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2022 FBG, 172 to 1 Beatles Countdown 1-25 lists... And 173 to 1 Countdown from 1-64 lists! (4 Viewers)

Tough keeping up with this thread.  A few of my favorite Beatles covers...

Fanny - Hey Bulldog

Jerry Garcia Band - Dear Prudence

I think I posted that Jerry cover last thread.  Do yourself a favor and spend 12 minutes with it.

I was going to post this if no one else did!

They were an INCENDIARY live band -- the entire Beat Club performance that this comes from is on Youtube and I can't recommend it highly enough. Their studio albums were defanged by comparison because sexism. 

ETA: Young and Dumb sounds like an ungodly fusion of Janis Joplin and Black Sabbath. 
I guess this is as good a place as any to mention that Fanny was featured in the New York Times today. A documentary on them is coming out soon.


On this day in 1966, The Beatles released “Paperback Writer” b/w "Rain" on 45rpm. The song was released as the A-side of their eleventh single and it topped singles charts in the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland, West Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Norway.

TIL something about the cover

Anybody else see it?
Paul and Ringo were the only lefties in the band, but this cover suggests otherwise. 


I knew you would know (of course), can’t believe I’d never noticed. 

Rain would be the choice for best B-side that was better than the A-side? Excluding Double A sided releases.

Rain is my favorite b-side, but I also like Don't Let Me Down better than Get Back.

B-Side / A-Side (excluded A/A releases)  

U.K. Singles

P.S. I Love You (Love Me Do)

Ask Me Why (Please Please Me)

Thank You Girl (From Me to You)

I'll Get You (She Loves You)

This Boy (I Want to Hold Your Hand)

You Can't Do That (Can’t Buy Me Love)

Things We Said Today (A Hard Day’s Night)

She's a Woman (I Feel Fine)

Yes It Is (Ticket to Ride)

I'm Down (Help!) 

U.S. singles

I’ll Get You (She Loves You)

I Saw Her Standing There (I Want to Hold Your Hand)

There’s A Place (Twist and Shout)

You Can’t Do That (Can’t But Me Love)

Thank You Girl (Do You Want To Know a Secret)

P.S. I Love You (Love Me Do)

I Should Have Known Better (A Hard Day’s Night)

If I Fell (And I Love Her)

I'm Happy Just to Dance with You (I’ll Cry Instead)

Slow Down (Matchbox)

She’s A Woman (I Feel Fine)

I Don't Want to Spoil the Party (Eight Days A Week)

Yes It Is (Ticket to Ride)

I'm Down (Help!)

Act Naturally (Yesterday)

What Goes On (Nowhere Man) 

UK/US Releases:

Rain (Paperback Writer)

Baby You're a Rich Man (All You Need is Love)

I am the Walrus (Hello, Goodbye)

The Inner Light (Lady Madonna)

Revolution (Hey Jude)

Don't Let Me Down (Get Back)

Old Brown Shoe (The Ballad of John & Yoko)

You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) / (Let It Be

For You Blue (The Lobg & Winding Road)

B-Side / A-Side (excluded A/A releases)  

U.K. Singles

P.S. I Love You (Love Me Do)

Ask Me Why (Please Please Me)

Thank You Girl (From Me to You)

I'll Get You (She Loves You)

This Boy (I Want to Hold Your Hand)

You Can't Do That (Can’t Buy Me Love)

Things We Said Today (A Hard Day’s Night)

She's a Woman (I Feel Fine)

Yes It Is (Ticket to Ride)

I'm Down (Help!) 

U.S. singles

I’ll Get You (She Loves You)

I Saw Her Standing There (I Want to Hold Your Hand)

There’s A Place (Twist and Shout)

You Can’t Do That (Can’t But Me Love)

Thank You Girl (Do You Want To Know a Secret)

P.S. I Love You (Love Me Do)

I Should Have Known Better (A Hard Day’s Night)

If I Fell (And I Love Her)

I'm Happy Just to Dance with You (I’ll Cry Instead)

Slow Down (Matchbox)

She’s A Woman (I Feel Fine)

I Don't Want to Spoil the Party (Eight Days A Week)

Yes It Is (Ticket to Ride)

I'm Down (Help!)

Act Naturally (Yesterday)

What Goes On (Nowhere Man) 

UK/US Releases:

Rain (Paperback Writer)

Baby You're a Rich Man (All You Need is Love)

I am the Walrus (Hello, Goodbye)

The Inner Light (Lady Madonna)

Revolution (Hey Jude)

Don't Let Me Down (Get Back)

Old Brown Shoe (The Ballad of John & Yoko)

You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) / (Let It Be

For You Blue (The Lobg & Winding Road)
In the words of Blue Oyster Cult, time to play b-sides.

