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Police Departments Struggle With Critical Staffing Shortages Is A Threat To National Security ( 7/19/22 22:43 PST) (2 Viewers)

Easy fix to this problem- have the cops stop doing traffic enforcement. Make it a civil regulatory matter handled by the state Department of Transportation.

There is absolutely no reason we need police officers to be the ones handing out speeding tickets. 
But how does this work? Traffic cameras on every corner and mile marker? I realize complaing about the "surveillance state" has essentially become an antiquated notion, but I'm approaching antique status myself and want to continue complaining about it!

I don't think I've ever seen a time in my life when voicing support for the local police or sheriff's department was seen as a negative.
Is this really that widespread, though? I get that there is an extremely vocal minority of people that could be considered anti-police, but now that the fraught, emotional period following the Floyd murder has cooled some, I really think it's more of an anti-corrupt/racist police sentiment for the most part.

Yes, hiring is a challenge for lots of professions. We all get that and most of us know why. 

But this is different.

I have four adult children in their 20's. They're all in that stage of life where they're figuring out what kind of work they'd like to do.

I think it's pretty telling that given society today, I can't think of many careers I'd rather them NOT pursue than trying to be a police officer. 

As a citizen, that seems like a bad thing. 
I feel the same way, although my kids are much younger. We've already told them they shouldn't consider military careers for similar reasons despite my wife and I both having many family members that are ex-military.

But how does this work? Traffic cameras on every corner and mile marker? I realize complaing about the "surveillance state" has essentially become an antiquated notion, but I'm approaching antique status myself and want to continue complaining about it!

Yeah, basically.  We already have traffic cameras all over the place in the cities. 

We could also stop prosecuting petty speeding violations and allow a small number of DOT employees to track down genuinely reckless drivers (drunks, people going 100+ on the highway or drag racing through secondary roads, etc.) and ticket them without checking their vehicles.  The speed limit would be a guideline for drivers, but there would be no penalty for violating it if you're doing nothing else wrong. Basically the exact same thing we have now, except we'd get rid of the many, many cops wasting everyone's time sitting on the side of the road with a speed gun waiting to collect a regressive tax from people driving safely but rapidly, and we'd be able to reallocate law enforcement resources towards addressing real crime. As a bonus we also would get rid of a ton of unnecessary cop-civilian interactions as well as questionably justified auto searches, which would lead to less tension between the police and the community, fewer shootings, etc.

Demings co-sponsored a Bipartisan legislation to enhance federal penalties for targeting law enforcement officers in 2018.

With George Floyd, she rightly criticized the police involved and supported the Floyd act. Police unions are super unaccountable, far worse than teacher unions. It's almost impossible to get a cop fired.

She's a strong candidate, but it'll be hard to unseat Rubio.
Yea very hard. She is good candidate did a good job as Orlando's police chief. I probably could vote for her. Believe it or not I have voted for Dems before been a very long time though. I guess I can forgive her for being a politician and going with whichever way the winds blows. I really can't get behind Rubio I have never voted for him and don't want to start now.

So for now I'm going to vote for the Mormon with a manbun from S. Fl for US Senate.

timschochet said:
But this thread is suggesting that it’s the fault of liberal attitudes rather than the fault of police. And that’s simply false IMO. Police have created this themselves by always rushing to defend the bad apples among them rather than quickly punishing them. 

It's not "simply false." It's complicated. It's nuanced. It is the fault of Woke attitudes, but to your point, they've come about in reaction to historical shady veils over bad-apple police. They are two sides of the same rotten coin. But the pendulum has now swung way too far. The baby's being thrown out with the bathwater and the citizenry is becoming less and less safe as a result.

LawFitz said:
Stop running away from your crime scene.
I don't think that's worth 60 shots fired. You might. 

Different strokes and all that. But I'm guessing backing the police gets more difficult everytime there's video of officers going all Grand Theft Auto on someone running from a traffic violation. 

I don't think that's worth 60 shots fired. You might. 

Different strokes and all that. But I'm guessing backing the police gets more difficult everytime there's video of officers going all Grand Theft Auto on someone running from a traffic violation. 

You're shifting goal posts. I never said all police should be backed. I agree the bad apples and bad-apple moments should be held accountable. But we've gone way way past that logic.

It's not "simply false." It's complicated. It's nuanced. It is the fault of Woke attitudes, but to your point, they've come about in reaction to historical shady veils over bad-apple police. They are two sides of the same rotten coin. But the pendulum has now swung way too far. The baby's being thrown out with the bathwater and the citizenry is becoming less and less safe as a result.
One of your most fair and thoughtful responses. I will always be sympathetic to the argument that things are complicated and nuanced, and you’re right; I shouldn’t have written that it’s simply false. My bad. 

So let’s say that I think you and others making this argument (that it’s the fault of woke attitudes) are making it a little too strongly. 

