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anyone here into fishing? (1 Viewer)

Im going on a guided catfishing trip :lmao: next month with this place. I think we go at night. Im expecting lots of drinking and good times.
You should try "noodling" the catfish and report back. :excited:
you couldnt pay me enough to jam my hand into a muddy hole just hoping that a catfish bites it... hell, im a little nervous about just taking one of those mutha's off the hook. might take a glove. :unsure:
So last year my oldest son decided he wanted to start muskie fishing. Got him the heavy duty rods and reels, huge tackle box to carry the heavy lures, guided fishing trips, up to the lake whenever we could. Also keep in mind that he plays 4 traveling sports so we dont have a ton of time.

Well he still manages to catch a 38" last August and a 42" in October. But yesterday he had a legendary morning for an 11 year old. His Mom took him out and he caught a 40" and an hour later caught a 51". Pretty cool. If I can figure out how to post the pic from my phone I will.
Big fish
So last year my oldest son decided he wanted to start muskie fishing. Got him the heavy duty rods and reels, huge tackle box to carry the heavy lures, guided fishing trips, up to the lake whenever we could. Also keep in mind that he plays 4 traveling sports so we dont have a ton of time.

Well he still manages to catch a 38" last August and a 42" in October. But yesterday he had a legendary morning for an 11 year old. His Mom took him out and he caught a 40" and an hour later caught a 51". Pretty cool. If I can figure out how to post the pic from my phone I will.
Big fish
Btw, not me in the background. Some jealous gawker.
So last year my oldest son decided he wanted to start muskie fishing. Got him the heavy duty rods and reels, huge tackle box to carry the heavy lures, guided fishing trips, up to the lake whenever we could. Also keep in mind that he plays 4 traveling sports so we dont have a ton of time.

Well he still manages to catch a 38" last August and a 42" in October. But yesterday he had a legendary morning for an 11 year old. His Mom took him out and he caught a 40" and an hour later caught a 51". Pretty cool. If I can figure out how to post the pic from my phone I will.
Big fish
Dayyyyyum, thats a nice feesh! :thumbup:
Ty, will pass it along to him. Fish was fine btw, released moments later. Going to have a replica made for him to hang in his room.

Just got back from Playa Del Carmen. Took a charter out Thursday morning and caught a monster barracuda. 54.5 inches long and 22 inches around at the sweet spot. Didn't have my camera but another guy on the boat did and promised to send some pics when he gets back. Thinking about getting a pro trophy replica. If anyone has recommendations on quality fish replicas, PM me.

Just got back from Playa Del Carmen. Took a charter out Thursday morning and caught a monster barracuda. 54.5 inches long and 22 inches around at the sweet spot. Didn't have my camera but another guy on the boat did and promised to send some pics when he gets back. Thinking about getting a pro trophy replica. If anyone has recommendations on quality fish replicas, PM me.
Here She Is...
Just got back from Playa Del Carmen. Took a charter out Thursday morning and caught a monster barracuda. 54.5 inches long and 22 inches around at the sweet spot. Didn't have my camera but another guy on the boat did and promised to send some pics when he gets back. Thinking about getting a pro trophy replica. If anyone has recommendations on quality fish replicas, PM me.
Here She Is...
Awesome fish. What kind of tackle did you get him on? Lighter tackle makes that one heck of a fight.
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Just got back from Playa Del Carmen. Took a charter out Thursday morning and caught a monster barracuda. 54.5 inches long and 22 inches around at the sweet spot. Didn't have my camera but another guy on the boat did and promised to send some pics when he gets back. Thinking about getting a pro trophy replica. If anyone has recommendations on quality fish replicas, PM me.
Here She Is...
Awesome fish. What kind of tackle did you get him on? Lighter tackle makes that one heck of a fight.
We spent the first hour catching tuna and snapper. We kept the tunas live and then used them as bait for the larger fish; my guess was this one was a 2-3 pounder. It really fought good; took a little over 20 minutes to reel in. We were trolling and when it took the bait, it was probably 50-60 yards behind the boat and just took off in the other direction. The first time it jumped out of the water, it was probably a good 100 yards out. The first ten minutes, I just held on.
So last year my oldest son decided he wanted to start muskie fishing. Got him the heavy duty rods and reels, huge tackle box to carry the heavy lures, guided fishing trips, up to the lake whenever we could. Also keep in mind that he plays 4 traveling sports so we dont have a ton of time.

