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Big Papi did the roids back in 2003 (1 Viewer)

Not shocking. Everyone pretty much knew it all along. That being said why would Big Papi rant about steroid users, saying they should be banned for life, if he did them himself? So stupid these idiot athletes are.

Does he have any 'roids left around the house in the back of a closet somewhere? Could really use the boost Dave, TIA.

Let the subtle, but obvious, "sweeping under the rug" by ESPN, MLBPA, the owners, the agents, etc... begin.

Olympic-style drug testing is the ONLY solution to this mess, but we all know the greed of the involved parties will never allow such a solution. Like Ben Johnson(Canadian Sprinter, "former" Olympic Champion), the records of these "greats" should be removed from the books once the proven cheat hangs up his/her cleats...at the very least, the Sammy Sosa/David Ortiz's of the world should be listed with an asterick next to their name in the official record books.

I understand most think this is way too harsh, but I do believe the Olympic program is ideal. In a perfect world, a first offense would result in a two-year ban from baseball, a second offense? Find a new job/league...

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Um, i was always told that his mediocre numbers in Minnesota were because they told him not to swing hard.

Um, i was always told that his mediocre numbers in Minnesota were because they told him not to swing hard.
Remember when people used to say steriods don't help you hit a baseball (mostly Bonds apologists)? You don't hear that argument too much anymore.
Um, i was always told that his mediocre numbers in Minnesota were because they told him not to swing hard.
Just one of a series in the endless line of excuses used by the roiders. If you think professional athletes should be able to use whatever chemicals/PED's they can get their hands on, so be it, but if one is to respect the MLB's "testing" policy...it's time for an upgrade(to Olympic-style testing)
Ortiz and Manny:

Ortiz and Ramirez Said to Be on 2003 Doping List


Published: July 30, 2009

Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz, the sluggers who propelled the Boston Red Sox to end an 86-year World Series championship drought and to capture another title three years later, were among the roughly 100 Major League Baseball players to test positive for performance-enhancing drugs in 2003, according to lawyers with knowledge of the results.
I'm with Wrigley, let's see the friggin list already....
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated. At best, these stories rely on the claims of lawyers breaking their oaths to the court, the bar, and their employers. If the sources in question actually were doing this out of some sense of moral obligation, they'd leak the entire list and they'd do it publicly.

Also, why would one set of sources leak ARod, but not Sosa, Manny and Ortiz? Why would the Sosa sources not also leak Manny and Ortiz? The judge in the Balco case better start to lay down the law, as he's already a joke in the legal community, soon he should be the laughing stock of the nation.

