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Government Response To The Coronavirus (4 Viewers)

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"First we didnt' have enough beds.  Then it was ventilators.  Now tests?  I'm growing tired of this.  Protect the elderly.  Let everyone else get back to work.  Problem solved."

-Chuck Woolery
No thanks, TV Stars have been handling this whole thing terribly.

Im just gonna go ahead and listen to the Doctors on this one.

Turns out they have a lot more training than TV personalities.

I talked with our family doctor and this is essentially what he said. It’s a brutal virus for the elderly. For those of us younger he said we’ve probably had it and didn’t notice it and our chance of serious illness is extremely low.
And how do we prevent the elderly from contracting the virus?

I thought, as states are already opening back up, you understood that’s off the table. But keep arguing it, good luck.  :lmao:
:shrug:   I didn’t say “take every precaution” you did. 

I think you meant “take some precautions”. But I did not want to put words in your mouth. 

The question with that approach would be what precautions are sufficient and what is an acceptable mortality rate?  And then you still have the pesky issue of testing. 

I can’t understand how Trump and his supporters can go from “virus is no big deal, like the flu, blown out of proportion to make the president look bad,” to “the presidents decisive actions have saved millions of lives” to “these democrat states keeping the sip orders to keep the economy down to make the president look bad.” Lots of people defended “open by Easter.” Where are you now? The argument of “it’s not dangerous, it’s optimistic” in hindsight looks pretty short sighted, as many pointed out at the time. But here we are, telling people to move if they don’t like it here, defending an abysmal job by this administration, blaming others, protesting with confederate flags and guns, and pushing whatever bandwagon response (cure worse than disease, etc) the Republican Party is pushing that day. It’s embarrassing. 
Two themes I’m seeing with increasing regularity (not by anyone here), are:

1) A return to COVID-19 is not that bad and not as bad as the flu. We’re back to comparing total deaths for the entire flu season against COVID-19 deaths in the first month to conclude that the regular flu is much worse. Also, the COVID-19 deaths are way overstated as hospitals are reporting any deaths (including car accidents, heart attacks, cancer deaths, natural causes) as COVID-19 deaths in an effort to artificially inflate the numbers. Hospitals are empty and many fewer people are actually dying of COVID-19.

2) The vaccine that is being developed is not to inoculate against COVID-19. It’s designed to be a form of mind control and will contain nanotechnology that will control you. It’s all part of Bill Gates’ master plan for world domination. There will definitely be a segment of the population that will refuse to take the vaccine when it is finally available. 

I talked with our family doctor and this is essentially what he said. It’s a brutal virus for the elderly. For those of us younger he said we’ve probably had it and didn’t notice it and our chance of serious illness is extremely low. Always interesting to get input from those in the field. 
Never mind that the data from countries and localities that performed extensive testing and basic math doesn't support this conclusion.  We have good data suggesting the percentage of infected that experience severe symptoms and/or require hospitalization.  We can extrapolate that data to calculate the total percentage of Americans who have already been infected, and we know that it is a very small percentage at this time.  It's just basic math.

No joke, I'd get a new MD if mine was this uninformed.
Yeah I’ll ditch my doc and go off of what some guy named Disney and his one sided posts on the inter webs says. Ha, have fun guys I gotta work today. I’m essential.   :lmao:

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I can’t understand how Trump and his supporters can go from “virus is no big deal, like the flu, blown out of proportion to make the president look bad,” to “the presidents decisive actions have saved millions of lives” to “these democrat states keeping the sip orders to keep the economy down to make the president look bad.” Lots of people defended “open by Easter.” Where are you now? The argument of “it’s not dangerous, it’s optimistic” in hindsight looks pretty short sighted, as many pointed out at the time. But here we are, telling people to move if they don’t like it here, defending an abysmal job by this administration, blaming others, protesting with confederate flags and guns, and pushing whatever bandwagon response (cure worse than disease, etc) the Republican Party is pushing that day. It’s embarrassing. 
Two themes I’m seeing with increasing regularity (not by anyone here), are:

1) A return to COVID-19 is not that bad and not as bad as the flu. We’re back to comparing total deaths for the entire flu season against COVID-19 deaths in the first month to conclude that the regular flu is much worse. Also, the COVID-19 deaths are way overstated as hospitals are reporting any deaths (including car accidents, heart attacks, cancer deaths, natural causes) as COVID-19 deaths in an effort to artificially inflate the numbers. Hospitals are empty and many fewer people are actually dying of COVID-19.

2) The vaccine that is being developed is not to inoculate against COVID-19. It’s designed to be a form of mind control and will contain nanotechnology that will control you. It’s all part of Bill Gates’ master plan for world domination. There will definitely be a segment of the population that will refuse to take the vaccine when it is finally available. 
While everyone is capable of suffering from confirmation bias now and then, there are people who seem to suffer from it all the time. And the tell tale sign of someone suffering from that is that they preach so many different stories as time goes on that it's hard to keep up with them. 

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Peter Baker @peterbakernyt · 6m

Trump, who says the country is ready to begin reopening, says the crisis is so bad that he is signing an order "temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!"
This is a little strange. Obviously it’s totally predictable he would take advantage to do something he and President Miller want to do anyway but it still sticks out brightly.

- Trump likely didn’t consult anyone, including his mega donors, so I’m guessing exceptions for farm workers, hospitality workers, health workers, etc will start emerging in 3, 2, 1....

- Immigration and borders were already shut down effectively. Even Canada. So what if anything added would be done here? This move only has one possible reason, concerns about the base, and Trump never has problems telegraphing his inner concerns and worries.