Was throwing pillows at the tv yesterday during Jeopardy! because of this triple stumper:

Mia Farrow's sister was the subject of this Beatles song that asks her "won't you come out to play"

Wow. Those are B-sides. Just checking in to express my admiration for those songs.

Sneaky pick: "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You" might have the most listening pleasure distance between that and the A-Side for me. That's the U.S. release with "I'll Cry Instead" as the A-Side, that is. 

Second pick: "I Am the Walrus" sort of puts "Hello, Goodbye" to a bit of songwriting shame.  

Thanks for posting, BL. 

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Cool moment of connection with a son that recently I've had a hard time connecting with... He came home from college a few weeks ago, and I was so happy to hear that my love of the Beatles seemed to have rubbed off on him.  We watched "Get Back" Part 1 and he totally got it.  When Paul composed "Get Back" in about 5 minutes he looked at me and asked, "That's not normal is it?"  This led to a metaphysical conversation about music, all-time greats, genius, and even mathematics and God.  One of the best conversations I've ever had with him.  Another gift from the Beatles.

When some of us did the Wake/End of Life draft a few years ago, Wikkid participated and he had the third pick. He picked this song as his #1. I added this particular band with the song, because they made him smile.

For you Wikkid.

This is what Wikkid said when he picked the song:

An obvious choice for its existential aspect, but so much more.

In my life, i got to do a lot of fancy things with a lot of fancy folk but the greatest pleasure & terror of my wikkid tour of this impatient rock was wrangling the whirlwind that was Mary Louise Lauer. She earned every bit of her fury with a criminal upbringing and spent every gram of it in her short life. There was but one thing which could bring her down from tornado mode - your humble servant wrestling her into a swaying dance and singing "In My Life" with my neck vibrating against hers.

Bonus: the song even got me a son. In her 2nd year of bone cancer and the beginning of the last year of her life, my Mary got absolutely feral in her ways. The bartender of my corner saloon called me at work to tell me that Scary Mary was tearing her joint up, in the middle of someone's birthday party no less. Kelly could control her better than any but me, so i knew it was bad. Got there to see a bunch of men holding the celebrant back from whacking my beloved, who was waving him on. I reversed my giant darling out to the dance floor, put a $20 in the tip jar of the singer playing the party and asked her to play this song. I rocked her and vibrated "In My Life" into her soul in harmony to the singer til' she re-entered humanity.

Turns out my actions had as great an effect on the singer as my wife. When the cancer soonafter started snapping Mary's limbs and reduced her to a snarling invalid, one of her wishes was that i find someone to step out with now that she couldnt wife me. She recommended that singer, it turned out my Marytaming performance made enough of an impression on her to give me a go, we were togetherish for Mary's last year and we ended up making a son together. Life for death - in my life, i've loved them all.

❤️  We love you, Wikkid.

Beautiful, simey.  Perfect.  I knew who that first link would be without clicking it.  He got so much joy out of them and brought that joy to share with the rest of us.  :heart:  

Beautiful, simey.  Perfect.  I knew who that first link would be without clicking it.  He got so much joy out of them and brought that joy to share with the rest of us.  :heart:  
I'm so glad that Wikkid spread the love, and turned us on to them. It is definitely joyous hearing them. They were "raw" and just learning to play in that video. They have come a long way since.

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Act Naturally 

Back Off Boogaloo

It Don’t Come Easy

With a Little Help from My Friends

Do you mean...A RINGO SHOWCASE! ?

He's currently on SiriusXM - I think it's a replay from yesterday because they introduce it as Ringo hosting on his birthday.  Basically playing stuff he likes or where he or someone else likes the drum part.  I heard Little Richard doing "Long Tall Sally," Al Green's "I'm a Ram," Cozy Cole "Topsy II," and some Beatles and Ringo stuff.

wikkid Beatles-related post in the Great Works Draft that I just came across  :)  

that brings me back. my folks useta farm me out to relatives in Dun Laoghaire (port of Dublin) a few wks every summer that they could and, in '69, my cousin Tom graduated from school (after 10th gr over there, lucky bastards) & among his gifts was a quality one of those single/cartridge players, where u could slide a 45 in like a cassette & it wouldnt even skip if u swung it around. the 1st single he bought was "The Ballad of John & Yoko" & we'd go to the beach and play that song til the battery wore down. well, nuns were everywhere in those days, including the beach (where, between their habits & the sticks up their butts, they reeeeally looked like penguins). we walked by a nun who was apparently familiar with the sacreligious nature of the lyrics (Christ, u know it aint easy/u know how hard it can be/the way things are goin/theyre gonna crucify me) and the chorus came up as we passed her. when she heard "Christ" comin out of that lil box, out came her massive beads & she flailed me poor cousin like an albino priest til he dropped the thing, picked it up & thrashed him with it til it was as broken as he. he got a black eye & a ton of bruises but u know who would have been charged with a crime if the authorities were brought in, dont u? aaaah, nostalgia just aint what it useta be....

