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War in Israel (1 Viewer)

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Palestinians had a chance at a 2 party state. they declined in 1948 . they had a chance at oslo accords, but rejected that when hamas took over which rejects a 2 party state
The Jewish settlers had a chance at a one party state, in multiple locations, where no one would ever screw with them. And they rejected it.

Apologies if honda. I'm not knowledgeable about this situation.

Is there a good and concise link to an article summarizing what the main points of conflict are? I know it's long running and complex. But trying to get a basic understanding.
I'm trying to catch up here so this may have been (probably was) already addressed. I found this article recently...

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Apologies if honda. I'm not knowledgeable about this situation.

Is there a good and concise link to an article summarizing what the main points of conflict are? I know it's long running and complex. But trying to get a basic understanding.
Palestine has land Israel believes is theirs.

Thanks. Is there a summary-type article you can link to that is a good summary with more information?
Try this

Thank you. How fair do you feel are the anti semitic criticisms of Al Jazeera? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism
Israel is the real terrorist here.
I am purposely staying out of this discussion, but please don't go there. Even as a Jewish individual, I readily admit that Israel is far from innocent, but seeing those 260+ innocent festival concertgoers, as one example, seems to indicate where the terrorism lies.

Thank you. And agreed. This is already teetering on being closed if people try to drag it over to the old political forum style. Please don't let that happen and report things you see over the line.
Apologies if honda. I'm not knowledgeable about this situation.

Is there a good and concise link to an article summarizing what the main points of conflict are? I know it's long running and complex. But trying to get a basic understanding.
Palestine has land Israel believes is theirs.

Thanks. Is there a summary-type article you can link to that is a good summary with more information?
Try this

Thank you. How fair do you feel are the anti semitic criticisms of Al Jazeera? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism
Not something I've looked into and don't care to either. That article definitely has a pro-Palestinian perspective to it, but I thought it was still a good summary so I shared it.
Apologies if honda. I'm not knowledgeable about this situation.

Is there a good and concise link to an article summarizing what the main points of conflict are? I know it's long running and complex. But trying to get a basic understanding.
I'm trying to catch up here so this may have been (probably was) already addressed. I found this article recently...

Thank you.
I notice some extra security in Miami Beach around synagogues and the hospital with the "Jewish" name. The reality is there are thousands of soft targets in the USA, but I'm more worried about domestic threats than terrorism. That was the feeling in Israel, as I often heard how safe it was there. I think they let their guard down. Even if they had more security in border towns this attack would've been hard to prevent, but the number of casualties would've been less.
This is 7 years old but was helpful.

A Conservative friend shared this short video with me on explaining the problem. https://www.prageru.com/video/the-middle-east-problem

PragerU is a joke, sorry
I notice some extra security in Miami Beach around synagogues and the hospital with the "Jewish" name. The reality is there are thousands of soft targets in the USA, but I'm more worried about domestic threats than terrorism. That was the feeling in Israel, as I often heard how safe it was there. I think they let their guard down. Even if they had more security in border towns this attack would've been hard to prevent, but the number of casualties would've been less.
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Israel is the real terrorist here. They don't get to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for decades and act like the victim.

It is sad but what did we expect to happen when diplomacy failed, and the world turned its back on them?

If the Palestinians would lay down their arms and refuse to fight Israel anymore, they would co-exist in peace.

If Israel would lay down their arms and refuse to fight the Palestinians anymore, they would driven out of the country by force.

You know it, I know it and the whole world knows it which is why they let Israel be heavy handed.

Name one instance of the Jewish people acting even remotely like what happened this week? Slaughtering 100's of civilians? Women and children? Taking hostages with public executions?

I'm going to stop there and reserve what I really think of your post, but suffice it to say I disagree. Strongly.
Israel is the real terrorist here. They don't get to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for decades and act like the victim.

It is sad but what did we expect to happen when diplomacy failed, and the world turned its back on them?

If the Palestinians would lay down their arms and refuse to fight Israel anymore, they would co-exist in peace.

If Israel would lay down their arms and refuse to fight the Palestinians anymore, they would driven out of the country by force.

You know it, I know it and the whole world knows it which is why they let Israel be heavy handed.

Name one instance of the Jewish people acting even remotely like what happened this week? Slaughtering 100's of civilians? Women and children? Taking hostages with public executions?

