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Christine Michael Volume 3: Inevitable Greatness Soon Achieved (1 Viewer)

pretty funny.

gotta get carries this week... no?
You would think. But with Randle not playing for over 3 quarters last week he still only had 7 snaps.

I just picked him up hoping he offers some production in week 9 but I'm already regretting dropping Michael Floyd for him in a short bench league now that it looks like Smokey Brown is out. Likely wouldnt have played Floyd this week any way but don't want the 2nd place team who needs a WR and is in 1st on rolling ww to get him.

Anywho...... Randle's impending absence is another opportunity for C-Mike to finally produce. But I don't know how anyone can have any confidence that he will actually do so at this point. And this is coming from someone who has very very little confidence in McFadden remaining productive and/or healthy for any sustained period of time.

I don't even care anymore beyond the entertainment value. The league money is nothing compared to what I now make as lawyer from the degree I earned last year in the Josh Gordon and AP threads.

I think your feelings on Cmike come down to personality.

People that play for upside and like to take chances have no problem riding this thing to the grave...more conservative players are going to look at the situation and shake their head.

Personally, im a high upside guy...I taking my chances on these types of plays because they can win you a league.

We know Cmike has the physical gifts, but we really dont know why he didnt workout in Seattle, or why he hasnt just taken the job over in Dallas....a lot of unknown unknowns.

To sum it up.


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Part of the reason I don't think he worked out in Seattle is that they know what they have in Rawls. They let both Turbin and Michael go, guys they had kept on there..

Part of the reason I don't think he worked out in Seattle is that they know what they have in Rawls. They let both Turbin and Michael go, guys they had kept on there..
They knew what they had with an undrafted rookie and that was more than they thought the "uber" talented Michael, who had been on their roster for 2.5 years, would give them?

Reasons for Michael's lack of playing time have been spun 1,000 different ways but at some point it becomes apparent that NFL coaches, who's jobs and livelihoods are on the line, do not seem to trust him with meaningful playing time.

I think your feelings on Cmike come down to personality.

People that play for upside and like to take chances have no problem riding this thing to the grave...more conservative players are going to look at the situation and shake their head.

Personally, im a high upside guy...I taking my chances on these types of plays because they can win you a league.

We know Cmike has the physical gifts, but we really dont know why he didnt workout in Seattle, or why he hasnt just taken the job over in Dallas....a lot of unknown unknowns.

To sum it up.

Nice Rumsfeld quote. Totally agree. Don't even know what we don't know.
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It seems likely that CMike will begin to see an increase in his touches in relief of DMac, and his role going forward should be largely determined first by DMac's productivity and ability to avoid injury and second by CMIke's success in his limited touches. For those who believe Christine Michael just needs an opportunity to display his abilities, it should come, and if he plays smart and disciplined and breaks off some nice runs, his role should increase, regardless of what McFadden does.

I don't know why Michael has failed to thrive thus far. We have seen Michael look very Bryce Brown-ish, breaking off decent runs in limited use, almost exclusively in exhibition games, however. There is obviously more that we are not seeing or Seattle would not have been so willing to part ways with him, and Dallas would be more willing to give him more opportunities than he has thus far garnered.

I still like Michael as an upside play, and the failed hype and limited use only serves to drive his price downward. If your roster allows an end-of-the-bench lottery-type player, CMike is certainly rosterable, but for how much longer? The opportunity is never going to get much better than it is presently, and if Michael does not seize this opportunity and break through soon, there is no reason to believe he ever will. Every week I maintain Michael at the end of my bench I miss out on another potential lottery ticket.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Signed, a frustrated CMIke dynasty owner whose patience is growing increasingly thin

It seems likely that CMike will begin to see an increase in his touches in relief of DMac, and his role going forward should be largely determined first by DMac's productivity and ability to avoid injury and second by CMIke's success in his limited touches. For those who believe Christine Michael just needs an opportunity to display his abilities, it should come, and if he plays smart and disciplined and breaks off some nice runs, his role should increase, regardless of what McFadden does.

I don't know why Michael has failed to thrive thus far. We have seen Michael look very Bryce Brown-ish, breaking off decent runs in limited use, almost exclusively in exhibition games, however. There is obviously more that we are not seeing or Seattle would not have been so willing to part ways with him, and Dallas would be more willing to give him more opportunities than he has thus far garnered.