wikkid Beatles-related post in the Great Works Draft that I just came across  :)  

that brings me back. my folks useta farm me out to relatives in Dun Laoghaire (port of Dublin) a few wks every summer that they could and, in '69, my cousin Tom graduated from school (after 10th gr over there, lucky bastards) & among his gifts was a quality one of those single/cartridge players, where u could slide a 45 in like a cassette & it wouldnt even skip if u swung it around. the 1st single he bought was "&The Ballad of John & Yoko" we'd go to the beach and play that song til the battery wore down. well, nuns were everywhere in those days, including the beach (where, between their habits & the sticks up their butts, they reeeeally looked like penguins). we walked by a nun who was apparently familiar with the sacreligious nature of the lyrics (Christ, u know it aint easy/u know how hard it can be/the way things are goin/theyre gonna crucify me) and the chorus came up as we passed her. when she heard "Christ" comin out of that lil box, out came her massive beads & she flailed me poor cousin like an albino priest til he dropped the thing, picked it up & thrashed him with it til it was as broken as he. he got a black eye & a ton of bruises but u know who would have been charged with a crime if the authorities were brought in, dont u? aaaah, nostalgia just aint what it useta be....
Great story as usual.

What's funny is around that same time period or a little later my parents gave me a portable cassette recorder for Christmas.  I remember my first ever mix tape (made by holding the mike close to my sister's radio) having on it The Ballad of John & Yoko.  Lucky for me I guess my parents wouldn't let me take it in to my Catholic grade school. 📻

In My Life
2022 Ranking: 2
2022 Lists: 50
2022 Points: 859
In the mid 90's I started doing some video editing.  One Saturday my brother Tim invited me to his son's basketball games.  I thought it would be a good opportunity to do my first video project, so I brought my video camera and filmed away.

Tim is the greatest person I've ever known, and close to perfection both inside and out.  The kid has movie star looks and the kindness of Mother Teresa.  His wife is beautiful, his three sons are beautiful, and now he has 4 grandchildren that adore him.  My nickname for Tim has always been "Mr. Perfect".

Back to the mid-90's.  As I edited the film of his three sons playing pee-wee basketball, it felt like a slice of heaven on earth.  I remember being very emotional about it.  The hardest part in creating a music video is always the song selection.  As I watched video of Tim interacting with his family and friends, these words came into my mind - "In my life, I've loved them all."  I had my song, and the video I put together was just about as perfect as Tim.  It was the perfect marriage of art and real life, and I imagined Tim watching that video as an old man in his 80's and feeling so fulfilled.

Two days ago I found out that Tim has Stage 4 prostate and bone cancer.  He's only 59 years old, and he's always been the healthiest person I've ever known.  He never smoked, rarely drank, worked out every day, and always had a perfect diet.  Ironically, it's that perfect health that may have doomed him.  His Doctor never ordered a PSA test for him.  After all, he was in perfect health, had always passed the rubber glove examination, and there was no history of prostate cancer in our family.  So a very treatable form of cancer went undetected for several years, allowing it to metastasize into his spine, ribs, femur and groin.  And now he has one year to live.  For every man over 50 reading this - PLEASE get a PSA test every year, even if your insurance doesn't cover it.

What I love most about the Beatles is their ability to see day-to-day living and find perfect beauty in it.  It's the same thing I love most about my brother.  Thank you all for listening.  I decided to post this in this thread because I feel a kinship with you, and I thought some of you might find meaning in it.

Two days ago I found out that Tim has Stage 4 prostate and bone cancer.  He's only 59 years old, and he's always been the healthiest person I've ever known.  He never smoked, rarely drank, worked out every day, and always had a perfect diet.  Ironically, it's that perfect health that may have doomed him.  His Doctor never ordered a PSA test for him.  After all, he was in perfect health, had always passed the rubber glove examination, and there was no history of prostate cancer in our family.  So a very treatable form of cancer went undetected for several years, allowing it to metastasize into his spine, ribs, femur and groin.  And now he has one year to live.  For every man over 50 reading this - PLEASE get a PSA test every year, even if your insurance doesn't cover it.