I'm going to stop there and reserve what I really think of your post, but suffice it to say I disagree. Strongly.
Yeah, this is a pipe dream. Israel won't stop until the Palestinians are gone.
This is 7 years old but was helpful.

A Conservative friend shared this short video with me on explaining the problem. https://www.prageru.com/video/the-middle-east-problem

It's a small part of one side of the story. Israel is NOT innocent in this situation, but that's the vibe the clip is suggesting. It's not true that Palestinians don't want to recognize Israel's right to exist. They do. They just want them to exist elsewhere. It all comes back to the land and what both groups think is their birthright provided by God. It all comes back to that. At the beginning of that video, I thought that's where he was going and I was ready to eat my shoe to hear something that level-headed from Prager, but then it was quickly back to the standard talking points. Where I do agree is that it's a simple problem to define, but not an easy one to fix. In my view, it cannot be fixed.
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
I think you have this backwards. That land was "Israel" almost 1000 years before "Palestine" was there. It's just that the Jews left that area and it became inhabited by mostly Arabs for another millennium. They each have legit reasons for claiming it as theirs.

But Israel was there first.
"Trying to legitimize a modern land claim by pointing to an ancient religious text that says you briefly ruled the area 3,000 years ago after genociding the natives. Israel exists, and that is enough to justify its continued existence, you don’t need an ancient myth to make it real." Darryl Cooper

Not my text but relevant. Whether you are a believer or not, Israel is there and isn't going away. If you can't get past that then you have 75 years of conflict arguing/fighting/killing about it. And that's a large part of the problem, the two sides can't get past that. It's central to all the conflict surrounding the area and dates back to the Old Testament. In comparison, the US has been around for about 250 years. We can't comprehend the level of hatred 3,000 years carries with it.
I was trying to think about what Hamas and maybe some Palestinians were hoping to achieve with their attack.

Because of the barbarity, it's easy to think that they're wanton killers (true) -- bent on nothing more than destruction. But they would have had a plan here. They knew what Israel would do in response, but went forward anyway in hopes of, something.

Curious what people who know more about the region think? Here's what I came up with as possibilities...

1) the scale of destruction and the level of attention on Gaza would focus the world on a crisis that had largely been ignored in recent years. To try and break things out of a strangling stalemate.

2) to bring down an already fragile Netanyahu and undermine the right's main claim to power -- that they alone can protect Israel. Possibly allowing a new peace-making figure or party to (eventually) emerge.

3) to demonstrate to Israel that they will never give up on the return of a Palestinian homeland. It's easy to think that there's no way Israel will ever negotiate now, but that's not what history suggests. Eventually combatants wear themselves out and even parties that hate each other can be drawn into a settlement.

4) to rekindle support among Arabs and/or draw them into a larger conflict.
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
X is rife with warnings about being in large cities over the coming months. One only has to look at the protests in New York to see how this could potentially erupt into more than two sides yelling at one another. It's not like our southern border has been a road block to any and all that want to enter the country so very conceivable that there are factions of folks who don't like America that waltzed into the country over the last few months and are plotting exactly what folks are saying won't happen. Head on a swivel folks.
I think, before this gets out of control, for those of you who are "pro-palestinian" here, we see you and we hear you. We disagree with your basic tenet that Israel is to blame here, mainly bc it flys in the face of facts, but lets agree that no one is blameless here other than the civilians in both cases. Even if you are a "river to the sea" palestinian if you are not actively taking part in this act of terrorism by Hamas, then you are simply another victim of this conflict.

If you are a liberal (meaning "more secular", less Hasidic) Jew, and you were a victim of the violence, and even if you do not support a two state solution, you are a victim of a terrorist attack.

With that said, a good portion of Israelis and Jews are happy to give up territory for peace. 1) Not the whole state of Israel, and 2) Unfortunately, Not all of us.

Bibi's need for the ultra right to be on his side to stay in power has a lot to do with this, and callously, I would not be surprised if this attack wasn't Bibi's "pearl harbor" to push him into a war with Gaza and Hamas when he was so weak politically.

With all that being said, the slaughter of innocents has no moral high ground to stand on. I am an exremely liberal democrat and an extremely liberal Jew, and if I was PM of Israel I would bulldoze Gaza down to the studs. I'd do everything I could to try and "sort" through civilians vs fighters, but a terrorist organization should not be allowed to continue to have a base of operations to attack with impunity. The fact that the border with Egypt to Gaza is closed even before this began should signal that it is not just the Israeli's that are concerned with Hamas, so is Egypt.