I still like Michael as an upside play, and the failed hype and limited use only serves to drive his price downward. If your roster allows an end-of-the-bench lottery-type player, CMike is certainly rosterable, but for how much longer? The opportunity is never going to get much better than it is presently, and if Michael does not seize this opportunity and break through soon, there is no reason to believe he ever will. Every week I maintain Michael at the end of my bench I miss out on another potential lottery ticket.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Signed, a frustrated CMIke dynasty owner whose patience is growing increasingly thin
I disagree. I think his role,is determined by his understanding of the playbook

Part of the reason I don't think he worked out in Seattle is that they know what they have in Rawls. They let both Turbin and Michael go, guys they had kept on there..
No, I don't think so. I'm too lazy to cite a source, but I've read that Michael fancied himself a star, had a bad attitude, and didn't work hard. Really, not dissimilar from Trent Richardson.

Part of the reason I don't think he worked out in Seattle is that they know what they have in Rawls. They let both Turbin and Michael go, guys they had kept on there..
No, I don't think so. I'm too lazy to cite a source, but I've read that Michael fancied himself a star, had a bad attitude, and didn't work hard. Really, not dissimilar from Trent Richardson.
or joseph randle

edit: randle officially ruled OUT for week 8 btw

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Call me crazy, but I don't think they're going to give McFadden 31 touches every week. Michael should see the ball at least enough to get a better idea what he looks like in a game.

It seems likely that CMike will begin to see an increase in his touches in relief of DMac, and his role going forward should be largely determined first by DMac's productivity and ability to avoid injury and second by CMIke's success in his limited touches. For those who believe Christine Michael just needs an opportunity to display his abilities, it should come, and if he plays smart and disciplined and breaks off some nice runs, his role should increase, regardless of what McFadden does.

I don't know why Michael has failed to thrive thus far. We have seen Michael look very Bryce Brown-ish, breaking off decent runs in limited use, almost exclusively in exhibition games, however. There is obviously more that we are not seeing or Seattle would not have been so willing to part ways with him, and Dallas would be more willing to give him more opportunities than he has thus far garnered.

I still like Michael as an upside play, and the failed hype and limited use only serves to drive his price downward. If your roster allows an end-of-the-bench lottery-type player, CMike is certainly rosterable, but for how much longer? The opportunity is never going to get much better than it is presently, and if Michael does not seize this opportunity and break through soon, there is no reason to believe he ever will. Every week I maintain Michael at the end of my bench I miss out on another potential lottery ticket.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Signed, a frustrated CMIke dynasty owner whose patience is growing increasingly thin
I disagree. I think his role,is determined by his understanding of the playbook
Agreed. I think everyone sees the talent. It looked like they were getting ready to give him more carries after the bye but something happened during that bye week that stopped them from doing so. Odds are this is a mental issue. Can't grasp the playbook or just can't translate it to the field. Doesn't matter if you can run if you aren't hitting the right hole, lining up correctly, or are missing blocking assignments. Wish we could get a for sure answer from the coaches on what is happening with him.

Holding onto CMike just in case they get stuck playing him after a DMC injury. Trial by fire is the fastest way to learn.

I'm, ugh, still holding because Arian Foster's injury both means I have the extra roster spot and I need to roll the dice on a potential home run, but I'm just not sure what it is that keeps the guy off the field against all odds.

Forget all the excuses, which were ridiculous, Seattle giving him up for basically nothing when they had no real future at the RB position says a lot. The fact that, with all the teams with RB problems out there, no one was willing to best Dallas' offer and throw a 7th round pick Seattle's way for him says even more. The fact that he then has not been able to beat out what many claimed to be the worst RB stable in the entire NFL says even more. The fact that two of those three terrible running backs were out injured last week and he STILL wasn't able to get any meaningful touches says still more.

He certainly looks like he's got some talent, so it's just mind blowing that everyone in the NFL has decided he's not even worth taking a look at. There are so many horrible running backs that needed so much less help to get out on the field and get meaningful carries, why can Michael not do it even amongst an injury riddled backfield that was never really strong competition even when they were healthy? Even if he's a headcase you'd think he'd have gotten a shot by now and there are lots of headcases that have needed a lot less circumstance to get their chance. He had an easy path to the future job in Seattle and had an easy path to the current job in Dallas and has yet to even get close to seizing either of them.

I don't know what it is with this guy that makes people constantly think "no, I can come up with another crazy ridiculous excuse for him this week", but I'm still holding him too so I guess I'm as guilty as anyone.

For me it was the outline of his junk in his underoos during weigh-ins at the combine. The BMI and talent level of that thing was off the charts impressive!

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
definitely happening this week

monk said:
dropped his sorry ### tonight for the 3rd time
No Randle and revenge game ... picked a bad week to drop him.
cracKer said:
15-79-2, 4-36 receiving

pretty funny.

gotta get carries this week... no?
Gotta. revenge game.
Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
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Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
prove it

It seems likely that CMike will begin to see an increase in his touches in relief of DMac, and his role going forward should be largely determined first by DMac's productivity and ability to avoid injury and second by CMIke's success in his limited touches. For those who believe Christine Michael just needs an opportunity to display his abilities, it should come, and if he plays smart and disciplined and breaks off some nice runs, his role should increase, regardless of what McFadden does.