It's not "simply false." It's complicated. It's nuanced. It is the fault of Woke attitudes, but to your point, they've come about in reaction to historical shady veils over bad-apple police. They are two sides of the same rotten coin. But the pendulum has now swung way too far. The baby's being thrown out with the bathwater and the citizenry is becoming less and less safe as a result.

Police unions are the only unions I can think of that openly antagonize the people they are ostensibly there to serve.  Imagine, say, the MLBPA retweeting dumb Ted Cruz potshots at Biden over Afghanistan policy. which the NY SBA did, or consistently whined about how people disliking them had made baseball terrible, which is something every police union does about the cities they police. This is straight up obnoxious, reads like a Laura Ingraham rant:

National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)


Jul 18

Across the U.S. we’re seeing the deadly consequences of rogue prosecutors—many of whom were elected thanks to Soros and anti-police groups—letting repeat, violent criminals out of jail to prey on innocent, law-abiding citizens. Hold CRIMINALS and ROGUE PROSECUTORS Accountable!

That the entire job description is public service makes this stuff even more detestable, as does the fact that they sensationalize crime statistics and seemingly celebrate violence and chaos as evidence of their importance. No other public service employees do anything even 5% as obnoxiously partisan as police unions.

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These bad cops still have jobs even though,

>>A total of 22 officers converged at the hotel and that's where excessive force was reportedly used to take him into custody.

Video of the arrest reportedly shows Officer Kevin Perez kicking a handcuffed Crudup in the head at least four times as he lay on the ground. Officer Jose Perez is accused of kicking him three times...

A second man, 28-year-old Khalid Vaughn, started taking video of Crudup’s arrest with his phone, and was arrested on charges of resisting an officer and interfering with a law enforcement investigation, officials said.

Body-worn footage showed an officer tackling Vaughn before another officer is seen repeatedly punching him in the rib cage area, Fernandez Rundle said.<<

3 Miami Beach Officers Now Face Felony Charges in Rough Arrest at Hotel

djmich said:
Fish how did the stupid state policies you’re referring to get approved?  Things don’t get approved without proponents and support. If you have enough proponents and support…then it’s hard to consider that “fringe”.
If we were following the woke fringe agenda, we wouldn't have rolled back the laws or clarified how they should be implemented.  We'd just carry on, right?  We haven't had an election in between.  I think this was good old fashioned political incompetence.

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You're shifting goal posts. I never said all police should be backed. I agree the bad apples and bad-apple moments should be held accountable. But we've gone way way past that logic.
I'm not shifting goal posts. 

The, "hey, don't wanna get shot 60 times, don't run from the cops" attitude is why SOME cops feel empowered to shoot citizens, then cover it up, and these guys get sent to go work in another city, instead of facing jail time. 

And then we have to read, gosh, why don't people support police

massraider said:
Stop shooting people in the back.

This was your post, to which I responded...

LawFitz said:
Stop running away from the crime scene.

And you shifted it to getting shot 60 times and "SOME" cops.

The, "hey, don't wanna get shot 60 times, don't run from the cops" attitude is why SOME cops feel empowered to shoot citizens, then cover it up, and these guys get sent to go work in another city, instead of facing jail time. 

And then we have to read, gosh, why don't people support police

You've definitely shifted the goal posts.

That said, I agree that some cops are bad apples and should be (and should have always been) dealt with accordingly.

It’s a common occurrence in Chicago.  One week she throws the cops under the bus, the next week she wants to get tough on crime.   She has destroyed the city.   She’s not that upset not to have 70 cops to protect her on taxpayer dime though.  
100% agree.  As someone who lives along the Chicago border and is in the city a lot.

Portland lesbian bar shuts down five days after opening for not being woke enough

In a bygone era of 2021, an entrepreneur could open a lesbian bar and have it be woke enough. After all, it's a bar for lesbians. L is the first letter of the LGBTQAIIP2+ alphabet. As the owners of Doc Marie's have found out, we no longer live in 2021 anymore. This is 2022, and there are levels to this woke game. Welcome to Portland, where yet another queer own business is being shut down for not being inclusive enough.

Doc Marie’s opened on July 1. I'm assuming the name is a take on Doc Martin's, a popular footwear for L's. "Literally 200 lesbians" were lined up around the block to get it. Volvo's lined the streets like Harley's at a biker bar. People couldn't wait to munch on the bar's exclusive Carpet Nachos. Everyone was happy.

Five days later, the bar was shut down. Unfortunately, the TikTok video linked in this exclusive from Libs of TikTok explaining what happened has been deleted. Doc Marie's was told it wasn't "inclusive enough for trans people and people of color. People whined there weren't enough COVID safety measures. Also, the bar had what was called “culturally appropriative art” on the walls.

If that isn't enough, the employees formed a collective.

