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Black lives matter (1 Viewer)

Which has nothing to do with what i posted.  But ok, what is your point?  I am 100 percent certain that neither Deonte Murray or Micoh Johnson are Boogaloo stooges.  
Only point is it happens on both sides.  Reported by the same media sources we all adhere to.  Not left or right.  

Here is wikipedia on the Dallas shooting.  It contains 174 sources..  why you guys need a source for common knowledge is incredible.  

Poster:  bill clinton got a bj from monica lewinski.

Political Forum:  where is your source?  
174 sources but not one backs your claim that the shooter Micah Xavier Johnson was a Black Lives Matter member.

The dallas shooting of police officers was not by BLM...we have been over that.  Attributing that to BLM is just flat out false.

The police chief stated he told negotiators that he was upset about BLM.

Last edited by a moderator:
The dallas shooting of police officers was not by BLM...we have been over that.  Attributing that to BLM is just flat out false.

The police chief stated he told negotiators that he was upset about BLM.
Leftist cop hating rhetoric is never responsible for violence. 

Right wing rhetoric is always responsible for violence, especially if such violence is stopped before it happens. 

Leftist cop hating rhetoric is never responsible for violence. 

Right wing rhetoric is always responsible for violence, especially if such violence is stopped before it happens. 
Huh?  What does that have to do with what I said?  Did I blame the right for what happened?

I pointed out that he was not in fact affiliated with BLM and actually expressed anger towards BLM as well to police negotiators according to the chief.

I’m seeing a lot of radicals making mention of BLM-Antifa as if they are at all related. It’s a propaganda effort by right wingers to try to tie them together as one group. So now I’ll be sure to refer to another pair as GOP-KKK from now on. 

God these arguments are so tiresome - you are both wrong.
I am?  That is interesting...Because his post did not address what I said at all...Im still confused what in the world it had to do with what I said.  I only spoke specifically about the Dallas shooter not being a part of BLM and actually opposing it according to the chief's words about what he told police negotiators.

I have not stated his motivations otherwise...have not made it anything about right wing vs anything else...just that he was not affiliated with BLM itself.

That isnt the rule? Based on what I read in the media, I could swear that is the rule. 
Been that way since Goldwater. Don't waste your breath on it. You know it and I know it. Convincing the libs that there is a liberal media is just a sad task best left to guys stuck in basements without tans that play rotisserie sports or...



Been that way since Goldwater. Don't waste your breath on it. You know it and I know it. Convincing the libs that there is a liberal media is just a sad task best left to guys stuck in basements without tans that play rotisserie sports or...


Except that isn't even the point...is there left spin in some media.  Sure...but the claims he is making is just flat out false...and once again still had zero to do with the post I had made.

Except that isn't even the point...is there left spin in some media.  Sure...but the claims he is making is just flat out false...and once again still had zero to do with the post I had made.
He's talking about a double standard when it comes to language or actions attributable to a person or party. I agree with him, too. You can say it's false, but there's really no sense arguing about it. I'm convinced that you get different standards the media holds to the left and the right in this country, because the media itself is a left-wing organ since the muckrackers came along. From the old newsrooms to the new, scratch around and you'll find leftist sympathies and Democratic sympathies under the surface. Anyway, it's not worth arguing about as we'll likely never convince each other about the arbiters of narrative and information being biased, either consciously or unconsciously.

He's talking about a double standard when it comes to language or actions attributable to a person or party. I agree with him, too. You can say it's false, but there's really no sense arguing about it. I'm convinced that you get different standards the media holds to the left and the right in this country, because the media itself is a left-wing organ since the muckrackers came along. From the old newsrooms to the new, scratch around and you'll find leftist sympathies and Democratic sympathies under the surface. Anyway, it's not worth arguing about as we'll likely never convince each other about the arbiters of narrative and information being biased, either consciously or unconsciously.
I would disagree...I think its a perception based on people's own biases.  The media has reported on the violence in these protests...but yeah, they are going to also report on the statistics in which groups have resorted to violence...law enforcement has put out the numbers and over the years...right wing violence has been more responsible for death than left.  That isn't media bias...its what the numbers stated.

But his post wasn't true...the media isn't saying what he stated...nor was I.


Jemele Hill @jemelehill 8h

I don’t know who needs to hear this but just imagine the reaction if it would have been discovered that anyone connected to Black Lives Matter was plotting to kidnap a United States Governor.

Imagine supporting this woman in any way.   She is so gross

Jemele Hill


If Trump wins re-election, it’s on white people. No one else.

I’m seeing a lot of radicals making mention of BLM-Antifa as if they are at all related. It’s a propaganda effort by right wingers to try to tie them together as one group. So now I’ll be sure to refer to another pair as GOP-KKK from now on. 

The average American won't make any distinctions.

