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David Boston with a little DUI action (1 Viewer)

After he counts to 30 with his foot in the air.....and he balance's like superman for no reason.... :confused:

The cop says...sir...I didn't ask you to do that

Boston: Would a drunk guy be able to do that

Cop: Sir, you are a highly trained athlete....LOL

Its hard not to get mad at the police officer after watching that video......crap like this needs to stop in this country. He passed that test, cops just being a #####.

I can't say one way or the other if Boston is on anything or not, but I can say that cop is a baiting #######.

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I would fail that test sober
That's actually a large part of the point behind FSTs - - to get the suspect to make an incriminating statement while the test is being performed. It's the reason why the cops always talk to the suspect during the test. The classic: "I can't even do that when I'm *sober*!" Boom - - confession. Just a little game they play.
After he counts to 30 with his foot in the air.....and he balance's like superman for no reason.... :lmao: The cop says...sir...I didn't ask you to do thatBoston: Would a drunk guy be able to do thatCop: Sir, you are a highly trained athlete....LOL
After he counts to 30 with his foot in the air.....and he balance's like superman for no reason.... :lmao: The cop says...sir...I didn't ask you to do thatBoston: Would a drunk guy be able to do thatCop: Sir, you are a highly trained athlete....LOL
:lmao: You don't do that unless you're high.
The comment about not being allowed to call his lawyer is also going to be an issue. If he wasn't under arrest why couldn't he call his lawyer? You can call your lawyer anytime you want. If was being arrested then he gets one call--his lawyer if he wants. I think it could be thrown out on that alone.

This cop is an example of why cops have a bad name.

Boston = Stupid, but that's not a crime.

Cop = Jerk, needs some remediation.

NAACP = Field day, will use this to take attention way from Vick and back on whitey.

edit, lol, not NCAA

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Some pills/drugs will actually help you pass a sobriety test. His passing it means virtually nothing.
it never says he passed a filed sobriety test, just that he "completed" it. How well he did is never mentioned, and I would assume the officer used his discretion in citing him, etc...
I've got news for youNOBODY passes a field sobriety test.It's impossible
I guess Boston joins the "Bruce Smith I fell asleep drunk with my car running fan club" along with Tony LaRussa.

What vick did was deplorable and stupid, but this may take the cake, knowing how hard he's battled back from his knee injuries and the growth hormone mess.

Some pills/drugs will actually help you pass a sobriety test. His passing it means virtually nothing.
it never says he passed a filed sobriety test, just that he "completed" it. How well he did is never mentioned, and I would assume the officer used his discretion in citing him, etc...
I've got news for youNOBODY passes a field sobriety test.It's impossible
I did once and I drank about 6 beers in about 4 hours
I would have told that cop to f-off about 5 minutes into it. I know if I had a million in the bank it would have been way worse than that.
If Boston gets cut, I guarantee he sues the police force for this event. The arrest was ridiculous. Before anything happened the cop said, "I think your on something." He was going to arrest him all along.
duhHe's not going to waste an hour trying to exculpate or even find the truth. He's trying to do one thing only, and that's to build his case.

Some pills/drugs will actually help you pass a sobriety test. His passing it means virtually nothing.
it never says he passed a filed sobriety test, just that he "completed" it. How well he did is never mentioned, and I would assume the officer used his discretion in citing him, etc...
I've got news for youNOBODY passes a field sobriety test.It's impossible
I did once and I drank about 6 beers in about 4 hours
Definitely something to be proud of. :banned:
This video is embarrasing for the police. I'm white, and rarely would support what I normally feel it people pulling the race card for no reason (see Vick, M or Simpson, OJ) but this looks real bad.

I hope Boston gets past this. I could care less about the Bucs WR part, but it would suck to see him lose his roster spot over this garbage.

