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Bernie Sanders HQ! *A decent human being. (4 Viewers)

So if Hillary doesn't have anything to worry about via her mail server, why has Joe Biden suddenly reappeared? Why is he saying he would be the best President? Why is he saying he had every intention of running? Why are "anonymous sources close to Biden" floating his pick for VP? Those things are done for a reason in DC. Allegedly the talk in DC is if Hillary gets indicted then they will parachute in Joe to save the day. That would be very arrogant. And IMO it would tear the party apart 

So if Hillary doesn't have anything to worry about via her mail server, why has Joe Biden suddenly reappeared? Why is he saying he would be the best President? Why is he saying he had every intention of running? Why are "anonymous sources close to Biden" floating his pick for VP? Those things are done for a reason in DC. Allegedly the talk in DC is if Hillary gets indicted then they will parachute in Joe to save the day. That would be very arrogant. And IMO it would tear the party apart 
First off Hillary is not going to be indicted. 

But if she was, and if she was forced to leave the race,  Bernie would be the nominee. Period. Please stop worrying about conspiracy theories. 

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A certain former infamous poster made this same argument for Barack Obama 8 years ago. He was for Obama because he wanted to see a conservative revolution in this country. 

It was an insipid, terrible argument then, and it's even worse in Trump's case. 

If Trump wins the White House...

First off Hillary is not going to be indicted.  
Unfortunately I agree with this.

My prediction: The FBI will say something like Hillary did a bunch of stuff wrong but not quite enough to actually bring charges. And then the Hillary camp will spin it as the FBI declaring her clean as a whistle. They will forget all about the "security review" nonsense and suddenly it will be the most thorough investigation in the history of the bureau.

Barring any huge bombs over the email I don't see any realistic way Bernie wins. 

The important next step imo is to keep this momentum going and start throwing our cash and support behind similar candidates. It's important they start gaining public recognition so these ideas continue to take root. 

Tulsi Gabbard, Teachout, Jayapal. Who else am I leaving off? 

Barring any huge bombs over the email I don't see any realistic way Bernie wins. 

The important next step imo is to keep this momentum going and start throwing our cash and support behind similar candidates. It's important they start gaining public recognition so these ideas continue to take root. 

Tulsi Gabbard, Teachout, Jayapal. Who else am I leaving off? 
I largely agree but if he did run the table convincingly and polls continue to trend Trump's way against Hillary it's got to make a lot of the party leaders pretty nervous.

I largely agree but if he did run the table convincingly and polls continue to trend Trump's way against Hillary it's got to make a lot of the party leaders pretty nervous.
Democratic Party leaders are not nervous about Trump poll numbers this early. They would be far more nervous putting an inverted candidate with Sanders background out there.  

None of us know how Sanders would react or how voters would react when the Swift Boating and meat hooks come out.  

I largely agree but if he did run the table convincingly and polls continue to trend Trump's way against Hillary it's got to make a lot of the party leaders pretty nervous.
Party leaders wish Bernie would get out so he wouldn't be campaigning for Trump.  When the Republican candidate is using sound bites from you to attack his eventual opponent, you know you're doing more harm than good to your party.  And the party leaders also know that Sanders only does well in these hypothetical polls against Trump because he's had the luxury of cruising through unattacked. He's never been a serious-enough threat to anyone to be the focus of negative campaigning. That's a huge advantage.

Democratic Party leaders are not nervous about Trump poll numbers this early. They would be far more nervous putting an inverted candidate with Sanders background out there.  

None of us know how Sanders would react or how voters would react when the Swift Boating and meat hooks come out.  
We're not really sure how Hillary will react either.  Usually, it's either A) that fake, uncomfortable laugh, or B) high-pitched shrieking anger, but which one is anyone's guess.

Democratic Party leaders are not nervous about Trump poll numbers this early. They would be far more nervous putting an inverted candidate with Sanders background out there.  

None of us know how Sanders would react or how voters would react when the Swift Boating and meat hooks come out.  
Because he has shown he's not a fighter. This unknown guy came out of nowhere and shocked the world in taking on her royal highness. Everywhere he goes the more people hear him votes trend his way. Hillary is a poor campaigner and has not shown the ability to generate any kind of enthusiasm. Quite frankly her success is largely based on name recognition and her husband being president during a relatively prosperous time in the 90s. It's not like she has this resume full of amazing accomplishments. She was a Senator and Sec of State but what did she really accomplish in those roles? Not much.

Party leaders wish Bernie would get out so he wouldn't be campaigning for Trump.  When the Republican candidate is using sound bites from you to attack his eventual opponent, you know you're doing more harm than good to your party.  And the party leaders also know that Sanders only does well in these hypothetical polls against Trump because he's had the luxury of cruising through unattacked. He's never been a serious-enough threat to anyone to be the focus of negative campaigning. That's a huge advantage.
Please.  There is so much material to use to attack Clinton, that anything Sanders says will pale in comparison to how Trump and the GOP attack.