Yes, after being employed for five days. Doc Marie's was accused of, quote, not being "proactive enough in creating a safe space and accused the owners of racism." They also, in their list of demands--yes, a list of demands--wanted this small business that has only been open for five days to provide free education to the community.

Here's my favorite part: "The employees demanded the owners relinquish ownership of the bar and hand the business to them." Five days after opening, the employees are demanding the owners who hired them and invested in opening the business, sign the company over to the employees. After only being open for five days. That's amazing!

Sadly, five days after its grand opening, the woke mob forced Doc Marie's to shut down. They say it's only temporary while they figure out how to be a “safe and inclusive space" for the community. What they are most likely doing is figuring out how to make a fire look like an accident, collect the insurance claims, and move to Idaho where a lesbian bar can open in peace.

Portland, don't ever change!

Portland lesbian bar shuts down five days after opening for not being woke enough

In a bygone era of 2021, an entrepreneur could open a lesbian bar and have it be woke enough. After all, it's a bar for lesbians. L is the first letter of the LGBTQAIIP2+ alphabet. As the owners of Doc Marie's have found out, we no longer live in 2021 anymore. This is 2022, and there are levels to this woke game. Welcome to Portland, where yet another queer own business is being shut down for not being inclusive enough.

Doc Marie’s opened on July 1. I'm assuming the name is a take on Doc Martin's, a popular footwear for L's. "Literally 200 lesbians" were lined up around the block to get it. Volvo's lined the streets like Harley's at a biker bar. People couldn't wait to munch on the bar's exclusive Carpet Nachos. Everyone was happy.

Five days later, the bar was shut down. Unfortunately, the TikTok video linked in this exclusive from Libs of TikTok explaining what happened has been deleted. Doc Marie's was told it wasn't "inclusive enough for trans people and people of color. People whined there weren't enough COVID safety measures. Also, the bar had what was called “culturally appropriative art” on the walls.

If that isn't enough, the employees formed a collective.

Yes, after being employed for five days. Doc Marie's was accused of, quote, not being "proactive enough in creating a safe space and accused the owners of racism." They also, in their list of demands--yes, a list of demands--wanted this small business that has only been open for five days to provide free education to the community.

Here's my favorite part: "The employees demanded the owners relinquish ownership of the bar and hand the business to them." Five days after opening, the employees are demanding the owners who hired them and invested in opening the business, sign the company over to the employees. After only being open for five days. That's amazing!

Sadly, five days after its grand opening, the woke mob forced Doc Marie's to shut down. They say it's only temporary while they figure out how to be a “safe and inclusive space" for the community. What they are most likely doing is figuring out how to make a fire look like an accident, collect the insurance claims, and move to Idaho where a lesbian bar can open in peace.

Portland, don't ever change!

Not surprisingly, you didn't credit or give a link to the quote you were plagiarizing (Steven Crowder) but I digress. In any event, from Facebook:


In response to an inquiry about the status of open-for-one-day self-identified

Portland “lesbian bar” Doc Marie’s, Olga Bichko, Director of Operations replies that the bar will be reopening on July 30th.

Social media and the web site for the business do not yet reflect this “re-opening” date.

Edited to add:

Seriously Jon, what the hell does this lesbian bar being closed have to do with the subject matter of the thread, of critical staffing shortages police departments are dealing with?

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Not surprisingly, you didn't credit or give a link to the quote you were plagiarizing (Steven Crowder) but I digress. In any event, from Facebook:


In response to an inquiry about the status of open-for-one-day self-identified

Portland “lesbian bar” Doc Marie’s, Olga Bichko, Director of Operations replies that the bar will be reopening on July 30th.

Social media and the web site for the business do not yet reflect this “re-opening” date.

Edited to add:

Seriously Jon, what the hell does this lesbian bar being closed have to do with the subject matter of the thread, of critical staffing shortages police departments are dealing with?

We all knew jon didn't write it and he wasn't trying to pretend he did. Please go away. 


We all knew jon didn't write it and he wasn't trying to pretend he did. Please go away. 

He claimed that he did by not providing a link or giving attribution to the author, in other words plagiarism. 

FYI I was suspended for 3 weeks for telling someone to please go away. 

He claimed that he did by not providing a link or giving attribution to the author, in other words plagiarism. 

FYI I was suspended for 3 weeks for telling someone to please go away. 
He likely quick dropped the story in from his phone. Everybody knew he wasn't trying to pawn it off as his own writing. Even you knew that, but you just wanted to cause trouble. 

He likely quick dropped the story in from his phone. Everybody knew he wasn't trying to pawn it off as his own writing. Even you knew that, but you just wanted to cause trouble. 

No, everybody didn't know - and it wasn't that obvious even though it lacked most of usual misspellings and grammatical errors. 

No, everybody didn't know - and it wasn't that obvious even though it lacked most of usual misspellings and grammatical errors. 

Yeah, everybody knew.  That's not debatable.  