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“Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.” ―John Kenneth Galbraith

Words for our times.

You really had to stretch to get this one out, didn't you?  You might want to take some muscle relaxers.  ;)

I'm not ever sure how you could even come up with that reasoning.  When a bunch of lefties get together for ANY reason (killing unborn children (i.e. abortion), advocating for guilt before Innocent (i.e. #believeAllWomen), etc...) they call that glorious and a celebration of Democracy. 
Yes. Both of you please drop the trolling.

If either of you don't think it's trolling, find a new site. 

New Zealand inches closer to goal of wiping out coronavirus

New Zealand is inching closer toward its goal of doing something its prime minister says “no other country has achieved” -- completely eliminating the coronavirus.

The island nation of 5 million people has so far avoided a widespread outbreak, as new cases have dwindled from a peak of about 90 per day in early April to just five on Tuesday. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern placed the country under a strict lockdown in late March, when only about 100 people had tested positive for the new virus. Only 13 have died from it since.

"We have the opportunity to do something no other country has achieved: elimination of the virus," Ardern told reporters last week. “But it will continue to need a team of 5 million behind it.”

Under the current lockdown, schools are closed and people working nonessential jobs can leave home only for groceries or exercise. Google mobility data indicates there has been high compliance.

Ardern on Monday announced the country would extend lockdown measures for another week before slightly easing some work restrictions to help restart the economy. Most of the social restrictions, though, will remain in place.

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Kentucky sees record spike in coronavirus cases days after lockdown protests

Kentucky witnessed its highest daily spike in coronavirus cases Sunday – just days after hundreds of protesters broke social distancing measures and gathered outside the state capitol building to demand Gov. Andy Beshear reopen the economy.

Despite the demonstrations, Beshear, a Democrat, said Kentucky would not begin incrementally reopening the economy or easing its lockdown restrictions until seeing a downward trajectory of reported coronavirus cases for at least 14 days.

It was not immediately clear whether the surge in cases was linked to the protests.

The governor said Kentucky recorded 273 new cases by Sunday, the largest 24-hour increase in infections since the onset of the outbreak. Cases spiked by less than half that amount by Monday, with just 102 new infections recorded overnight, WYMT-TV in Hazard, Ky., reported.

Kentucky recorded a total of at least 3,050 confirmed coronavirus cases, with at least 154 deaths, according to the state department of health figures last updated Monday evening.

Kentucky sees record spike in coronavirus cases days after lockdown protests

Kentucky witnessed its highest daily spike in coronavirus cases Sunday – just days after hundreds of protesters broke social distancing measures and gathered outside the state capitol building to demand Gov. Andy Beshear reopen the economy.

Despite the demonstrations, Beshear, a Democrat, said Kentucky would not begin incrementally reopening the economy or easing its lockdown restrictions until seeing a downward trajectory of reported coronavirus cases for at least 14 days.

It was not immediately clear whether the surge in cases was linked to the protests.

The governor said Kentucky recorded 273 new cases by Sunday, the largest 24-hour increase in infections since the onset of the outbreak. Cases spiked by less than half that amount by Monday, with just 102 new infections recorded overnight, WYMT-TV in Hazard, Ky., reported.

Kentucky recorded a total of at least 3,050 confirmed coronavirus cases, with at least 154 deaths, according to the state department of health figures last updated Monday evening.
"No one could have foreseen that relaxing social distancing would lead to an increase in infections." *

*Disclaimer: Not an actual quote (yet).

"No one could have foreseen that relaxing social distancing would lead to an increase in infections." *

*Disclaimer: Not an actual quote (yet).
To be fair, I personally don't believe the increase is directly tied to the protests. However it does demonstrate the ridiculousness of demanding easing of restrictions at this time.

Going to be getting lots of scientific data in the next month or two that would be unethical if it was not voluntary. "Hmm, we need a state/country to remove all restrictions, putting their people at risk so we have a well controlled study, maybe we should draw straws or .... wait, they are volunteering for this and doing it anyway?"

One thing I've been thinking about is the amount of death we have had. Trump likes to invoke, "wartime," and in my lifetime, when 9/11 happened, the Boston bombing, Gulf war, Iraq war, we have seen pictures of the deceased on tv constantly. Those of you who know about history be it, Nixon/Kennedy debate, Vietnam journalists, African hunger (80s), and current times, every time there are pictures shown of the people affected, people at home take things more seriously. Maybe, just maybe, instead of putting Trump on tv every night, or "reporters" reporting how many new cases we have had, put the pictures of the deceased on the television with warnings of what happens when social distancing isn't done, or washing hands isn't done, or opening up too early is done.

People aren't taking this seriously because the people we entrust aren't taking it seriously enough.

The folks who refuse to leave their house??
No the folks who refuse to vaccinate their kids and bring back diseases we’ve had under control for decades.  But you knew this is what I was referring too and wanted to get a shot in.   But while I’ve got you and I haven’t seen any Trump supporters addressing it...

How to you square the messages of, were getting past the worst of it and let’s open our country back up with this is so bad we need to shut down all immigration?  Thanks. 

It always seemed like bad strategy to piss off and kill off your most likely voters, and now there's evidence they don't care for it.

At least one segment of his voters is starting to get how outrageously dangerous this guy is to our lives, our futures and our national security. It's truly unfortunate that it took a bunch of them dying for them to come to their senses.

Stay at home and we all know orders and laws are broken all the time.
“We must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country, 100 percent,” - Donald Trump

Huh, the whole "or we'll cease to have a country" kinda seems prescient, doesn't it.

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