You want to argue history and whose land was it first, there are some Indian Tribes who are on line 2 waiting to speak to you.
I was trying to think about what Hamas and maybe some Palestinians were hoping to achieve with their attack.

Because of the barbarity, it's easy to think that they're wanton killers (true) -- bent on nothing more than destruction. But they would have had a plan here. They knew what Israel would do in response, but went forward anyway in hopes of, something.

Curious what people who know more about the region think? Here's what I came up with as possibilities...

1) the scale of destruction and the level of attention on Gaza would focus the world on a crisis that had largely been ignored in recent years. To try and break things out of a strangling stalemate.

2) to bring down an already fragile Netanyahu and undermine the right's main claim to power -- that they alone can protect Israel. Possibly allowing a new peace-making figure or party to (eventually) emerge.

3) to demonstrate to Israel that they will never give up on the return of a Palestinian homeland. It's easy to think that there's no way Israel will ever negotiate now, but that's not what history suggests. Eventually combatants wear themselves out and even parties that hate each other can be drawn into a settlement.

4) to rekindle support among Arabs and/or draw them into a larger conflict.
Basically, Hamas (Iran) is in a battle with the Saudi's for legitimacy in the Arab world. Israel is on one side (Saudi with the new peace initiative) and Palestine (specifically Gaza) is on the other side. So it is basically a proxy war to shake up the status quo.
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
So nothing outside of Israel?
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
My synagogue currently has armed police force outside the doors, and I know for fact that we're not alone. Actually, armed guards have been a regular occurrence at countless synagogues since the Pittsburgh massacre several years ago. That tragedy was of course not Hamas-driven, but the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism is real and cannot be ignored.
Basically, Hamas (Iran) is in a battle with the Saudi's for legitimacy in the Arab world. Israel is on one side (Saudi with the new peace initiative) and Palestine (specifically Gaza) is on the other side. So it is basically a proxy war to shake up the status quo.
Yeah, we need to insert Iran in these ideas about intent, because the Palestinians didn't build all those rockets in their garages.
I think, before this gets out of control, for those of you who are "pro-palestinian" here, we see you and we hear you. We disagree with your basic tenet that Israel is to blame here, mainly bc it flys in the face of facts, but lets agree that no one is blameless here other than the civilians in both cases. Even if you are a "river to the sea" palestinian if you are not actively taking part in this act of terrorism by Hamas, then you are simply another victim of this conflict.

If you are a liberal (meaning "more secular", less Hasidic) Jew, and you were a victim of the violence, and even if you do not support a two state solution, you are a victim of a terrorist attack.

With that said, a good portion of Israelis and Jews are happy to give up territory for peace. 1) Not the whole state of Israel, and 2) Unfortunately, Not all of us.

Bibi's need for the ultra right to be on his side to stay in power has a lot to do with this, and callously, I would not be surprised if this attack wasn't Bibi's "pearl harbor" to push him into a war with Gaza and Hamas when he was so weak politically.

With all that being said, the slaughter of innocents has no moral high ground to stand on. I am an exremely liberal democrat and an extremely liberal Jew, and if I was PM of Israel I would bulldoze Gaza down to the studs. I'd do everything I could to try and "sort" through civilians vs fighters, but a terrorist organization should not be allowed to continue to have a base of operations to attack with impunity. The fact that the border with Egypt to Gaza is closed even before this began should signal that it is not just the Israeli's that are concerned with Hamas, so is Egypt.

You want to argue history and whose land was it first, there are some Indian Tribes who are on line 2 waiting to speak to you.
Seems to be apretty subjective point in time to start keeping score of who has slaughtered more innocents in this conflict.
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
My synagogue currently has armed police force outside the doors, and I know for fact that we're not alone. Actually, armed guards have been a regular occurrence at countless synagogues since the massacre at the synagogue in Pittsburgh several years ago. That tragedy was of course not Hamas-driven, but the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism is real and cannot be ignored.
I agree and I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. Sorry if the "pretty low" part came across the wrong way. I meant that as "this is unlikely to happen but it is prudent to take precautions."
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
My synagogue currently has armed police force outside the doors, and I know for fact that we're not alone. Actually, armed guards have been a regular occurrence at countless synagogues since the massacre at the synagogue in Pittsburgh several years ago. That tragedy was of course not Hamas-driven, but the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism is real and cannot be ignored.
I agree and I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. Sorry if the "pretty low" part came across the wrong way. I meant that as "this is unlikely to happen but it is prudent to take precautions."
No worries at all - I was agreeing with you and largely referring to the previous comment that it's mainly an Israel thing. I totally agree with you that it's unlikely to happen here, but it's still a non-zero risk and can't take that chance that it always happens somewhere else.
Israel is the real terrorist here. They don't get to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for decades and act like the victim.