I mean, c'mon, it's even formatted like a news article.  You're so desperate to drag anyone down to your level that now you're just outright lying.

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Yeah, everybody knew.  That's not debatable.  

I mean, c'mon, it's even formatted like a news article.  You're so desperate to drag anyone down to your level that now you're just outright lying.

Did you know that he plagiarized that entire article from the disreputable Steven Crowder? The source probably wouldn't make a difference to some folks, but it would to many others and we have told to always attribute sources and provide links to words that are not our own, so that FBGs is not accused of publishing copyrighted material that goes beyond what is considered fair use.

Did you know that he plagiarized that entire article from the disreputable Steven Crowder? The source probably wouldn't make a difference to some folks, but it would to many others and we have told to always attribute sources and provide links to words that are not our own, so that FBGs is not accused of publishing copyrighted material that goes beyond what is considered fair use.

Except he didn't.  :lol:

Save the drama for your mama.  Nobody believes you.

,says the guy who use to post tweets and pass them off his own words (yes, I remember calling you out on that and you never addressed it). 


I didn't address it because you were usually wrong. I almost always gave a Twitter link or with a source attribution with some rare exceptions due to what was then the 140 character limit. But I never stole a multiple paragraph opinion piece and passed it off as my own like jon..

Not surprisingly, you didn't credit or give a link to the quote you were plagiarizing (Steven Crowder) but I digress. In any event, from Facebook:


He claimed that he did by not providing a link or giving attribution to the author, in other words plagiarism. 

FYI I was suspended for 3 weeks for telling someone to please go away. 

No, everybody didn't know - and it wasn't that obvious even though it lacked most of usual misspellings and grammatical errors. 

Did you know that he plagiarized that entire article from the disreputable Steven Crowder? The source probably wouldn't make a difference to some folks, but it would to many others and we have told to always attribute sources and provide links to words that are not our own, so that FBGs is not accused of publishing copyrighted material that goes beyond what is considered fair use.

Yes, he did - lifted word for word and from what Steven Crowder wrote (how do think I found it?) .

I didn't address it because you were usually wrong. I almost always gave a Twitter link or with a source attribution with some rare exceptions due to what was then the 140 character limit. But I never stole a multiple paragraph opinion piece and passed it off as my own like jon..


Is it necessary to keep hijacking thread topics that I start with your pedantic source policing grift?

Again, I'm going to ping @FBG Moderator here. Yet again.

There's an actual substantive and complicated political topic here regarding the massive decline in law enforcement recruiting and hiring in America. It's a very complex subject matter that could bring a lot of real thoughtful and interesting discussion, the kind of real political debate and introspection that would uplift the discourse of the entire community.


On 6/25/22, I pinged the FBG Moderator about your behavior


On 7/12/22, I pinged the FBG Moderator about your behavior


On 7/19/22, I pinged the FBG Moderator about your behavior

Here is a 6 month snapshot of your same trolling anti community level cheap routine














The above shows EIGHTY EIGHT instances of your same BS source policing behavior.  That's a sixth month window, imagine how much crap you'll pulled over how many years and over how many tens of thousands of posts.

Now I'm going to ping everyone, to my knowledge, with an ownership stake here at FBG

@Joe Bryant  , @David Dodds and @Sigmund Bloom

This has gotten beyond the point of just hitting the Report Button.

In 16 years, I have NEVER reached out to Bloom over someone's board conduct. NEVER. Not once. Do you recognize how ugly your persistent crap has become that I need to reach out to Bloom? You want a reaction? Here it is. I'm asking Bloom for some kind of ruling on you. To do something. You operate as a pure net negative here. Because your crap is toxic towards this entire community. It's bad for business. It's bad for the forums, which operate in part as a type of marketing outreach for the brand.

Think about it squistion. I'm going to the owners. Directly. I'm saying you are bad for business.

Stop shooting people in the back.


Direct Headline: ‘Coke’ dealers boldly peddle drugs on sidewalks of Broadway

By Matthew Sedacca, Georgia Worrell and Melissa Klein October 15, 2022

Things have gotten so bad in New York City that drug dealers are brazenly selling what appears to be cocaine — sometimes neatly assembled on sidewalk tables — on Broadway in trendy NoMad and farther north in Times Square....Some of the drug-slingers openly solicit, saying, “Weed, coke. Weed, coke” as pedestrians walk by, a disgusted local restaurateur said....The Post observed two different buyers approach dealers on the corner of West 27th Street and Broadway earlier this month and hand over cash in exchange for plastic baggies .... a Post journalist spotted a makeshift table with what appeared to be pre-rolled joints on West 41st Street — and was told by the dealer that they could get cocaine there too....

....As of Thursday, the 13th Precinct this year had received 41 narcotics-related 911 calls and another 311 drug-related complaint covering two square blocks flanking Broadway, from West. 27th Street north to West 28th Street and from 5th Avenue west to Sixth Avenue.....three people sitting outside the storefront and going into a backpack — which said “I Can Do Anything” — to get their merchandise....

