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Are Aliens Visiting Us? (2 Viewers)

My only gripe about the thought of it being aliens is that if it is...and their technology is so far advanced; why the subterfuge?  I get all the jokes about Earth being the backwater of the Universe and humanity being (for lack of better words) dickish......but the reality is; we're a pretty hearty species.  We could be put to good use in the Kragliam Mines of Vo'orpa 2 or used as elite shock troops against the Sah(tock-tock) Blok Empire. Entertainment always wants to put us as one of the weaker interstellar species.  It would be kind of cool if we weren't.  
We might be a hearty species, but our technology is #### based on these videos. 

ekbeats said:
They are not just being seen by the military though.  Yes there are some definite hoaxes but some of the recent evidence is very compelling. This isn’t just coming from wackos that people can laugh at anymore.  There is a growing list of high ranking government officials who have made some pretty alarming admissions in the last few years / former Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, etc.  The 2004, 2014 and 2015 sightings by US fighter pilots have been acknowledged by the US DOD as real, and backed with radar data and camera footage from the jets.  I don’t know, seems to me we’ve moved beyond the point where these things are automatically dismissed and laughed off.  Btw - Astro-physicists almost universally believe in alien civilizations, just a question of how many.
This is my point. These are no longer kooks saying they were penetrated in some alien test on their ship (Russell Casse from ID4), we're talking about legitimate government leaders and government agencies acknowledging this stuff. And the videos may be grainy, but they aren't from some dill hole's iPhone 4. These are taken from military planes and ships as well as commercial air lines. 

Maybe this is how we know we are truly doomed. All the main stream media on both sides of the aisle would rather publish gotcha crap rather than everyone run the headline "WE ARE NOT ALONE!"  Nailing the other side is more important than aliens among us.

On a side note, are we allowed to call them aliens? Is it more politically correct to say Extraterrestrial Immigrants? Migrant Interstellar Beings? Undocumented Little Green Persons? 

"Movements that are hard to replicate that we don't have the technology for. Or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom," Ratcliffe explained. 

Well we know that's not true. I know from my childhood spent watching cartoons that aliens (especially Martians) always want to hear an earth-shattering kaboom!

TheFanatic said:
My question is, why isn't this a huge damn deal? The U.S. government is releasing videos of alien ships here on earth and it is met with a worldwide shrug. Why isn't this a much bigger thing? 
does it change anything?

TheFanatic said:
My question is, why isn't this a huge damn deal? The U.S. government is releasing videos of alien ships here on earth and it is met with a worldwide shrug. Why isn't this a much bigger thing? 

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It's like a private club scouting for new members. We are the Rodney Dangerfields of the universe.
Yep. I imagine if we ever are contacted, it will be either 1) The Day the Earth Stood Still, where they basically say "Do what you want on your own planet but, if you try to take it off world, we'll annihilate you" or 2) Independence Day, where they see a bunch of insects sitting on a world full of resources and just wipe us out. So I'm quite happy with them keeping their distance. Like most massages, I just don't expect to see a happy ending here.


That Night Vision footage must be OLD. Like.. a decade old or more.

That appears to be a Gen 2 "tube" (night vision device) or a very early Gen 3 tube. SOCOM and higher end forces are almost exclusively Unfilmed White Phosphor Gen 3 tubes now which are orders of magnitude sharper.

For comparison here are some pictures through my L3/Harris 22UA Unfilmed White Phosphor PVS-14. Granted this is near the top end of Civillian Units (Runs ~$4500-5000) and likely on par or superior to anything aside from Higher end MIL or SOCOM units get, it's still a much better representation of our current/recent MIL-level Night vision.

Hell, even grunts have had better tubes than shown in that vido for a while now, IIRC. 

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Would agree with this here, based on personal experience with a PVS-14 night vision monocular... especially a ####ty one like that dude is apparently using :lol:  

Regarding the Adjustable aperture he gets into around the 2min mark... he's speaking about Tarsier systems which are great for allowing you greater range of focal points up close. They're not used with farther vision like in this video, but it's possible the user in the video didn't think to open the aperture. I'm also not aware of a triangle shaped unit (as he said).  Even home-brew solutions like this unit still are round. 