Well he still manages to catch a 38" last August and a 42" in October. But yesterday he had a legendary morning for an 11 year old. His Mom took him out and he caught a 40" and an hour later caught a 51". Pretty cool. If I can figure out how to post the pic from my phone I will.
Big fish
Dayyyyyum, thats a nice feesh! :thumbup:
Very nice! Heading up to Canada next week to try my 1K+ casts to get a monster muskie. If not, hopefully some large pike will come our way.
Moving to LAke Charles, LA next week. Looking forward to fishing the brackish rivers, lakes & bay for red fish, specs & whatever else is in those waters.

'Buddy Ball 2K3 said:
Anyone have any go to musky lures?
Google 'Pete Maina' he is an awesome musky fishermen. Here is a youtube video about spring musky and pike fishing lures:
. Tubes work nice, but I don't know about rigging them.
Im going on a guided catfishing trip :lmao: next month with this place. I think we go at night. Im expecting lots of drinking and good times.
Did this Friday night and it was an absolute blast. We fished from 7:00pm-Midnight and managed to put 10 Flatheads in the boat. Most of them were in the 4-6lb range, but we did get into some bigger ones towards the end of the night. I caught an 11 pounder and my buddy caught a 15 pounder. :lmao: Good times!
Looks like fun. :thumbup:
Anyone have any go to musky lures?
A buddy and I canoed a small stretch of the New River a couple weeks ago fishing for smallies. We were getting to the take out just as it was getting too dark to see and I had tied on a Rebel Pop-R because I had heard people were doing well hooking smallies with topwaters at dusk, at the time. On what I figured would be one of my last casts something big hit the Pop-R. At first I figured I might be looking at a citation sized smallmouth the way it was fighting me, until I got it up close to the canoe where I saw I had a muskie on the end of the line. It took off down river and I fought it for about 10 more seconds before it ended up biting through my line. Made for an exciting end to our little fishing excursion, despite the loss of the lure. I don't know if it's considered a "go to" muskie lure, but a topwater like a Rebel Pop-R seems like it can do the trick. :)
Got back from our three day musky trip on the Rideu river. Three guys on the boat, 2 muskies landed over the three days. The my old man got his musky (first ever) on the first day trolling with a yellow and orange Buck Perry Spoon Plug, estimated weight was about 20 lbs. The first day was rather slow, 1 musky, 3 pike, and a walleye which is called a pickerel up there. The second day we caught far more fish but no muskies (17 pike). I had 9 northern pike and several of them kept topping my PB. I used a conventional reel for casting for the first time in my life and really enjoyed it. Had quite a few pike strikes on bubblers which was blast. The third day my Uncle was able to get his musky (first ever) on about his 15th cast of the day on a surface lure. He hit about five feet from the boat and it was about 15 lbs. We caught a bunch of nice pike the rest of the day but it was cut short by some serious storms.

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No pics, but got a good story. Went bank fishing at my local hole last Sat. its been ridiculously hot here in TX, but we got a little rain Sat morning, so I figured I'd try to get in an hour or two while the weather was a little cooler.

Setup my two rods on holders and dropped my bait (live night crawlers) to the bottom hunting for cats (blue and channel). Waited about 15 minutes with no bites. Finally got a bite and my one rod started shaking a little. I got up to go grab it and before I was within even 10 feet, it got a tug on it so hard, it pulled the stake out of the ground and took my rod, reel and pole holder in the water. I had no chance; it was under and gone before I could get to the bank.

Fast forward an hour and I'm about ready to pack up. I decide for the heck of it to rig up my other rod with two 18 inch leaders, each with an empty treble hook and dredge the bottom in the hopes I'll snag my lost pole.

By the luck of god, on my first cast, about halfway back in, I hook something and start pulling. Eventually I see another line pop to the surface and soon my other rod/reel. I get it back to shore and spend a couple of minutes untangling the tip of the rod. After I get it fixed, I start reeling my line back in. I still had the fish that pulled it in hooked. It turned out to be a 10 pound, 2 ounce blue cat that made for a fine dinner of fried nuggets.