“It doesn’t seem like there’s anybody holding anybody accountable. It’s just lawless,” the resident said....A jewelry store owner near 28th Street said the dealers were hurting his sales.....“Obviously it affects our business,” the shop owner said. “Sales are going down, right now we are 40 percent down.....They made it ( 'legal') . What can you do?”

...Michael Alcazar, a former NYPD detective ...., said ....a decline in undercover officers and criminal justice reform measures have emboldened dealers....He said if dealers are arrested “with all the bail reform, again, they’re not afraid of being prosecuted. … There’s just no equating the punishment with the crime anymore. And I think that’s what’s giving life to this underground economy with the drug sales.....”...Busts for felony drug sales fell by 28% in the Big Apple from 2019 to 2021, with convictions dropping 52% during the same span....Meanwhile, major crime in the 13th Precinct, which includes NoMad and Gramercy Park, is up 25% ....with a 29% rise in burglaries and a 9% increase in felony assaults....



What does "shooting people in the back" have to do with massive law enforcement staffing/personnel shortages across the United States. It's not just in one location or one city, it's across the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

You have cops who are constantly told they are racists and bigots and part of a corrupt hateful system against minorities, then if they arrest anyone, especially in Big Blue Cities, where crime is a larger problem, they watch those criminals just waltz right back out and see them committing more and more crimes anyway.

So post 9/11, when there was a funding infusion for law enforcement agencies around the country, the average national headcount for sworn law enforcement is roughly about 650K - 700K at any given point. The lowest point in the last decade, before the current year, was 2013, at about 625K.

OK, while there are some bad cops out there, are we all to believe that there are a majority of up to 700 thousand sworn officers out there who are racists and bigots and looking to hunt down minorities at every turn?

You CANNOT simultaneously demand higher quality performance and personnel if you defund them, demonize them and take away all incentive for high quality applicants to actually pursue the career.
Perhaps mistrust of police has risen due to the increased use of body cams. :2cents:

Direct Headline: 82% of Portland area voters want more police

Oregonian Oct 14, 2022

....An eye-popping 82% of respondents in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties support higher levels of policing across the metro area...A preference for more policing is highest in Clackamas County, at 90%, while only 82% of Washington County respondents and 76% in Multnomah County back the idea....In an interview, poll respondent Mary Beth Van Cleave of Portland said she was frustrated when police said they didn’t have the resources to respond to recent street races in her neighborhood in the Lloyd District....

... “So I would say more police, better trained police and more intervention specialists....”

Metrowide, support for increasing the presence of police showed no statistically significant differences across income, education, gender or ethnicity, although older respondents were more likely to support hiring more officers than younger ones. Among respondents ages 45 and older, 90% wanted more police, compared with 74% of those 18 to 29 and 70% of respondents 30 to 44....

A majority of respondents in the metro area said they consider downtown Portland dangerous....A whopping 84% said they wouldn’t feel safe walking around downtown Portland at night and 61% said they felt the same way during the day.....



Perhaps the "mistrust in police" will happen when you have the major power brokers of one political Party denounce the overall efforts of American law enforcement again and again and then have affiliated "leadership" in Big Blue Cities enable burning, rioting, looting and crime. No one will trust the police to "show up" In part because public policies from Democrats in power have neutered them and in part because many agencies were defunded and in part because many have staffing/personnel problems because no one wants the job/career anymore.

In June of 2020, the Portland City Council voted to approve the cutting of $15 million from the police bureau, eliminating 84 sworn staff positions. This had a back end impact where remaining officers in other critical areas, like investigations and tactical units, were reassigned to fill the short falls in basic patrol coverage.

A Portland resident wants "more police, better trained police and more intervention specialists"

OK, how do you achieve that when you slash budgets and demonize the cops still there and wear them down by enabling night after night of rioting and looting until they want to quit?

You talk about "mistrust" as if it's a one way street. If current police officers or potential recruits don't "trust" that there is any practical career pathway where they aren't vilified and marginalized, why should they stay? The answer is they are not staying. And the short fall means the need for dramatic expenditure to hire and train new officers ( this is a vast expense for all agencies around the country)

This is a self inflicted national security crisis for no damn good reason at all. I'm not saying law enforcement, in general, is not in need of some reform. But this insanity fueled by woke and identity politics is the absolute worst way to go about effecting practical change.
Not surprisingly, you didn't credit or give a link to the quote you were plagiarizing (Steven Crowder) but I digress. In any event, from Facebook:


He claimed that he did by not providing a link or giving attribution to the author, in other words plagiarism.

FYI I was suspended for 3 weeks for telling someone to please go away.

No, everybody didn't know - and it wasn't that obvious even though it lacked most of usual misspellings and grammatical errors.