Um, i was always told that his mediocre numbers in Minnesota were because they told him not to swing hard.
Just one of a series in the endless line of excuses used by the roiders. If you think professional athletes should be able to use whatever chemicals/PED's they can get their hands on, so be it, but if one is to respect the MLB's "testing" policy...it's time for an upgrade(to Olympic-style testing)
I think the word we're looking for here folks is......"sarcasm"
hooter311 said:
BoulderBob said:
TLEF316 said:
Um, i was always told that his mediocre numbers in Minnesota were because they told him not to swing hard.
Just one of a series in the endless line of excuses used by the roiders. If you think professional athletes should be able to use whatever chemicals/PED's they can get their hands on, so be it, but if one is to respect the MLB's "testing" policy...it's time for an upgrade(to Olympic-style testing)
I think the word we're looking for here folks is......"sarcasm"
None intended. If MLB wants it "rule" on PED's to be taken seriously be the players, there is only one option...see the Olympics. Of course, the MLBPA/players are scared ####less about being exposed, so this will never happen.
BoulderBob said:
Let the subtle, but obvious, "sweeping under the rug" by ESPN, MLBPA, the owners, the agents, etc... begin. Olympic-style drug testing is the ONLY solution to this mess, but we all know the greed of the involved parties will never allow such a solution. Like Ben Johnson(Canadian Sprinter, "former" Olympic Champion), the records of these "greats" should be removed from the books once the proven cheat hangs up his/her cleats...at the very least, the Sammy Sosa/David Ortiz's of the world should be listed with an asterick next to their name in the official record books.I understand most think this is way too harsh, but I do believe the Olympic program is ideal. In a perfect world, a first offense would result in a two-year ban from baseball, a second offense? Find a new job/league...
In a sport where wide spread amphetamine use was the norm for decades, steroid witchhunting is absolutely ridiculous.
hooter311 said:
BoulderBob said:
TLEF316 said:
Um, i was always told that his mediocre numbers in Minnesota were because they told him not to swing hard.
Just one of a series in the endless line of excuses used by the roiders. If you think professional athletes should be able to use whatever chemicals/PED's they can get their hands on, so be it, but if one is to respect the MLB's "testing" policy...it's time for an upgrade(to Olympic-style testing)
I think the word we're looking for here folks is......"sarcasm"
None intended. If MLB wants it "rule" on PED's to be taken seriously be the players, there is only one option...see the Olympics. Of course, the MLBPA/players are scared ####less about being exposed, so this will never happen.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated.
Well...the response by the players is pretty damn telling. Ortiz saying, "I'm not talking about that anymore. I have no comment," when asked about it...then other players commenting on it as if it were fact (including one of Ortiz's good friends)...then add that with each of the other people 'linked' to the list either admitting it or totally avoiding talking about it...The most entertaining part of this particular player is that he was outspoken about steroids and how others should be punished severely and he'd never do it and blah, blah, blah. Pretty much 3 types of steroids users in my mind. The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it. The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too. Clemens and ARod are tough to slot. Clemens might be on a pedestal all his own for trying to bring others down with him. ARod admitted it, but lied about a bunch of things about it and then is a dooosh to begin with.
Jeremy said:
Another cheating scandal in Boston. One of these days you'll win one that's legit. :hey: ;)
How great would it be if fans of all the other MLB teams brought back the "1918" chant in light of this news? Not really fair, but it would drive the Red Sox fans crazy. And if there's any fan base that deserves to be driven crazy, it's Red Sox fans. I just wish this news had broken before the pink hatters took over Nationals Park last month. I would have been leading the chant.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated. At best, these stories rely on the claims of lawyers breaking their oaths to the court, the bar, and their employers. If the sources in question actually were doing this out of some sense of moral obligation, they'd leak the entire list and they'd do it publicly.

Also, why would one set of sources leak ARod, but not Sosa, Manny and Ortiz? Why would the Sosa sources not also leak Manny and Ortiz? The judge in the Balco case better start to lay down the law, as he's already a joke in the legal community, soon he should be the laughing stock of the nation.
I accept them as fact because once a name is leaked that name doesn't deny the claim. Sort of an admission of guilt IMO
The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.

The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it.

The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too.
It's sad but true. It's almost as if these are the roid users we can look up to.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated.
Well...the response by the players is pretty damn telling. Ortiz saying, "I'm not talking about that anymore. I have no comment," when asked about it...then other players commenting on it as if it were fact (including one of Ortiz's good friends)...then add that with each of the other people 'linked' to the list either admitting it or totally avoiding talking about it...
Talking about this stuff has proven to be by far the worst thing anyone can do on the subject. You sit there and say no comment. ARod finally figured this out during his rehab from his hip. Hopefully every player asked about steroids from now on just says no comment. The writers will finally get bored and baseball can ignore this just like the NFL.
The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.

The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it.

The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too.
It's sad but true. It's almost as if these are the roid users we can look up to.
Well...I certainly don't look up to them. Still idiots. But I don't look down on them. I think it's ridiculous that baseball players get grilled so much for steroids when other sports (namely, the NFL) have been using them just as heavily for just as long. The guys to look up to are the ones that didn't use...but who the hell knows who they are at this point. It might be like 2 guys...or it might be 75% of the guys. No way to know.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated. At best, these stories rely on the claims of lawyers breaking their oaths to the court, the bar, and their employers. If the sources in question actually were doing this out of some sense of moral obligation, they'd leak the entire list and they'd do it publicly.