Some pills/drugs will actually help you pass a sobriety test. His passing it means virtually nothing.
it never says he passed a filed sobriety test, just that he "completed" it. How well he did is never mentioned, and I would assume the officer used his discretion in citing him, etc...
I've got news for youNOBODY passes a field sobriety test.It's impossible
I did once and I drank about 6 beers in about 4 hours
I talked my way across the canada/US border once...after making up the entire story as to why we were there and why we were crossing at 2:30 in the morning :banned:
Some pills/drugs will actually help you pass a sobriety test. His passing it means virtually nothing.
it never says he passed a filed sobriety test, just that he "completed" it. How well he did is never mentioned, and I would assume the officer used his discretion in citing him, etc...
I've got news for youNOBODY passes a field sobriety test.It's impossible
I did once and I drank about 6 beers in about 4 hours
Definitely something to be proud of. :lmao:
Funniest thing is Boston busting out the "proprioception' reference at about the 11:15 mark and the cop not knowing what the hell he was talking about.

I would fail that test sober
That's actually a large part of the point behind FSTs - - to get the suspect to make an incriminating statement while the test is being performed. It's the reason why the cops always talk to the suspect during the test. The classic: "I can't even do that when I'm *sober*!" Boom - - confession. Just a little game they play.
BS! Although you do get a number of self incriminating statements during FSTs, it is not their primary purpose.Disclaimer, I have not seen the video yet (I'm still at work and can't link in).However I see people complaining about procedure. What I'm reading it seems the cop performed the correct procedural steps.1) Reasonable cause to perfom a stop... Yep, suspect asleep at the wheel with the vehicle in drive.2) Perform verbals and FSTs... suspect unable to follow directions (heel toe), performs additional actions not part of the test. FSTs are actually not hard to pass, but you better pay very very close attention to the instructions as each deviation is a mark against you.----------- At that point the officer has reasonable cause to arrest the suspect for DUI. PERIOD.--------------3) process suspect and prep for additional testing (Breath analysis, urine sample, blood sample options).4) preserve chain of evidence, take statements (this is the point you have to allow suspect to contact a lawyer) ect.Until he is actually charged, the suspect doesn't require a lawyer. Everything prior to that is simple evidence gathering for a SUSPECTED DUI. However, if a suspect requests a lawyer any statement he makes in an interview is inadmissable as he was not provided a lawyer.I'll try to catch the video tonight and give my opinion on the cops actions. All of this is just based on what I am reading of the incident.My main sticking point so far is that DB mentioned he could not perform a test (walk the line) due to previous surgeries etc. That alone will likely invalidate that particular test. If he offered to perform breath analysis early enough (during FSTs), the cop should have given him the opportunity to do so IMHO.Remeber its a chain of activities- probable cause to stop (perform FSTs)- probable cause to give breath analysis (results of FSTs)All of my law enforcement experience was on a federal installation, so none of my knowledge may be accurate in a Florida case.
I would fail that test sober
That's actually a large part of the point behind FSTs - - to get the suspect to make an incriminating statement while the test is being performed. It's the reason why the cops always talk to the suspect during the test. The classic: "I can't even do that when I'm *sober*!" Boom - - confession. Just a little game they play.
BS! Although you do get a number of self incriminating statements during FSTs, it is not their primary purpose.
Um, why so quick to play the "BS!" card, chief? I said it was a "large part of the point," which is not the same as "their primary purpose." Not to doubt your law enforcement experience, but if you don't understand that FSTs are largely for show and mean whatever the officer wants them to mean, then . . . well . . . I guess I have to doubt your experience. :unsure:
I think the cop flat out lied to him... how could doing some stupid balancing tricks prove anything a blood test and breathalyzer couldn't?

At about 2 minutes in, before any tests, Boston says that he doesnt want to do the tests because he has issues with his balance due to injuries. The officer asks him to do the balance tests anyway. Boston says "You know what man, I'm gonna call my attourney because I don't like the way this is headed". The cop says "You don't have the right to call your attourney right now David". Boston says "I don't want to get screwed and charged with a DUI because of some test because of my balance". The cop says "You have the right to do any field sobriety tests required by law, it's on your license.".

Boston "Give me a breathalyzer or a blood test"

Officer in his most condescending tone "I know it's not alcohol sir"

Boston "huh?"

Officer in his most condescending tone "I know it's not alcohol"

Boston "What's not alcohol?"

I have to say that I hope Boston is innocent because the cop is such a ####.