Did you know that he plagiarized that entire article from the disreputable Steven Crowder? The source probably wouldn't make a difference to some folks, but it would to many others and we have told to always attribute sources and provide links to words that are not our own, so that FBGs is not accused of publishing copyrighted material that goes beyond what is considered fair use.

Yes, he did - lifted word for word and from what Steven Crowder wrote (how do think I found it?) .

I didn't address it because you were usually wrong. I almost always gave a Twitter link or with a source attribution with some rare exceptions due to what was then the 140 character limit. But I never stole a multiple paragraph opinion piece and passed it off as my own like jon..


Is it necessary to keep hijacking thread topics that I start with your pedantic source policing grift?

Again, I'm going to ping @FBG Moderator here. Yet again.

There's an actual substantive and complicated political topic here regarding the massive decline in law enforcement recruiting and hiring in America. It's a very complex subject matter that could bring a lot of real thoughtful and interesting discussion, the kind of real political debate and introspection that would uplift the discourse of the entire community.


On 6/25/22, I pinged the FBG Moderator about your behavior


On 7/12/22, I pinged the FBG Moderator about your behavior


On 7/19/22, I pinged the FBG Moderator about your behavior

Here is a 6 month snapshot of your same trolling anti community level cheap routine














The above shows EIGHTY EIGHT instances of your same BS source policing behavior. That's a sixth month window, imagine how much crap you'll pulled over how many years and over how many tens of thousands of posts.

Now I'm going to ping everyone, to my knowledge, with an ownership stake here at FBG

@Joe Bryant , @David Dodds and @Sigmund Bloom

This has gotten beyond the point of just hitting the Report Button.

In 16 years, I have NEVER reached out to Bloom over someone's board conduct. NEVER. Not once. Do you recognize how ugly your persistent crap has become that I need to reach out to Bloom? You want a reaction? Here it is. I'm asking Bloom for some kind of ruling on you. To do something. You operate as a pure net negative here. Because your crap is toxic towards this entire community. It's bad for business. It's bad for the forums, which operate in part as a type of marketing outreach for the brand.

Think about it squistion. I'm going to the owners. Directly. I'm saying you are bad for business.

Dam, that is quite a case you have built on Squistion. No rebuttal?
I think it's time to put a former LEO and police chief in the Senate. I'm voting for Val Demings in the US Senate race over Marco Rubio. Her ads are great, I can't wait for the debate this coming Tuesday so she can school Rubio.
My friend is a lieutenant in a local PD. He is a good cop and person. Had issues with another department because he was on the straight and narrow.

His chief is retiring and asked my friend to take over when he retires. My friend would be great -- a person you want in the position -- but he turned it down because of all of the politics.

He also tells me they have 2 openings. This is a nice suburban department and they used to get 40 applicants for one position. They had 4. One person didn't show up to the testing. Only one of the remaining 3 passed.

The stigmatization of the police is a major problem.
Dam, that is quite a case you have built on Squistion. No rebuttal?

It was a silly unhinged rant because he can't stand anyone who challenges his diatribes with some actual facts and makes him look foolish (or perhaps look more foolish). As they say in Texas, he's all hat and no cattle. 🤠

I felt that it didn't dignify a point-by-point response, or actually any response at all.

He posted that in July and despite tagging everyone involved in FBGs ownership (and their mama) asking that I be permabanned from the site, no action was taken.
Direct Headline: More police officers are committing suicide due to ‘demonization’, expert says

Emily Smith October 17, 2022

....Glenn, who has been a trauma therapist for three decades in Austin, Texas, said more police officers will continue to commit suicide if the media and politicians continue to demonize them....Early in October, a 30-year-old Texas police officer in San Antonio committed suicide. He was the department’s fifth active-duty or recently retired officer to commit suicide in the past seven months....

....Officer Jordan Hammond of the San Antonio Police Department, who had been in law enforcement for five years, committed suicide last week at the age of 30. This is the agency’s fifth suicide in the past seven months. Four of those were active-duty officers, and the fifth was an officer who retired two weeks before his death, according to a spokesperson from the department....

"They have a pretty big city with a lot of violence, and they have been dealing with the media portrayals of police officers as monsters....And they have sort of been cut off from society.... So, they’re isolated. Their mental health is suffering, the trauma is compounding, and it’s just this perfect storm for what’s happening there....In the end, their brain and sadness cause them to act in such a terrible way because all they can see is that suicide is their only option. It truly deceives them into thinking that people will be happier without them, which is obviously not true....”

The list of officers who committed suicide in the past seven months, according to the San Antonio Police Department includes:

[1] Officer Paul Carreon, who committed suicide in April after 19 years of service.

[2] Officer Paul Zavala, who served for 28 years and committed suicide two weeks after retiring in June.

[3] Police officer Justin Garcia, who committed suicide in August after serving six years.

[4] Detective Frank Rodriguez, who committed suicide in September after 15 years of service.