Also, why would one set of sources leak ARod, but not Sosa, Manny and Ortiz? Why would the Sosa sources not also leak Manny and Ortiz? The judge in the Balco case better start to lay down the law, as he's already a joke in the legal community, soon he should be the laughing stock of the nation.
I accept them as fact because once a name is leaked that name doesn't deny the claim. Sort of an admission of guilt IMO
You cant prove a negative, so why even bother denying and fueling the story. Ignore the thing and it'll go away.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated. At best, these stories rely on the claims of lawyers breaking their oaths to the court, the bar, and their employers. If the sources in question actually were doing this out of some sense of moral obligation, they'd leak the entire list and they'd do it publicly.

Also, why would one set of sources leak ARod, but not Sosa, Manny and Ortiz? Why would the Sosa sources not also leak Manny and Ortiz? The judge in the Balco case better start to lay down the law, as he's already a joke in the legal community, soon he should be the laughing stock of the nation.
I accept them as fact because once a name is leaked that name doesn't deny the claim. Sort of an admission of guilt IMO
You cant prove a negative, so why even bother denying and fueling the story. Ignore the thing and it'll go away.
Ortiz denied it 20 times and addressed the issue when asked continually. Then the report comes out and he says, "No comment." Oh. Ok. Guess he's clean and just trying to make it go away.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated.
Well...the response by the players is pretty damn telling. Ortiz saying, "I'm not talking about that anymore. I have no comment," when asked about it...then other players commenting on it as if it were fact (including one of Ortiz's good friends)...then add that with each of the other people 'linked' to the list either admitting it or totally avoiding talking about it...The most entertaining part of this particular player is that he was outspoken about steroids and how others should be punished severely and he'd never do it and blah, blah, blah. Pretty much 3 types of steroids users in my mind. The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it. The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too. Clemens and ARod are tough to slot. Clemens might be on a pedestal all his own for trying to bring others down with him. ARod admitted it, but lied about a bunch of things about it and then is a dooosh to begin with.
interesting grouping. the ones that stand up and admit it have gotten the easiest treatment from the fans and media. Bonds should just come clean now, there are so many others out there it will hardly make a headline
The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.

The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it.

The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too.
It's sad but true. It's almost as if these are the roid users we can look up to.
Well...I certainly don't look up to them. Still idiots. But I don't look down on them. I think it's ridiculous that baseball players get grilled so much for steroids when other sports (namely, the NFL) have been using them just as heavily for just as long. The guys to look up to are the ones that didn't use...but who the hell knows who they are at this point. It might be like 2 guys...or it might be 75% of the guys. No way to know.
I hear what you are saying on both counts. Maybe not look up to but I respect a guy a helluva lot more if he screws up, stands up, and admits the mistake like a man. I would have even more respect for a guy if he stood up and told the truth which is, "without roids I was a good player who made a great living. With roids I became a great player who made a phenomenal living and helped my team win more than I could before."Because I have to ask, how many of these guys that got caught would, if they could go back in time, still take the roids knowing that they probably wouldn't sign as big of contracts that they did, get the same endorsements, and have the same amount of fan adoration? I wouldn't say all or even half, but I bet a lot of them would still take the roids...

dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated.
Well...the response by the players is pretty damn telling. Ortiz saying, "I'm not talking about that anymore. I have no comment," when asked about it...then other players commenting on it as if it were fact (including one of Ortiz's good friends)...then add that with each of the other people 'linked' to the list either admitting it or totally avoiding talking about it...The most entertaining part of this particular player is that he was outspoken about steroids and how others should be punished severely and he'd never do it and blah, blah, blah. Pretty much 3 types of steroids users in my mind. The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it. The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too. Clemens and ARod are tough to slot. Clemens might be on a pedestal all his own for trying to bring others down with him. ARod admitted it, but lied about a bunch of things about it and then is a dooosh to begin with.
interesting grouping. the ones that stand up and admit it have gotten the easiest treatment from the fans and media. Bonds should just come clean now, there are so many others out there it will hardly make a headline
Bonds can't come clean, he'll end up in the slammer.
interesting grouping. the ones that stand up and admit it have gotten the easiest treatment from the fans and media. Bonds should just come clean now, there are so many others out there it will hardly make a headline
id be happier if i never heard from him again
The worst: Lie about it, admonish others for doing it, then get busted. Bonds, Palmeiro, Papi. Total jerkoffs.