The small businesses that burn down represent "The American Dream"  The idea that the US is a land of opportunity and if you work hard and sacrifice, you can create a legacy and safety net for you and your children and generations to come. That digs deep into an individual's sense of identity and the bedrock of their self esteem.  Attacking that is political Kryptonite. There is no distinction and rationalization that will work. Because it embodies both The American Dream element and the Castle Doctrine, in which it appears no one is going to defend these store owners ( esp in Big Blue cities) and they aren't being allowed to defend themselves without being called racists/being cancelled like Jacob Gardner.

All protestors will be seen as rioters/looters and BLM and Antifa will be rolled up into one as rioters and looters. Fair or unfair, that's how it's going to work. This is the "court of public opinion" and no level of MSM shift or political message is going to sway people on this one. Americans are buying guns and ammo at record rates. Even previously hesitant and even formerly anti 2A folks are buying guns.

This is also a grapevine issue. You have people across THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM being burned out and looted. Young, old, middle class, poor, white, black, Asian, Latino, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, educated, uneducated, it doesn't matter. They are talking to their families , their friends, their social circle and no one can stop that, no counter messaging can stop that. There is not one crisis management firm in the entire world that can spin this around for the DNC.

Looting and burning down of grocery stores and pharmacies create food deserts and punish the elderly.

No one cares. Antifa will be associated with looters and rioters. BLM will be associated with looters and rioters.

It's not everyone from BLM but no one will care. No one will make the distinction between BLM the movement and BLM the organization either.

Did the GOP use this to their advantage in the media? Yes. Did the DNC make it INCREDIBLY EASY FOR THE GOP TO USE THIS AGAINST THEM? Yes.

How many people do you need to urinate in a public swimming pool to turn it into a toilet?

Just one person. How much urine? Just one droplet of pee.

Fair or unfair, that's just how it works. That BLM is even out there when the rioting happens associates them, fair or not.

This goes beyond partisan politics - This goes deep into American families. Across the entire spectrum. It's about people who look like they won't be able to feed their kids since everything they owned is going up in flames.  The DNC mayors and governors only make the optics worse ( Lightfoot, Durkan, Wheeler, de Blasio, Cuomo, Newsom and the rest)  Gavin Newsom went to swanky elite only restaurant with lobbyists defying his own social distancing orders after he cancelled Thanksgiving for CA families. His kids are in private schools while public schools are closed. His winery is open but CA businesses are locked down. He's already got banging his best friends/campaign managers wife on record. His aunt Pelosi had the hair salon thing and is accused of railroading the stimulus for political reasons ( even CNN went hard after her on this, even they couldn't avoid doing it) This works TWO WAYS. It's not just the rioting, it's the lack of response by DNC Mayors/Governors and the combination of the entitlement around their own interests. Lori Lightfoot has ordered no protesting in her neighborhood and has 150+ cops assigned every day and night to guard her. While the rest of the city was burning. Portland only calling in the National Guard until AFTER Election Day. The optics are horrible. Then you add in "Defund The Police" so you lose the law enforcement vote but you also lose the related emergency services vote and pathway to the military vote.

What propaganda?  The optics on their own are horrible, you don't even need commentary, you just need to point a camera and upload it. There are literally thousands of wannabe Tim Pools out there getting this onto the web.

It's the entire situation through the current optics. The rioting, the movement's Marxist leanings,  the looting, the demographics of those suffering, the response, the failure of leadership at the local level, the condescension.

Look, most Americans are going to be sympathetic to any racial discrimination of any kind. All? No, but I'd wager most. But if you scream, "What about black people and don't blame BLM!" after American citizens have been burned out and looted, after already being battered by the pandemic, you will lose them forever. It's tone deaf, it's arrogant, it's saying inequality is bad for me but yours doesn't matter.

No propaganda is needed. This is a gigantic reeling mess for the DNC. And now that they have the POTUS, the demand will be there to fix it. You let it happen, you fix it. And when they don't or can't, they'll lose those voters forever.

This goes WAY BEYOND political tribalism and partisan politics.

The average American won't make any distinctions.

The small businesses that burn down represent "The American Dream"  The idea that the US is a land of opportunity and if you work hard and sacrifice, you can create a legacy and safety net for you and your children and generations to come. That digs deep into an individual's sense of identity and the bedrock of their self esteem.  Attacking that is political Kryptonite. There is no distinction and rationalization that will work. Because it embodies both The American Dream element and the Castle Doctrine, in which it appears no one is going to defend these store owners ( esp in Big Blue cities) and they aren't being allowed to defend themselves without being called racists/being cancelled like Jacob Gardner.

All protestors will be seen as rioters/looters and BLM and Antifa will be rolled up into one as rioters and looters. Fair or unfair, that's how it's going to work. This is the "court of public opinion" and no level of MSM shift or political message is going to sway people on this one. Americans are buying guns and ammo at record rates. Even previously hesitant and even formerly anti 2A folks are buying guns.

