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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (2 Viewers)

The boat parade idea is a good marketing plan to keep the base engaged. However, I doubt if it expands Trump's base at all. 
Where are the Biden boat parades? Where is the Biden enthusiasm? I’m more likely to run into Bigfoot these days than somebody enthusiastic about Biden. This is much much worse than Hillary in 2016.

Where are the Biden boat parades? Where is the Biden enthusiasm? I’m more likely to run into Bigfoot these days than somebody enthusiastic about Biden. This is much much worse than Hillary in 2016.
I remember 2016 and how reviled Hillary was. I personally know several people that didn't vote for her (myself included) even though we felt strongly that Trump would be a disaster. There were a great many anti-Hillary Trump voters.

Four years later I feel very comfortable stating that the hate and vitriol directed towards Hillary absolutely pales in comparison to the negative feelings toward Trump. The anti-Trump vote will be YUGE. I've never been so excited to vote.

Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian official, citing Israel-UAE peace deal

Interesting.  Now we also have a Bahrain - Israel deal.  

And, most telling, the Arab League rejected the calls from the Palestinian contingent to protest the UAE deal.  And the Palestians have the rotating presidency at the moment, as well.

But, it really does look like the whole Israel - UAE deal is made up to get Trump his nomination...
Sinn, given the above do you still think this is trumped up?  I'm curious on your take.

Interesting.  Now we also have a Bahrain - Israel deal.  

And, most telling, the Arab League rejected the calls from the Palestinian contingent to protest the UAE deal.  And the Palestians have the rotating presidency at the moment, as well.

Sinn, given the above do you still think this is trumped up?  I'm curious on your take.
Is this what Rudy was working on when he butt dialed that reporter? I remember something about needing a bunch of cash and getting to Bahrain. I’ll have to look for that conversation.

There definitely is a silent majority. Just not sure it is for Biden.
I live in Delaware.  There aren't many Trump supporters who are hiding their Trump candle under a bushel for fear of being rounded up and taken to the CornPop Re-Education Centre. (Yeah...I know...some kid got his hat taken)

There might be some apprehension of expressing your Trumpitude in tried and true Blue areas of the country...just as I'm sure there's trepidation about expressing your Bidenocity in tried and true Red regions......but the vibe I'm getting in this election is that the Trumpers are showers and the Biden people are growers*.......and in the end; Trump people are going to be like "How did Biden win this?....we didn't see one Biden Boat Parade...one 30 foot Biden flag flying off the back of a pick up or hardly any "Build Back Better" gear".  

* I'm willing to extend to the idea of there being a Trump "silent majority" only really in high density Black American areas.  While I certainly don't think there's going to be a majority of Trump voters in an area like that...I do think that there would be levels of local, societal pressure on the occasional individual Trump supporter there.  

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There definitely is a silent majority. Just not sure it is for Biden.
This is very true, I am seeing more come out and admit to it though. Seems some are losing patience with the severe Left slant with media/coronavirus info/chat rooms/protests/you name it  and are coming out and saying of course I have to vote for Trump give how extreme things have gotten. It’s getting interesting. 

I remember 2016 and how reviled Hillary was. I personally know several people that didn't vote for her (myself included) even though we felt strongly that Trump would be a disaster. There were a great many anti-Hillary Trump voters.

Four years later I feel very comfortable stating that the hate and vitriol directed towards Hillary absolutely pales in comparison to the negative feelings toward Trump. The anti-Trump vote will be YUGE. I've never been so excited to vote.
Agreed.  For the first time in my life I'm volunteering for the election.  Is it because of Biden?  Nope.  Is it to get Trump out?  Yup.  

There definitely is a silent majority. Just not sure it is for Biden.
Everybody who I know who might vote for Biden doesn’t want to talk about it because they know he’s such an awful candidate. My bother is a big liberal and he and his circle of snobs are completely demoralized by Biden, it’s worse than Hillary in 2016. There is absolutely no enthusiasm for Joe Biden in the real world. 

Biden press secretary isn’t even denying that they are putting ANSWERS to pre selected questions on a teleprompter for Biden  to read. 

Biden 2020 national press secretary T.J. Ducklo refused to answer Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Thursday as he repeatedly asked whether Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign is providing the former vice president a teleprompter during question-and-answer sessions with reporters and supporters.

The Biden aide made an appearance on Baier's "Special Report" and accused the anchor of using "Trump campaign talking points" in asking about whether the campaign uses teleprompters to answer questions during briefings.

"Has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or to answer Q&As with supporters?” Baier asked.

“We’re not,” Ducklo said, before shifting to saying Baier was using “Trump campaign talking points.”

“Well, yeah, they’re using it,” Baier replied. 

“What it does, Bret, it’s trying to distract the American people," Ducklo argued. 

“They’re using it, they talk about it every day. Can you say yes or no?” Baier pressed. 

“They talk about it every day, Bret, because they don’t have a coherent strategy—" Ducklo replied.

“Well you haven’t answered, yes or no,” Baier injected.

“They talk about it every day because they don’t have a coherent argument for why Donald Trumpdeserves reelection, deserves four more years,” Ducklo said. “We know that he lied to the American people and has not shown leadership, and they’re desperate they can to throw anything against the wall for that fact.”

“I understand, but you can’t answer the question,” Baier noted.

“I am not going to allow the Trump campaign to funnel their questions through Fox News and get me to respond to that,” Ducklo said of the questioning.

The anchor's question may have been prompted by an interview excerpt earlier this week showing Biden being virtually interviewed. At one point, Biden is asked a question but says "move it up here" to someone off camera before responding.

Or, maybe not - 


A Walled Lake teacher fired after tweeting about President Donald Trump and "liberals" was offered his job back a day after his story went viral, but declined the offer on the belief that "the issue would follow him into the classroom."