It is sad but what did we expect to happen when diplomacy failed, and the world turned its back on them?

If the Palestinians would lay down their arms and refuse to fight Israel anymore, they would co-exist in peace.

If Israel would lay down their arms and refuse to fight the Palestinians anymore, they would driven out of the country by force.

You know it, I know it and the whole world knows it which is why they let Israel be heavy handed.

Name one instance of the Jewish people acting even remotely like what happened this week? Slaughtering 100's of civilians? Women and children? Taking hostages with public executions?

I'm going to stop there and reserve what I really think of your post, but suffice it to say I disagree. Strongly.
Yeah, this is a pipe dream. Israel won't stop until the Palestinians are gone.
Israel could annihilate the Palestinians tomorrow with the push of a button. They've had this ability for a very long time. They don't do it. If Hamas had nukes, what do you think would happen? We all know the answer. Israel would be a piece of glass before the days end.
I think, before this gets out of control, for those of you who are "pro-palestinian" here, we see you and we hear you. We disagree with your basic tenet that Israel is to blame here, mainly bc it flys in the face of facts, but lets agree that no one is blameless here other than the civilians in both cases. Even if you are a "river to the sea" palestinian if you are not actively taking part in this act of terrorism by Hamas, then you are simply another victim of this conflict.

If you are a liberal (meaning "more secular", less Hasidic) Jew, and you were a victim of the violence, and even if you do not support a two state solution, you are a victim of a terrorist attack.

With that said, a good portion of Israelis and Jews are happy to give up territory for peace. 1) Not the whole state of Israel, and 2) Unfortunately, Not all of us.

Bibi's need for the ultra right to be on his side to stay in power has a lot to do with this, and callously, I would not be surprised if this attack wasn't Bibi's "pearl harbor" to push him into a war with Gaza and Hamas when he was so weak politically.

With all that being said, the slaughter of innocents has no moral high ground to stand on. I am an exremely liberal democrat and an extremely liberal Jew, and if I was PM of Israel I would bulldoze Gaza down to the studs. I'd do everything I could to try and "sort" through civilians vs fighters, but a terrorist organization should not be allowed to continue to have a base of operations to attack with impunity. The fact that the border with Egypt to Gaza is closed even before this began should signal that it is not just the Israeli's that are concerned with Hamas, so is Egypt.

You want to argue history and whose land was it first, there are some Indian Tribes who are on line 2 waiting to speak to you.
Great post.

The idea that "we were here first" for any territory claim is laughable. Every piece of ground in the world currently under control of a government was first under the control by some other people group. Only exception is maybe some Australian Aboriginal land if there is such a thing? Even most of the Native American reservations aren't really where those tribes had originally settled but were taken from other tribes and assigned by the US government.

Israel is under the control of the Jewish Israeli government. It is their nation and their land, so the Arab nations can stop trying to delegitimize and reverse history. West bank settlements are what they are (I always roll my eyes at the "illegal occupation" claims). The Gaza strip has been a brewing powder keg for decades now, intentionally inflamed by Iran this entire time in an attempt to eventually take Israel back by force. Good luck with that.

My point is that pretty much every country on earth took their current holdings by force at some point in history (and likely from someone who took it by force before them). Trying to claim someone doesn't have a claim to a piece of land based on some past claim is willfully ignorant and just pointless. A deed from 100 years ago doesn't mean anything if the current powers no longer recognize it.
I was trying to think about what Hamas and maybe some Palestinians were hoping to achieve with their attack.

Because of the barbarity, it's easy to think that they're wanton killers (true) -- bent on nothing more than destruction. But they would have had a plan here. They knew what Israel would do in response, but went forward anyway in hopes of, something.

Curious what people who know more about the region think? Here's what I came up with as possibilities...

1) the scale of destruction and the level of attention on Gaza would focus the world on a crisis that had largely been ignored in recent years. To try and break things out of a strangling stalemate.