This is also a grapevine issue. You have people across THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM being burned out and looted. Young, old, middle class, poor, white, black, Asian, Latino, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, educated, uneducated, it doesn't matter. They are talking to their families , their friends, their social circle and no one can stop that, no counter messaging can stop that. There is not one crisis management firm in the entire world that can spin this around for the DNC.

Looting and burning down of grocery stores and pharmacies create food deserts and punish the elderly.

No one cares. Antifa will be associated with looters and rioters. BLM will be associated with looters and rioters.

It's not everyone from BLM but no one will care. No one will make the distinction between BLM the movement and BLM the organization either.

Did the GOP use this to their advantage in the media? Yes. Did the DNC make it INCREDIBLY EASY FOR THE GOP TO USE THIS AGAINST THEM? Yes.

How many people do you need to urinate in a public swimming pool to turn it into a toilet?

Just one person. How much urine? Just one droplet of pee.

Fair or unfair, that's just how it works. That BLM is even out there when the rioting happens associates them, fair or not.

This goes beyond partisan politics - This goes deep into American families. Across the entire spectrum. It's about people who look like they won't be able to feed their kids since everything they owned is going up in flames.  The DNC mayors and governors only make the optics worse ( Lightfoot, Durkan, Wheeler, de Blasio, Cuomo, Newsom and the rest)  Gavin Newsom went to swanky elite only restaurant with lobbyists defying his own social distancing orders after he cancelled Thanksgiving for CA families. His kids are in private schools while public schools are closed. His winery is open but CA businesses are locked down. He's already got banging his best friends/campaign managers wife on record. His aunt Pelosi had the hair salon thing and is accused of railroading the stimulus for political reasons ( even CNN went hard after her on this, even they couldn't avoid doing it) This works TWO WAYS. It's not just the rioting, it's the lack of response by DNC Mayors/Governors and the combination of the entitlement around their own interests. Lori Lightfoot has ordered no protesting in her neighborhood and has 150+ cops assigned every day and night to guard her. While the rest of the city was burning. Portland only calling in the National Guard until AFTER Election Day. The optics are horrible. Then you add in "Defund The Police" so you lose the law enforcement vote but you also lose the related emergency services vote and pathway to the military vote.

What propaganda?  The optics on their own are horrible, you don't even need commentary, you just need to point a camera and upload it. There are literally thousands of wannabe Tim Pools out there getting this onto the web.

It's the entire situation through the current optics. The rioting, the movement's Marxist leanings,  the looting, the demographics of those suffering, the response, the failure of leadership at the local level, the condescension.

Look, most Americans are going to be sympathetic to any racial discrimination of any kind. All? No, but I'd wager most. But if you scream, "What about black people and don't blame BLM!" after American citizens have been burned out and looted, after already being battered by the pandemic, you will lose them forever. It's tone deaf, it's arrogant, it's saying inequality is bad for me but yours doesn't matter.

No propaganda is needed. This is a gigantic reeling mess for the DNC. And now that they have the POTUS, the demand will be there to fix it. You let it happen, you fix it. And when they don't or can't, they'll lose those voters forever.

This goes WAY BEYOND political tribalism and partisan politics.

You are missing the point.  Trump was asked to denounce white supremacists.  He did not.  That is alarming.  And sad.
No secret that Trump's behavior is not presidential.  And, for the record, I didn't think Biden was very dignified either.  Trump does not say things well and it is often crude.  However, if you try to look past his "unorthodox style" (I'll be nice), I think one can follow his train of thought and the logic behind it.

My interpretation was that he said "sure" when asked to denounce white supremacists and Biden provided the Proud Boys when prompted for a name by Trump.  Trump then said to "stand down, stand by" in true clumsy Trump fashion.  People try to dissect that but, you've heard him ramble, I'm not looking for meaning in every phrase... Could he have made a stronger statement?  Of course, but that isn't him....  I think he believed he addressed the question and then went on the attack, possibly frustrated by the inference of the question, pointing out that much of the hate, looting, arson, destruction, attacks on law enforcement, etc that we've seen recently is from BLM/Antifa.  Personally, I get his point - that doesn't mean I side with white supremacists. 
Do you believe President Trump has been more/same/less verbally attacking of Charlottesville/ProudBoys or BLM/Antifa?

You are missing the point.  Trump was asked to denounce white supremacists.  He did not.  That is alarming.  And sad.


Trump denounces white supremacy after weekend of violence Aug 5, 2019


Trump denounces KKK and racism in Charlottesville - Aug 14, 2017


Trump says he denounces white supremacy Oct 15, 2020


38 Times President Trump Has Condemned Racism and White Supremacy Oct 27, 2020


Oct 1, 2020

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany clashed with Fox News reporter John Roberts at a briefing when she was asked to provide a statement denouncing white supremacists on behalf of the president.