Im going on a guided catfishing trip :lmao: next month with this place. I think we go at night. Im expecting lots of drinking and good times.
Did this Friday night and it was an absolute blast. We fished from 7:00pm-Midnight and managed to put 10 Flatheads in the boat. Most of them were in the 4-6lb range, but we did get into some bigger ones towards the end of the night. I caught an 11 pounder and my buddy caught a 15 pounder. :lmao: Good times!
Dude, those are awesome. I love catfishing; prefer it over bass, and down here that's almost a sin. One of these days I plan to take a guided trip out trophy catfishing. Usually you gotta wait till the winter, and even then its really hit or miss when they are running the trophy services.
Im going on a guided catfishing trip :lmao: next month with this place. I think we go at night. Im expecting lots of drinking and good times.
Did this Friday night and it was an absolute blast. We fished from 7:00pm-Midnight and managed to put 10 Flatheads in the boat. Most of them were in the 4-6lb range, but we did get into some bigger ones towards the end of the night. I caught an 11 pounder and my buddy caught a 15 pounder. :lmao: Good times!
Dude, those are awesome. I love catfishing; prefer it over bass, and down here that's almost a sin. One of these days I plan to take a guided trip out trophy catfishing. Usually you gotta wait till the winter, and even then its really hit or miss when they are running the trophy services.
Oh yeah, Im hooked. Four of us went back a couple weeks later to the same spot in the river (without the guide) and ended up with a story similar to yours. Since none of us own real fishing boat, I decided to outfit my 2 canoes... depth finder, rod holders, beer holders, anchors, etc. I knew that getting big catfish into the canoe was going to be tricky, and I was trying to be "extra careful" since my GB in the front (the guy kissing the big one last time) cant swim. Well, we started fishing about 7:00pm and weren't having a whole lotta luck. Around 11:00pm, I got a decent bite and managed to get a 4lb'er into the boat without incident. They started really biting around midnight and we each put another 5-6lb flathead in the boat. By this time, we were pretty deep into a case of beer and confidence levels were high. Around 1:00am, I got a bite that was unlike any of the others. I fought it for a good 5-10 minutes and it was all I could do to hang onto the rod. I finally got it to the side of the boat and knew that I wasnt going to be able to get it in without standing up. Big mistake. I stood quickly and tried to manhandle this monster up over the edge and into the boat. As I did, our weight shifted heavily to the left and my buddy in the front over-reacted by grabbing the gunwales and throwing his weight to the right. Next thing I knew, we were capsizing. Since we were in 18ft of water and my buddy didnt have a life jacket on (yeah, yeah I know), my only thought was helping him. The boat was upside down with air underneath, so I guided him to the boat and he hung on while I swam us to the side. All told, we lost 2 rods and the fish scale. Miraculously, everything else was salvaged. It's rally impossible for me to guess how big the fish was. The biggest flathead caught in this area was 42lbs. All I know is that there's a monster in there swimming around with my rod still attached and I cant wait to go back!
Getting to be that time of year again here on the island. Water is warming up, mullet will be here soon and before you know it Redfish (Red Drum), Flounder, Sea Trout, Black Drum and Sheepshead will be biting like it is going out of style.


Anyone else fish inshore, inlets, marshes, saltwater creeks, brackish, etc?

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Getting to be that time of year again here on the island. Water is warming up, mullet will be here soon and before you know it Redfish (Red Drum), Flounder, Sea Trout, Black Drum and Sheepshead will be biting like it is going out of style. :thumbup: Anyone else fish inshore, inlets, marshes, saltwater creeks, brackish, etc?
Just starting to learn here in FL on the Indian River Lagoon. Same species here with some Mangrove Snappers as well. So far just a bunch of stingrays, catfish, and pinfish but i'm learning.
Ontario trip planned for June. Can't wait.
Cool. I'm planning on taking a solo trip in the next couple of months for a long weekend up to Portland to go Sturgeon fishing on the Columbia. Going to reserve a guide for Sat/Sun. Hope to land a monster. After my 60+ pound great barracuda last summer, I've got a monster fish itch. Flights out of Dallas are pretty cheap and I can get there, fish and back for right around a grand.
love catching a first fish on new gear, even if its just a new color worm or on a new pole, gotta pop each cherry. pulled in 22 lbs of black bass on 4 fish last weekend, not bad for a cold Sun morning.

Ontario trip planned for June. Can't wait.
Cool. I'm planning on taking a solo trip in the next couple of months for a long weekend up to Portland to go Sturgeon fishing on the Columbia. Going to reserve a guide for Sat/Sun. Hope to land a monster. After my 60+ pound great barracuda last summer, I've got a monster fish itch. Flights out of Dallas are pretty cheap and I can get there, fish and back for right around a grand.
Please let us know how this goes. I plan on going out to Portland next year with the old man for a 3 day trip.
went off of Bald Point in Florida in the Gulf and caught 16 Spanish Mackeral and 14 brown trout. It was a good day.

I am big into flyfishing, and I have been killing the trout on the Shoshone River and the Clarks fork of the yellowstone river. Pre-runoff is the best fishing of the year. I managed to land a personal best cutthroat two weeks ago, it went 20" and 3 pounds.