The home made ones are usually a Butler Creek Cap, and then they use a hot shell casing from a 5.56 (AR-15) round to melt a hole in a cap. It produces a relatively ideal size for a wider focal range. 

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This is the reason I love this place.  That’s fantastic.
Where this falls apart for me as an explanation is the most important missing ingredient. This was released by our government as unexplained, not some random dude posting it a video of triangles.  This is been analyzed by people in the government in an attempt  to explain what it is. You honestly think naval experts, (this was taken off a navy ship), really didn’t put together that this could be lights from a standard aircraft?  The fact that our own government has analyzed, studied this and classify this as a UAP speaks volumes. Logic would dictate that all of those simple answers that are being proposed by this guy have already been vetted and ruled out. 

Where this falls apart for me as an explanation is the most important missing ingredient. This was released by our government as unexplained, not some random dude posting it a video of triangles.  This is been analyzed by people in the government in an attempt  to explain what it is. You honestly think naval experts, (this was taken off a navy ship), really didn’t put together that this could be lights from a standard aircraft?  The fact that our own government has analyzed, studied this and classify this as a UAP speaks volumes. Logic would dictate that all of those simple answers that are being proposed by this guy have already been vetted and ruled out. 
I would imagine it probably is a function of limited communication as well as a public misunderstanding of likely degrees within a UAP classification.

They don't release all the info about any analysis, so my guess is it initially goes into the UAP pile, they analyze it and come to the same conclusion as West did, but can only say they're 99% sure because of the crappy footage.  Then, because they don't go into any detail when it's released, it comes off as,  "we don't have a clue what this is" when they mean, "we can't say we're 100% positive what it is, but it's probably just a plane and we aren't worried about it at all so have at it." :shrug:

I would imagine it probably is a function of limited communication as well as a public misunderstanding of likely degrees within a UAP classification.

They don't release all the info about any analysis, so my guess is it initially goes into the UAP pile, they analyze it and come to the same conclusion as West did, but can only say they're 99% sure because of the crappy footage.  Then, because they don't go into any detail when it's released, it comes off as,  "we don't have a clue what this is" when they mean, "we can't say we're 100% positive what it is, but it's probably just a plane and we aren't worried about it at all so have at it." :shrug:
I get what you’re saying, and it’s a rational statement. But it just doesn’t line up with what the people who have run this/these program/s and have come out and said or what the eyewitness accounts from extraordinarily credible sources have seen with their our own eyes while recording what has been released.

And to be clear I’m not saying it’s 100% aliens. I don’t know but what I do believe is that what we are seeing is not normal aircraft’s or Ariel phenomenons. 

I get what you’re saying, and it’s a rational statement. But it just doesn’t line up with what the people who have run this/these program/s and have come out and said or what the eyewitness accounts from extraordinarily credible sources have seen with their our own eyes while recording what has been released.

And to be clear I’m not saying it’s 100% aliens. I don’t know but what I do believe is that what we are seeing is not normal aircraft’s or Ariel phenomenons. 
Talking specifically about that pyramid ufo footage, I guess I don't see how anyone can watch the two videos by West that I linked to and not come away thinking that's the most likely explanation by far.  Have you seen any specific statements made by officials or eyewitnesses that would directly go against that explanation? 

Talking specifically about that pyramid ufo footage, I guess I don't see how anyone can watch the two videos by West that I linked to and not come away thinking that's the most likely explanation by far.  Have you seen any specific statements made by officials or eyewitnesses that would directly go against that explanation? 
No, other then they are obviously smart enough to have considered all of that and still classified it as a UAP and lump it in with the other far less easily explained sightings.  

I mean they would have to be so advanced that they are traveling via wormhole. The odds of there being intelligent life in a system that is “close” is slim, and even while traveling at light speed, it would take years to reach earth. 

And wouldn’t such a vessel need to be bigger than these “UFOs” on video?

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I mean they would have to be so advanced that they are traveling via wormhole. The odds of there being intelligent life in a system that is “close” is slim, and even while traveling at light speed, it would take years to reach earth. 