Savannah Guthrie: (17:04)
… so let’s drop it, for now. We were supposed to, as mentioned, be watching you on a debate stage right now. We’re not doing that, so let’s clear up a few things from the last one. You were asked point blank to denounce white supremacy. In the moment, you didn’t. You asked some follow up questions. “Who, specifically?” A couple of days later, on a different show-

President Trump: (17:24)
Oh, you always do this.

Savannah Guthrie: (17:24)
… you denounced white supremacy.

President Trump: (17:26)
No, you always do this.

Savannah Guthrie: (17:26)
My question to you is-

President Trump: (17:27)
You’ve done this to me, and everybody-

Savannah Guthrie: (17:27)
… why does it seem like-

President Trump: (17:29)
I denounce white supremacy. Okay?

Savannah Guthrie: (17:31)
You did, two days later.

President Trump: (17:31)
I’ve denounced white supremacy, for years, but you always do it. You always start off with the question. You didn’t ask Joe Biden, whether or not he denounces Antifa. I watched him on the same basic show with Lester Holt, and he was asking questions like Biden was a child.

Savannah Guthrie: (17:48)
Well, so this is a little bit of a dodge.

President Trump: (17:48)
So, are you ready? Are you… Wait. Are you listening? I denounce white supremacy.

Savannah Guthrie: (17:53)

President Trump: (17:53)
What’s your next question?

Savannah Guthrie: (17:55)
Do you feel, it feels sometimes you’re hesitant to do so, like you wait a beat.

President Trump: (17:58)
Hesitant? Here we go again. Every time… In fact, my people came, “I’m sure they’ll ask you the white supremacy question.” I denounce white supremacy.

Savannah Guthrie: (18:06)

President Trump: (18:06)
And frankly, you want to know something? I denounce Antifa, and I denounce these people on the left that are burning down our cities, that are run by Democrats who don’t know what they’re doing-



Speaker 2: (02:16)
Kayleigh, if I could start off, I’d like to ask you for a definitive and declarative statement without ambiguity or deflection. As the person who speaks for the President, does the President denounce white supremacism and groups that is founded in all of their forms?

Kayleigh McEnany: (02:35)
This has been answered yesterday by the President himself, the day before by the President himself on the debate stage, the President was asked this, he said, “Sure,” three times. Yesterday he was point blank asked, “Do you denounce white supremacy?” And he said, “I’ve always denounced any form of that.” I can go back and read for you in August, 2019, “In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy.”

Kayleigh McEnany: (02:59)
In August of 2017, “Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups.” I have an entire list of these quotes that I can go through with you. He has condemned white supremacy more than any President in modern history.

Speaker 2: (03:15)
To clear it up this morning, can you naming it, make a declarative statement that the President denounces [crosstalk 00:03:22]-

Kayleigh McEnany: (03:23)
I just did. The President has denounced this repeatedly.

Speaker 2: (03:26)
You read a bunch of quotes from the past. Can you-

Kayleigh McEnany: (03:27)
The President was asked this. You’re contriving a storyline and a narrative.

Speaker 2: (03:31)
No, I’m not. I’m just asking you to put this to rest.

Kayleigh McEnany: (03:33)
I just did. I read you all of the quotes. And if you need to see them in writing, I will put them in an email.

Speaker 2: (03:42)
You read me past quotes, can you do It [crosstalk 00:03:35]-

Kayleigh McEnany: (03:42)

Speaker 2: (03:42)
So Kayleigh, can you right now, denounce white supremacy and the groups that is [inaudible 00:03:45]-

Kayleigh McEnany: (03:45)
I just did. The President has denounced white supremacy, the KKK, and hate groups in all forms. He signed a resolution to that effect. The President just last week, perhaps you all weren’t covering it, but just last week expressed his desire to see the KKK prosecuted as domestic terrorists.

Kayleigh McEnany: (04:02)
This President had advocated for the death penalty for a white supremacist, the first federal execution in 17 years. His record on this is unmistakable and it’s shameful that the media refuses to cover it. Yes.

Paula: (04:13)
Thank you. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security say that racially motivated violent extremism is one of the deadliest threats that we face in the US. Does this White House agree without assessment? And what is it doing to combat this threat?

Kayleigh McEnany: (04:29)
The President has done quite a bit to combat this threat. First of all, last week, he also, in addition to saying, he wants to prosecute the KKK as domestic terrorists. He said that lynching should be a national hate crime. Again, I think there’s no stronger signal that you can send then advocating for the execution of a white supremacist. The first time there’s been a federal execution and 17 years. He’s been unmistakable.

Paula: (04:51)
Saying [inaudible 00:04:51] do it, is different than actually doing it.

Kayleigh McEnany: (04:52)
He’s continually condemned it. And it is really-

Paula: (04:55)
There’s a record on this? [inaudible 00:04:56] is mixed.

Kayleigh McEnany: (04:59)
It is not mixed in the slightest.