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher at Walled Lake Western High School, wasn't fired for a tweet supporting President Donald Trump but for a reply that later was deleted saying, "liberals suck man," according to a copy of the teacher's personnel file obtained through a public records request. 

Kucera's official reason for termination was "a lack of professional judgement," according to a July 17 termination letter that followed two Zoom meetings in which he was asked about his July 6 tweets about the president and liberals. 

Kucera did not return a call and text seeking comment. 

The July 10 and July 15 Zoom meetings were not recorded, but accounts from two employees who attended the meetings indicate that Kucera said he was attempting to be sarcastic when he wrote "Liberals suck man." He took the post down when he realized "that sarcasm does not come across well on Twitter."

Kucera recognized such a tweet could make at least "50%" of students upset and said he wanted to apologize to Walled Lake Consolidated Schools District Superintendent Ken Gutman and Walled Lake Western High School Principal Ali Hamka, according to the accounts  of the Zoom meetings included in Kucera's personnel file. Neither Gutman nor Hamka were in attendance at the meeting. 

Kucera was given the chance to resign July 15 with a "neutral letter of recommendation," as well as uncontested unemployment and health benefits through the end of August, according to the personnel file. 

Or, maybe not - 


A Walled Lake teacher fired after tweeting about President Donald Trump and "liberals" was offered his job back a day after his story went viral, but declined the offer on the belief that "the issue would follow him into the classroom."

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher at Walled Lake Western High School, wasn't fired for a tweet supporting President Donald Trump but for a reply that later was deleted saying, "liberals suck man," according to a copy of the teacher's personnel file obtained through a public records request. 

Kucera's official reason for termination was "a lack of professional judgement," according to a July 17 termination letter that followed two Zoom meetings in which he was asked about his July 6 tweets about the president and liberals. 

Kucera did not return a call and text seeking comment. 

The July 10 and July 15 Zoom meetings were not recorded, but accounts from two employees who attended the meetings indicate that Kucera said he was attempting to be sarcastic when he wrote "Liberals suck man." He took the post down when he realized "that sarcasm does not come across well on Twitter."

Kucera recognized such a tweet could make at least "50%" of students upset and said he wanted to apologize to Walled Lake Consolidated Schools District Superintendent Ken Gutman and Walled Lake Western High School Principal Ali Hamka, according to the accounts  of the Zoom meetings included in Kucera's personnel file. Neither Gutman nor Hamka were in attendance at the meeting. 

Kucera was given the chance to resign July 15 with a "neutral letter of recommendation," as well as uncontested unemployment and health benefits through the end of August, according to the personnel file. 
What happened to the principal who tweeted F-the police?  I think it was somewhere in NY?

Everybody who I know who might vote for Biden doesn’t want to talk about it because they know he’s such an awful candidate. My bother is a big liberal and he and his circle of snobs are completely demoralized by Biden, it’s worse than Hillary in 2016. There is absolutely no enthusiasm for Joe Biden in the real world. 
This is truth. I see on Twitter all the time, people who are just Blasting trump and begging people to vote for Biden are consistently, actually, literally using hashtags to #settleforjoe. America has never "settled". That is why we are a great country.

A business partner of mine recently came back from traveling the entire eastern side of the USA and he said "I can tell you who is going to win the election.  

1. Trump

2. Yard sale

3. Biden

Because everywhere I travel, I see Trump signs all over...followed by yard sale signs...and sometimes a Biden sign."

I thought that was funny. 

It's not conservatives burning down cities.  It's not conservatives allowing the destruction, looting, shaming of old people at restaurants.  It's evident who runs these cities and allow this chaos to occur.   Portland mayor said if Trump get's the Feds out of his city things will be fine.  how is that working out? 

I hope Trump wins. 

Executive order on health care, great!

It took three years, but 2 weeks finally came. But wait a moment. 

>> We have a new executive order on health care! It's a glorified press release, nothing more -- and one that should be treated as the pathetic document that it is. 

The mendaciousness on display here is kinda breathtaking. Trump says that "access to health insurance despite underlying health conditions should be maintained, even if the Supreme Court invalidates the unconstitutional, and largely harmful, ACA." BUT HOW? <<


It's not conservatives burning down cities.  It's not conservatives allowing the destruction, looting, shaming of old people at restaurants.  It's evident who runs these cities and allow this chaos to occur.   Portland mayor said if Trump get's the Feds out of his city things will be fine.  how is that working out? 

I hope Trump wins. 
Very true, very true. I hope so as well but it’s an uphill battle with the media 99% against him. 

The bar is set so low for ol Joe, all he has to do is show up sadly. 
1- Show up.

2- Not let Trump get him upset.

3- Keep from stumblin and bumblin and showing his cognitive decline.

It's going to be a real test.  Best case for him is hitting that low bar, worst case is he accidentally spits out one of his patented slurs.

I hope Trump's handlers have him geared up to push every one if his buttons starting with Hunter.  Or maybe just go right after his aptitude.

The bar is set so low for ol Joe, all he has to do is show up sadly. 
You only got yourselves to blame for that. All we have heard for months is that he has mentally deteriorated, can't put two coherent sentences together, talk without a teleprompter, doesn't know where he is and has been hidden in his basement because of it. Add to that dozens of misleadingly edited videos (many taken out of context) to make him look as bad as possible.

Yes, as long as he doesn't knock over the podium or babble incoherently the entire time, it will be a considered a win.

Hannity last night was already trying to spin Biden exceeding the lowered expectations - something to the effect that he has had nothing to do the last few months but prepare for the debates and his handlers each day are having him memorize a couple sentences of talking points for each debate issue and he will regurgitate that to give the impression that he understands what he is saying.  :D


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