I don't know why Michael has failed to thrive thus far. We have seen Michael look very Bryce Brown-ish, breaking off decent runs in limited use, almost exclusively in exhibition games, however. There is obviously more that we are not seeing or Seattle would not have been so willing to part ways with him, and Dallas would be more willing to give him more opportunities than he has thus far garnered.

I still like Michael as an upside play, and the failed hype and limited use only serves to drive his price downward. If your roster allows an end-of-the-bench lottery-type player, CMike is certainly rosterable, but for how much longer? The opportunity is never going to get much better than it is presently, and if Michael does not seize this opportunity and break through soon, there is no reason to believe he ever will. Every week I maintain Michael at the end of my bench I miss out on another potential lottery ticket.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Signed, a frustrated CMIke dynasty owner whose patience is growing increasingly thin
I disagree. I think his role,is determined by his understanding of the playbook
I would agree he must play with an understanding of the playbook, and that is part of what I was referring to in saying he must play smart and disciplined. If he does that, and that is a pretty big 'if' at this point, based on Michael's apparent history, it would surprise very few to see Michael overtake McFadden in fairly short order.

It seems likely that CMike will begin to see an increase in his touches in relief of DMac, and his role going forward should be largely determined first by DMac's productivity and ability to avoid injury and second by CMIke's success in his limited touches. For those who believe Christine Michael just needs an opportunity to display his abilities, it should come, and if he plays smart and disciplined and breaks off some nice runs, his role should increase, regardless of what McFadden does.

I don't know why Michael has failed to thrive thus far. We have seen Michael look very Bryce Brown-ish, breaking off decent runs in limited use, almost exclusively in exhibition games, however. There is obviously more that we are not seeing or Seattle would not have been so willing to part ways with him, and Dallas would be more willing to give him more opportunities than he has thus far garnered.

I still like Michael as an upside play, and the failed hype and limited use only serves to drive his price downward. If your roster allows an end-of-the-bench lottery-type player, CMike is certainly rosterable, but for how much longer? The opportunity is never going to get much better than it is presently, and if Michael does not seize this opportunity and break through soon, there is no reason to believe he ever will. Every week I maintain Michael at the end of my bench I miss out on another potential lottery ticket.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Signed, a frustrated CMIke dynasty owner whose patience is growing increasingly thin
Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
Have you ever played sports? Was there ever a time when you played one of your rival schools or something? Did that game feel the same or different as playing a team without much of a rivalry? The thing about human beings - even physical specimens - is that they don't always go 100%. People can get amped up to play at a higher level. Sometimes that higher level translates into magical performances. Sometimes it leads to dumb penalties or nervous mistakes on the field. Either way, I think it is definitely a real thing.

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It seems likely that CMike will begin to see an increase in his touches in relief of DMac, and his role going forward should be largely determined first by DMac's productivity and ability to avoid injury and second by CMIke's success in his limited touches. For those who believe Christine Michael just needs an opportunity to display his abilities, it should come, and if he plays smart and disciplined and breaks off some nice runs, his role should increase, regardless of what McFadden does.

I don't know why Michael has failed to thrive thus far. We have seen Michael look very Bryce Brown-ish, breaking off decent runs in limited use, almost exclusively in exhibition games, however. There is obviously more that we are not seeing or Seattle would not have been so willing to part ways with him, and Dallas would be more willing to give him more opportunities than he has thus far garnered.

I still like Michael as an upside play, and the failed hype and limited use only serves to drive his price downward. If your roster allows an end-of-the-bench lottery-type player, CMike is certainly rosterable, but for how much longer? The opportunity is never going to get much better than it is presently, and if Michael does not seize this opportunity and break through soon, there is no reason to believe he ever will. Every week I maintain Michael at the end of my bench I miss out on another potential lottery ticket.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Signed, a frustrated CMIke dynasty owner whose patience is growing increasingly thin
Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
Have you ever played sports? Was there ever a time when you played one of your rival schools or something? Did that game feel the same or different as playing a team without much of a rivalry? The thing about human beings - even physical specimens - is that they don't always go 100%. People can get amped up to play at a higher level. Sometimes that higher level translates into magical performances. Sometimes it leads to dumb penalties or nervous mistakes on the field. Either way, I think it is definitely a real thing.

But a quick word of caution: Don’t expect Michael to be THE guy in the Cowboys’ backfield.

The move is more about insurance and depth.

The Cowboys gave up a low-round conditional draft pick for Michael, hardly a sign they will make a heavy investment on him from the get-go.