Paula: (05:00)
[crosstalk 00:05:00] he as equivocated at times he said he didn’t want to acknowledge it or address it. His record is very mixed on this issue.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:03)
His record is not mixed in the slightest.

Paula: (05:05)
His record is very mixed.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:05)
And when you go back in history, you can see that-

Paula: (05:08)
I have his history right here, we have his quotes.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:09)
When you go back in history, you can see that Jesse Jackson has praised the President, as someone who served underserved communities, this President with Mar-a-Lago, it was the first Palm Beach Club open to African-Americans and Jews. And in fact-

Paula: (05:23)
[crosstalk 00:05:23] his record is mixed.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:23)
He was praised-

Paula: (05:25)
[crosstalk 00:05:25] he has not been consistent on the issue of white supremacy.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:25)
He has been entirely consistent.

Paula: (05:27)
So I’m asking you what this White House does to combat what the FBI to says is the deadliest threat in this country?

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:28)
It is quite shameful… Let me speak, Paula. Paula, we’re not having a debate on a cable news set right now.

Paula: (05:34)
You’re saying that he condemns it. I have his record right here, it’s mixed.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:38)
You need to let me finish.

Paula: (05:39)
His record is mixed.

Kayleigh McEnany: (05:40)
Its quite funny that the media goes haywire about interrupting in debates and then chooses to pursue that very same tactic themselves. This is a White House briefing. You ask a question and you give me time to answer.


This appears to be the gist -


I denounce white supremacy.



Trump administration carries out first federal execution in 17 years

Just after 2 A.M. Tuesday, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision clearing way for inmates to be put to death


07/14/2020 07:13 AM EDT

The federal government put an inmate to death for the first time in more than 17 years Tuesday morning after a sharply divided Supreme Court stepped in during the overnight hours to clear away a lower court injunction that blocked the Trump administration’s plan to resume executions.

Just after 2 a.m. Tuesday, the justices issued a 5-4 decision overturning an order a lower court issued Monday that halted the new federal lethal injection protocol on the grounds that it posed an unacceptable risk that the condemned prisoners would suffer severe pain or distress.

The justices divided along ideological lines, with all of the court’s Republican appointees voting to allow the executions to proceed and all the Democratic appointees signaling their dissent.

The late-night, high-court directive led officials to resume activity at the Terre Haute, Ind., prison where Daniel Lee, 47 had been set to die on Monday for the brutal 1996 murder of a family of three in Arkansas as part of what prosecutors described as a robbery aimed at raising funds for a white supremacist organization.

Lee's execution was carried out with a deadly dose of pentobarbital later Tuesday morning. ....

Attorney General William Barr, who moved aggressively to resume executions after he was sworn in last year, issued a statement welcoming the execution of Lee and emphasizing the cruelty of his crimes.

"Today, Lee finally faced the justice he deserved," Barr said, noting that one of Lee's victims was an eight-year-old girl. "The American people have made the considered choice to permit capital punishment for the most egregious federal crimes, and justice was done today in implementing the sentence for Lee’s horrific offenses.”

An attorney for Lee, Ruth Friedman, complained that her client spent four hours strapped to a gurney as officials scrambled to lift the last legal impediment to the execution: a motion to have a federal appeals court in St. Louis, Mo. reconsider arguments that prosecutors' improperly presented expert testimony saying Lee was diagnosed as a "psychopath."

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a final order rejecting that appeal at 7:36 A.M. Eastern Time, just minutes before the execution took place.



Lee was convicted for murdering William Frederick Mueller, his wife Nancy Ann Mueller and his eight-year-old stepdaughter, Sarah Elizabeth Powell in Arkansas in 1996.

It came after his accomplice Chevie Kehoe had burgled the family home in 1995 in order to steal a large collection of guns, ammunition and money.

Who were the Mueller family?

The Muellers were a family of Jewish descent that lived in Searcy County in Arkansas.

William Frederick Mueller worked as a local gun dealer.

After their brutal murders, the bodies of the three victims were discovered five months after they went missing.

A court heard how after robbing and shooting the victims, Lee covered their heads with plastic bags, sealed the bags with duct tape and weighed down each victim with rocks.

Lewis then threw the bodies of the family of three into the Illinois bayou.

What happened to Daniel Lewis Lee's accomplice Chevie Kehoe?

On February 20, 1998, Kehoe pleaded guilty to felonious assault, attempted murder, and carrying a concealed weapon related to a February 15, 1997, shootout in Wilmington, Ohio, with an Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper during a traffic stop.

In 1999, Kehoe was convicted in federal court of the January 1996 murders of the Mueller family.

Lee was missing an eye and had SS bolts and a triskelion tattooed on his neck.



The first man on Barr’s list was Daniel Lewis Lee, who was convicted of helping to kill William Mueller, Nancy Mueller, and Nancy’s 8-year-old daughter Sarah Powell, in 1996. According to prosecutors, the three were shot with a stun gun and then drowned during a robbery by members of a white supremacist group.....