If anyone is into flyfishing a good set of forums is http://www.theflyfishingforum.com/forums/index.php

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'Aquaman said:
Getting to be that time of year again here on the island. Water is warming up, mullet will be here soon and before you know it Redfish (Red Drum), Flounder, Sea Trout, Black Drum and Sheepshead will be biting like it is going out of style. :thumbup: Anyone else fish inshore, inlets, marshes, saltwater creeks, brackish, etc?
Just starting to learn here in FL on the Indian River Lagoon. Same species here with some Mangrove Snappers as well. So far just a bunch of stingrays, catfish, and pinfish but i'm learning.
Yeah we hook allot of Rays & Skates as well, can be a pain to unhook
'Aquaman said:
Getting to be that time of year again here on the island. Water is warming up, mullet will be here soon and before you know it Redfish (Red Drum), Flounder, Sea Trout, Black Drum and Sheepshead will be biting like it is going out of style. :thumbup: Anyone else fish inshore, inlets, marshes, saltwater creeks, brackish, etc?
Just starting to learn here in FL on the Indian River Lagoon. Same species here with some Mangrove Snappers as well. So far just a bunch of stingrays, catfish, and pinfish but i'm learning.
Yeah we hook allot of Rays & Skates as well, can be a pain to unhook
The first time I caught a saltwater catfish down here I was so confused. :lmao:
Just got back from Playa Del Carmen. Took a charter out Thursday morning and caught a monster barracuda. 54.5 inches long and 22 inches around at the sweet spot. Didn't have my camera but another guy on the boat did and promised to send some pics when he gets back. Thinking about getting a pro trophy replica. If anyone has recommendations on quality fish replicas, PM me.
Here She Is...
I'll take a pic and post it when I get home, but I ended up getting this guy made into a trophy replica. Shout out to Atlantic Taxidermy in Pompano Beach. It took only a few weeks to be molded, painted and dropped off at my door on a flatbed truck. Price wasn't cheap, but now I got it hanging in my living room.
'Aquaman said:
Getting to be that time of year again here on the island. Water is warming up, mullet will be here soon and before you know it Redfish (Red Drum), Flounder, Sea Trout, Black Drum and Sheepshead will be biting like it is going out of style. :thumbup: Anyone else fish inshore, inlets, marshes, saltwater creeks, brackish, etc?
Just starting to learn here in FL on the Indian River Lagoon. Same species here with some Mangrove Snappers as well. So far just a bunch of stingrays, catfish, and pinfish but i'm learning.
Yeah we hook allot of Rays & Skates as well, can be a pain to unhook
The first time I caught a saltwater catfish down here I was so confused. :lmao:
First time I caught a red, I thought it was a carp.
I caught 3 fish yesterday from shore at bonita beach and I need help on what they are.....

They were about 16" or 18" long and sort of skinny. They looked sort of like skinny bluefish. I caught them on live shrimp under a bobber and released them.


I caught 3 fish yesterday from shore at bonita beach and I need help on what they are.....

They were about 16" or 18" long and sort of skinny. They looked sort of like skinny bluefish. I caught them on live shrimp under a bobber and released them.

Any pics? Were they really slimy? Did they jump after hooked? Could have been ladyfishanother pic

I was down in Alligator point in Florida panhandle about a month ago. Could a ton of spanish mackeral and trout. Spanish are fun to catch, they take the bait and run hard.

I caught 3 fish yesterday from shore at bonita beach and I need help on what they are.....

They were about 16" or 18" long and sort of skinny. They looked sort of like skinny bluefish. I caught them on live shrimp under a bobber and released them.

Any pics? Were they really slimy? Did they jump after hooked? Could have been ladyfishanother pic
That's it!Can you eat them? Any size limits on them?


I caught 3 fish yesterday from shore at bonita beach and I need help on what they are.....

They were about 16" or 18" long and sort of skinny. They looked sort of like skinny bluefish. I caught them on live shrimp under a bobber and released them.

Any pics? Were they really slimy? Did they jump after hooked? Could have been ladyfishanother pic
That's it!Can you eat them? Any size limits on them?

Not good to eat, and no size or bag limit. Theyre a really oily fish, so they make great bait. Theyre called "poor mans Tarpon" because they like to jump when hooked. They can turn a slow day fishing into a good time, they are fun to catch. Next time you catch one, cut it up and put a chunk on a hook and bottom fish with it. Everything from Redfish to snook to sharks to grouper will eat it.

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Getting ready for the Boyz fishing trip to Ontario in June. New lake but same water as Lac De Mille Lac. Walleyes, Northerns and Smallies.

Also only a few minutes away from a good Lake Trout lake so we're going to probably hit that one day for some Lakers.

Nine guys and three boats. Great getaway for a nice five day trip. Can't wait.