Could it have been Janikowski's drug of choice, GHB? That makes you fall asleep, and it metabolizes quickly enough that you can be normal again pretty quickly.

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At about 2 minutes in, before any tests, Boston says that he doesnt want to do the tests because he has issues with his balance due to injuries. The officer asks him to do the balance tests anyway. Boston says "You know what man, I'm gonna call my attourney because I don't like the way this is headed". The cop says "You don't have the right to call your attourney right now David". Boston says "I don't want to get screwed and charged with a DUI because of some test because of my balance". The cop says "You have the right to do any field sobriety tests required by law, it's on your license.".Boston "Give me a breathalyzer or a blood test"Officer in his most condescending tone "I know it's not alcohol sir"Boston "huh?"Officer in his most condescending tone "I know it's not alcohol"Boston "What's not alcohol?" I have to say that I hope Boston is innocent because the cop is such a ####.
Wow, with this much speculative license you could be a reporter for ESPN. Yeah the cop sounded like he was talking to a kindergartner but he kept that calm tone the whole time and had to talk down to Boston because he could barely follow very simple instructions. . Boston was squirrely and pretty much uncooperative as well. I don't see any basis for calling this cop any names, escept maybe boring. Boston was acting like an idiot at times, refusing to do the tests and not doing what the officer said, making the cop repeat the instructions over and over. He could barely balance with one foot up and his "Superman" was pathetic. I'm surprised the cop didn't arrest him 5 minutes in. Cops have to make sure they word everything right and he's on video so he's covering all his bases. If Boston was more cooperative he might have gotten released instead of making a fuss and blundering through the tests. And then, the audacity of the white cop to actually ASSUME that the black suspect had graduated from college. How dare he!I don't know if Boston was effed up or not, the bloodtests will show it. He was definitely stubborn and passively uncooperative and argumentative. But the easiest way to not get charged is to shut up and do the tests as best you can. I really don't see what the cop did wrong other than not cuff him after the Superman pose. He was thorough and polite and called him sir or Mr Boston the whole time. The first two tests and the fact that his eyes were jittery are all the fuzz need to show probable cause. Oh, and he was asleep in his car in the street and didn't know where he was. But other than that, you're right the cops blew that one.
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He did tell officers that he had left a Buccaneers' practice field in Orlando's Celebration area and was headed to the Tampa International Airport, where he had a hotel room for the night.The Bucs broke training camp in Orlando on Aug. 16."When asked if he knew where he was, he had no idea," Forseth said.Told he was in Pinellas Park, Boston responded:" 'Where is Pinellas Park?' " Forseth said. "He thought he was somewhere in Hillsborough."
:thumbup: jesus.clearly he was on something.
I'm not generally one to support often coddled athletes, and I also generally give the benefit of the doubt to police officers,, who in my opinion have a difficult and often thankless job, but I just don't see an appearance of impairment in the video. I'm a layperson with no training in recognizing or testing for impairment, but Boston just doesn't look like a person "under the influence" to me in the video.

The fact that he was sleeping in a running vehicle raises suspicion, but I'm not clear on exactly where he was stopped. Was he in a parking lot, or in a lane of traffic? If a parking lot, or some other place not in a normal traffic route, that shouldn't necessarily be a cause for concern. Florida weather in the summer, just like a northern climate weather in the winter, would suggest running the vehicle for heat/or cool would be logical. The vehicle being in gear, however, is certainly an issue that raises safety and sobriety and/or judgement concerns.

Boston appears reasonable to me in his dealings with the officer, frankly more patient and polite that many would be in a similar situation, especially if they know they've done nothing wrong. The fact that he asked for a breath/blood test right off the bat seems more like someone who realizes his career is on the line, believes he's done nothing wrong, and wants to move this to a private place to remove the liklihood of media coverage and embarassment - which is the result of this video.