Perhaps there is still some concern about Joseph Randle's availability throughout the season stemming from an offseason arrest in Wichita, Kansas. He missed the team’s kickoff luncheon to attend to legal affairs, and the NFL could still look to punish him through the personal conduct policy at some point, if not by the Week 1 opener against the New York Giants.

- 9/6/15

This is why they traded for him.

But a quick word of caution: Don’t expect Michael to be THE guy in the Cowboys’ backfield.

The move is more about insurance and depth.

The Cowboys gave up a low-round conditional draft pick for Michael, hardly a sign they will make a heavy investment on him from the get-go.

Perhaps there is still some concern about Joseph Randle's availability throughout the season stemming from an offseason arrest in Wichita, Kansas. He missed the team’s kickoff luncheon to attend to legal affairs, and the NFL could still look to punish him through the personal conduct policy at some point, if not by the Week 1 opener against the New York Giants.

- 9/6/15

This is why they traded for him.
Yes. Exactly. I still like C-Mike though it just might take a while. I am frustrated too but do you guys remember the Michael Turner years when he was behind LT. It was agony. Then he eventually got a chance in Atlanta and became the RB1 we all thought he could be. Maybe the same will hold true for C-Mike? He's not that old yet

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I rolled the dice in one of my dynasty leagues and gave a late (probably) 3rd rd rookie pick for Michael. No big deal if he doesn't work out.

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Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
It's not just about that you numskull ... It's about the team giving him the opportunity against his former team.

Andre Johnson versus the Texans this season

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
Have you ever played a sport? I presume not, based on your post. I can tell you for certain that emotions play a HUGE part in athletic performance to the positive and negative side. If a player feels slighted by his former team, you bet your sweet little tuchas he is going to give every play more juice than he would normally. Not because normally he doesn't play hard...but BC he's playing at an unsustainably hard pace for this game.

Almost dropped until the Randle injury stuff came out earlier - if he is a true #2 behind DMC, he is worth stashing if you have room.

If / when DMC goes down, who else is there right now?

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
Have you ever played a sport? I presume not, based on your post. I can tell you for certain that emotions play a HUGE part in athletic performance to the positive and negative side. If a player feels slighted by his former team, you bet your sweet little tuchas he is going to give every play more juice than he would normally. Not because normally he doesn't play hard...but BC he's playing at an unsustainably hard pace for this game.
I think in Cmike's case though there should've already been a fire lit under his ### because he was fighting for carries and the lead role and a job more or less. So I don't there will be much of a difference in the effort he's been giving so far in the season and the game vs. Seattle.

A McFadden injury away from starting?


Should take about 1.8 quarters of football for Runt DMC to wind up on the shelf.

and then if/when McFadden gets hurt the Cowboys pick up Jackie Battle, start Battle, and spell him 7-8 snaps a game with Christine Michael. then someone posts a slo-mo gif (showing the run from 18 different angles) of Michael's amazing 3-yard run to the edge where he showed unparalleled burst and agility for a guy his size.

And then I'll somehow keep holding in dynasty because he has a chick's name.

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Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
I don't agree. I don't think it's the players ability but I do think it's reasonable for coaches to take this into account when they put together the game plan.

"Hey it's Andre going up against his old team. Let's see where we can get him involved more in this game".

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
I don't agree. I don't think it's the players ability but I do think it's reasonable for coaches to take this into account when they put together the game plan.

"Hey it's Andre going up against his old team. Let's see where we can get him involved more in this game".
Why would Michelle be motivated for a "revenge"??? The Seahawks drafted him in 2013. He sat behind one of the best RBs in the league for two years. They felt he was not in their future plans so traded him to a team that he would have a shot at. What would he be angry at:

1. Drafting him rather high when his draft stock seemed to have dropped

2. Not starting him over one of the best RBs in the game

3. Trading him to the team with the worst group of RBs to start the season, or in other words, the team he'd have the best shot at stealing the starting job away rather than sitting another year behind Lynch

I guess I don't understand why CM would be angry

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
It's not just about that you numskull ... It's about the team giving him the opportunity against his former team.

Andre Johnson versus the Texans this season
How did DeMarco Murray do against the Cowboys?

Sorry if this was already brought up, too many new pages every hour so I usually just skim the most recent posts :P

But with Randle out, is there any 'revenge game' factor vs Seattle this week? Hell if Andre Johnson put up 2 tds vs Houston, anything is possible.
There is no such thing as revenge games. Physical specimens going at 100% on both sides of the ball can't suddenly will themselves into a magical performance. Sure sometimes they will have a good game against a former team but that just has to do with them being able to perform.
It's not just about that you numskull ... It's about the team giving him the opportunity against his former team.

Andre Johnson versus the Texans this season
People who compare a guy who has never won a starting job to one of the best WR's of his time (and, historically, that franchise's best offensive player over a prolonged period of time) should not be those tossing around the numskulls, numskull.


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