Getting ready for the Boyz fishing trip to Ontario in June. New lake but same water as Lac De Mille Lac. Walleyes, Northerns and Smallies. Also only a few minutes away from a good Lake Trout lake so we're going to probably hit that one day for some Lakers. Nine guys and three boats. Great getaway for a nice five day trip. Can't wait.
What's a trip like that cost?
Finally got my boat ready. She fired right up after the winter. Hoping to make it to the Finger Lakes for some fishing and camping this summer :thumbup:

Getting ready for the Boyz fishing trip to Ontario in June. New lake but same water as Lac De Mille Lac. Walleyes, Northerns and Smallies. Also only a few minutes away from a good Lake Trout lake so we're going to probably hit that one day for some Lakers. Nine guys and three boats. Great getaway for a nice five day trip. Can't wait.
What's a trip like that cost?
Estimating about $400 pp including bait, gas, everything, plus Canadian License and Outdoors card which equals about $60.
Went on a charter out of St Pete yesterday, made a run to 75 miles offshore in 215 feet of water to look for Red Snapper. We ended up getting a late start and didnt drop our first baits till almost 12:30pm. Fished various spots til about 5:30pm. We only found one Red Snapper, and didnt really have a good day bottom fishing, but we did bring back plenty of fish. Yellow Tail Snapper were coming up behind the boat in our chum all day and were easy pickens with live freelined shrimp and white bait. The total haul was something like 25ish Yellow Tail Snapper, 6 or 7 Vermillion Snapper, a few Mangos, one Red Snapper, one Lane Snapper, a Scamp Grouper, an Almaco Jack and a few Bonita. We sampled the Jack at the dock once cleaned, with some seasoning and soy sauce, and man it was some of the best raw fish Ive ever had.

I didnt catch many fish, I got one keeper Vermillion, one keeper Yellow Tail, and 3 or 4 nice Amberjacks that we couldnt keep. Heck of a fun day though, it was very cool being that far offshore. We were so far out that we were in a completely different weather system - the seas laid down flat and it was an eerie calm for a while out there.

Not many pics were taken since there was no big fish, but heres a shot of the haul at the dock. The white table is about 20 inches wide, so you can see we didnt get any big hogs. Everyone took home a nice big bag of fillets, so it was a good day even though we came up short of our goal.

Mess of fish

Video of what it looked like 60-70 miles out. After 2-3ft seas most of the way out, all of a sudden the whitecaps disappeared and it turned soft and flat, and the water was like glass.


Couple more pics

The vessel

John's Pass, FL

Gators on the Pass

Depthfinder showing 174 feet of water on the way out
Taking the family to Indian Rocks Beach in mid-June. thinking about a small charter for something more inshore (half day).Anybody you know in either Clearwater or St. Pete? Does this guy do inshore? Kids don't have any experience with deep sea so want to break them in slowly.

Found this list of boats out of Clearwater. Any of them to use/avoid?


JaxBill, The guy I went out with in the above post is James Gang Charters out of St Pete. Im not even sure what he (Captain Jesse) charges, my buddy invited me when there was a late scratch so I got in for $100. I think hes pretty much offshore.

I really dont have any experience with any other charters in the area, but you could go to Capmel.com forums and try a search for "charter" and Im sure youll get some good info.

On a side note, I had quite a crazy experience yesterday on Anna Maria Island. I was going flats fishing with a buddy, met him in Bradenton, we went to the Coquina Beach ramp and were launching his boat when his Jeep popped out of gear and rolled into the drink. I was holding the launch line on the dock at the time so I couldnt do anything but watch. My buddy, who had just unlatched the winch strap form the boat, was in between the Jeep and trailer when it started to roll. He opened the passenger door to try to reach in to slam it into gear as it was rolling back, he ended up going in the water and had to bail as it looked like the jeep was gonna roll over over on top of him. Within 5 seconds of hitting the water, it was completely submerged. When it was pulled out by a local tow truck, the parking brake lever was completely pulled all the way up, fully engaged. It completely failed. We of course had to ditch the fishing, the tow truck driver gave me a ride to my vehicle so I could pull his boat back home. It was surreal to say the least. It happened so fast, but it was like slow motion watching it roll in. Almost no time to react. The cop in the first pic said about 6-10 vehicles go in at this ramp every year because of a dropoff before the end of the dock and the slick surface. Neither of those things contributed to this though. The tow truck guy said he pulled a Ford F550 from this same spot a few years ago, and that it had drifted about 100 yards from the dock.

pics of the Jeep in the water and getting pulled out:






It was a crappy day to say the least.

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