If he's using something illegal or is impaired then he'll deserve what he gets, but if not, it's sad that his reputation and possibly his career may be affected by the reaction of a public that's so quick to throw stones. If he's innocent, I sure hope this doesn't affect his chance to resurrect his career.

scott46984 said:
I'm not generally one to support often coddled athletes, and I also generally give the benefit of the doubt to police officers,, who in my opinion have a difficult and often thankless job, but I just don't see an appearance of impairment in the video. I'm a layperson with no training in recognizing or testing for impairment, but Boston just doesn't look like a person "under the influence" to me in the video. The fact that he was sleeping in a running vehicle raises suspicion, but I'm not clear on exactly where he was stopped. Was he in a parking lot, or in a lane of traffic? If a parking lot, or some other place not in a normal traffic route, that shouldn't necessarily be a cause for concern. Florida weather in the summer, just like a northern climate weather in the winter, would suggest running the vehicle for heat/or cool would be logical. The vehicle being in gear, however, is certainly an issue that raises safety and sobriety and/or judgement concerns.Boston appears reasonable to me in his dealings with the officer, frankly more patient and polite that many would be in a similar situation, especially if they know they've done nothing wrong. The fact that he asked for a breath/blood test right off the bat seems more like someone who realizes his career is on the line, believes he's done nothing wrong, and wants to move this to a private place to remove the liklihood of media coverage and embarassment - which is the result of this video.If he's using something illegal or is impaired then he'll deserve what he gets, but if not, it's sad that his reputation and possibly his career may be affected by the reaction of a public that's so quick to throw stones. If he's innocent, I sure hope this doesn't affect his chance to resurrect his career.
Read the article in the link of the first post. He was asleep at a red light turned green, repeatedly. He didn't know where he was, his story of where he was and where he was going doesn't match (according to TB homers on the board) and his eyes were jittery.
Maurile Tremblay said:
Could it have been Janikowski's drug of choice, GHB? That makes you fall asleep, and it metabolizes quickly enough that you can be normal again pretty quickly.
It could have been a lot of things. The question I would think is what did the officer have reasonable grounds to suspect. He clearly say something to the effect of "I don't think it's alcohol". And this was before the testing, so obviously the officer had an idea that there were problems. We didn't see what happened before the video, so maybe there's some information we're not getting. But, the video looks nothing like a DUI arrest video. I've seen tons of DUI arrest videos and never seen one even close the Boston tape. It makes me think the officer knows something we don't. Because if David comes up clean, there's going to be a firestorm of DWB charges down there.
The fact that he was in Pinellas Park and didn't know it, and probably should have been in Tampa (where the Bucs are located, and where he probably lives) is pretty damn scary. That's a long and dangerous drive over the big bridge connecting the two cities (about a 10-15 minute drive over the water and another 30 or so of interstate traffic). If he didn't know where he was and had blacked out, I don't know how he made it over the bridge without killing somebody.

After reading everything, I'm of the belief he was on something. He had to be, this doesn't make sense. He wasn't up the road from the Bucs' facilities.

Whether he gets charged or not, or if the Bucs/NFL even end up caring is another story. But there's no way he was just asleep. Something had to be up.

Read the article in the link of the first post. He was asleep at a red light turned green, repeatedly. He didn't know where he was, his story of where he was and where he was going doesn't match (according to TB homers on the board) and his eyes were jittery.
Thanks - didn't see that. The fact that he was in a traffic lane at a stoplight certainly makes it more suspicious, as well as not knowing where he was. Still, there's certainly other possible explanations (exhaustion, medications, mental state, etc.) for such erratic behavior. We'll find out soon enough, and if he was under the influence of something illegal then he'll deserve what he gets, but I'm just a bit troubled by the joy many seem to take in the downfall of someone's life/career. Athlete/celebrity or not, it's sad to see see someone's life play out in front of the whole country as if it were entertainment.
Maurile Tremblay said:
Could it have been Janikowski's drug of choice, GHB? That makes you fall asleep, and it metabolizes quickly enough that you can be normal again pretty quickly.
It could have been a lot of things. The question I would think is what did the officer have reasonable grounds to suspect. He clearly say something to the effect of "I don't think it's alcohol". And this was before the testing, so obviously the officer had an idea that there were problems. We didn't see what happened before the video, so maybe there's some information we're not getting. But, the video looks nothing like a DUI arrest video. I've seen tons of DUI arrest videos and never seen one even close the Boston tape. It makes me think the officer knows something we don't. Because if David comes up clean, there's going to be a firestorm of DWB charges down there.
Driving While Blacked-out? And is passed out in a car that's running in the middle of traffick truly considered driving?
This arrest is completely ludicrous. Is this cop high? I haven't watched the whole thing, but does Boston even fail one test?