If anything, "attacks" by Sanders should numb supporters to the claims, if the GOP simply regurgitates Sanders' claims... 

Because he has shown he's not a fighter. This unknown guy came out of nowhere and shocked the world in taking on her royal highness. Everywhere he goes the more people hear him votes trend his way. Hillary is a poor campaigner and has not shown the ability to generate any kind of enthusiasm. Quite frankly her success is largely based on name recognition and her husband being president during a relatively prosperous time in the 90s. It's not like she has this resume full of amazing accomplishments. She was a Senator and Sec of State but what did she really accomplish in those roles? Not much.
Sorry, can't take your analysis seriously when you start with the "royal highness" stupidity.

Hillary has been vetted Rich.  It's okay to admit the obvious.  
I'd suggest the same to you.  History has shown us that Hillary doesn't take criticism well.  Her reaction is almost always a fake, uncomfortable laugh or shrieking anger.  It's OK to admit it.  BTW, I still believe she will win the election.

Please.  There is so much material to use to attack Clinton, that anything Sanders says will pale in comparison to how Trump and the GOP attack.

If anything, "attacks" by Sanders should numb supporters to the claims, if the GOP simply regurgitates Sanders' claims... 
Nothing Sanders could say could possibly compare to the #### Trump's primary opponents have said about him.

You expected her favorability ratings to remain in the high 60s?  C'mon dude, we all knew those favorabliblity ratings and the "60 pt lead" she had a year ago were meaningless.  Her favorables will rise once Bernie, Obama, and Liz get on board. 
Why can't she stand favorably on her own? Why is she such a weak candidate?

Please.  There is so much material to use to attack Clinton, that anything Sanders says will pale in comparison to how Trump and the GOP attack.

If anything, "attacks" by Sanders should numb supporters to the claims, if the GOP simply regurgitates Sanders' claims... 
Trump isn't making anyone bat an eye with his attacks. Everyone knows he's a blowhard who will attack anyone in his way. When it comes from Papa Sanders, a fellow Democrat, people tend to take it more seriously. He's Trump's most valuable teammate right now.

You expected her favorability ratings to remain in the high 60s?  C'mon dude, we all knew those favorabliblity ratings and the "60 pt lead" she had a year ago were meaningless.  Her favorables will rise once Bernie, Obama, and Liz get on board. 
Let me re-phrase - why do her numbers continue to drop?

Compare that to Bernie - the more he is vetted, the more his numbers continue to rise.

The reality is the majority of Americans do not like Clinton, and will continue to believe many of the negative stories about her whether they are true or not.  Clinton is vulnerable to attacks because people are inclined to believe them.  If she gets the nomination, the attacks will be tougher than any she has ever faced, and she is already taking on water.  This is not the ship you want to sail into an election storm.

On the contrary, the majority of people like Bernie - even if they disagree with his politics.  Thus, people are predisposed to believe Bernie, and believe in him.  That is what integrity buys you - trust with the american voter.

Trump isn't making anyone bat an eye with his attacks. Everyone knows he's a blowhard who will attack anyone in his way. When it comes from Papa Sanders, a fellow Democrat, people tend to take it more seriously. He's Trump's most valuable teammate right now.
Yeah - Trump has no idea how to define an opponent - like "low energy" Bush, or "lying Ted" Cruz or "Little" Marco...

Good thing Trump has no idea how to play this game.  The seasoned GOPers will be sure to get him out early in the nomination process...

Vetted by whom?  Sanders doesn't have an opponent. Trump knows he has no shot of being the nominee and Hillary moved on to the general about a month ago.
Vetted by the voters.  Vetted by the main stream media - who have hammered him and his policies.  Vetted by his opponent - Clinton.  Vetted by the partisan hacks, like Correct The Record, who have gone after Bernie.  Vetted by the Clinton surrogates who continue to go after Bernie when given the chance.

Would the Clinton-Warren ticket that is being floated cause any Sanders supporters to give Clinon a second look?

Would the Clinton-Warren ticket that is being floated cause any Sanders supporters to give Clinon a second look?
It would be a bad move for progressives.  The VP role in general is powerless, and in a Clinton presidency, Bill will have more clout than the VP.  Huma might have more clout than the VP.  Warren is a much more powerful advocate as a Democratic Senator, than even Sanders.  To lose that advocacy would really hurt the progressive cause - which may be Clinton's intent...