....Evans: As we were leaving, we asked how long had Lee been in there. Because we had been in there for four hours. And they said he’d been brought in before us and he’d been strapped to the table that whole time. He’d been in that room that long. Which … that seems pretty rough....

Bureau of Prisons staff member who declined to be identified: I can’t really tell you anything. It’s one of those things that’s engrained. But the way that everything transpired with it taking so long, is 100 percent because of the attorneys filing the things that they were filing at the last minute. This is a process, a system, and because of politics it got bogged down for 17 years, but until those sentences get changed to something else, this is what’s supposed to happen. That’s as apolitical an opinion as you can get.


Let's see if I get this right. The lefty leaning MSM says Donald Trump supports white supremacists even though there are multiple videos of him saying he denounces them. On official record and transcript. He's accused of still supporting them BECAUSE HE'S NOT SAYING IT FAST ENOUGH.

Then Trump pushes for the federal execution, the first in nearly two decades, of a white supremacist, covered in Nazi tattoos, who killed a Jewish family (  Anti Semitism no less, but let's not put that in the media right?) to financially rob them to support his parent white supremacist organization  and then DROWNED AN 8 YEAR OLD GIRL.

And then the DOJ and Trump get criticism because the person executed was called a "psychopath" ( I wonder why you get called that when you MURDER CHILDREN)  and had to wait 4 hours strapped to a table ( Wow, he must have been SOOOOOO UNCOMFORTABLE)  while his lawyers were still trying to file and win appeals. It's not like he was waiting to make him suffer, but he was waiting so he could get due process EVEN THOUGH HE DROWNED AN 8 YEAR OLD GIRL.

How uncomfortable do you think an 8 year old girl becomes when she watches her parents being murdered in front of her, and then she is hit with a stun gun and drowned so a couple of Nazi criminals can get enough money to further fund white supremacy?

Donald Trump wants this guy to die, but apparently ORANGE MAN BAD is a white supremacist himself?  Right? Is that what some of you are saying?

But... but... Trump waited four hours longer to kill that worthless piece of ####....  I mean Orange Man Bad has to be a white supremacist right? He could have just strangled him on that table instead of, oh what's that, giving someone DUE PROCESS? I mean waiting four hours is " a bit of a dodge, right?" and "it seems like you hesitated, right?"


GordonGekko said:

Trump administration carries out first federal execution in 17 years

Just after 2 A.M. Tuesday, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision clearing way for inmates to be put to death


07/14/2020 07:13 AM EDT

The federal government put an inmate to death for the first time in more than 17 years Tuesday morning after a sharply divided Supreme Court stepped in during the overnight hours to clear away a lower court injunction that blocked the Trump administration’s plan to resume executions.

Just after 2 a.m. Tuesday, the justices issued a 5-4 decision overturning an order a lower court issued Monday that halted the new federal lethal injection protocol on the grounds that it posed an unacceptable risk that the condemned prisoners would suffer severe pain or distress.

The justices divided along ideological lines, with all of the court’s Republican appointees voting to allow the executions to proceed and all the Democratic appointees signaling their dissent.

The late-night, high-court directive led officials to resume activity at the Terre Haute, Ind., prison where Daniel Lee, 47 had been set to die on Monday for the brutal 1996 murder of a family of three in Arkansas as part of what prosecutors described as a robbery aimed at raising funds for a white supremacist organization.

Lee's execution was carried out with a deadly dose of pentobarbital later Tuesday morning. ....

Attorney General William Barr, who moved aggressively to resume executions after he was sworn in last year, issued a statement welcoming the execution of Lee and emphasizing the cruelty of his crimes.

"Today, Lee finally faced the justice he deserved," Barr said, noting that one of Lee's victims was an eight-year-old girl. "The American people have made the considered choice to permit capital punishment for the most egregious federal crimes, and justice was done today in implementing the sentence for Lee’s horrific offenses.”

An attorney for Lee, Ruth Friedman, complained that her client spent four hours strapped to a gurney as officials scrambled to lift the last legal impediment to the execution: a motion to have a federal appeals court in St. Louis, Mo. reconsider arguments that prosecutors' improperly presented expert testimony saying Lee was diagnosed as a "psychopath."

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a final order rejecting that appeal at 7:36 A.M. Eastern Time, just minutes before the execution took place.



Lee was convicted for murdering William Frederick Mueller, his wife Nancy Ann Mueller and his eight-year-old stepdaughter, Sarah Elizabeth Powell in Arkansas in 1996.

It came after his accomplice Chevie Kehoe had burgled the family home in 1995 in order to steal a large collection of guns, ammunition and money.

Who were the Mueller family?

The Muellers were a family of Jewish descent that lived in Searcy County in Arkansas.

William Frederick Mueller worked as a local gun dealer.

After their brutal murders, the bodies of the three victims were discovered five months after they went missing.