:o to all the people saying Boston was being so compliant with the cop. Polite even. Give me a break. If I was ever in that situation the only things coming out of my mouth would be "no sir" or "yes sir." Boston displayed blatant irritation throughout the tests. He blacked out with the car in gear. I'd wash the cops car if he asked me.
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mad sweeney said:
certificate said:
At about 2 minutes in, before any tests, Boston says that he doesnt want to do the tests because he has issues with his balance due to injuries. The officer asks him to do the balance tests anyway. Boston says "You know what man, I'm gonna call my attourney because I don't like the way this is headed". The cop says "You don't have the right to call your attourney right now David". Boston says "I don't want to get screwed and charged with a DUI because of some test because of my balance". The cop says "You have the right to do any field sobriety tests required by law, it's on your license.".Boston "Give me a breathalyzer or a blood test"Officer in his most condescending tone "I know it's not alcohol sir"Boston "huh?"Officer in his most condescending tone "I know it's not alcohol"Boston "What's not alcohol?" I have to say that I hope Boston is innocent because the cop is such a ####.
Wow, with this much speculative license you could be a reporter for ESPN. Yeah the cop sounded like he was talking to a kindergartner but he kept that calm tone the whole time and had to talk down to Boston because he could barely follow very simple instructions. . Boston was squirrely and pretty much uncooperative as well. I don't see any basis for calling this cop any names, escept maybe boring. Boston was acting like an idiot at times, refusing to do the tests and not doing what the officer said, making the cop repeat the instructions over and over. He could barely balance with one foot up and his "Superman" was pathetic. I'm surprised the cop didn't arrest him 5 minutes in. Cops have to make sure they word everything right and he's on video so he's covering all his bases. If Boston was more cooperative he might have gotten released instead of making a fuss and blundering through the tests. And then, the audacity of the white cop to actually ASSUME that the black suspect had graduated from college. How dare he!I don't know if Boston was effed up or not, the bloodtests will show it. He was definitely stubborn and passively uncooperative and argumentative. But the easiest way to not get charged is to shut up and do the tests as best you can. I really don't see what the cop did wrong other than not cuff him after the Superman pose. He was thorough and polite and called him sir or Mr Boston the whole time. The first two tests and the fact that his eyes were jittery are all the fuzz need to show probable cause. Oh, and he was asleep in his car in the street and didn't know where he was. But other than that, you're right the cops blew that one.
"Speculative License"? Those were all direct quotes from the video. The only thing I speculated on is that the cop is a ####.
MBH_14 said:
Here is an article that gives a little more information about the situation:

Do they normally do this? Sounds to me they really just don't like DB. I hate the race card, but...
They called in a traffic officer experienced in alcohol-related driving cases, as well as one of the department's certified drug recognition experts who are trained to evaluate drivers who may be under the influence of something other than alcohol.
So now it "could" be unrelated to drugs? But after he passed the breathalizer, and for the most part the FST, they still arrested him?
Officer Mike Nicholson, who helps train the drug recognition experts, said three categories of drugs could account for the nystagma: depressants, inhalants or dissociative anaesthetic, formerly known as PCP. Nicholson said the nystagma could also be unrelated to drug use and caused by health problems.

Boston made no incriminating statements, Forseth said.
My only question on this is - do players have access after camp breaks? Boston is really pressing to make the team, maybe he went and did some working out on his own?
He did tell officers that he had left a Buccaneers' practice field in Orlando's Celebration area and was headed to the Tampa International Airport, where he had a hotel room for the night.

The Bucs broke training camp in Orlando on Aug. 16.
I just tried to do that 9 steps and pivot in my office..I just woke up and was wobbly. Cop was a jerk.

Boston did not seem incoherent at all!

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