It would be a bad move for progressives.  The VP role in general is powerless, and in a Clinton presidency, Bill will have more clout than the VP.  Huma might have more clout than the VP.  Warren is a much more powerful advocate as a Democratic Senator, than even Sanders.  To lose that advocacy would really hurt the progressive cause - which may be Clinton's intent...
I also much prefer Warren in the Senate. Think it suits her and she can actually move the chains there. 

But the Veep possibility is interesting from the purely political standpoint that she would be the star of the campaign on the trail. Clinton would be ceding the spotlight.

Would the Clinton-Warren ticket that is being floated cause any Sanders supporters to give Clinon a second look?
I don't know why it would.  Clinton's positions would have to change to cause a second look for this Bernie supporter.  Has really nothing to do with who she chooses to be the VP.  We all know her VP will be window dressing in practice unless there is something out there the VP is passionate about that Hillary doesn't care about AND it doesn't interfere with Hillary's platform.

Sinn Fein said:
Vetted by the voters.  Vetted by the main stream media - who have hammered him and his policies.  Vetted by his opponent - Clinton.  Vetted by the partisan hacks, like Correct The Record, who have gone after Bernie.  Vetted by the Clinton surrogates who continue to go after Bernie when given the chance.
Ok. If you say so.

I don't know why it would.  Clinton's positions would have to change to cause a second look for this Bernie supporter.  Has really nothing to do with who she chooses to be the VP.  We all know her VP will be window dressing in practice unless there is something out there the VP is passionate about that Hillary doesn't care about AND it doesn't interfere with Hillary's platform.
i guess my assumption would be that Warren would have no interest in signing on to an in name only spot on the ticket. I feel like she'd need both assurances  on the agenda and some real estate for her own pet project if she was to accept.

If Hillary chooses Warren: 

Average Bernie supporter- Wow! I was gonna vote for Hillary anyhow, reluctantly, but now I'm energized! This is awesome. 

FBG Bernie Supporter- Liz Warren has sold out! #### her forever! 

JuniorNB said:
Trump isn't making anyone bat an eye with his attacks. Everyone knows he's a blowhard who will attack anyone in his way. When it comes from Papa Sanders, a fellow Democrat, people tend to take it more seriously. He's Trump's most valuable teammate right now.
First he isn't a Democrat, second if Hillary can't handle these "attacks" from a guy that has run the most honest, and least mud slinging campaign we have ever seen, then how is she going to handle Trump's campaign? If she does handle Trump than how is she going to handle the rest of the world when the training wheels are off?

If Hillary chooses Warren: 

Average Bernie supporter- Wow! I was gonna vote for Hillary anyhow, reluctantly, but now I'm energized! This is awesome. 

FBG Bernie Supporter- Liz Warren has sold out! #### her forever! 
Pretty much. 

Hillary selects a moderate Democrat for VP.  FBG Bernies - "See, she's a DINO"

Hillary selects Liz Warren:. "Hillary is intentionally muting Liz - she she's a DINO"

First he isn't a Democrat, second if Hillary can't handle these "attacks" from a guy that has run the most honest, and least mud slinging campaign we have ever seen, then how is she going to handle Trump's campaign? If she does handle Trump than how is she going to handle the rest of the world when the training wheels are off?
This has nothing to do with Hillary "handling" anything.  The primary is over; Bernie hasn't acknowledged it with words but he has with his actions.  

As a Hillary supporter I'm fine with him continuing on. I think it's a waste of time and his supporters money, but he's certainly earned the right to call his own shots.  

Cowards if they do. They need to keep fighting this thing until the convention at least. I don't think very highly of the man but this thing was stolen from him and his supporters from the very beginning. I'm hoping they don't cave as easily as this suggests. 
When he quits wasn't the part that interested me. It was the idea that he might campaign into the fall, not for Hillary but in an independent way against Trump. It's a fascinating idea- and it just might be an effective way to keep his supporters energized. 

Sinn Fein said:
The reality is the majority of Americans do not like Clinton, and will continue to believe many of the negative stories about her whether they are true or not. 
As a moderate right voter this is my POV. Clinton stands zero chance of getting my vote because I think she's a shifty lying sack of s**t. It's not her politics that will keep me from voting for her but her lack of character. I also can't stand Trump which really makes my stomach turn thinking of the options. Now if Bernie were to somehow pull an upset and slip past Clinton I think I'd be inclined to vote for him. Not a huge fan of his politics but I trust him and his character is something that is >>>>> than anything else either Clinton or Trump can offer.

I think a lot of moderate right voters who claim to be willing to vote for Bernie over Trump would have 2nd thoughts in the voting booth when they understand how much their taxes would rise.  

I think a lot of moderate right voters who claim to be willing to vote for Bernie over Trump would have 2nd thoughts in the voting booth when they understand how much their taxes would rise.
You greatly overestimate the % of people making 250K+ in the USA.


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