The douchebags: Just try to completely distance themselves from it. Sosa, McGwire, etc. Douchebags, but at least they aren't lying through their teeth about it.

The whatever, everybody is cheating group: Get caught. Admit it. Try to spin it as best as they can. Pettite, Giambi, etc. Still idiots, but at least they aren't total hypocrites too.
It's sad but true. It's almost as if these are the roid users we can look up to.
Well...I certainly don't look up to them. Still idiots. But I don't look down on them. I think it's ridiculous that baseball players get grilled so much for steroids when other sports (namely, the NFL) have been using them just as heavily for just as long. The guys to look up to are the ones that didn't use...but who the hell knows who they are at this point. It might be like 2 guys...or it might be 75% of the guys. No way to know.
I hear what you are saying on both counts. Maybe not look up to but I respect a guy a helluva lot more if he screws up, stands up, and admits the mistake like a man. I would have even more respect for a guy if he stood up and told the truth which is, "without roids I was a good player who made a great living. With roids I became a great player who made a phenomenal living and helped my team win more than I could before."Because I have to ask, how many of these guys that got caught would, if they could go back in time, still take the roids knowing that they probably wouldn't sign as big of contracts that they did, get the same endorsements, and have the same amount of fan adoration? I wouldn't say all or even half, but I bet a lot of them would still take the roids...
How are steroids a mistake? You are on a fantasy football forum after all. Guys get busted in the NFL, the serve their time, and its done. They still make millions and none of the fans give two *****. Baseball is obviously closer to that point than many people thought after the Manny suspension. No, the mistake for these guys is getting caught, not using.
dparker713 said:
Dont understand why people accept these stories as fact. They're about as credible to me as a tabloid. These stories can't be confirmed or corroborated. At best, these stories rely on the claims of lawyers breaking their oaths to the court, the bar, and their employers. If the sources in question actually were doing this out of some sense of moral obligation, they'd leak the entire list and they'd do it publicly.

Also, why would one set of sources leak ARod, but not Sosa, Manny and Ortiz? Why would the Sosa sources not also leak Manny and Ortiz? The judge in the Balco case better start to lay down the law, as he's already a joke in the legal community, soon he should be the laughing stock of the nation.
I accept them as fact because once a name is leaked that name doesn't deny the claim. Sort of an admission of guilt IMO
You cant prove a negative, so why even bother denying and fueling the story. Ignore the thing and it'll go away.
Ortiz denied it 20 times and addressed the issue when asked continually. Then the report comes out and he says, "No comment." Oh. Ok. Guess he's clean and just trying to make it go away.
Its entirely different when you are the story as opposed to commenting on a story. Look at the Ibanez incident earlier in the year. If he says nothing to that reporter, there is no national story, just some guy on a blog speculating. Everytime he opened his mouth the story got bigger. Listen, I think 80% or more were using, I just don't find this story or style of reporting as factual evidence. I put it on par with the blogger speculation about Ibanez. This is the same Times that had Jayson Blair reporting for it not too long ago. I also don't much care about who used steroids in baseball and who is using now. Its not a matter of such importance that we should be supporting the subversion of the legal system to get at this information. The judge in this case needs to start sending ALOT of people to jail for contempt. Including the reporters, editors and publishers. As a member of the State Bar of California I want to see investigations into every member of both legal teams for sanctions and disbarrment proceedings.

Wow. When you look at his numbers from his 3 seasons in MN and the last 2 years compared to his numbers from 2003-2007, it's easy to understand why voters are so reluctant to put these guys into the hall of fame. HUGE difference.

2001 $260,000

2002 $950,000

2003 $1,250,000

2004 $4,587,500

2005 $5,250,000

2006 $6,500,000

2007 $13,250,000

2008 $13,000,000

2009 $13,000,000

I'm sure he regrets it.


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