2) to bring down an already fragile Netanyahu and undermine the right's main claim to power -- that they alone can protect Israel. Possibly allowing a new peace-making figure or party to (eventually) emerge.

3) to demonstrate to Israel that they will never give up on the return of a Palestinian homeland. It's easy to think that there's no way Israel will ever negotiate now, but that's not what history suggests. Eventually combatants wear themselves out and even parties that hate each other can be drawn into a settlement.

4) to rekindle support among Arabs and/or draw them into a larger conflict.
I've already stated that this makes the most sense to me. I believe their hope is that Israel really does go scorched earth and pushes the rest of the Arab world to put their differences aside and come to the aid of the Palestinians. I don't think this will happen (hope is more like it) but I believe that is their calculus, probably being further goaded by Iran secretly telling them that they, for one, will join the fight.
I notice some extra security in Miami Beach around synagogues and the hospital with the "Jewish" name. The reality is there are thousands of soft targets in the USA, but I'm more worried about domestic threats than terrorism. That was the feeling in Israel, as I often heard how safe it was there. I think they let their guard down. Even if they had more security in border towns this attack would've been hard to prevent, but the number of casualties would've been less.

My friend's synagogue in Philly had armed guards this weekend.
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
So nothing outside of Israel?
Did you miss the protests in NYC outside the Israeli consulate where the protesters waived sings saying "from the river to the sea" (a known nod to genocide of Jews) and chanting Israel go to hell?
Israel is the real terrorist here. They don't get to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for decades and act like the victim.

It is sad but what did we expect to happen when diplomacy failed, and the world turned its back on them?

If the Palestinians would lay down their arms and refuse to fight Israel anymore, they would co-exist in peace.

If Israel would lay down their arms and refuse to fight the Palestinians anymore, they would driven out of the country by force.

You know it, I know it and the whole world knows it which is why they let Israel be heavy handed.

Name one instance of the Jewish people acting even remotely like what happened this week? Slaughtering 100's of civilians? Women and children? Taking hostages with public executions?

I'm going to stop there and reserve what I really think of your post, but suffice it to say I disagree. Strongly.
Yeah, this is a pipe dream. Israel won't stop until the Palestinians are gone.
Israel could annihilate the Palestinians tomorrow with the push of a button. They've had this ability for a very long time. They don't do it. If Hamas had nukes, what do you think would happen? We all know the answer. Israel would be a piece of glass before the days end.
Why do you thinkthey don't do it?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
X is rife with warnings about being in large cities over the coming months. One only has to look at the protests in New York to see how this could potentially erupt into more than two sides yelling at one another. It's not like our southern border has been a road block to any and all that want to enter the country so very conceivable that there are factions of folks who don't like America that waltzed into the country over the last few months and are plotting exactly what folks are saying won't happen. Head on a swivel folks.
I would say that the majority of those protesting in New York hate America also.
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
So nothing outside of Israel?
Did you miss the protests in NYC outside the Israeli consulate where the protesters waived sings saying "from the river to the sea" (a known nod to genocide of Jews) and chanting Israel go to hell?
  • Signs? As in Multiple? I didn't see any. Saw a ton of "Free Palestine", "Stop funding Apartheid", and the like though, maybe there were a couple loast in the crowd.
  • The sing-song chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" has been a standard of the Free Palestine movement for decades. You inferring something from it doesn't necessarily mean that is the intent
  • "Israel go hell". A little harsh but as my OP stated, being anti-Israel is not being anti-Jewish
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
So nothing outside of Israel?
Did you miss the protests in NYC outside the Israeli consulate where the protesters waived sings saying "from the river to the sea" (a known nod to genocide of Jews) and chanting Israel go to hell?
  • Signs? As in Multiple? I didn't see any. Saw a ton of "Free Palestine", "Stop funding Apartheid", and the like though, maybe there were a couple loast in the crowd.
  • The sing-song chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" has been a standard of the Free Palestine movement for decades. You inferring something from it doesn't necessarily mean that is the intent
  • "Israel go hell". A little harsh but as my OP stated, being anti-Israel is not being anti-Jewish
You can give whatever leniency or severity that you want. My post was responding to your comment of there being nothing outside of Israel, which was clearly wrong. Chanting Israel go to hell, 24 hours after these attacks seems at best in really poor taste. Is it much of a stretch to think that of this group that finds it ok to do so, there may be some more hardliner elements within that would be willing to go further? I think so, you do not. I don't think its too much a stretch for Jewish centers or Synagogues to have their backs up a bit. Do you?
I don't think Jewish centers are targets for the pro-Palestinian crowd. There is a difference between being anti-Israel/anti-zionism and anti Jewish
Were you asleep all weekend?
My news feed is kind of spotty given my location and I had 4 games to coach so I wasn't online much. What specifically are you referring to?
The idea that pro-Palestinian terrorists wouldn't stoop to attack Jewish centers.