What I love most about the Beatles is their ability to see day-to-day living and find perfect beauty in it.  It's the same thing I love most about my brother.  Thank you all for listening.  I decided to post this in this thread because I feel a kinship with you, and I thought some of you might find meaning in it.
I'm sorry about your brother's diagnosis, ek. I hope he still has some beautiful days ahead, and the time he has left is filled with endless amounts of love. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.  :heart:

In the mid 90's I started doing some video editing.  One Saturday my brother Tim invited me to his son's basketball games.  I thought it would be a good opportunity to do my first video project, so I brought my video camera and filmed away.

Tim is the greatest person I've ever known, and close to perfection both inside and out.  The kid has movie star looks and the kindness of Mother Teresa.  His wife is beautiful, his three sons are beautiful, and now he has 4 grandchildren that adore him.  My nickname for Tim has always been "Mr. Perfect".

Back to the mid-90's.  As I edited the film of his three sons playing pee-wee basketball, it felt like a slice of heaven on earth.  I remember being very emotional about it.  The hardest part in creating a music video is always the song selection.  As I watched video of Tim interacting with his family and friends, these words came into my mind - "In my life, I've loved them all."  I had my song, and the video I put together was just about as perfect as Tim.  It was the perfect marriage of art and real life, and I imagined Tim watching that video as an old man in his 80's and feeling so fulfilled.

Two days ago I found out that Tim has Stage 4 prostate and bone cancer.  He's only 59 years old, and he's always been the healthiest person I've ever known.  He never smoked, rarely drank, worked out every day, and always had a perfect diet.  Ironically, it's that perfect health that may have doomed him.  His Doctor never ordered a PSA test for him.  After all, he was in perfect health, had always passed the rubber glove examination, and there was no history of prostate cancer in our family.  So a very treatable form of cancer went undetected for several years, allowing it to metastasize into his spine, ribs, femur and groin.  And now he has one year to live.  For every man over 50 reading this - PLEASE get a PSA test every year, even if your insurance doesn't cover it.

What I love most about the Beatles is their ability to see day-to-day living and find perfect beauty in it.  It's the same thing I love most about my brother.  Thank you all for listening.  I decided to post this in this thread because I feel a kinship with you, and I thought some of you might find meaning in it.
I'm sorry to hear this, ek. :Positive thoughts heading your way.

I get the PSA test twice a year, because of my history with cancer. My doc doesn't do the finger test anymore (I assume she would if the PSA came up dirty).

Oh, @ekbeats, your tribute to your brother was so gorgeous.  You are lucky to have each other.  Everyone deserves to have a brother like you who see them as "perfect."  I bet he knows that you think that, but if you're not completely sure, do tell him, over and over if you feel like it.

My dad died of cancer at 54, but he lived 4x longer than his prognosis when diagnosed.  That "one year" could be many more, I hope, for your family.  Combining his obvious strength with constantly evolving treatments, I wouldn't count him out.  Sending lots of love to your family right now.  Thank you for sharing this story of your beloved brother.

I had to take a bit of Beatles Break after this thread wound down.  Actually fired up a few other channels on the SiriusXM for once.  Then my wife saw something about a free concert with a Beatles tribute band last night so we drove 90 minutes to check it out.  And now I'm back in full Beatles mode.  No other band does that to me.  

I know Beatles tribute bands have been discussed in the various threads.  While I truly enjoy them, the concept is still a bit weird to me.  These people aren't just playing the Beatles music, they are actually pretending to be the real-life person down to the last detail while they are doing it.  I have never seen a tribute band for another act; do they all do this?  I know obviously there are Elvis impersonators, but are there Stones bands out there with someone dressed up to look 156 to be Keith Richards?  Are there Kiss bands out there where they find the guy with the longest tongue they can find and throw him in some makeup to be Simmons?  Or is this just a Beatles thing?  

This band was called The Reunion Beatles.  The idea is what it would have been like if they all lived and reunited for concerts when they were 60ish.  So, they did Beatles tunes but also a few Wings joints and solo songs as well.  Their musicianship was pretty strong and it was an enjoyable show.  It was kind of weird though that the "Paul" had the haircut of 1965 Paul, while George looked like 1998 George and Ringo looked like Ringo has looked since 1992.  Strangely, even though it's never been one of my favorites, the song I have in my head all morning after hearing it last night is "Starting Over".  

I miss talking Beatles with everyone.  I can't wait to hear about K4's Liverpool trip.  That has definitely become a bucket-list item for me.  


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