[5] Finally, officer Jordan Hammond, who committed suicide in October after five years of service.



A major aspect of this current problem and controversy is the issue of mental health in law enforcement.

You can't demand higher performance against unrealistic standards. You can't ask a police officer in Portland to stand night after night during riots, looting and burning, while being told you are a racist that needs to be defunded, then take on the added stress of all aspects of your job turning into mounting risk against basic quality of life, and not expect mental breakdowns.

Places like San Antonio, where the dynamics create an even bigger pressure cooker, only compound the problems in place.

Let's not mince it anymore. Team Blue wants a federalized police force. Current officers are merely collateral damage to that end goal.
Direct Headline: Minnesota Supreme Court rules Minneapolis mayor failed to hire more police

AP Jun 21, 2022 4:42 PM EDT

....The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that the mayor of Minneapolis hasn’t met a legal duty to hire more police officers or demonstrate why he hasn’t done so....In a Monday ruling, Chief Justice Lorie Gildea said Mayor Jacob Frey has a “clear legal duty” under the city’s charter to staff the department with at least 731 sworn officers, a number based on the population of Minneapolis.....Interim City Attorney Peter Ginder said the city has about 300 fewer officers than it did before George Floyd was killed by police in May 2020. The city’s former police chief had attributed the departures to retirements and officers who filed disability claims, some citing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder linked to the protests over Floyd’s killing.....

Ginder calls it “an unprecedented loss of personnel that is not easily corrected,” but noted that the city has provided funding for additional recruit classes and hiring bonuses....“Mayor Jacob Frey, the Minneapolis Police Department and city are working in good faith to recruit and hire more community-oriented peace officers as quickly as reasonably possible....”


Direct Headline: Frey seeks eight extra MPD classes over two years to counter departure wave

By Theo Keith August 15, 2022

....Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is proposing a budget aimed at returning the city's depleted police force to the court-ordered level of 731 officers sometime in 2023 as part of a realignment of public safety that he now more closely controls....The mayor's proposal, which calls for total city spending of $1.6 billion next year and $1.7 billion the year after, has a heavy focus on public safety. Frey told City Council members there is no time to waste as a short-staffed Minneapolis Police Department tries to counter a surge in violent crime. ....

....Frey's plan calls for four police recruiting classes in both years after the Minneapolis Police Department's ranks fell from 900 sworn officers in early 2020 to a nadir of 564 this summer. By the end of the year, more than 400 officers will have quit since the start of 2020, MPD brass said in budget documents released after Frey spoke.....Frey's overall budget relies on a 6.5% tax levy increase in 2023, which the mayor's office says would cost the owner of a median value home an extra $167 per year, and a 6.2% increase in 2024.....

....Last month, the Minnesota Supreme Court ordered the city to employ 731 officers as required in the city charter or prove why it cannot. A group of north side residents had sued over the shrinking force level, and the city has been in mediation over the case.....

Police spokesman Garrett Parten said the city is aware of the recruitment challenges it faces. Each class can accommodate up to 40 recruits, but only six were in the class that graduated in September. Only 57 people applied in 2022, down from 292 applicants in 2019....“You can scream as loud as you want, ‘Hire more people!’ but if fewer people are applying, then it’s not going to change the outcome much,” Parten said. “Across the country, recruitment has become an issue. There’s just fewer people that are applying for the job.”...Statistics bear that out. Among 184 police agencies surveyed in the U.S. and Canada, the nonprofit Police Executive Research Forum found that resignations jumped by 43% from 2019 through 2021, and retirements jumped 24%.




What's going on in Minneapolis is a test case for what happens when you blindly try to "Defund The Police"

Should there be widespread law enforcement reform? Yes, most people would agree with that, particularly on the issue of increased training and mental health support services for both sworn officers and for residents in general. But should you try to "Defund" without any kind of plan, logistics, strategy, goal or practical pathway for functional public administration in mind? Clearly that's what happened.

Now no one wants to apply, the quality of recruits decreases, the few officers you have left are overworked and under staffed, the end budgetary situation is untenable, now homeowners in the area are looking at a permanent "tax" starting at 167 dollars to start and will only grow. This along with countless small businesses utterly destroyed, ruining countless families as well as larger businesses and corporations fleeing, gutting the entire tax base. Stack this on top of "bail reform" where career criminals are let loose in droves. You cannot run what amounts to 3-4 concurrent law enforcement training academies in the same year, for multiple years, and not feel the fracture points of a mass influx of bottom barrel level personnel. Extremely loose hiring practices at a hard pace also creates a threat point from organized gangs getting their own members into law enforcement ranks.

And for what overall gain for the actual people who live and work here?