I mean, sure, the likelihood of a Hamas-inspired terrorist attack in Miami is pretty low. But it's not zero and it's reasonable for Jewish people to be on edge right now. And we're talking about people who beheaded infants (SFW) and raped/murdered/kidnapped a bunch of Jewish people who were just going about their business. I'm just kind of gobsmacked that somebody could be so blithe about this on Tuesday after what we all woke up to on Saturday.
So nothing outside of Israel?
Did you miss the protests in NYC outside the Israeli consulate where the protesters waived sings saying "from the river to the sea" (a known nod to genocide of Jews) and chanting Israel go to hell?
  • Signs? As in Multiple? I didn't see any. Saw a ton of "Free Palestine", "Stop funding Apartheid", and the like though, maybe there were a couple loast in the crowd.
  • The sing-song chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" has been a standard of the Free Palestine movement for decades. You inferring something from it doesn't necessarily mean that is the intent
  • "Israel go hell". A little harsh but as my OP stated, being anti-Israel is not being anti-Jewish
Nevermind. Don't want to blow up the thread.
Israel is the real terrorist here. They don't get to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for decades and act like the victim.

It is sad but what did we expect to happen when diplomacy failed, and the world turned its back on them?

If the Palestinians would lay down their arms and refuse to fight Israel anymore, they would co-exist in peace.

If Israel would lay down their arms and refuse to fight the Palestinians anymore, they would driven out of the country by force.

You know it, I know it and the whole world knows it which is why they let Israel be heavy handed.

Name one instance of the Jewish people acting even remotely like what happened this week? Slaughtering 100's of civilians? Women and children? Taking hostages with public executions?

I'm going to stop there and reserve what I really think of your post, but suffice it to say I disagree. Strongly.
People, who I assume are Pro-Palestine, have been posting clips from a recent documentary about Tantura, a massacre that occurred in 1948. Reading about this led me to learn about the Stern Gang or Lehi, who are recognized as a zionist terrorist group from the 1940s. They tried multiple times to align themselves with the Nazis against the British.

Sasha Polakow-Suransky writes that "Lehi was also unabashedly racist towards Arabs. Their publications described Jews as a master race and Arabs as a slave race." Lehi advocated mass expulsion of all Arabs from Palestine and Transjordan,[48] or even their physical annihilation.[49]

One of their final acts of terrorism was the assassination of Folke Bernadette, a United Nations Security Council mediator. The leaders of Lehi at that time were arrested and found guilty but then quickly pardoned and released. One of whom was then elected to the first Knesset, Israel's government.

These horrible things that occurred 80 years ago are not a justification for the horrible things that just happened. I still know very little of all that has occurred over the years in the Israel-Arab conflicts. I often wonder why other nations hate the U.S. or why groups within the U.S. have such animosity towards other groups. Horrible things have happened in the past, hundreds of years ago even and we still have bitter conflict over it. I'm ashamed and disgusted by many U.S. actions. It's often hard to hold the real criminals to account, especially when they are long dead, but the animosity created never seems to die. It's really sad to see innocent people suffer, which only creates new wounds and more hatred.
People, who I assume are Pro-Palestine, have been posting clips from a recent documentary about Tantura, a massacre that occurred in 1948.
Maybe (likely?) not a legit event
My first reaction when I saw the clips was, "Is this English CC translation accurate or a hoax?" Having read more, I understand that the clips are from a 2022 documentary by a Jewish director. Many former IDF soldiers were interviewed. There is a long history of this incident being covered up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre

I'm always a bit skeptical of historical accounts. Considering all the falsehoods in modern reporting, how many falsehoods are being passed off in historical reporting? I don't know that everything in the Wikipedia article is 100% accurate but the truth appears to be that a horrible massacre occurred and it wasn't the only one that happened at that time.
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