A court heard how after robbing and shooting the victims, Lee covered their heads with plastic bags, sealed the bags with duct tape and weighed down each victim with rocks.

Lewis then threw the bodies of the family of three into the Illinois bayou.

What happened to Daniel Lewis Lee's accomplice Chevie Kehoe?

On February 20, 1998, Kehoe pleaded guilty to felonious assault, attempted murder, and carrying a concealed weapon related to a February 15, 1997, shootout in Wilmington, Ohio, with an Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper during a traffic stop.

In 1999, Kehoe was convicted in federal court of the January 1996 murders of the Mueller family.

Lee was missing an eye and had SS bolts and a triskelion tattooed on his neck.



The first man on Barr’s list was Daniel Lewis Lee, who was convicted of helping to kill William Mueller, Nancy Mueller, and Nancy’s 8-year-old daughter Sarah Powell, in 1996. According to prosecutors, the three were shot with a stun gun and then drowned during a robbery by members of a white supremacist group.....

....Evans: As we were leaving, we asked how long had Lee been in there. Because we had been in there for four hours. And they said he’d been brought in before us and he’d been strapped to the table that whole time. He’d been in that room that long. Which … that seems pretty rough....

Bureau of Prisons staff member who declined to be identified: I can’t really tell you anything. It’s one of those things that’s engrained. But the way that everything transpired with it taking so long, is 100 percent because of the attorneys filing the things that they were filing at the last minute. This is a process, a system, and because of politics it got bogged down for 17 years, but until those sentences get changed to something else, this is what’s supposed to happen. That’s as apolitical an opinion as you can get.


Let's see if I get this right. The lefty leaning MSM says Donald Trump supports white supremacists even though there are multiple videos of him saying he denounces them. On official record and transcript. He's accused of still supporting them BECAUSE HE'S NOT SAYING IT FAST ENOUGH.

Then Trump pushes for the federal execution, the first in nearly two decades, of a white supremacist, covered in Nazi tattoos, who killed a Jewish family (  Anti Semitism no less, but let's not put that in the media right?) to financially rob them to support his parent white supremacist organization  and then DROWNED AN 8 YEAR OLD GIRL.

And then the DOJ and Trump get criticism because the person executed was called a "psychopath" ( I wonder why you get called that when you MURDER CHILDREN)  and had to wait 4 hours strapped to a table ( Wow, he must have been SOOOOOO UNCOMFORTABLE)  while his lawyers were still trying to file and win appeals. It's not like he was waiting to make him suffer, but he was waiting so he could get due process EVEN THOUGH HE DROWNED AN 8 YEAR OLD GIRL.

How uncomfortable do you think an 8 year old girl becomes when she watches her parents being murdered in front of her, and then she is hit with a stun gun and drowned so a couple of Nazi criminals can get enough money to further fund white supremacy?

Donald Trump wants this guy to die, but apparently ORANGE MAN BAD is a white supremacist himself?  Right? Is that what some of you are saying?

But... but... Trump waited four hours longer to kill that worthless piece of ####....  I mean Orange Man Bad has to be a white supremacist right? He could have just strangled him on that table instead of, oh what's that, giving someone DUE PROCESS? I mean waiting four hours is " a bit of a dodge, right?" and "it seems like you hesitated, right?"

I’ll just place this right here.  https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-supremacy-racehorse-theory-1064928/

your long post doesn’t change his actions. 

I suppose, GROOT, that I should do you the respect of watching it. I think it's going to be painful, though. 
I mean it's no surprise anyone didn't see this coming. The worst part is it's usually a rich white person that has never lived or grew up around different multicultural groups. How do you get to know, love and appreciate people when the first thing that comes to one's mind is "race". 

I mean it's no surprise anyone didn't see this coming. The worst part is it's usually a rich white person that has never lived or grew up around different multicultural groups. How do you get to know, love and appreciate people when the first thing that comes to one's mind is "race". 
Corporations are itching for reasons to have any reason to let you go and this sort of nebulous construct of what constitutes/does not constitute racism is perfect for the Orwellian nightmare that our post-industrial economy and way of life has become. Who is hiring her to implement this, and what business is it of theirs to tell me how to act and think? If I work for you, I give you labor, nothing else but that which I choose. Ramrodding this stuff home reeks of pedantry by the leisured -- and as you point out, likely sheltered -- class to "educate" themselves and generally look down on other people for their behaviors. And I'm dying to know what she's a doctor of. Chances are, if something hurts, I'm not going to make an appointment to go see her, will I?

This pseudo-intellectual crap is a large part of what is fundamentally wrong with our system; that is, the people spending the most time thinking about these social issues tend to be the most totalitarian among us, at least when it comes to giving a prescription for what ails us.