Derek Chauvin should have never been a police officer. While he started this whole mess here, he's not the only one at fault for the endless failed public policy carnage here. The controversy turned into political capital for the radical left and this is the end result.
Direct Headline: More police officers are committing suicide due to ‘demonization’, expert says

Emily Smith October 17, 2022

....Glenn, who has been a trauma therapist for three decades in Austin, Texas, said more police officers will continue to commit suicide if the media and politicians continue to demonize them....Early in October, a 30-year-old Texas police officer in San Antonio committed suicide. He was the department’s fifth active-duty or recently retired officer to commit suicide in the past seven months....

....Officer Jordan Hammond of the San Antonio Police Department, who had been in law enforcement for five years, committed suicide last week at the age of 30. This is the agency’s fifth suicide in the past seven months. Four of those were active-duty officers, and the fifth was an officer who retired two weeks before his death, according to a spokesperson from the department....

"They have a pretty big city with a lot of violence, and they have been dealing with the media portrayals of police officers as monsters....And they have sort of been cut off from society.... So, they’re isolated. Their mental health is suffering, the trauma is compounding, and it’s just this perfect storm for what’s happening there....In the end, their brain and sadness cause them to act in such a terrible way because all they can see is that suicide is their only option. It truly deceives them into thinking that people will be happier without them, which is obviously not true....”

The list of officers who committed suicide in the past seven months, according to the San Antonio Police Department includes:

[1] Officer Paul Carreon, who committed suicide in April after 19 years of service.

[2] Officer Paul Zavala, who served for 28 years and committed suicide two weeks after retiring in June.

[3] Police officer Justin Garcia, who committed suicide in August after serving six years.

[4] Detective Frank Rodriguez, who committed suicide in September after 15 years of service.

[5] Finally, officer Jordan Hammond, who committed suicide in October after five years of service.



A major aspect of this current problem and controversy is the issue of mental health in law enforcement.

You can't demand higher performance against unrealistic standards. You can't ask a police officer in Portland to stand night after night during riots, looting and burning, while being told you are a racist that needs to be defunded, then take on the added stress of all aspects of your job turning into mounting risk against basic quality of life, and not expect mental breakdowns.

Places like San Antonio, where the dynamics create an even bigger pressure cooker, only compound the problems in place.

Let's not mince it anymore. Team Blue wants a federalized police force. Current officers are merely collateral damage to that end goal.
I’ve never heard of “Team Blue” lobbing for a federalized police force
Stop shooting people in the back.


Direct Headline: Violent week a grim sign as targeted killings of police rise

By GENE JOHNSON October 15, 2022 GMT

....Police officers from Bristol, Conn. gather with other towns at the scene where two police officers killed, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Bristol, Conn. The deaths of two Connecticut police officers and the wounding of a third during an especially violent week for police across the U.S. fit into a grim pattern, law enforcement experts say. Even as the number of officers has dropped in the past two years, the number being targeted and killed has risen....

....According to organizations that track violence against police, 56 officers have been killed by gunfire this year — 14% more than this time last year and about 45% ahead of 2020′s pace. the country is on track for the deadliest year since 67 officers were killed in 2016..... the number of ambushes in which police were injured or killed in surprise attacks with little chance to defend themselves has soared since 2020 and (coordinated ambushes) accounts for nearly half the officers killed this year.....Such an attack apparently struck Wednesday in Bristol, Connecticut, where the state police said Bristol Police Sgt. Dustin Demonte and Officer Alex Hamzy were killed and Officer Alec Iurato was wounded when they responded to a 911 call that appears to have been “a deliberate act to lure law enforcement to the scene....”

...“It’s not lost on the officers that the job they signed up for has become more dangerous,” he said. “That has to be taking a significant mental toll on the agencies at large and the individual officers doing the work.”....The increase in ambushes and killings of police comes at a time when many departments around the country face staffing shortages, with some agencies down hundreds of officers and struggling to fill vacancies.... many officers have retired early or resigned out of frustration with what they see as sagging public support amid “defund police” efforts .....The number of officers nationally fell from roughly 719,000 in 2020 to 688,000 in 2021, according to data reported to the FBI....



Statistically speaking, it is the rule rather than the exception that the average police officer with a full career until retirement never discharges their firearm in the official line of duty. Nearly all cops enter their career and spends years, even decades on the job, then retire and many barely touch their weapons except for periodical department firearm training/qualifications.

For the very small number that get into officer involved shootings, it's extremely rare for an officer to shoot a suspect in the back.

Did it feel good to get a cheap shot in? Did it?

Here is a picture of Dustin Demonte, his wife and his two children

Here is a picture of Alex Hamzy and his now widow

Here is a picture of Alec Iurato, who had to watch his brothers fall in front of him, before being shot himself

Widespread anti-police sentiment in Big Blue Cities, via intentional structured public policy, has embolden career criminals. Do you believe that has no part to play in the recent spikes in deadly ambushes against sworn law enforcement in this country?

Would you like to say that to Demonte's widow and two young children? To stop "shooting people in the back"?

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