifted it far left and if socialist policies like theirs ever find there way into American politics the stock market will tank but that will be the least of our worries.  


The Russia story turned out to be a big nothing burger like we predicted and the Dems can't handle it.  They so desperately want Trump out so they have shifted to the race card and it looks horrible for them.  They understand they can't win on issues.  Vote for Dems in 2020 and we will raise your taxes and likely push the economy and stock market in the toilet!
The 2400 page Russia thread is on life support right now.  The amount of time and effort wasted in there.   :lmao:


The Russia story turned out to be a big nothing burger like we predicted and the Dems can't handle it.  They so desperately want Trump out so they have shifted to the race card and it looks horrible for them.  They understand they can't win on issues.  Vote for Dems in 2020 and we will raise your taxes and likely push the economy and stock market in the toilet!
What’s not to like?  :lmao:

Lots of moving parts including who controls Congress as well.  However, the point most folks are pointing out is this is not your normal Democratic party.  The Sanders/Warren/AOC types have shifted it far left and if socialist policies like theirs ever find there way into American politics the stock market will tank but that will be the least of our worries.  
Perhaps that's why Biden is far ahead. 

Axios recently did a pretty good ten minute or so expose on Bannon's activities in Italy.  Are you sure, as a Trump supporter, this is the guy you want back?
It’s going to be a dirty campaign.  Who better than BANNON.   
Thought you might be interested in this and also @Widbil83, short summary of documentary on Bannon. Author is at Royal Institute for International Affairs and is a former reporter for Reuters and BBC.

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