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I mean it's no surprise anyone didn't see this coming. The worst part is it's usually a rich white person that has never lived or grew up around different multicultural groups. How do you get to know, love and appreciate people when the first thing that comes to one's mind is "race". 
I know her argument and I know it cold. I don't even need to listen to her because it's dominated the fringe of the new new left for years. Her argument would be that unless the first thing that comes to mind is race you're ignoring the power constructs that pervade our everyday lives. She would argue that the inability or unwillingness to suss out where you fit into this privilege structure vis a vis a black person renders you incapable of ascertaining what is and is not racist precisely because you do not see race qua race, and therefore you ignore the power dynamics at play in your relationship, a relationship now steeped in unconscious and unstinting racism, according to her.

All well and good. Some common sense dictates that. But to constantly have to self-flagellate at the altar of histrionics and to have to do this repetitively seems antithetical to the kind of colorblindness that most of us seek.

Thus endeth my interpretation of what she's saying, but I've heard this ad nauseam over the years.

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Corporations are itching for reasons to have any reason to let you go and this sort of nebulous construct of what constitutes/does not constitute racism is perfect for the Orwellian nightmare that our post-industrial economy and way of life has become. Who is hiring her to implement this, and what business is it of theirs to tell me how to act and think? If I work for you, I give you labor, nothing else but that which I choose. Ramrodding this stuff home reeks of pedantry by the leisured -- and as you point out, likely sheltered -- class to "educate" themselves and generally look down on other people for their behaviors. And I'm dying to know what she's a doctor of. Chances are, if something hurts, I'm not going to make an appointment to go see her, will I?

This pseudo-intellectual crap is a large part of what is fundamentally wrong with our system; that is, the people spending the most time thinking about these social issues tend to be the most totalitarian among us, at least when it comes to giving a prescription for what ails us.
She wrote in her book how scared she was of attending a black party and her relief at joining a white one  It sounds like she is a racist and maybe somehow this book vindicates her? Oh man she needs her own thread here.

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Portsmouth Police Chief Angela Greene fired.  Nov 16, 2020




Local Portsmouth resident files charges against Vice Mayor Lisa Lucas-Burke. Aug 23, 2020

Sen. Louise Lucas among several charged in Portsmouth Confederate monument incident.  Aug 17, 2020


Body camera shows Sen. Lucas telling officers they can't arrest protesters at Confederate monument.  Jul 6, 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcsL20oi17MWife: Man hit by statue at Portsmouth Confederate monument flatlined twice on way to hospital.  Jun 11, 2020

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Anyone seen BLM in Chicago at all this month?


Now that Biden won notice how everything related to race has apparently been fixed?  Not a peep anywhere.
Nope. That's cause I figured out where the funding is coming from. It's coming from the Ford Foundation and Soros, basically. I was wondering where all the shirts, bands, accoutrements, etc. came from. Where the organization just magically "started." BLM is as grass-roots as the astroturfed Tea Party. It's bollocks.

PinkydaPimp said:
Never heard this story.  Smdh.
A key part of Hodges claims of getting the boot was his support of Farrakhan. That was one of the bigger reasons he used to cite for why he was not given offers. It was even part of his lawsuit. 

In his last season with the Bulls, Hodges became a high-profile political activist, joining with the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan and showing up at a Bulls’ meeting in the White House with president George H.W. Bush wearing a dashiki, 

thats a quote from 2013. 

Of course TYT leaves out that the guy was scoring 4.3pts a game and had dropped off considerably. Even in 3p shooting %. Two years prior he scored 10 pts a game and shot 48% from 3point land. 

Only in the strange world of black activism does a player that went from 22 to 17 to 11 to 9 minutes a game get "blackballed" by a league just for trying to help people. 

Most people look at that logically and say yeah dude was washed up and was a headache that supports farrakhan? uh bye


"Black Lives Matter Chapters Accuse National Arm of Hoarding “Untold Millions of Dollars”

December 2, 2020

Ten local chapters of Black Lives Matter, including Denver, Chicago, Indianapolis, San Diego, and Washington, D.C., issued a statement this week which condemned the national Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN).....

“Since the establishment of BLMGN, our chapters have consistently raised concerns about financial transparency, decision making, and accountability,” the statement reads.

“Despite years of effort, no acceptable internal process of accountability has ever been produced by BLMGN and these recent events have undermined the efforts of chapters seeking to democratize its processes and resources.”

One of the chapter leaders’ grievances with BLMGN is their placement of Patrisse Khan-Cullors, one of the co-founders of the group and its sole board member, as executive director of the national organization “against the will of most chapters and without their knowledge,” the local chapters say.


“For years there has been inquiry regarding the financial operations of BLMGN and no acceptable process of either public or internal transparency about the unknown millions of dollars donated to BLMGN, which has certainly increased during this time of pandemic and rebellion,” the statement says.....

As we’ve previously reported, Black Lives Matter Global Network was found to have spent $4.5 million on consultants, travel, and staff compensation between the summers of 2017 and 2019 and just $328,000 to the local chapters."


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