And wouldn’t such a vessel need to be bigger than these “UFOs” on video?
Great question.  Via the descriptions of people like Cpt. Favors the movements of the crafts seemed to not be effected by gravity.  So to your point if they are able to manipulate wormholes and gravity who knows what the vessels need to be.  It's so far advanced from us that it's equivalent to people of the 1400's trying to grasp what the internet is. 

I mean they would have to be so advanced that they are traveling via wormhole. The odds of there being intelligent life in a system that is “close” is slim, and even while traveling at light speed, it would take years to reach earth.
I've seen posters mention this and it really bugs me. Because our pea-brains (relatively?) can only conceive of linear travel (or "worm-hole-travel"), this means that these are the only means of travel possible? We've evolved from horse buggies-to-unmanned spacecraft within 120-ish years. Quantum physics as we know it didn't even exist then -- yet the Pavlovian reaction to some in these threads is "No way" -- never mind that ET species may be thousands/millions of years further evolved.

And it's not merely their technology that would be more evolved over these greater periods -- their consciousness could be far beyond what we could even grasp as a concept, especially since modern science has only begin to study that of our own.

I've seen posters mention this and it really bugs me. Because our pea-brains (relatively?) can only conceive of linear travel (or "worm-hole-travel"), this means that these are the only means of travel possible? We've evolved from horse buggies-to-unmanned spacecraft within 120-ish years. Quantum physics as we know it didn't even exist then -- yet the Pavlovian reaction to some in these threads is "No way" -- never mind that ET species may be thousands/millions of years further evolved.

And it's not merely their technology that would be more evolved over these greater periods -- their consciousness could be far beyond what we could even grasp as a concept, especially since modern science has only begin to study that of our own.
They still would need to travel at speeds greater than the speed of light or by some complex means that we don’t comprehend. The vastness of the galaxy and universe still makes it unlikely that a species exponentially more advanced than we ever will be has traveled to our solar system. 

No civilization that was as advanced as it would take to travel here would be interested in traveling here. 
I’m not so sure about that. Don’t we take great time and effort going deep into the Amazon, or under the sea, at great expense and a risk to study a new beetle or a new type of bacteria?

They still would need to travel at speeds greater than the speed of light or by some complex means that we don’t comprehend. The vastness of the galaxy and universe still makes it unlikely that a species exponentially more advanced than we ever will be has traveled to our solar system. 
This is what I meant when my original post mentioned linear travel....

Because our pea-brains (relatively?) can only conceive of linear travel....
.... and I see that a poster that liked your response (rhymes w/ Rinn Rein) has offered the same thought recently.

Now please allow me to paraphrase your position(s).

There is absolutely no way this is possible since I can neither imagine the technological non-linear means of travel --nor-- conceive of why they would be interested in coming here.

There is absolutely no way this is possible since I can neither imagine the technological non-linear means of travel --nor-- conceive of why they would be interested in coming here.
Thats a start.  Now you are on the right path.

Now add the time dimension - a civilization, that is advanced enough to travel from great distances, was in existence at the same time as life on Earth.

Now imagine - in the vastness of space and time - whatever exists on this planet - exists elsewhere in greater quantities - much closer to wherever it is you think they came from.

This is what I meant when my original post mentioned linear travel....

.... and I see that a poster that liked your response (rhymes w/ Rinn Rein) has offered the same thought recently.

Now please allow me to paraphrase your position(s).

There is absolutely no way this is possible since I can neither imagine the technological non-linear means of travel --nor-- conceive of why they would be interested in coming here.
Didn’t say not possible. But entirely unlikely when considering the scale of the universe. There’s 100% alien life and likely advanced civilizations at various points in time. But the odds of any of these UFOs being related to them are infinitesimally small. 

Yeah, Mick West does some impressive work.  I didn't realize he had a follow up video where he has even more evidence to back up the bokeh explanation.

He has a bunch of youtube videos with some explanations for the other popular Navy UFO footage and runs the metabunk.org website.
I like the cut of your jhib.

Thanks for posting.  Nice website too.

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